The Rancher's Wife (8 page)

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Authors: April Arrington

BOOK: The Rancher's Wife
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Amy slapped the ground with the stick again, regaining Thunder's attention. She pointed in the air and shouted, “Right.”

Thunder complied, running around the curve of the pen, but stopped again. He laid back his ears again and made to charge.

Logan ran him back, thrashing the ground with his stick and yelling, “Move!”

They continued the tactics, shouting commands and running Thunder around the pen until he began to respond.

“Good boy,” Amy praised, easing off when Thunder obeyed a request the first time it was issued.

Logan returned to her side. They stood still, breathing hard and watching Thunder trot around the pen.

“He's doing good, huh?” Traci called from the other side of the fence.

Amy's eyes followed Thunder's progress. “Looks that way.” She turned, glancing up at him with excitement. “It's an improvement, right?”

Logan smiled. “Yeah. But he still has a long way to go.” He took a step back but stayed close to her side. “When he comes around, ask him to face you. See if he'll give you both eyes.”

Amy did as instructed, dropping her arms and maintaining her stance. Thunder drew to a halt, faced her and pricked his ears forward.

“Remember me, beautiful?” she asked.

Thunder huffed and ducked his head.

Amy took a step forward. “It's okay, boy.” Then another.

Thunder licked his lips and Amy moved close. She murmured phrases of affection and rubbed his forehead.

“Can we try to saddle him now?” Traci asked.

“Not yet,” Logan said. “This is just the first step. It'll take a lot of attention and time.”

Traci eased closer to the fence, eyes glued to Amy's actions. Thunder relaxed even more with each of Amy's touches and eventually, he allowed Amy to smooth her palm over his neck. He leaned into her hand, tilting his head slightly when she scratched a favorable spot.

Amy giggled and smiled. “He might put up a hard front but he's still a softie underneath.” She crossed carefully to Thunder's other side and continued the tender touches. “You like getting attention. Huh, handsome?”

A low rumble of pleasure sounded in Thunder's throat and he leaned closer to Amy.

Logan chuckled. She was good with a horse. Always had been.

“Ready to give him his space?” Logan opened the gate.

Amy nodded and they exited the round pen.

“You're stopping?” Traci's brows furrowed as she moved to Amy's side.

“Yeah,” Logan said. “Horses learn as much from the release of pressure as they do when you exert it.”

“Thunder's worked hard and he's been cooped up in that stall for a long time.” Amy squinted against the afternoon sun, shielding her eyes with her hand. “He deserves a chance to burn off some energy.”

As if on cue, Thunder cried and tore around the pen. His black mane rippled and clods of dirt sprayed from his hooves on every pass.

“How's the training going?”

Logan turned to find Cissy strolling toward them. The boys skipped ahead of her, their blue eyes bright and excited.

“You might want the boys to stay back, Cissy,” Logan said. “He's making progress, but he's still dangerous.”

Cissy hurried forward and pinched the boys' shirts, tugging them away a few feet. The boys grumbled and strained against her hold, gazes flicking expectantly from Thunder to Amy.

“He seems angry today,” Cissy said.

“No more than usual. They've done wonders with him already,” Traci said, grabbing the railing as if preparing to duck down. She glanced at Amy. “Want me to help you run him the next round?”

“Not yet.” Amy threw out a hand. “Stay there. And help Cissy keep the boys still.”

Thunder noticed the onlookers, his eyes growing wild and his cries increasing.

“He just wants out,” Jayden said, pulling agains Cissy's hold.

“Shhh.” Cissy tapped a finger against her mouth. “Amy and Logan are helping him. You have to be quiet if you want to stay.”

Logan tensed, shifting from one boot to the other, and kept an eye on Thunder. The stallion remained at the opposite end of the enclosure, bucking and rearing. Each kick of his hooves against the fence clanged louder than the one before it.

