Read The Resurrection of the Romanovs Online

Authors: Greg King,Penny Wilson

The Resurrection of the Romanovs (67 page)

BOOK: The Resurrection of the Romanovs
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The Mystery of Anastasia
. Equinox Production. Produced by Julian Nott for Peninsula Films, U.K., 1994.

In Search of . . . Anastasia
. Syndicated television series. Alan Landsberg Productions, produced by Barbara J. Wegher. Season 2, episode 13, 1978.

Web Sites

Alexander Palace Time Machine. Web site and discussion forum at

Coble, M. D., O. M. Loreille, M. J. Wadhams, S. M. Edson, K. Maynard, et al. “Mystery Solved: The Identification of the Two Missing Romanov Children Using DNA Analysis.” PLoS ONE 4(3): e4838. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004838. Michael Hofreiter, ed., Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany. Published: March 11, 2009, at

Godl, John. “Remembering Anna Anderson.” Parts I and II at

Kurth, Peter. “Anna Anderson: Notes on Franziska Schanzkowska.” At

Moenssens, Professor Andre. At


Abbey School (Tannen-bei-Bütow, Pomerania)

Alexander I, Emperor

Alexander II, Emperor

Alexander III, Emperor

Alexander Mikhailovich, Grand Duke Copenhagen statement signed by

on Imperial Family’s execution

U.S. visit by

Alexander Palace (Tsarskoye Selo)

description of


Imperial Family imprisonment

“samovar” story about

Alexandra, Empress

Anderson and

birth of children

on daughters’ education

escape plans and

execution of

finances of

with Hessian siblings

imprisonment of

jewels concealed by

languages used by

lifestyle of

Livadia palace of

personality of

photos of

physical characteristics of

reliance on Rasputin

son’s health issues and

during World War I

Alexei, Tsesarevich

birth of

execution of

health of

imposters of

imprisonment of

languages used by

photos of

during World War I

Yusupov and

Alexei (son of Peter the Great)

Allgemeine Elektrizitäts Gesellschaft (AEG) (Berlin)

American Red Cross

Anastasia: Die Falsche Zarentochter (Anastasia: The Tsar’s False Daughter)

Anastasia: Die Letze Zarentochter (Anastasia: The Last Tsar’s Daughter)

Anastasia: The Riddle of Anna Anderson

Anastasia: The Survivor of Ekaterinburg



Anastasia Mikhailovna, Grand Duchess

Anastasia Nikolaievna, Grand Duchess

birth of

burial of

christening of

as colonel in chief of 148th Caspian Infantry Rifle Regiment

DNA tests of remains

early lifestyle of

education of

execution of

handwriting of

imprisonment of

languages spoken by

lifestyle of

measles suffered by

with Mordvinov

near-drowning incident

personality of

photos of

photos of, in
Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung

physical characteristics of

public image of

rumors of rescues (
See also
Anderson, Anna)

“Schwibzik” nickname of

Tsarskoye Selo hospital and

during World War I

See also


Anastasiou, Constantine

Anderson, Anna

alleged children/pregnancies of

“Anastasia Manahan” name of

“Anastasia Tchaikovsky” name of

“Anna Anderson” name of

books about

Charlottesville home of

death of

diet of

DNA tests of remains

escape story of

films/plays about

“Fraulein Annie” name of

“Fraulein Unbekannt” name of

at Garden City Hotel (Long Island, New York)

health issues of

at home of Kleists

homes of

hospitalized at Dalldorf

hospitalized at Four Winds Rest Home (Katonah, New York)

identified as Tatiana

at Jennings apartment (Manhattan)

at Kenwood (Long Island, New York)

languages spoken by

marriage to Manahan

mental health of

move to Charlottesville, Virginia, by

“Mrs. Eugene Anderson” name of

musical abilities of

1931 return to Europe

“parakeet story” about

personality of

pets of

photos of

physical characteristics of

religion of

“Romanska, Anna” (“Anastasia Romanova”) names of

at Schloss Seeon

at Stillachhaus Sanatorium

suicide attempt by

See also
Schanzkowska, Franziska; trials;
individual names of detractors and supporters

