The Resilient One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance (22 page)

Read The Resilient One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance Online

Authors: Cami Checketts,Jeanette Lewis

Tags: #Billionaires, #brides, #Romance, #clean romance

BOOK: The Resilient One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance
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“What’s that?” Gary snarled. His face red and his fists clenched.

“This.” Beck stepped aside and Granny slapped Gary soundly across the cheek. He whirled back and grabbed at his cheek. Lights flashed as a photographer from The Rising Star clicked several shots.

“Don’t you ever come near my granddaughter or her future husband again,” Granny commanded. “Beck wanted to knock your lights out and I still might let him, but I didn’t want you to have any chance of looking like a defenseless old man. When the granny knocks you out, it just shows what a wimp you are.”

Beck wrapped his arm securely around Granny’s shoulder. “And I have no problem with my name being splashed all over the article tomorrow and neither do the other men you tried to blackmail after you tried to prostitute your own daughter to them.”

They turned and walked away. Beck felt a huge amount of satisfaction until he realized Granny’s thin shoulders were trembling under his arm. He stopped outside the restaurant. “Granny? You okay?”

She wiped at her eyes and shook her head. “It’s a tough thing to realize that your only child is a complete piece of crap.”

Beck nodded. He couldn’t even imagine. “But look how amazing your granddaughter is and she tells me all the time that’s thanks to you.”

Granny’s smile wobbled but it was there. “
is amazing.”

“I’ve heard that you can’t judge your parenting by your children. It’s your grandchildren that show if you’ve really done a good job.”

“Oh, Beck.” She hugged him. “I knew I liked you. What do you say we go find my beautiful granddaughter and I let you buy us both dinner?”

“That’s the second best plan you’ve had tonight.”




Granny took a turn for the worse not long after they confronted Gary. Alyssa knew it was coming, but still wasn’t sure how she was going to survive without Granny.

Beck moved Granny Ellie into his guest house, but she made them both promise that they would, “Bury me in Idaho so all my friends can come blubber over me and there won’t be so many darn people and traffic around. My rotting corpse needs fresh air.” Beck laughed at her, but Alyssa could hardly crack a smile.

Hospice had been coming for a week when Beck insisted Alyssa move in to the guest house also so she wouldn’t miss a minute with Granny.

“Today’s the day,” Granny declared or rather whispered. It was a beautiful, sunny Thursday.

“The day for what?” Alyssa asked.

“For me to go home. Call Beck for me, will you my sweet?”

“Sure.” Alyssa dialed Beck’s number with shaking fingers.

“Good morning, love,” Beck greeted her.

“Can you please come over? She’s… asking for you.”


Several minutes later Beck appeared, dressed in a button down shirt and slacks like he’d been ready to head into work. He and Alyssa had decided to wait on their humanitarian trip until things were settled with Granny.

“Beck,” Granny’s voice was soft as a warm breeze, like it was almost too much effort to even use it.

He leaned down and kissed her cheek then sat next to Alyssa at the side of her bed. “How are you feeling, Ellie?”

“Not worth the bullet to shoot me with.” She cracked a small smile.

Beck smiled with her. Alyssa wiped away another round of tears.

“You know I held on until we found you,” Ellie said to Beck.

Beck nodded. “I know.”

“You promised me.”

Beck focused on Alyssa and smiled. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She leaned into him, needing his strength.

“Thank you. This old nag can die in peace now.” She turned to Alyssa. “I love you, sweetheart. You’re the best of me.”

Tears ran unchecked down Alyssa’s face as she kissed Granny’s soft cheek. “I love you,” she choked out. “Thank you for always being there for me.”

“I’m so proud of you,” Granny whispered. She looked over Alyssa’s shoulder and grinned. “Hubba Bubba. Guess the Lord knew who my favorite was.” Her eyes closed with a satisfied smile on her lips and her chest stopped moving.

Alyssa’s tears kept coming, but the devastation she felt didn’t completely rip her apart. Beck pulled her against his chest and simply held her close while she cried and savored the warmth and peace in the room. Granny was gone and Alyssa knew she’d miss her every day, but she wasn’t alone. She glanced up at Beck. She wouldn’t ever be alone again.

He gently kissed her forehead. “Who was Hubba Bubba?”

Alyssa laughed in spite of herself and swiped a few tears away. “Her favorite husband. Big Polynesian. Awesome guy. My grandpa died when she was only twenty-eight. He was an Air Force pilot and was killed in Vietnam. Granny was married to Hubba Bubba for almost thirty years. Sadly, he loved to eat and died of a heart attack at sixty-five.”

