The Road to Price (6 page)

Read The Road to Price Online

Authors: Justine Elvira

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: The Road to Price
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I could hear
giggling from outside my bedroom door. I haven’t met all the girls yet but the
few I have seem nice. The giggling stopped when I heard a man’s muffled voice
and a knock on my door.  I looked to the clock that was in my room and it
was a minute to eight. Right on time.

I walked over to
the door and opened it to greet the man on the other end.

I froze.

Sebastian was
standing there in all his glory. He had changed out of his suit from earlier.
He was wearing dress slacks and light blue dress shirt that was unbuttoned at
the collar. No tie.

He was like
nothing I had ever seen before. It took me a few seconds to catch my breath
before I spoke.

“I thought someone
on your staff was picking me up?” Could he tell that I was having a hard time

He seemed to be
ignoring my question because his eyes were doing a slow appraisal of my body.
On his way back up he spent a couple extra seconds eyeing my breasts.

“I told you to
wear a dress.” The arrogant Sebastian was back.

“Well I wanted to
wear this and I think I look good, don’t you?”

 The smirk on
his face showed me he was enjoying my response. He looked me up and down again
and my body enjoyed it.

 He gently
cleared his throat, “You look like sex in a pretty gift wrapped package. I’m
tempted to start unwrapping.”

My cheeks became
flushed.  I wanted to give him a witty comeback but I couldn’t form a
complete sentence in my head. The images that were flashing before my eyes were
inappropriate. I wanted to keep this professional but all I could think about
was straddling Sebastian while he lay naked on my bed.

Luckily I didn’t
have to say anything because the woman next to him did.

I had completely
forgotten about her until now. She was blonde, tall, and gorgeous. No doubt
another contender for America’s next top model. There must be something in the
water here.

“You don’t want to
scare her off on her first day Mr. Price.” She giggled and continued, “ The
girls and I haven’t even had a chance to talk to her yet. You should let her
get settled in before you have your way with her.”

That was just what
I needed.  Her words were like a bucket of ice water drowning out the fire
that was building in my belly. 

Sebastian slept
with his employees. I was nothing special. It was all making sense now. This is
why the females on his staff looked like models. This is why Vanessa was so
shocked I was the new hire.

I looked nothing
like these girls. Vanessa was right when she said his tastes were changing. Or
maybe he wanted to try something different. Well he could forget about it. Any
chance he might have had was gone. I felt stupid for being sucked into his

The woman turned
towards me and waved. “I’m Michelle. I’m one of the chef’s here at the estate
and my room is right next to yours.”

She seemed sweet
which made this all the more difficult. I introduced myself to Michelle and we
spoke for a few minutes. Sebastian stood there quietly observing our

Michelle gave me a
quick hug goodbye and kissed Sebastian on the cheek before leaving.

What did I get
myself into? Was this some sort of brothel where instead of serving male
clients we all served Sebastian? I know I’m probably jumping to conclusions but
I don’t know what else to do. This looks bad. I need to make it clear to him at
dinner that I want no part in this.

“Are you ready to

Was I ready to go?

I was no longer
hungry but I would suck it up and make it through this dinner.

I turned off the
light in my room and stepped outside the door instead of answering him with
words. Sebastian was quiet too as we walked towards the estate.

A few minutes
later we entered the dinning room. I expected a large room with a table that
sat twenty. It surprised me that the room was small, cozy, and the table sat

Sebastian pulled
out the closest chair to the right of the head of the table. He gestured for me
to come and take a seat. I walked over and he took my left hand into his while
I sat down. He kissed my hand gently but let his lips playfully linger for a brief

Sebastian was

His eyes held mine
and I was lost. Lost in the sea of deep blue. His eyes seemed to know my
secrets and that was okay. I wanted to know his secrets too.

In the next moment
everything changed.

Sebastian moved
his hand from mine. His hands moved up my body to my shoulders and lifted me up
out of my chair. His arms then came around my body crushing me to his chest and
his mouth was on mine instantly.

It wasn’t gentle.

His kiss was rough
but his lips felt amazing. I responded immediately. I couldn’t say no to this
man.  His tongue came out to gently part my lips and I willingly opened my
mouth to greet his tongue.

His kiss was like
nothing I had ever experienced. I had heard of seeing fireworks when a kiss was
intense but I never believed it. I was a believer now.

My palms were
resting on his chest so I slowly brought them up his body and around his neck.
I pulled him closer to me. I felt like I couldn’t get close enough.

His hands were
everywhere on my body. The warmth in my belly was back with a vengeance and I
needed to satisfy it.

Sebastian put his
hands under my ass and lifted me, placing my legs around his waste. I hugged
him tightly with my legs and I could feel his erection in between them. It was
incredible. The desire that I thought didn’t exist in my body was making itself

continued kissing me while moving us until my back hit the wall behind me. His
hips were grinding against my core and I could feel the slow build up between
my legs. I needed more. I needed his hands on me, his mouth on me, and I needed
him inside me.

He broke away from
my mouth and started leaving light kisses up my jaw and down my neck.  His
right hand was massaging my breast while his other hand held my ass tightly. As
he was squeezing my ass his fingertips gently brushed against my core and I let
out a soft groan. I needed relief from the ache that was building but it wasn’t

He started sucking
on the area of skin behind my ear and I about lost it. I grabbed his hair as I
let out a loud moan.

He let out his own
moan from the back of his throat and whispered roughly in my ear. “You see Mia,
this is why I wanted you to wear a dress. If you had listened I would be inside
you right now. “His hand moved from my breast and made its way to the fastening
of my pants.

“I’m going to take
these off you and lay you across the dining room table. I want to kiss every
inch of your body before I bury myself inside you.”