The muscles of his neck and chest stood out in sharp relief. His midnight hide gleamed almost blue in the sun. The long black strands of his mane and tail flew in strong arcs with each of his head tosses and kicks.

“It's okay, boy,” Amy soothed, slipping back through the fence.

“Amy,” Logan said. “Wait.” He caught her wrist and tugged. “He's too worked up.”

“I'll be fine,” she whispered, pulling away.

She straightened and lifted a hand. The shiny length of her raven hair rippled across her back as she approached the center of the pen with graceful ease. The stallion backed up, calming slightly at the sight of her.

Logan's eyes clung to them, admiration surging through him. A crack of laughter rang out from a neighboring field. Two guests cackled from their saddles as their friend struggled to mount his horse with a ranch hand's assistance. Thunder bucked. His hooves struck with violent smacks against the fencing again.

“Go ahead, boy,” Amy said. “Kick all that steam out.”

The click and creak of the paddock gate rang out.

“No, Jayden!” Cissy shouted.

Logan spun, eyes shooting to the gate. Jayden clung to the top of it, releasing the latch and swaying as it swung open. Cissy ran toward Jayden as fast as the girth of her belly allowed, stumbling over the ground and falling hard to her hands and knees.

Hooves pounded at Logan's back, increasing in intensity and heading straight for Jayden and Cissy. Logan shoved away from the fence and sprinted toward them.

“Move, Amy,” he yelled, racing past.

Logan shoved the gate as he ran, thrusting Jayden out of Thunder's path and barely rolling Cissy out of the way as Thunder charged. The stallion barreled past, eyes wild and lips drawn, kicking up a spray of dirt. It stung Logan's eyes, caking his lashes and obscuring his vision. He rubbed the back of his arm across his face and blinked hard.

Shrieks and yelps from the guests shattered the cheerful atmosphere as the startled stallion darted wildly in different directions, alarming the other horses and causing them to bolt. One of the horses saddled up for the next trail ride reared. The man on his back toppled off and slammed to the ground.

Logan knelt at Cissy's side and cradled her against him. She sat up with his assistance, chest rising and falling on ragged breaths.

“Are you okay?” Amy asked, rushing over and placing a hand to the curve of Cissy's belly.

Cissy nodded and pushed to her feet. “I'm fine.”

“Don't force it,” Logan said, supporting her arms. “Sit for a minute.”

“I'm okay, really,” Cissy said. She tried for a smile. “Just clumsy nowadays.” Her blue eyes darted beyond Logan's shoulder, voice trembling. “Jayden?”

Logan glanced toward the gate. Traci stood beside it, hugging both crying boys against her legs.

“Are they okay?” Logan called out.

Traci nodded. “They're fine.”

The yells from guests continued. Confused by the crowds, Thunder gathered speed and leapt over a fence into an adjoining pasture, galloping through groups of horses. They scattered and took off in all directions.

“Get him,” Cissy gasped, waving a hand in Thunder's direction. “Before he hurts someone else.”

Amy spun and took off. Logan tore his eyes from Amy and tightened his hold on Cissy's arms. He skimmed his gaze down her length once more for injuries. There were none visible aside from the scrapes on her hands.

“Go,” Cissy insisted, patting his chest. “I'm fine. Go help Amy.”

“Aunt Cissy?” Kayden ran to her side and reached a hand up to her belly.

Logan grabbed it and tugged the boy around to face him. “You and your brother go straight to the house and tell Mrs. Betty she's needed down here right away.”

Kayden blinked, blue eyes darting over the chaotic fields surrounding them.

“Kayden.” Logan shook him. “Do you hear me?”

“Yes, sir.” He motioned to his brother and they ran toward the safety of the main house.

“Traci, stay with Cissy,” he said. “You're not to leave her side until your mom gets here. Understand?”

Traci nodded and wrapped an arm around Cissy. Logan hesitated, stomach dropping as Amy gained more distance.

