The Red Moon: Moon Rising (10 page)

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she will understand it fully." He said, while waving his hand over


the fire, that seem to dance around every finger, without burning




Red Moon; why did he call her that. My grandmothers name


is Lana, not Red Moon. I remember hearing a story as a kid about


the red moon.
All of a sudden I was dazed and confused again,


as the questions came rushing back to me. What in the world is


going on. Why is my grandparents here? I thought they were


Why was my grandmother being called Red Moon. Why


would these men call her that with my dad sitting right there; who


by the way said absolutely nothing.


"Mia; Tucker." Dad called as the elders and uncle Tom


disappeared through the shadows of the tall grass and shrubs that


crowded my uncle's yard.
"Dad?" I said still confused. He put his hand up stopping me


before I was able to say anything.
"I'll see you both soon, but for


now you two will go with your grandparents. Learn as much as


you can in those three days; show these men that you are capable


of holding the powers that have chosen you both." Dad said very


seriously; Then he turned and walked away slowly disappearing


into the darkness of the night as well.


Although I sat there confused and scared, I felt safe with my


grandparents and Tucker there with me.
"Mia, Tucker come with


us, we have a lot to do." She said quickly standing up. Grandpa


walked over toward the fire, and with a wave of his hand the fire


went out, leaving it as nothing more than smoldering wood and


smoke. I blinked in total disbelief.
How did he do that?
I thought


unable to take my eyes off the smothered fire pit.


"Grandma, I don't understand what is happening." I said, as


she and grandpa led Tucker and I down a tight small trail into the


forest. "In time my Mia, in time. Right now we need to get you both


to the camp. The moon should be out soon, so at least these bad


eyes of mine will be able to see the path." She chuckled. "Let me


Grandpa said hurrying toward the front.
Tucker followed close behind me, gripping my top tightly. "I


see you've already begun your change Mia." She said, touching


the piece of the white hair that now streaked down my head. "I


guess so." I replied, not sure about what to say.
"Why did he call


you Red Moon?" I asked. "Never mind." She said with a smile.


"We're almost there. In fact I think you'll find that you know the


others that also stay at the camp training to enhance their own


abilities." Grandpa said pointing ahead. The moon light began to


show through the tree tops, lending itself as a light for the path. It


was like the light of the moon led us, as it stayed about a foot in


front of us never leaving the path. It was comforting that the moon


light appeared, I didn't feel so scared and confused anymore.
began to feel more curious than anything else.
Suddenly the path began to open up into a big clearing and


just through the trees I could see a bright fire burning. I was at a


loss for words, during the rest of our walk into the forest.
I was


utterly dumbfounded.
How could my grandparents still be alive?


How could they really be here right now?
Am I dreaming? I


pinched my arm until the pain made my eyes tear, just to make


sure that I wasn't.


How could my dad tell us they were gone and yet; here they


are and they spoke right in front of him. How could any of this be


real? So many questions floated in and out of my mind.


There are more people like us; and we would know who these


people where? No one I knew had any powers or knew about


magic, I guess you could call it.
I felt the confusion building in my


mind, the questions poured in like a waterfall; my body felt like a


overflowing lake of questions that was about to burst.
“We're here." Grandpa said breaking my deep train of


thoughts. Grandma tugged my arm bringing me closer to her. We


were in a small camp; a camp that was much like the one's we


used to make as kids in the woods behind their house. There was


tents set up; a fire pit with rocks surrounding it; there was a small


little creek that ran just beside one of the tents.


I didn't see anyone when we got there, and it looked like an


abandoned camp at the moment.
"I thought there would be


others?" Tucker asked stepping around me to get a better look.


"There are, but they're gone right now, they'll probably be back in


the morning like they always are." Grandpa answered with a


laugh. "You know kids these days." He said, while shaking his


head in disappointment.


"Come, you both need to rest and we'll talk more in the


morning." Grandma said, walking Tucker and I over to one of the


Tucker and I stepped in, looking around the tent; which was


rather large on the inside and it was nice and warm too. There


was animal fur all over the tent, there were two beds fashioned out


of more animal fur, one on each side. In the middle there was a


candle that burned brightly in a wooden carved plate that sat on


what looked like a short coffee table.
Tucker ran over to the bed on the left side of the tent. "This is


my bed."
He said, as he laid claim to that bed. "I'll take the other


one." I said, walking over the soft plush animal fur to get to my


I sat down and to my surprise it was soft.
I lifted the covers


to see what the bed was made out of and it was just a heaping


pile of dirt; compacted dirt that was raised out of the ground.


dropped the covers immediately.


"Tucker." I started. I stopped myself from talking when I heard


him starting to snore. "Wow, that was fast." I said softly, laying


down on the soft bed, the furs used as the pillow was even softer.


