The Reluctant Rancher~Badlands (Contemporary Western Romantic Suspense) (12 page)

BOOK: The Reluctant Rancher~Badlands (Contemporary Western Romantic Suspense)
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She smiled and leaned against him, circling his torso with her arms.
“Me too.”

The sudden tightness in his chest made it impossible to reply. He stroked her hair and placed a kiss against her temple. He gestured toward the leather recliners
positioned for optimum viewing.

She sank onto one and lifted her nose.
“What is that I smell?”

Cohibas. My dad’s favorite Cuban cigars.”

Her mouth formed a little pout. “Aren’t those illegal here in the USA?”

He heaved a deep sigh and sank onto the oversized recliner with her. “If that was the only law my father broke, he wouldn’t be where he is today.”

“Sorry,” she murmured, snuggling closer.

E.J. punched the remote and they settled in to watch the film. He couldn’t concentrate because of the thoughts racing through his head. It came as a shock to him that he was actually considering staying in Langston and it was all due to the woman in his arms. How could he have done such an about face in less than a week?

He glanced down at her pretty face. He had known plenty of pretty women. Dallas was full of them. No, it was definitely something else. Something that made this woman special, but he
couldn’t put his finger on it.

It hit him hard.
She cares.

He had enjoyed previous relationships with beautiful Dallas women; women who were measuring him against the success of their daddies; women who were out to catch the best fish in
the pond. But they didn’t care.

E.J. realized the only other woman who had actually cared about him as a person was his mother. This woman didn’t give a damn if he had a nickel in his jeans. She liked him in spite of himself. He grinned in the dark.
And damned if I don’t care about her too.


Sara Beth placed her baby in the cradle next to the bed in the Ryan’s guest room. She sat down on the edge of the bed and heaved a sigh. She wasn’t really tired, but she didn’t want to intrude on the Ryan’s privacy. She had sensed there was some kind of tension between them tonight and had made an excuse to go to her designated room as soon as she had helped Cami clear the table.

She appreciated their many acts of kindness, none the least of which was opening their home to her when she was in danger. Not that she knew what the danger was all about. She had no idea why anyone would be watching her, nor wh
y they would shoot up her home.

For her part, she preferred to grieve in private. She was mourning for her sweet little house, now ravaged by bullets

The loss of her car was another blow. Having a car meant independence and being able to transport herself and her baby to and from her store. Now she was totally dependent.

Lastly, she was mourning her husband’s departure and continued silence. She felt sorrow and fear and anger all at the same time.

Sara Beth fisted her hands, controlling the urge to scream; to cry out.
It isn’t fair! It just isn’t fair. How could Nick leave me? What if he’s hurt and can’t call me?
Conflicting thoughts raced through her head, battered her with questions until finally, she slipped out of her clothing and into a gown rescued from her home. She lay awake for hours, staring at the ceiling and listening for the sound of gunfire.







When the film end
ed, Jenna stretched and yawned.

“Sleepy?” he asked.

She nodded. “Um huh. I brought my toothbrush.”

That statement hit E.J. like a fist in the gut. He swallowed.
“Your toothbrush?”

“Did I read you wrong?” Her eyes opened wide. “I
kinda thought you would want me to stay over...I mean, after...”

“I do,” he assured her. “Ah...Why don’t you run upstairs and I’ll choose a bottle of wine for us to enjoy?”

She shook her head. “Thanks, but none for me. I don’t seem to have much of a head for alcohol.”

He took in a deep breath and let it out soundlessly. “I’ll just get some for me then.”

She smiled and pulled herself out of the recliner. “See you upstairs.”

He watched her leave the room and a strangling sensation clogged his throat.
I’ve got to tell her!...But how?

He stood and exhaled a deep breath.
Man up!
He swallowed and took a few steps toward the door.
Crap! I hope my damned prank doesn’t blow up in my face. I don’t want to lose her.

He climbed the stairs with dread in his chest. Not the usual state for a man planning to bed a woman. He tapped on his bedroom door, heard her laugh and cursed himself for being a fool.

He opened the door and stood in the doorway, unable to move. The most beautiful and desirable woman he had ever known was lying in the middle of his bed, apparently naked with the covers pulled up around her shoulders.

“Why, if it isn’t E.J. Kincaid.”
Her Texas drawl caressed each word, gave him wood from across the room. “What can I do for you this evening, Mr. Kincaid?” Her pretty, dimpled smile invited him to step inside.

He couldn’t help but grin in response. “I’m sure I’ll think of something.” He kicked the door closed
behind him. “Uh, Jenna…honey…”

She crooked her finger at him. “Well, you’re wearing entirely too many clothes. Come over here and I’ll help you out.”

He took a couple of steps nearer.

“Be careful. If you trip right now, you might pole vault out the window.”

He laughed and stepped to the side of the bed. “Not my fault. You seem to have this effect on me.”

She flashed another killer grin. “That’s nice. I like that.” She held out her arms and he leaned down to embrace her, letting his fingers slide over the smooth skin on her back. She pulled him toward her and lifted her chin.

He emitted a groan as he gave in to the lure of her lips. He sat beside her on the bed, kissing the full, sweet lips and holding her in his arms.

She unbuttoned his shirt and stroked his chest with her fingers. Spirals of desire emanated from her fingertips. Her short nails scratched softly against the hair on his chest. The desire swirled lower grabbing him by the testosterone, made him shrug out of the shirt

He just wanted to feel her flesh against his.
Wanted to experience the rush to his loins when her breasts melted against his chest. He sucked in a breath.