Cissy shoved at his chest. “I'm fine. Go.”

Logan scrambled around in the dirt for the rope. Fisting it, he tore off after Amy.

She was ahead of him, climbing over the fence. Logan ran faster, slowing as he approached the pasture Amy had entered. Thunder paced at one end, tossing his head and eyeing the chaotic movements of guests. Amy stood several feet away, motionless, with her right side facing Thunder.

Logan froze. Thunder was scared and confused. And Amy would be no match for a thousand-pound animal that fought to protect itself. If Thunder felt threatened enough to attack...

She's dead

Logan flinched. Jayden's innocent whisper from earlier returned, spearing his gut and reverberating in his skull.

His hands shook. Exactly as they had years ago. The night he'd sat beside Amy's hospital bed, watching her work her way silently through the dark delivery of their stillborn daughter. Unable to help her. And unable to save their baby girl.

She's dead.

Logan's heart slammed against his ribs, his eyes blurring. “Get out of there, Amy. Let me handle it.”

She glanced at Thunder and walked a few steps away from him. “Just give him a minute.”

Logan frowned and studied her determined expression. She wasn't leaving that pasture and there was no way he could drag her out without spooking Thunder even more.

Thunder eyed Amy, jerking his head and shuffling from side to side. Amy moved further away, stopped then murmured words of affection.

They watched and waited. After several restless movements, Thunder stilled and took a hesitant step toward her.

She walked a few more steps, slowing as Thunder approached and halted calmly at her side. Amy reached out, stroked Thunder's forehead with the back of her hand and eased away. She applied and removed her touch on both sides of the stallion, speaking to him in soothing tones.

A few minutes later, she walked away again. Thunder followed, stepping behind her and waiting for direction. Logan sighed as Amy stroked Thunder's forehead with one hand and held her left side with the other. A small amount of blood seeped through her shirt.

“You're hurt,” he rasped, stomach dropping to his knees.

“It's only a scratch.” She glanced at the cut then him. “A nail caught me when I was going over the fence.”

Logan held her stare, shoulders sagging with relief. The wind rifled through the trees lining the pasture, scattering rust-colored leaves around the fence and sweeping over them in a quiet whisper. Thunder leaned further into Amy's soothing touch and dropped his head.

“Good boy.” Amy gently scratched Thunder's neck, her gaze lingering on Logan's mouth. “I think we can work with this.”

Logan's chest tightened, heat buzzing in his blood at her coy grin. She looked so much like she used to. Vibrant and strong. Eager to gain his approval. Scaring him with her impulsive actions and impressing him in equal measure.

He smiled. “We're still a helluva team, yeah?”

“The best one around,” she said.

It all rushed in at once. The flirtatious gleam in her eye and confident tilt of her chin. The excitement lighting her expression. Every bit of her as wild and unpredictable as that horse she gentled.

Logan's fist tightened around the rope in his hand. He'd never wanted her so much. Had never been more drawn to her. Or, so terrified.

Chapter Six

“I told him, I'm fine,” Cissy grumbled.

She shifted beneath the stark, white sheet covering the exam table and huffed. A strand of blond hair slipped down over her eyes. Cissy batted it back only for it to fall again.

Amy smiled. She reached out from her seat beside the exam table and tucked it behind Cissy's ear.

“I compromise on a lot, Cissy,” Dominic said, pausing his restless movements and leveling a stern look on her. “But I'm not taking any chances with this.”

Amy winced. It was a wonder Dominic hadn't worn a hole in the floor with the amount of pacing he'd undertaken over the past hour. At this rate, he'd be in a hospital bed alongside Cissy for high blood pressure.

Cissy sighed. “There's no winning with Dominic when he's in this mood.”

Amy smiled and squeezed Cissy's hand. She glanced at Logan hovering in the corner on the other side of the room. He crossed his arms over his broad chest and planted his feet wider apart. There was never any winning with him, either. Both Slade men could bow their back up better than a bull. Dominic had proved as much a few hours earlier.

