The Rocker That Holds Her (The Rocker...) (5 page)

BOOK: The Rocker That Holds Her (The Rocker...)
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Chapter 6


Planning a surprise party for the person that normally runs almost every aspect of your life is fucking hard.

Between trying to pay for the club, ordering the food, and making sure that only the right people were invited was no piece of cake. Yet somehow, between the four of us, we got it done. Of course I was reluctant to admit that Axton helped us out with a lot of it. Damned man, now he would get to share in the credit and Emmie was going to be all kinds of gushy over that.

Jesse offered to keep Emmie busy while we set up. I wanted to be the one to do it, but he spoke up quicker than I had and I didn’t want to argue over it. It was just a little alone time with Emmie after all. I wasn’t jealous, or even pouty about it. Not even a little bit…

Yeah, I’m a liar. I was completely jealous and more than a little pouty. I didn’t speak to anyone as I filled balloons with helium and helped hang the banner that read:
Happy Birthday Emmie!
I wanted to be with Emmie, picking out the new tattoo with her that she said was the only thing she wanted for her birthday.

Drake!” Shane called from the back of the club where he and Axton were setting up the gift table. “Put the fucking bottle down and help us out, brother.”

I glanced over at my friend who was sitting at the bar watching us do the grunt work while he took a swig from an almost full bottle of Jack Daniels. I grimaced, wondering if Emmie would end up sleeping beside him tonight if the nightmares became unmanageable. I worried about Drake on a daily basis. Most days I prayed that he would hold on a little longer and be able to fight the demons that haunted him for just another day more.

“You got it covered, dude. There’s nothing left to do.”

He was right. The buffet table that groaned under the weight of all of Emmie’s favorite foods was set up. The bartender was making sure that he had enough liquor to handle a shit load of rockers—plus Drake. The gift table was loaded with gifts of all shapes and sizes. I had hung red and black skull balloons throughout the club, because Emmie was a freak for skulls. And the banner which had taken me and Drake twenty minutes to put up was hanging perfectly.

Now all we had to do was wait for the birthday girl.

Taking a page out of Drake’s book, I picked up a bottle and took a long pull from it. It was Patron, and I had learned that out of all the liquor in the world tequila fucked me up the worst. Tonight, I needed the numbness.

Six weeks ago I had realized that I wasn’t just lusting after Emmie. I was full blown in love with that girl… woman. She was a woman now. One hundred percent. Either way, I loved her. And if she showed one little hint that she felt even a little of what I felt, then I would jump through the fires of Hell to make her mine.

But she hadn’t. There was nothing to suggest that she even liked me as more than a friend, let alone wanted me. It was a hard pill to swallow, but I wasn’t about to disrupt our friendship—the only fucking link I had to her—by telling her how I felt when she obviously didn’t feel the same.

My head and heart were in agreement on that subject at least. My dick on the other hand? Not so much. I hadn’t had sex in nearly two months now, a record for me. Two months of being unable to respond to the girls lining up to let me between their legs. Two months of only getting hard when Emmie was in the same room as me. My right hand was getting callused from all the jacking I was doing now.

I was down to half a bottle of Patron when the bouncer gave us the signal that Jesse and Emmie had arrived. The club wasn’t overly crowded. All five of OtherWorld’s band members had shown up. They adored Emmie, some more than others if the way Axton kept sniffing around was any indication. Rich had come. We had invited him out of respect for our manager, not because we had actually wanted him there. The two bands that we were on tour with at the moment were also in attendance, plus the road crew that had been with us for four years now. All in all there was a total of about thirty people, with only about twelve of them being female.

The bartender dimmed the lights and Shane lit the candles on the cake while we all gathered around the pink and black skull shaped birthday cake. We heard the door open and Drake and I started singing
Happy Birthday

What?!” Emmie exclaimed when she saw what we had done. Her eyes grew bright and she had the biggest smile on her face as she came closer with Jesse right behind her. “Oh Gods!”