I was so
incredibly turned on. His lips came back to my skin and he started kissing the
top of my chest. He unfastened my pants and started to slowly pull them off
when my brain decided to work again.

“Stop, we need to
stop.”  My breath was staggered but I managed to say the words.

Sebastian’s hands
instantly stilled and his lips released my flesh. He was panting just as hard
as I was. I wanted to take it back and continue where we left off but I knew I
was making the right decision.

My hands moved to
his chest, giving him a light shove letting him know to release me. Once I was
back on the ground I started to think more clearly.

What had I done?
Fifteen minutes ago I was about to tell him how this would never happen. 

I wasn’t going to
be one of those girls. I had more respect for myself than that. I must look
like a total slut. I met him this morning and by dinner I was ready to have sex
with him on the dining room table.

Classy Mia.

Neither of us said
a word. I didn’t know what to say and the look on Sebastian’s face told me that
was a good thing. He looked pissed and I didn’t want to say anything that would
make his anger worse. He probably thought I was such a tease.

I was just about
to tell him I would leave when a woman walked into the room carrying two plates
of salad. She was also a tall blonde with a perfect figure.

If he had all
these Barbie types in the house then why did he need me? I must be an
experiment for him.

She smiled at us
both, went over to the dining room table and placed the salad on the
table.  This snapped Sebastian out of whatever was going through his mind.
He stood up straight and thanked the woman before dismissing her.

As she left the
room he broke the silence.

“That’s Rachel.
She’s the overnight Chef on the estate. She will be serving us our dinner
tonight.” He let out a deliberate cough, “You might want to fix your clothing.

I looked down to
see what the damage was. I was a hot mess. I straightened my blouse out and
refastened my pants. I ran my fingers through my hair a couple times to make it
look manageable.

“Shall we eat?” He
said to me as he motioned towards the table.

“Yes please. Lets
get this over with.” After embarrassing myself by practically throwing myself
on him, I wanted dinner to be over as soon as possible. I wanted to go to my
new room and have a pity party for one.

Sebastian didn’t
wait for me to be seated this time. He sat down in his chair and immediately
poured some wine into our glasses. I wasn’t going to drink. I needed a clear
head around him. One glass of wine and I would be back against that wall.



“I want to make
myself perfectly clear. What just happened between us will never happen again.
I’m not sure why you hired me. I mean… I don’t know what your motives are but I
am not like the other girls who work for you. I am not going to sleep with my
boss and I am definitely not okay sharing the man I sleep with.” I paused to
see what his reaction was but his face showed me nothing.

“I want to work
here, for you, but if you can’t respect my decision then this will never work
out. I would rather know now then a few weeks from now. If you can do this,
great! If you can’t I will pack my bag tonight.”

I waited to see
what he would say. I wanted him to be okay with this. I couldn’t imagine
leaving here tonight and never seeing him again. I would do it if I had to but
I hope that I don’t.

I may have just
met him but I felt a connection with him. I have lived most of my life feeling
numb and knowing something was missing. The moment I met him it was like my
body had awaken. I wasn’t willing to give up this feeling but I wasn’t willing
to be his plaything either.

Sebastian looked
away from me and started eating his salad.  He was shoveling the food in
his mouth like it was his last meal; meanwhile I wouldn’t be able to hold down
anything I ate.

Rachel came back
in with the main course and we ate in silence. I managed to take two bites of
my steak while nursing my glass of water. I would catch Sebastian’s subtle
glances my way but I never looked up. At the end of the meal I was convinced he
was going to personally escort me from the property.

Sebastian suddenly
stood up and placed his napkin on his plate. “Dinner was lovely. I hate to eat
alone so you saved me from boredom. I have something I need to do so I will see
you out.”

Did that mean I
was staying? Did he want me to continue working for him? He was being cold and
distant. I couldn’t blame him but I needed to know that we were ok.

“Sebastian, please
listen to me. I didn’t mean to make things awkward. What happened earlier was
nice but it can’t happen again. It may not be what you want but its what I
need. I have had a lot of shit happen to me in my life and I moved to Miami to
start fresh. I don’t take these things lightly,” I said as I made a gesture
with my hands between us. “If I got involved with you it would break me. I need
commitment and you could never give that to me. Please understand.”

I got up from my
chair. “I can see myself out. Thank you for dinner and have a good rest of the

“Mia… I can
respect your decision. Lets forget tonight happened and start fresh in the
morning. I should have never mauled you like that. I know you’ve had a hard
life and I’m sorry. It was unprofessional and it won’t happen again. I hope you
have a good night in your new room. If you need anything just let me know.”

He was being
sweet. He was acting like he cared. He even pretended to know and understand
about my past. There was hope for him after all.

I thanked him
again and walked back to the employee quarters. A couple of the girls were
sitting in the large living room we shared.  Michelle was there and wanted
me to join them but luckily she didn’t push it. It had been a long day and I
wanted to go to bed.

When I walked into
my room the light was on. There was a small stack of papers placed on my bed. I
walked over to see what it was.



are the copies of your employee contract; I look forward to getting to know
you. You will be a great asset to our team.



Under her note was
my contract.

I decided to
strip, get into pajamas, and get right in bed. I would look over the contract
tomorrow. It wasn’t smart to go to bed without washing my make-up off but I
didn’t care. I didn’t want to see anyone the rest of the evening.




I was lying down
on the bed and I couldn’t sleep. My mind was replaying everything that happened
with Sebastian. His lips... his tongue... his rough voice... his hands all over
my body... his hips grinding into mine. I needed a distraction or I would never
get to sleep.

Reading always
helps me fall asleep so I decide to read over the contract. The legal terms
should get me to sleep in no time. I flick the bedside light on and pick up the
contract from the nightstand.

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