After successfully moving Thunder back to his stall, Amy and Logan had returned to the main house to find Dominic bundling Cissy into his truck to make the drive to the nearest hospital. Amy and Logan followed close behind in Logan's truck, leaving the boys in Betty's care.

They'd ended up spending the afternoon and early evening waiting in the emergency room near the revolving entry doors. Dominic's agitation had grown with each passing hour and remained after they were ushered into an exam room then to an ultrasound lab. He stopped pacing momentarily and crossed the small room to touch a kiss to Cissy's forehead. “There's no way we're leaving here until I know my girls are safe.” His voice lowered and he placed a hand on her belly. “All of them.”

Logan shifted, dragging a hand over his face and closing his eyes. The dark stubble across his chiseled jaw matched the black night that had fallen outside. His broad shoulders tensed and he maintained his silence.

Amy's chest ached. She'd only ever seen him this anxious once before. When she'd been the one in the hospital bed and they'd shared the same worry as Dominic and Cissy. And the outcome had been exactly as they'd feared.

Logan caught her eyes on him. He drew his head back, composed his features and turned to stare at the open doorway. She couldn't blame him. This was the last place she wanted to be, too.

Amy slipped a hand under her sweater to rub the throbbing cut on her side, careful not to dislodge the bandage covering it. A warm dampness met her fingertips and she stifled a wince. It'd been a close call earlier but they'd all been lucky. She just hoped their luck for the day continued a little longer.

A nurse swept into the room and closed the door behind her. “Sorry for the long wait.” She smiled with apology and sat on a stool by the exam table, tugging a latex glove on each hand with a snap. “It's been a busy night.”

Amy's gut churned and sweat broke out across her brow.

“Let's have a look at these beautiful babies and make sure they're comfortable,” the nurse said.

Logan squeezed Dominic's shoulder and strolled to the door. He hovered on the threshold, looking expectantly in Amy's direction.

“We'll wait outside,” Amy said, releasing Cissy's hand.

“No.” Cissy grabbed the sleeve of her sweater. “Please stay.”

Her chin trembled but she grinned and held up her other hand which held Dominic's. She wiggled it and laughed nervously.

“What with the boys, I've gotten used to having both hands full,” Cissy said. “It's more comforting.”

Amy hesitated at the fear shadowing Cissy's eyes. She knew how it felt to lie on a bed waiting for the world to crumble. To hear your worst nightmare as a mother spoken out loud by a stranger.

Amy sighed, forcing a small smile and taking Cissy's hand again.

Logan shifted restlessly at the exit. “Amy—”

“I'm staying, Logan.”

He frowned but didn't argue, leaving and shutting the door behind him.

“Thank you for staying,” Cissy whispered.

The nurse tugged the hem of Cissy's hospital gown from underneath the cover and Dominic tucked the sheet around the underside of her bare belly.

“I told my husband this wasn't necessary.” Cissy laughed nervously. “It really wasn't that hard of a fall, and I feel perfectly fine.”

The nurse smiled and rolled closer on the stool, squeezing a glob of jelly onto Cissy's protruding middle.

“It never hurts to double-check,” she said. “Besides—” she winked at Dominic “—I think this proud papa will rest easier knowing all of you are okay.”

Dominic nodded, jaw clenching and dark eyes worried. Amy tightened her hand around Cissy's and did her best to put on a calm front.

The next few minutes stretched on for an eternity as the nurse moved the probe over Cissy's belly. She searched around then hovered in one spot. A strong throb pulsated around the room, evoking a heavy sigh of relief from Dominic. Locating the second heartbeat, the nurse eased back on the stool to give them all an unobstructed view of the monitor.

“There,” she said. “You can relax. Mom and babies are safe and comfortable.”

Dominic's smile stretched wide.