“Jenna, there’s something I wanted to tell you.”

She flicked open his belt and found the zipper on his jeans. “Yes,” she said pleasantly.

Her touch caused him to momentarily forget anything he might have wanted to say.

A soft chuckle close to his ear brought another wave of lust with it. “Are you going to wear those boots to bed, cowboy?”

“Um, I guess not.” He pulled off his boots and socks, slinging them under the bed.
Aw, hell!
His pants were fitting way too snug now anyway, so he stripped those off too and sat back on the edge of the bed. “Jenna, there’s something…”

“I can’t hear you,” she whispered, drawing him closer. Her lips grazed his cheek and then the side of his neck as she wound her arms around his

He leaned over her, found her mouth again and sank onto the bed beside her. When she opened the covers to display her lovely body, he scrambled close, unable to
resist the desire to hold her.

His pulses pounded in his head as he trailed kisses down the side of her
throat, to her breast.
Oh, yes!
She arched toward him.
Oh, no!
He pulled back. “Honey, I have to tell you something,” he blurted out in a rush.


He nodded. “It’s important.”

She ran her tongue alo
ng his neck, tracing his pulse.

“Oh, Jenna!
You’re killing me. Seriously now, I’ve got to tell you the truth.”

She jerked back in surprise. “You’re married! So help me, E.J. Kincaid, if you tell me you have a wife back in Dallas, I will kill you dead.”

He grinned. “Nothing like that.” He exhaled a long breath. “You’re the only woman...the only woman in my life.”

She huffed out a breath too. “Okay then. Tell me. I can take anything else.”

“Damn, I hope so.” He struggled for words, then blurted out, “I lied to you about us. I—we never had sex.” He watched a wide range of emotions play out across her face.

“Then how did I wake up naked in your arms?”

“I got your boots off and you did the rest. I swear.”

“You’re telling me that you pulled off my boots and I stripped naked?” Her voice
rose a whole octave in timbre.

“That’s about it. You passed out right after that.”

“And you’re telling me you didn’t molest me while I was out cold?”

“I swear. I did not.”

She slapped him, her open palm making a resounding noise against his cheek.

He sucked in a deep breath and let it out all at once. “Okay, I deserved that.” His cheek stung from the slap. “I just held you all night long, and if it’s any com
fort, I didn’t get much sleep.”

“What the heck was the big idea?”

He shook his head. “I don’t know. It was dumb. I realize that now. You were giving me a pretty hard time the day before and I figured you’d have a fit when you woke up in my bed.” He shrugged. “But you woke up all soft and pretty and I...I started falling in love with you.” He grazed her shoulder with his lips. “I couldn’t help myself.”

She blinked a couple of times and stared up at him. She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound emerge

“Jenna, please don’t be mad at me. I care about you so much.”

She made a strangling sound deep in her throat. “Why did you tell me now?”

He rested his forehead against hers.
“Because I didn’t want the lie to go on. I didn’t want you to think our first time had been some drunken hook up.”

She swallowed; blinked again. “So, this is our first time?”

It felt like a giant hand was squeezing his heart. “If you want it to be.” He nuzzled her neck, felt her pulses throbbing under his lips.

She pulled back and gazed at him thoughtfully, then traced her finger down his jaw line. “Yes,” she
whispered. “I want it to be.”


Jenna first awakened while it was still dark. A flood of confusion washed through her. She breathed out a sigh of relief when she recognized her surroundings. She was at E.J.’s and was indeed wrapped in his warm embrace.

She was still in a state of shock over the revelation from E.J. the night before. In truth, she was pleased that he had chosen to come clean about the supposed coupling after the night at the Eagles’ Hall. She had been more than ready for their love-making, but his revelation ha
d come as a complete surprise.

My boyfriend
. Afresh gush of warmth squished her insides. It was a new feeling for Jenna. She recognized the simmering of lust racing low in her belly, but there was something else…something joyful riding right on top of it. ..
like…like lightness and…hope…Yeah, I feel hopeful…

She remained unmoving, with her neck resting on one of E.J.’s powerful biceps and her spine pressed against his torso. His other arm was draped over her, holding her close. While she might have felt pinioned, or imprisoned, she felt none of those. Somehow, the very independent woman was content to lie still in her lover’s possessive embrace. She felt, for the first time she could remember
, as though she was a part of something… something bigger and more important than she was by herself.

She exhaled a quiet breath, wishing she could examine
his face while he slept. He made her feel something she was sure she had never experienced before. His confession last night that he was falling in love with her had been a revelation. She had only wanted a boyfriend. Not sure what to do now that he had made this declaration. She had spent the entire time since E.J.’s arrival at his father’s ranch, sneering at him for being a pretty-boy; deriding him for being such a citified poser in boots and Stetson.

She considered for a moment.
He is a pretty boy
. She grinned in the darkness. In fact she had never laid eyes on a better looking man, but he was so much more. She was finding him to be kind and sensitive. She could see him grieving for his father and smarting under the rumors and innuendo flying around town.
The murderer’s son. Well, he didn’t have anything to do with that.

He stirred.
Pulled her closer, his warm breath falling softly against her shoulder.

The soft,
melty feeling fluttered in her chest again.
Damn! I really am falling in love with this guy…but is he the right guy?

She closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep, but couldn’t seem to stop the questions racing through her brain.

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