Andrei Alexandrovich, Prince

Andrei Vladimirovich, Grand Duke

Anderson’s claim supported by

dispute with Gilliard

memory of

views on Gleb Botkin

Yusopov/Anderson meeting and

Andreyev (“Comrade Laundry Teacher to the House of Special Purpose”)

anthropological analysis, used at trials


Arapov, Ivan

Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (Maryland)

Auclères, Dominique

Avdayev, Alexander

Avid Reader (Chapel Hill, North Carolina)

Baby (dog)

Bad Liebenzell (Black Forest)

Bank of England

Barfknecht, Emilie

Barham, Patte

Baumgarten, Maria

Beauharnais, Eugene de

Becker, Minna

Behrens, Peter

Beloborodov, Alexander

Benckendorff, Count Paul von

Benedict XV, Pope

Berditch, Mademoiselle

Berenberg-Gossler, Gunther von


Berg, Ludwig

Bergman, Ingrid


Anderson’s escape story and

Berlin police

post-World War I

Russian émigrés in, following Russian Revolution

Schanzkowska in

Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung

Berliner Nachtausgabe

Berlin-Schöneberg Asylum

Bezug, Emma

Binner, Margarete

Birner, Klaudia

Bischoff, Marc

Biskupsky, Vassili

Bolshevik Revolution.
See also
Russian Revolution

Bolton, Guy

Bonde, Count Carl

Bonhoeffer, Karl

Boodts, Marga

Borek, West Prussia

Bornemann, Otto

Borowilhas, West Prussia

Borowy Las, Poland

Botkin, Eugene

execution of

Imperial Family’s imprisonment and

measles treated by

relationship to Tatiana and Gleb Botkin

role of

views on Anastasia

Botkin, Gleb

at Anderson meeting with Schanzkowsky family

as Anderson’s beneficiary

Anderson’s claim supported by

Andrei Vladimirovich and

Felix Schanzkowsky confrontation with Anderson

film portrayal of

“funny animal” drawings of

The God Who Didn’t Laugh

during Imperial Family’s imprisonment

Imperial Family’s imprisonment and

La Fausse Anastasie

letter to Xenia Alexandrovna

memoir plans of

memory of

Miliukov and

photos of

post-trial friendship with Anderson

trials and

views on Anastasia

views on Eugenia Smith

Botkin, Marina.
Schweitzer, Marina Botkin

Botkin, Nadine

Botkin, Peter

Botkin, Serge

Anderson’s admission to Stillachhaus and

Andrei Vladimirovich and

on languages spoken by Anderson

letter from Rathlef-Keilmann to

Osten-Sacken and

relationship to Tatiana and Gleb Botkin

Zahle and

Botkin, Tatiana

as Anderson’s beneficiary

Andrei Vladimirovich and

Imperial Family’s imprisonment and

memory of

Olga Alexandrovna’s letter to

reaction to Gleb Botkin’s letter to Xenia Alexandrovna

trials and

views on Anastasia

views on Anderson

Vyrubova and

Brassova, Countess Nathalia

Brynner, Yul

Buchanan, Sir George

Buchholz, Erna

Bulygin, Paul

Burkhart, Susan Grindstaff

Bütow, Pomerania

Buxhoeveden, Baroness Sophie

Anderson met by

on Anderson’s “memory”

Copenhagen statement and

freed by Provisional Government

on languages spoken by Imperial Family

meeting with Anderson

role of

trials and

Zahle and

“Case of a New Anastasia, The”

Cathedral on the Blood (Ekaterinburg)

Catherine II, Empress (Catherine the Great)

lifestyle of

Romanov Dynasty succession and

succession of

Cecilie, Crown Princess of Prussia

Central District Court (Berlin)

Chapel of St. Walburg (Seeon)

Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School (London)

Chavchavadze, Prince David

Chavchavadze, Princess Nina

Chemodurov, Terenty

Christian X, King of Denmark

Christopher, Prince of Greece

Church of Aphrodite

Church of St. Lambert (Seeon)

Church of St. Mary (Borek, West Prussia)


Clauberg, Karl

Clothes Make the Woman

Coble, Michael

Cohen, Bella

Conrad, Alexander

Convalescent Home No. 17 (Tsarskoye Selo)

Cossack Konvoi Regiment

Curtius, F.


