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Authors: Sean M. Campbell

The Return (2 page)

BOOK: The Return
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After dinner I pulled my journal, pen, and flashlight out of my pack and crawled into the tent. I set the flashlight up as a lantern and began to write down the day's events. I mused to myself in writing just how odd it was that I had just completely accepted this world without question. It almost felt like I had come home after a very long journey.

After I was done I began to strip off my armor and gear. I did not think I would ever get all the weapons off. Besides the pistols, swords and bow, there were better than a dozen knives of all sizes hidden on and in my armor and boots. There were also a group of five odd looking blades in both of my sleeves. These were only about four inches long and sharp on both sides but had no handles. I placed them on the growing pile with the others. I stripped down to my underwear only to discover that these had changed to something which was like a folded-over cloth with a string belt.

I stepped out to answer the call of nature, and then climbed back into the tent. I was just about to turn out the light when Likka spoke.

“Who would that be?”, I said, as the tent flap moved aside. Into the tent crawled a woman. She was beautiful, long white hair and sparkling blue eyes. Her face was thin with high cheekbones and narrow chin. Her body was lithe and looked well toned with smallish breasts. The body of a woman that was familiar with hard work, the body of a gymnast. As I started to speak, she put her finger to my lips and shook her head, then leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. At first I was frozen in shock, but I quickly warmed to her kiss and began to return it.

She sat back and pulled the straps on the white dress she wore to allow it to slide down her body like a silky liquid. She had a small patch of snow white hair between her legs and her skin was as pale as alabaster.

She leaned forward again and placed her lips to my chest and began to kiss her way downward. Her hands reach out and untied the string of my loin cloth. Then she pulled it away and tossed it with the rest of my clothes. I felt her lips begin to caress my staff… as all nine inches of it stood to greet her.

Her mouth closed over the head of my manhood, as I reached out to guide her body over mine. I watched in wonder as her womanhood came into full view, the sweet folds looking like a delicate flower. As her legs straddled my head, I extended my tongue outward and began to caress the length of that delicate orchid. My tongue touched each crease from the tip of her delicate pearl to the puckered rosebud that hovered above. She moaned around my manhood, the vibrations nearly sending me over the edge. I pushed my tongue into her rear entrance and she squealed around my rod and began to push down to meet my thrusting tongue.

Her mouth worked downward, until I felt myself slip into her satiny throat. My tongue moved to her flower. I pushed into her again as she moaned in her ecstasy. Then I felt her nectar flow onto my face, and I drank as if it was water and I was dying of thirst. Twice more I set her off as she worked my passion with her mouth. As she began to shudder into her fourth orgasm, I exploded into her throat. She pulled back and took my following spurts into her mouth. I felt her roll my seed in her mouth, around my cock, as she savored the taste.

She turned around on top of me and began to clean her own juices off my face. With a thrust of my hips, I pushed myself into her. She arched her back as she accepted my entrance into her incredibly tight womanhood. She was squeezing me so tight it almost hurt, as I bottomed out in her. I could see her biting her lip to try and not make any noise. I began to thrust in and out with long slow strokes, as she shivered and vibrated on top of me.

I reached up to tweak her nipple and she let out a deep sound it was almost a growl as she arched her back. I pulled her down and sucked the crown of her breast into my mouth, and she again made that deep sound. Then I felt her womanhood clamp down on my shaft as she sprayed her nectar onto me. We rutted like animals. Every time she would come down, I would drive her back into the frenzy. As I finally hammered my release into her womb, she bit into my shoulder and raked her nails down my sides.

She rolled off of me and lay beside me on her stomach panting. Moved over on top of her and reached for the pillows. I lifted her up and placed the pillows under her hips. She looked back towards me as I took my slimy cock in hand and aimed at her tight rosebud. I began to push she pushed back as I felt the head of my staff push past her entrance and begin to slide in. She again let out that growl as I began to thrust in and out of her bowels. Very soon she was thrusting back, and beginning that vibration that I knew meant she was going to orgasm.

This time, as she tightened around me, she howled out and tensed up. Four more times she howled through an orgasm. On the fifth I moaned and began to thrust as deep as I could, I flooded her so much it began to spray out around my manhood.

As we lay there panting, I asked “Who..?”

She looked at me and touched my lips with her finger again then picked up her dress and slipped out of the tent.

Likka spoke in my mind,

Likka’s laughter was all that came back.


I woke up the next morning and retrieved a small mirror from my backpack to look at the bite the beautiful woman had given me in the night. I figured I would have to doctor it, even if I did thoroughly enjoy getting it. I wet a rag from a water bottle out of my pack and held the mirror up. I washed the dried blood off of my shoulder and looked in amazement. There was no wound, just dried blood that washed away like yesterdays dirt. I stretched and looked at my side as I wiped with the rag; the scratches were the same just dried blood down my side. “What the fuck?”

I shook my head and headed for the stream to wash off. The water was cold enough to make me worry about little Rhys shrinking away to nothing, but it got me clean.

After I put my armor back on and started to put weapons back in place, the time came to put the odd little blades back in my sleeves. The little pockets they went into were already full. I pulled one out to look at it, and looking back again the pockets were full. I just shook my head and dropped the rest of them into my pack.

We broke camp and I mounted Reaper to head east…


About noon, I was just starting to get hungry again when Likka spoke in my mind.

I pulled my rifle and dropped off of Reaper.

