The Richard Burton Diaries (35 page)

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Authors: Richard Burton,Chris Williams

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Biography

BOOK: The Richard Burton Diaries
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E. arrived for lunch with M. Todd. Later we were joined by Johnny Sullivan and new puppy Pekinese white as snow and adorable who is named by us Oh Fie. He is to be, we hope E'en So's husband.

I had a remarkable sex and religion conversation with Cyril who is vastly tempted by some Roman woman. He is, I think, and he thinks so too, immature sexually. He does not have my wide experience of rabid wild oats. I told him that I couldn't, but then I am impervious to that kind of temptation since I fell in love with Cantank.

I became very drunk later and shouted a lot. At E. I don't know what about. Just plain sloshed.

Tuesday 5th
Was at work again today, this time at the proper hour. We continued with the scene. FZ sprang some more new lines on us. He mustn't do that. It's very throwing. We got through. E. arrived for lunch. Aaron was there, J. Sullivan, then Mia Farrow and Mike Nichols arrived from NY.
That M. Nichols really gets the girls. I wish Farrow would put on 15lbs and grow her hair.

I did one shot after lunch with Cyril and Victor Spinetti and then showered and waited around to do my off-stage lines. I wasn't needed but said I'd be there tomorrow for that purpose. If I appear at all it will be late in the day I imagine. E. is doing her show for M. Todd tomorrow. [...]

I read the Capote–Tynan thing in the
[...] I think Capote was righter than Tynan though I wish it hadn't been so scurrilously written. ‘morals of a baboon’ ‘this faded hipster’ etc. I have yet to see Tynan's reply to Capote's reply to Tynan.

We were in bed by 10.00 I think. I was stiff from the horse and irritable as an old man and tired.

Wednesday 6th
I went in on Wed by 9.00 and did my off stage lines. Great trouble with the poor dog and the horse. Latter went slightly crazy at one
moment and kicked Cyril in the belly. However Cyril (Cusack) was so near the horse that it couldn't really get any purchase. Cyril however will be bruised tomorrow. E who was supposed to TV for M. Todd very ill from that bloody bleeding. We have sent for a doctor from London. I went to bed in a huge depression and nightmares of her dying.

Thursday 7th
Took the boys with me to work and they stayed all day. We worked steadily all day long [...] M. Nichols and M. Farrow were with E when I came home. Doubtful now if we'll be able to go to Venice this weekend. E feels better and the bleeding has stopped. [...]

Friday 8th
[...] Was called to be ready at 10.00 and was but didn't appear before the cameras until about 11.00. Spinetti said at that time. ‘I'd love a glass of cold champagne.’ I said ‘Bob! Champagne please.’ And we had – Cyril, Victor, Bob and myself – champagne. Dom Perignon.

The children arrived for lunch Michael wearing an ear-ring as a nose-ring. [...] In the afternoon I was interviewed by the
Daily Mail
man called Barry Norman.
I talked too much but it's so tedious to guard one's tongue for four hours.

We had lamb stew for supper and later I told Maria the story of her life. She was very impressed.

E is better. Hooray. She has to have a curetage(?).
Diolch iddo byth am gofio llwch y llawr.

Since we were not able to go to Venice I have, to E's disgust, agreed to work tomorrow.

E has blood pressure of 90 – very low apparently – from loss of blood.

Saturday 9th
[...] I worked with Cyril and Victor Spinetti. Between shots I saw the rushes.
They looked very good. However, disturbingly, we are falling behind schedule. I asked MacWhorter why, he said that Franco was slow. He apparently turns up for work only on the stroke of 9am which means he hasn't checked the set etc. FZ rather lazy I suspect in an energetic way. Does nothing but with great show. I'll give him a couple more days and then I'll have to talk to him. Bloody nuisance.

After work (we were lunchless as we worked straight through) which finished at 3pm I had my usual shower and shampoo and then had drinks with
M. Hordern, Alan Webb, Cyril C. and Victor Spin.
What a boiling ‘of battered’ egos in one room, except perhaps for Webb – except that he too must regret the lost stardom of his earlier years. Stories were vied for. Of course I'm not the least offender in that direction though I enjoy immensely a well told, if reasonably believable, theatrical yarn. And there are lots.