Czenstkowski, Anton

Czenstkowski, Felix.
Schanzkowsky, Felix

Czenstkowski, Franziska Anna.
Schanzkowska, Franziska

Czenstkowski, Gertrude.
Ellerik, Gertrude (Czenstkowski)

Czenstkowski, Josefina (Peek)

Czenstkowski, Maria Juliana.
Zakorski, Maria Juliana Czenstkowski

Czenstkowski, Marianna.
Knopf, Marianna Wietzke Czenstkowski

Czenstkowski, Martin Christian

Czenstkowski, Michael

Czenstkowski, Valerian

Dalldorf State Institute for Welfare and Care (Berlin)

Anderson as patient

Friedrich Reiche and

library materials at

Peuthert as patient

Schanzkowska as patient

Staatsarchiv (Darmstadt)

Darmstadt police

Dassel, Felix

Day of White Flowers

Dehn, Lili von

Anderson and

on Imperial Family’s execution

memory of

at Tsarskoye Selo

views on Anastasia

Deisterwald bei Barsinghausen

Delamain, Maurice

Demidova, Anna

execution of

imprisonment of

Derevenko, Andrei

Derfelden, Margharita

Dimitri Alexandrovich, Prince

Dimitri IV, Emperor

Dimitri Pavlovich, Grand Duke

Dimitri (son of Ivan the Terrible)

DNA tests

administration of

ongoing evaluation of

results disputed

Dolgoruky, Prince

Dulckeit, Georg


Dvouglavy Orel (Double Eagle)

Eagar, Margarette

Edinburgh, Prince Philip, Duke of

Eickstadt, Baron Egon von

Eilers, Marlene

Eitel, Theodor

Ekaterinburg, Siberia

Ekaterinburg (Siberia) Cheka

Elena, Princess of Serbia

rumors of Anastasia’s rescue and

Eleonore, Princess of Solms-Hohensolms-Lich

Elisabeth Hospital (Berlin)

Elizabeth Feodorovna, Grand Duchess (“Ella”)

Elizabeth II, Queen of England

Ellen, David

Ellerik, August

Ellerik, Gertrude (Czenstkowski)

birth of

characterization of Schanzkowska

child of

confrontation of Schanzkowska

as custodian of Schanzkowska

disappearance of Schwanzkowska and

estrangement from sister

on languages spoken by Shanzkowska

photo of

on physical characteristics of Schanzkowska

Ellerik, Margarete

Ernst Ludwig, Grand Duke of Hesse und bei Rhein

Anderson and

architect of

certificate of inheritance awarded to

Copenhagen statement and

Darmstadt collection and

Hardenburg and


Imperial Family’s execution and

investigation funded by

La Fausse Anastasie
(Gilliard) and

photos of

trials and

Zahle and

Fairview Farm (Charlottesville, Virginia)

Fallows, Edward

False Dimitris

Farmington Country Club (Charlottesville, Virginia)

Fausse Anastasie, La

Federov, Admiral

Felix Felixovich Yusupov, Prince

Copenhagen statement and

meeting with Anderson

Rasputin and

Feodorovsky Gorodok

Ferdinand, Prince of Schoenaich-Carolath

Figaro, Le

File on the Tsar, The

fingerprint evaluation, for trials

Fischer, Eugen

Feodor Alexandrovich, Prince

Forensic Science Service Laboratory (Great Britain)

Four Brothers Mine (Koptyaki Forest)

Four Winds Rest Home (Katonah, New York)

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria-Hungary

Freedericksz, Count Vladimir de

French, Peter

Freund, Irmgard

Friedrich Ernst, Prince of Saxe-Altenburg

Anderson meeting with

Andrei Vladimirovich and

post-trial friendship with Anderson

trials and

Zahle and

Furtmayr, Mortiz

Gaida, Rudolf

Gallagher, Agnes

Garde Equipage

Garden City Hotel (Long Island, New York)

Georg-August Institute for Anthropology, University of Göttingen (Germany)

Georg Donatus, Prince

George, Prince

George Mikhailovich, Grand Duke

George V, King of England

George Washington University

Gibbes, Charles Sidney

Anderson and

freed by Provisional Government

Imperial Family remains identified by

Imperial Family’s imprisonment and

trials and

as tutor to Imperial Family

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