Everyone joined in on the birthday song, and she was openly laughing as she stood over the huge cake. I pushed Wroth aside so I could wrap my arms around her tiny waist and kissed her cheek after I had finished the song. “Happy birthday, baby girl. Make a wish.”
Wish for me!
I silently begged.

Pulling her hair to one side, she bent over enough to blow out all twenty-one candles. When they had all winked out she turned and hugged me. “Thank you!” She kissed my cheek hard. “I love it.”

My hands tightened around her waist for a moment too long before I let her go so she could hug everyone else. When she had finally hugged Jesse she went willingly into Axton’s arms and let him kiss her on the cheek too. That was when I pulled my bottle of Patron back out and started chugging that shit.

Okay, let’s see this new tattoo,” Shane commanded an hour or more later.

I raised my heavy head. “Yeah, let’s see.”

I regretted the words as soon as she started pulling her jeans down. All I could think was that Emmie was stripping in front of a room full of horny ass rockers. But my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth and I couldn’t voice my protests. Instead, I was helpless to do anything but sit there and watch as she exposed her hip.

It was bandaged but she carefully pulled the tape back and exposed a black heart with demon wings. My heart constricted when I saw four names in red ink in the middle of the heart. Drake. Jesse. Shane… Nik. I skimmed a shaky finger over my name.

How did I get over the fact that my name was now on her beautiful body?


If you want the truth, I didn’t completely sober up after that night. I was half drunk for at least two weeks after that. As soon as the numbness of the alcohol would start to fade I would start drinking again.

We went through four different cities during that time. Today we had arrived in city number five and a whole day ahead of schedule, due to a snow storm in Memphis that had been bad enough to shut the state of Tennessee down.  Of course we had arrived to heavy rain showers in Tampa, and I was sure that it was going to start thundering soon.

Emmie’s fear of thunder and lightning made me dream of her. I had lost count of the times she had climbed through my window when we lived next door to each other as kids because of her fear of thunder storms. Thunder always made me think of Emmie and her cuddled close to me as we would wait out the storms together. Of course I dreamed of her often anyway, but tonight the dream was particularly vivid.

I was stroking my dick when my tormenter appeared in the doorway of my hotel room. Fuck she was beautiful with the light from the bathroom highlighting her auburn hair and porcelain complexion. She was barefoot, which was just fine with me, but normally in my dreams Emmie came to me in thigh high boots and very little else.

I wiped a smear of my desire off the tip of my dick with my thumb and held out my hand to her. “I’ve been waiting all night for you. Come here, baby.”

She didn’t hesitate as she did as I asked. As soon as she was beside me I cupped her hand around my aching cock. The feel of her soft hands on my throbbing flesh was sublime. “Do you feel how much I need you?” I asked in a voice that didn’t sound like my own it was so full of desire.

“Yes,” was her husky answer that made me shiver with pleasure.

I loved that I had to teach her how to touch and stroke me. Emmie was innocent in my dream. So sweet and innocent. I had wanted to teach her all the amazing things about lovemaking for more years than I could actually admit to myself. I knew that she couldn’t be that innocent in real life, though. She and Jesse had gotten even closer lately and then there was Axton.

Not wanting to think of either of those fuckers at the moment, I kissed my dream Emmie. She tasted of toothpaste, which might have thrown me off for a moment if I hadn’t been drunk before I had fallen asleep. But under the taste of mint was her unique taste and it was so sweet. I was sure I hadn’t tasted anything so sweet in my life and I told her so.

Graceful fingers combed through my hair and tangled in the thick locks. Her eagerness delighted me and I grinned down at her. “I’m not going anywhere,” I promised.

“I need you, Nik,” she cried.

I cupped her face, trying to take in every line of my dream Emmie. “I need you too, baby.” She was so fucking beautiful it hurt to breathe for a moment. I kissed her, trailing down her jaw and neck, stopping only long enough to suck on her rapidly beating pulse at the base of her neck.