At dinner we talked with the children. We talked of the immensity of space. I said that doubtless by their (the children) middle age trips to the moon might be quite common. Maria said, ‘Don't go to the moon tomorrow Richard, it's Easter Sunday.’ I said I wouldn't bother in that case.

We went to bed quite early though I tried to stay awake reading. E sluggish from those doctor pill. I'll be glad when she doesn't have to take them anymore.

Sunday 10th
[...] A lovely day sharp and breezy with sun and clouds – they fought all day. Eggs were hidden in the garden by the boys and Gaston for the two girls to find. Suitable finagling went on so that they both ended up roughly equal.
Then Gaston hid eggs in the front garden for the boys to find. Same thing. A little finagling again and some cheating. There were quite a lot of presents. Easter is getting more and more like Xmas. We stayed within the grounds all day. I went for two brisk walks with the boys and Liza. [...]

I read the Sunday papers and learned some lines. I'm not far from the end now. In about two weeks I should be home.

We dined on a pasta (rigatoni) in the hope that the cook could make, at least, an Italian dish. It wasn't bad and I was hungry so that helped. But she really is an indifferent cook. She used to work for De Sica so we know what he feels about food.

Received a long telegram from Josh Logan asking me to do
for Warners.
Don't see how I can. And don't want to much anyway. He (Logan) says the new script is magnificent etc. and all that tripe. I'll read it anyway.

Maria very upset when I told her not to be rude to E. She remained silent and hang-dog for the rest of the evening.

Monday 11th
[...] This is the first time in the writing of this diary that I have done so on the day indicated in the title. Usually it is the next morning or afternoon. Tonight however – it is a quarter to midnight – I am unable to sleep. This is by no means an un-regular occurrence. I frequently wake in the small hours and lie awake sometimes for two or three hrs, sometimes all night.
But tonight is caused by a chemical product called ‘FINALGON.’ It is German. It was given me when I was in Garmish(?) by Oskar Werner.
It is supposed to burn away aching muscles and fibrositic complaints etc. It is applied on externally and is a pale yellow or ivory white cream. It burns like hell. I applied some tonight about 9.00pm, very little, and it is burning still. I pulled, wrenched or bruised a thigh muscle this afternoon trying to kick a small ball over the garage from the sunken garden. I lost the ball and gained some pain.

So tonight instead of lying there in the near-darkness and sweat from the burning ‘Finalgon’ I thought I'd kill the burn and the diary with one fell descent. [...]

E was visited by the Dr from Rome who says she should have shots for two more days, that the curetage will not be necessary, that she can work on Thursday or Friday. That she may come to the Studio tomorrow for lunch if she limits it to 1
hours. Hip Hip.

Today we had a letter from Mia Farrow. It is written in a huge childlike hand and is so goody as to invite suspicion of affection. I remember her at lunch forever apologizing, with eyes as round as her fist, for her silly little ability not to know anybody in theatre or films before her time – which she inferred was last week. Or last year. She and M. Nichols appear to be in love and register in hotels as Mr and Mrs N.

I think, now, that, as the tiny Macaulay is reputed to have said to an enquiring lady, the agony is abated. He was four or something.
So I'll try to sleep again.

Maria is invested with every conceivable kind of fear, or as her very competent nurse Karen says, ‘she scares easy.’ She saw a lizard today and cried with fright. What's to do. Leave it to love, I suppose, and time. The other day, with me on a walk, she refused to walk over a line of tiny ants, out of terror. I had to get her over by totally ignoring her and walking on. She was as animated and talkative about this experience as if she'd just crossed the Atlantic single handed in a rubber dinghy.

Work tomorrow. Mickey Rudin arrived today.
Nevill Coghill arrives tomorrow.
My anti-social tendencies, even with people I know well, are going to be very strained – unless I get drunk. And I don't feel like it.

Tuesday 12th
First call and work. [...] Am late this morning so be brief. Telegrammese. E to go into hospital tomorrow for curetage. Came to lunch with me and felt sick and faint. On arrive home bled. [...] Poor little thing. I shouted and bawled at her for being ‘unfit’ for lack of discipline, for taking too much booze. I think I was talking about myself – out of fear for her. God get tomorrow over rapidly.