The nurse packed up the equipment and wiped Cissy's skin clean, pausing on her way out to say, “You two better get plenty of rest. The opportunity will be gone in a couple months.”

Dominic chuckled. He bent, showering kisses all over Cissy's belly, then cradled her face in his big palms and touched a tender kiss to her lips.

The bittersweetness of the sight warmed Amy's chest and tears welled in her eyes. She dropped her gaze, the cut on her side throbbing stronger than ever.

Cissy laughed. “Can we go home now?”

“Yep.” Dominic straightened. “I'll help you get dressed and we'll check out.”

Amy's skin heated beneath the weight of Dominic's scrutiny.

“Amy?” Dominic's warm palm touched her arm. “Why don't you and Logan head back home? It's been a long day for y'all, too.”

Amy nodded.

“Do you mind checking on the boys for us when you get back?” Cissy asked.

“I'd be glad to.”

Amy moved to the door, pressing a fingertip to the corner of each eye as she turned away. Dominic's heavy tread sounded behind her.

“Thanks, Ames,” he said, pecking a kiss to her cheek. “Thank Logan for me, too, okay?”

Amy left and joined Logan in the hall.

“The babies are fine,” she said. “And so is Cissy.”

Logan released a heavy breath. He shoved away from the wall and stepped close. His dark eyes hovered on her face. He swept the pad of his thumb over the wetness lining her lower lashes.

Drawing his hand away, he rubbed his thumb and forefinger together and his mouth drew into a tight line. “Let's get outta here.”

His big hand engulfed hers and squeezed, pulling her to the exit.

The drive home was silent. Only the sporadic clicking of the truck's blinker and jingle of keys hanging from the ignition filled the cab. Logan squeezed Amy's hand for the length of the ride, releasing it to change gears or navigate a turn then clasping it tight again.

They pulled to a stop in front of the main house. The truck's headlights flooded the front porch, highlighting the boys and Betty huddled on the steps under a blanket.

“Their little butts should be in bed.” Logan cut the engine and thrust the door open.

“Don't be so hard on them. They had good intentions.”

Amy sighed at his glower. She trailed Logan to the porch, wincing as the boys' eyes widened up at him. They scrunched together, tugging the blanket up over their heads.

“What are you two still doing up?” Logan pulled the cover down.

“They wanted to wait for Cissy to get home.” Betty stood and ran the back of her hand across her forehead. “We've all been worried. But, at least, we've been able to rest a little easier since Dominic called from the hospital to say they'd be on the way back soon.”

“Well, that'll take some time, yet,” Logan said. “Everything's fine. There's no need to wait.” He steered Betty toward the door. “Take a break and put your feet up. We'll look after the boys.”

Betty nodded gratefully, saying over her shoulder, “Pop and Traci are still out in the stables. They had a lot of horses to calm down but they should be in soon.”

Logan waited as the door closed behind Betty, then glared down at the boys.

“Do you have any idea how much chaos you created this afternoon?”

Kayden sat up, face twisting. “Uh-uh. Don't look at me, Uncle Logan. I ain't do it this time. It was all Jay—”

“You.” Logan snapped his fingers at Kayden, then pointed to the door. “Bed. Now.”

Kayden clamped his mouth shut, jumped to his feet and scurried inside.

“Hate to say it,” Logan murmured, “but Kayden's right this time.” He narrowed his eyes on Jayden. “What were you thinking, Jayden? This is the kinda thing I'd expect from your brother. Not from you.”

Jayden's lips quivered. “I wanted to—”

“Didn't I tell you to keep your distance from Thunder and let us handle it?” Logan shook his head. “I told you he gets wild when he's let loose. And, yet, you did the exact opposite of what I told you to do.”

Jayden's eyes flooded, big tears spilling over his lashes and streaming down his cheeks.

“But he was sad,” Jayden whispered. “He wanted out—”

“He's not sad,” Logan clipped. “He's wild. So wild he almost ran you and your aunt Cissy over.” He bent, pinching Jayden's chin between his fingers and tilting his face up. “Not to mention the babies.”