Stripping my dream Emmie was a treat in and of itself. I took my time, making sure that I licked every inch I exposed. When I got to the tattoo that had my name inside, I sucked and nibbled my way around the heart. “This is sexy as hell.”

Only after I had my fill of her front did I turn her onto her stomach, the tattoo she had gotten shortly after she had turned eighteen spread across her back. The demon wings that Drake had designed specifically for her never failed to make me stop and stare. The words portraying her as ours—Property of Demon’s Wings—said it all for me. Only I wished it said “Property of Nik” instead.

When my dick skimmed over her perfect ass, I grew twice as hard. I wanted in that sweet ass. Had dreamed of taking her there a dozen times over the years. When she eagerly spread for me, offering me whatever I wanted, I had to turn her down. I was harder than I could ever remember being in my life, and it was because it was her that I was making love to tonight. Even if it was just my dream Emmie, my body was getting what it wanted and my dick was nearly double in size in my need to have her.

To avoid temptation I turned her over and buried my face between her sweet smelling legs. If I had thought her kiss was the sweetest thing I had ever tasted, I had been severely wrong. How could a woman taste of such sweet nectar? I lapped it all up, smearing her liquid desire all over my face as I felt her come all over my tongue.

I wanted her to taste the sweet treat and kissed her without wiping her desire from my face. She stilled under me when she got that first taste, but then I felt her melting for me again and knew that she enjoyed the flavor of herself. Her teeth bit into my bottom lip, sucking her release from my mouth.

With an agonized groan, I rolled us so she was straddling my waist. This was what I liked… to have her on top while I watched those perfectly formed tits bouncing while she rode me hard. But I needed the words first, needed to hear what I was too much of a coward to ask for when I was awake.

“Tell me you are mine.”

I’m yours. All yours, Nik!”

I didn’t think about a condom. The only sex I was having was with dream Emmie and I didn’t need them so I stopped carrying them. So when she took all of me into her incredibly tight, agonizingly wet pussy I was bare. If I wasn’t already asleep I was sure that I would have passed out from the sheer pleasure of feeling her stretching to fit me.

I hit a barrier and paused for only a moment before thrusting deep. My heart flipped at the realization that I was dream Emmie’s first. Tears burned my eyes, but I blinked them away as she took me to the very hilt.

My fingers gripped her hips as she started to move. “Don’t. Please don’t move. I’m going to embarrass myself and blow in that sweet pussy way to soon if you move.”

She leaned forward, kissing me while those tits that I loved so much skimmed over my chest. I cupped one with my left hand while the other held her firmly in place. Gods, she fit so perfectly in my hand. It was almost as if she was made for me, but I knew it was just my dream giving me an imagined form.

Her pussy grew slicker, wetter with need. When she whimpered my name I gave her what she needed. Her little clit was super sensitive as I rubbed it in tight little circles. She screamed my name as she rocked back and forth. She felt like pure heaven as her walls clenched around me with each glide up and down my shaft.

I knew she was close and I thanked all of those gods that she prayed to because I was holding on to my control by my fingernails. I increased the pressure on her clit and felt her body convulse at the same time her pussy flooded with her release. It was too much, too fucking much!

I came harder than I had in my entire life. Nothing could compare to how incredible making love to my dream Emmie was.

Dream Emmie was fading now that my body was spent. Darkness was rushing up to consume me and I was helpless to escape it.

The next morning I had a hell of a headache and I promised myself I wasn’t ever going to drink like that again. Emmie was waiting for me downstairs in the hotel’s restaurant, ready to have breakfast. I had to push down my urge to kiss her on the lips, knowing that I only had that privilege in my dreams.

While we waited for our meal to arrive I watched as she added more sugar than normal to her coffee. When she overdosed it with too much cream I realized that she wasn’t even paying attention to what she was doing.

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