Bach gan, I love you.
[Elizabeth Taylor's hand.]

Wednesday 13th
What a day. I went to work at 7.30 and was made up and learned lines. We shot quite early about 9.30. All the time I waited for the ‘phone to ring. E. finally called from the hospital about 11.30 to say that nobody there could speak Italian. I suggested she get Dick's secretary who is bilingual.

I took E'en So for a long walk around the studio. It is a pleasant place. I thought a lot about our lives and shades of mortality grew round me like a mist.

I lunched alone in my room, did some Italian, and waited for the phone to ring. And waited. And waited. I read a whole book, rather precious, by Arthur Machen called
The London Adventure
Then the blower blew and joy of joys it was herself on the other end and the operation was over and she was in pain but alive and will live to be shouted at another day.

I finished work at 4.00. Showered. Had my vodka and tonic. Sped to the hospital. [...] Read papers with E. Got gruff and bawled a lot about supper's slowness and went home in a typical huff. Before arriving home I stopped (Mario drove) in St Peter's and stared at the whole huge thing and muttered under my breath.

Talked to E on telephone and we went to sleep reasonably happy.

Thursday 14th
Elizabeth was expected home at 9.45am. I wasn't called to work and we all [...] waited by the potting shed for her to arrive. Then a message came to say at 10.15 that she had left 10 minutes before. [...] Eventually she did come and sat downstairs for a time and had a drink. She looked pale and wan fond lover and eventually went upstairs to bed.
The kids were all embarrassed and awed and sat around like wilting lettuces. E sent them out to show the nurse – Alex – the grounds. I am to sleep with the boys tonight. They are delighted.

I [...] had lunch with Nevill Coghill. We watched some shooting and had lunch with some of the cast – Alan Webb, Hordern, Spinetti, Michael York.
M. York was up at Oxford too I discovered his real name is Johnson. Nevill didn't remember him. Afterwards we watched the rushes which appear to be at least very good.

Then home with Nevill to see E, by this time I was somewhat sloshed, and talked around her bed. She tells me that I was nasty again. Obviously I shouldn't drink more than a glass or two of wine, and weak wine at that.

I slept with the boys. At one time we all went downstairs and I made soup for us all. Tinned soup of course. E was furious that we didn't include her but we didn't know she was awake.

I work tomorrow. First call.

Friday 15th, Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th
Did two shots only after which, Liza, Mike, Chris, Nevill – Ron Berkeley and I went down to Ron's seaside restaurant and ate and drank until 1.00 in the a.m. Again slept with the boys but also Maria and Liza. Bedlam.

Went into the studio (Sat) with Nevill. Had a fitting and saw the rushes twice, once to show them to Nevill, second time to show them to J. Springer who has been here for a couple of days. I arranged to have them to lunch tomorrow, Sunday. Bought a bike for Maria and skate board for Liza.

Took the children on Sunday morning to Luna Park and a good time was had by all except when I was plagued by Gypsies even after I'd given away something between 15 and 20,000 Lire.
How utterly charmless they are.

Nevill and John duly came to lunch after which I took them around the grounds. [...] A beautiful day with scudding clouds. England and Wales blanketed with snow!

I read the Sunday papers for the rest of the day.

E. now better and the nurse Alex left on Saturday so I am back in my bed again. E said she was sorry she married me on Sat night and all because I said she was a conyn. (Welsh for moaning hypochondriac) She deserves a good hammering for hurting me like that!

Monday 18th
Had the first call for today. I wore the new costume which probably looks splendid on me mounted on the horse but, I think, looks indifferent on the ground. The sheer bulk of it dwarfs my legs from the knee down.

I rode up the street with everyone – extras shouting Petruchio and hurling flowers, cabbage leaves water etc. at me and my poor Rosa, the horse. She,
Rosa, made up to look even uglier than she is, behaved splendidly. Mike and Christopher were dressed and also appeared in the scene. [...]

Had dinner at home with M. Todd Junior, the two boys and E. Was fairly uproarious and told endless stories. i.e. literally stories without an ending. Several times the two boys pretended to fall asleep from sheer boredom at my jokes. At least I hope they were pretending.

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