“That is sad. She’s been through a lot, but she was an amazing lady.”

“Yes, she was.” Alyssa studied her grandmother’s tiny body. The smile was still there. It was a beautiful thing to know she’d died so peaceful and was ready to be in heaven with those she loved.

Beck tenderly dried a tear from her face.

“Thank you,” Alyssa whispered. “For taking care of her. For taking care of me.”

“I’ll always take care of you.” Beck stroked her back, cradling her in his arms. Alyssa knew he was telling the truth.



“Wow,” Beck’s husky voice came from the side.

Alyssa whirled to face him and flung herself into his arms. His cast had been removed several weeks ago and though his left arm was a bit thinner than his right, he seemed as strong and perfect as ever to her.

He kissed her thoroughly then held her back to gaze over the form-fitting blue dress. “Anna took you shopping?”

“She has a talent for it.” She appreciated the way he looked in a dark gray suit that fit him extremely well.

“Yes, she does.” He pulled her close again and trailed kisses up her neck to her cheek.

Alyssa couldn’t contain the soft moan that escaped.

“I could kiss you all night,” he whispered against the side of her lips, “but Anna would beat me if I missed her party.”

“I’m a little awkward about all of this.” She leaned into him, grateful for his solid strength.

“Why? Everyone will love you.”

“Just because you love me, doesn’t mean everyone else will.”

He chuckled. “They will, believe me. I’m a tough judge and I love every part of you.” He rubbed his hands down her back and kissed her until she wasn’t sure which way was up.

Alyssa melted. Beck released her from the hug, but took her hand and gave her a smile that said he knew exactly how he affected her. She still wasn’t sure why Anna had to throw a huge fancy party so she could meet all of Beck’s friends and family before they left on their first humanitarian trip, but she’d go anywhere if Beck was there with her. He led her out the French doors at the rear of his house and down the patio steps. People were gathering around the beautiful yard, mostly next to the pool where there were appetizers before the dinner that Anna had organized. Maryn was flirting with a tall, good-looking man with skin like rich chocolate. Alyssa smiled, liking the contrast in coloring and size between the two and wishing she could snap a few pictures. She wished Granny could be here, but had a feeling she was here in spirit.

Beck tugged on her hand and Alyssa looked up at him. “What?”

“C’mere for a second.” He drew her away from the people and around the edge of the house where a hedge and flower garden provided some privacy. Beck directed her to a bench and she sat down, arching back to study his face. She hadn’t seen him this serious since that awful day in Hawaii when he left her.

“Is everything okay?”

Beck brushed a hand through his hair, ruining the perfectly gelled effect. Alyssa smiled, she loved his hair mussed.

“Anna is going to kill me.” He paced in front of the bench. “We planned this all out, but…”

Alyssa stood. “Beck. You can tell me. I can help you with anything.”

Beck turned to her and studied her face for a few seconds. He broke into a soft smile. “I know you can, love.”

He helped her sit on the bench again and then sank down onto one knee in front of her. Alyssa’s breath caught at the beauty of this man and how much she loved him.

“Anna organized this party to help me out. We had this elaborate scheme, which you and I will probably still have to pretend to go through or she’ll skin me.”

Alyssa laughed and touched his arm. “Beck. Whatever you and Anna had planned we can do. I don’t want to upset her.”

“No.” He shook his head. “I love you Alyssa, and I want this to be our private moment, no matter how much Anna wants to be part of it.” He withdrew a ring box from the jacket of his suit coat. His hands shook a little bit as he popped it open to reveal a gorgeous round diamond set in a simple gold band. The diamond was larger than Alyssa would’ve picked out, probably over two carats, but the simplicity of the setting was exactly what she would’ve wanted. It was stunning and screamed to her of Beck’s love and devotion.

“Will you marry me?”

Alyssa stood and pulled him to his feet. She kissed him quickly on the mouth then encircled her arms around his neck. “Yes!”

He kissed her for several wonderful seconds until she forgot about the party and everything else in the world. He drew back and said, “Do you care if I wait to give you the ring until we do the big thing for Anna?”

“Beck, as long as I’m with you, I don’t care what else happens.”

He grinned. “Good, because I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

They kissed until Anna found them and demanded they come join the party. Alyssa couldn’t wipe the smile off her face as Beck’s hand found hers and they followed Anna to the party. Whatever surprise Anna had planned for Beck to propose would be fun, but all that really mattered was being with him.




Clean Romantic Suspense

Shadows in the Curtain

The Colony

Poison Me

Fourth of July


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