I dropped to one knee and waited with my rifle up on my shoulder. My hand pivoted the scope out of the way. I didn’t have to wait long. Around a bend in the road ahead came a group of howling creatures, only about five feet tall. They had a sickly green color to their skin, and looked like something out of a child’s nightmare. They had the snout of a pig and a mouth full of teeth that belong to a shark. In their hands they carried stone axes and clubs.

I pulled the trigger and my rifle roared to life. Six times I shot and six of the creatures fell dead in the road. I dropped the rifle and stood up drawing both Rugers. Alternating left to right I fired twelve more times, eighteen down. I holstered the Rugers, and drew my long swords off my back. I had never fought with these, but I did not have time to reload. I waded into the creature swinging. As the first one reached me I took his weapon hand off with one sword, and his head with the other.

The second one fell to a blade through the eye from my left sword, while the third was nearly cleaved in half from a downward blow from the right. My left hand blocked a descending club, as my right stabbed under it to pass clear through the creature’s throat. I turned to see Reaper crush the skull of one of the creatures with his hooves, as I took the head of another.

The last creature fell to Likka as she ripped out its throat. These creatures had absolutely no skill with weapons -- I had barely had to defend myself. It was like fighting animals.

Was all Likka said as I stopped to clean my weapons.

I walked over to my backpack and pulled out two boxes of ammo and reloaded my Rugers and the rifle.

I un-slung my bow and, as quickly as it was in my hand, drew and fired an arrow to my left without looking. One of the Lithan stumbled out from behind a tree with an arrow in its eye. I said pointedly to the wolf.

As I placed the ammo boxes back in my pack, I wondered to myself how I had learned to do that with a bow.

I realized that ammo was going to go pretty fast if I had to use that many bullets at a time here. I now had three hundred rounds left for the rifle and three hundred for the pistols. I pulled out the last of the rabbit and mounted back up…

As evening fell, I stopped again to make camp. When I made my fire ring, I pulled out a match and looked in the knife handle. There were nine left. I screwed the end of the grip back on the knife and removed it again. There were now ten matches. “Thank you Morgana,” I thought quietly.

, Likka thought back.

I mused about this as I got the fire going, and then retrieved my bow for some hunting. As I got the bow, curiosity bit me like a bug, I opened the boxes of ammo from my pack, and all the rounds I had removed had been replaced.

I thought as I stuck my tongue out at Likka.

She laughed back…


I walked back into camp carrying both haunches off of a buck I took down about a mile out from camp. I threw one of them down for the wolf and she began to gnaw on it like she was starving. The other one I butchered out into thin fillets, and put them on a spit over the fire. I reached into my pack and pulled out a bottle of water, knowing it would be replaced as soon as I closed the pack. I also pulled out a bowl and poured about half the water out for Likka.

After dinner, Likka moved off to scout the area as I moved over to the tent, to find the bed made completely. I just shook my head and began to write in my journal again.

As I reached to shut off my light, the woman again crawled into the tent and put her finger over my lips. I reached up to remove her dress as she smiled at me. The thin fabric slid along her alabaster skin eliciting a light moan. Once the dress was off her body, she dove towards me, and we kissed deeply. When we broke our joining at the lips, I pushed her back and down onto her back. I slid down her body, kissing and nibbling on her neck and chest. My lips touched each spot as light as the dance of a fairy, until I reached her breasts. I took one of her nipples into my mouth and began to suckle at it as she moaned with the pleasure of my touch. I moved to the other breast and kissed and sucked at it until she began to vibrate beneath me. As she moaned out her ecstasy, I slid down to kiss my way to her white patch. I reached down with my tongue and began to flick at her tiny button.

With my first contact, her legs locked around my head and squeezed. I reached up with one of my hands and dipped it into the wetness that was collecting on the petals of her flower. I slid my finger into her deeply and gently, feeling the soft, silky skin that greeted me. With a come hither motion of my finger, I began to rub the spongy flesh inside her. Then, she went wild and began to buck against my face. My other hand came up and my finger pushed into her back entrance. She squealed and cried out, “Rhhhhyyyyyyyysssssss!!!!!!!” Her orgasm seemed to last for minutes as she shuddered and vibrated.

When she relaxed her spasm of pleasure, she began to twitch with every flick of my tongue. Her hands twisted into my hair and pulled me away from her, as she whimpered and tried to cover herself from my oral assault. I withdrew my hands from her and kissed my way up her beautiful body, until she again began to lick her own juices off of my face. I pulled her legs upward as I rose, and aimed my staff toward her rear entrance. In one slow thrust, I pushed all the way into her tight rosebud. She cried out and she bit her own knuckle, as I began to thrust in and out. She was grunting with each thrust as I pushed into her. She again began to vibrate and shake as she climaxed. As she climbed into her fourth climax, I thrust with all I had, literally picking her hips up off of the bedding, and pushed into her completely as I burst. It felt like I released a gallon into her bowels, as she quivered and moaned beneath me.

Before she could recover completely, I pulled out of her and altered my aim. She smiled up at me as I began to push into her tight flower. Soon she was making that deep growling sound again, as she climaxed into yet another orgasm. I lost count of how many times she growled out her orgasms, before I spent myself inside of her.

As I lay down next to her, trying to catch my breath, she started to gather her dress and slip out of the tent. I reached out and caught her hand. “You don’t have to leave, Likka.”

Her head turned quickly to look at me, “When..?”

“When you called my name, your voice is the same.”

“I have to patrol.”

“Reaper can warn us. Sleep with me and share more than just lust with me.”

She placed her dress with my clothes and crawled back up next to me. As we lay there relaxing and basking in each others warmth, I asked her, “How complete is this transformation of yours? Is there a chance you could end up pregnant?”

BOOK: The Return
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