The Red Queen (131 page)

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Authors: Isobelle Carmody

BOOK: The Red Queen
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‘I wonder why Sentinel came to get me,’ I said.

Rushton looked at me across the fire. ‘Because of the beastlegend – the second part of your quest.’

‘Atthis told me I was supposed to ensure that beasts would walk free from humans,’ I said. ‘Many beasts said the same and I thought it meant I was to somehow free all beasts. It seemed impossible. It
impossible, of course. I did not realise until Sentinel came, that the legend was talking of the ancient sleeping beasts at Eden, laid there in the Beforetime. The thing is, it will not be me who frees them, but Sentinel.’

‘And you freed Sentinel,’ Rushton said.

‘Yes, but if that was my part, my quest was done the minute I destroyed the Omega Base.’

Rushton frowned, then he shrugged. ‘Maybe it’s time we humans accepted that we are not necessary, or no more necessary or important than any other creature. For myself, I would be happy never to be necessary or important again. It will be enough to go to Eden, to help Sentinel in any way I can and learn what she can teach me, and live my own life at last. Our life,’ he added, his eyes softening.

I smiled at him as he turned back to his porridge.

But he had not answered my question. I had not asked him about our purposes and importance. I had asked why Sentinel had bothered to fetch me and bring me to Eden, when I had already played my part.

‘Foolish funaga,’ Maruman sent, but gently, fondly, looking up at me with his shining yellow eye. ‘Sentinel did not bring you to Eden because she needed you. She brought you because you had played your part faithfully. She brought you to Eden
as a reward


To Nan McNab, my brilliant editor and dear friend, without whom I would never have completed this vast journey.

To Heather Giles, my lovely guardian of the gates, who kept the world from me when I needed it most.

To Jan and Adelaide, my two beloveds, who kept the home fires burning while I strayed far to find an end.

To all the Penguins past and present, over all the years, for the canvas.

But most of all, for the readers who joined me on the journey, thank you for staying the distance.


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First published by Penguin Australia Pty Ltd, 2015.

Text copyright © Isobelle Carmody, 2015.

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

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Cover design by Cathy Larsen and Karen Scott © Penguin Australia Pty Ltd.

Text design by Cathy Larsen and Samantha Jayaweera © Penguin Australia Pty Ltd.

Map by Cathy Larsen.

Cover photographs by Les Petersen; Shutterstock;

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ISBN: 978-1-74253-822-8


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