Jayden's face crumpled, his sobs overtaking Logan's words.

“Okay, Logan.” Amy removed his hand and stepped between the two. “You've made your point.”

She helped Jayden to his feet. Jayden wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his flushed face against her belly. His tight hold dug into the wound on her side. A fresh rivulet of blood trickled over her skin and dampened her sweater. Amy grimaced, shifting him to a more comfortable position.

“I j-just wa-wanted—”

Jayden's muffled words stopped, his shoulders shaking.

“Shhh,” she soothed, smoothing a hand over his blond head and rubbing his back. “It's all right now. Everything turned out okay.”

Logan's face darkened. “Amy—”

“He knows he did wrong.” She touched her lips to Jayden's shiny hair. “Don't you, Jayden?”

“Y-yes, ma'am,” he choked out. He squeezed her waist and buried his face in her sweater again. “I'm s-sorry. I just wanted to...”

His voice turned small and trailed away.

“To help.” Amy smiled gently and peered into Logan's angry eyes. “You just wanted to help Thunder be happy. Right?”

“Yes, ma'am,” Jayden whispered. He glanced up at Logan and scrubbed the heel of his hand over his cheek. “I just wanted to help, Uncle Logan.”

“He's learned his lesson,” Amy stressed.

Logan's mouth flattened into a hard line. His dark eyes moved from Jayden's face to Amy's and back again. She held his stare, determined to win this one. Logan shifted restlessly and shoved his hands in his pockets.

“When I give you a rule, Jayden,” he said, “I expect you to obey it from now on. Otherwise, I can't trust you.”

“Yes, sir,” Jayden whispered.

Logan bent, cupped Jayden's head with a broad hand and kissed his forehead. He opened the door and held it, gesturing toward the warmth emanating from inside the house.

“Put him to bed, Amy.” Logan glanced at her side and frowned. “Then come to the bathroom and let me change that bandage.”

She raised a brow and nudged Jayden. “Your uncle Logan's kind of bossy. I don't think he knows the magic word.”

Jayden smiled. He whispered, “It's
, Uncle Logan.”

Logan's mouth twitched. Those beautiful eyes of his lifted and locked on hers. “Please,” he said, voice husky.

Amy's belly warmed. She ducked her head and slipped past him into the house. She was as much a sucker as he was.

Amy led Jayden to his bedroom, helped him and Kayden wash their faces and brush their teeth, then tucked them into bed. Kayden returned her good-night kiss, snuggled into his pillow and watched with interest as Amy sat on the edge of Jayden's mattress, smoothing her fingers through his blond hair.

“What you did today was wrong, Jayden,” she said. “No matter how much you think you were doing right.”

“Yes, ma'am.” Jayden hiccupped. “I won't never do it again.”

“Promise?” Amy narrowed her eyes.


“He deserves a butt whoopin',” Kayden proclaimed. “Can I give it to him?”

Amy forced back a smile and cast Kayden a stern look. He shrugged and turned over to face the wall, dragging the covers up over his shoulder.

“Are you gonna give me a spanking, Aunt Amy?” Jayden asked. His blue eyes widened, engulfing his face.

She smiled and ran a finger over his forehead, tucking back a blond curl. “No. I think you've learned your lesson, don't you?”

He nodded, expression earnest.

“Okay.” Amy stood. “I want you both to close your eyes and go to sleep. That way you'll be well rested and ready to deliver a good apology to Uncle Dominic and Aunt Cissy in the morning.”

She crossed the room and flicked off the light, tugging on the doorknob as she stepped into the hallway.

“Aunt Amy?” Kayden poked his chin above the covers. “Can you leave the door cracked so we can hear when Aunt Cissy gets home?”

“Of course,” she whispered. “Now, close your eyes and go to sleep.”

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