No wonder Tucker fell asleep so fast. I thought to myself as I


snuggled in. I wondered about what excitement tomorrow will


bring, as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


When the morning light peeked over the forest tree tops


Tucker felt the tent grow warm and sat up in his bed.
I was still


fast asleep. He looked around to get a better look at the tent and


what was in it. He found a clean pair of pants and a shirt, and


quickly changed into them, it was a rather tight fit but he put them


on anyway. The candle burnt out sometime in the night, so he


pushed the plate further onto the table.
On the side of the tent that he slept on there were weird


markings on the wall right above where his head laid. There were


swirls and circles all around. He stared at it for a little bit confused


I guess confused at what they meant; but he smiled and looked


over at me. I feel someone was staring at me sleep so I slowly


opened my eyes. I hoped that I was gonna wake up in my bed in


my own room in my own house. But I was mistaken.
I looked


around then at Tucker.
He plopped himself down at the bottom of


my bed.


"Mia, so what did you think about last night?"


"Wait so this is all real?" I said, with a smirk.


"No, really what did you think about it?" He said excitedly.


"I don't know, in fact I really couldn't tell you because I'm not even


sure what the hell happened last night, let alone what happened at


uncle Tom's house." I said, wiping my eyes.


"Oh man Mia, it was so cool. Like you just started freaking out and


floating around, then you shot white flames at the roof of the


house." He said with big excited eyes.


He hopped up and down on the bed like an excited little kid.


White flames?" I said confused.


"I know that I was mad, then I remember getting angrier, I think
someone hit me at that point, but after that it's kind of a blur." I


said, trying my best to recall what took place at uncle Tom's.


"Wait, didn't you do something?" I said, pointing at his hands.


"Yeah, watch this." He said with a proud look on his face.


He pulled his hand into a tight fist. A ball of energy appeared


just above it; the room grew cool.
The ball of energy began to


grow and as it did the animal fur's that decorated the tent began to


lift off the fabric walls; as the wind blew stronger the fur lifted


higher. My hair began to swirl around as the wind grew too.


Tucker released his tight grip and slowly opened his palm, I


watched the energy slowly disappear, and as it did the wind slowly


disappeared. "You can do that?
What is it? How did you do it?" I


asked very intrigued by the sudden swirling winds around the tent.


"Well, uncle Tom said that I had the power to control the wind." He


said, with a very big smile on his long brown face. Suddenly the


tent flap flew open.


"Hey there, you're both awake." Grandpa said, peering into


the tent. "Yeah." Tucker said, jumping off the bed in a hurry to get


outside. He took a few steps out of the tent while still holding the


flap door; but he slowly backed into the tent. "Um.... Mia I think


you should put something more decent on before you come out."
He said still staring at something outside. "Why?" I demanded.


"Trust me, change your clothes, and wash up or something." He


said with a chuckle. I swear sometimes you wouldn't even know


that he was older than I was.


Just then grandma pulled Tucker out and came into the tent,


lowering the flap. "How was your sleep Mia?" She asked so softly.


"Grandma, what happened? I thought you and grandpa died?" I


asked confused all over again. "That is a story for another time


Mia, right now I need to you get yourself washed, changed and


ready for a long days work."
She said, placing a big round


wooden bowl on the small table.


The water was very cold, as it touched my face I felt refreshed


and awake. Grandma laid out a long sleeved red dress. It fit me


perfectly, with every inch snugged to my body. "Is this yours?"


She asked picking up a feather off the floor next to the bed. "Yeah,


I got it from a little friend of mine." I said taking it from her. "Good,


keep it close your gonna need the good luck." She said with a




"Here try this." She said passing me a small bowl of red


paste. "What is it?" I asked, leaning over smelling it. It smelled like


roses and berries. "You put it on your lips dear." She replied with a
I did as she said, then she picked up an old brush and


began to brush my hair. "You have beautiful hair Mia, at one time


in my life I had beautiful hair just like yours and it was as red as


yours too. That is of course until I got old and blessed with this


white hair." She said with a soft laugh.


"Grandma, you are just as beautiful as I remember." I said


softly. "Ha, ha, ha. That's what your grandfather keeps on telling


me." She laughed.
"There you look amazing." She said slowly


walking around me with her eyes looking at every detail.


"Grandma really."
I said sarcastically. She walked over to a bunch


of old boxes that sat in the corner of the tent, and pulled out a


shiny golden mirror, with beautiful designs and inlaid jewels.


"Look, see for yourself." She said placing the mirror in my


I gazed at the mirror and I jerked back a little. The white in


my hair was still there but it was fading back to a dark blood red


color. My eyes were different too it wasn't so red anymore, it didn't


look like I was crying for days. "Come on dear let's go outside,


you've got to meet the rest.


I took a few steps back, and looked at the ground not wanting


to move any further.
"Grandma, can you tell me what's going on?"


I asked, sitting back onto the bed. She looked at me with a sad
look on her face, then a compassionate look. "Mia." She began.


"Do you remember the stories I used to tell you; about the


Weeping Mountains, and the tribes that protected it?" She said as


she sat next to me on the bed.


"Well those stories aren't just stories; they were real.


Everything I told you and your brother really happened. One


person from each of the four tribes that live around these


mountains was given a special power to use in order to protect the


mountain, and what lies within it. Remember the story of the red

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