The Royal Affair (The Palmera Royals) (2 page)

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Go. Go now! Escape!

He didn’t. Instead, he found himself standing and watching them. Watching her. But it was as if his feet were lead-filled and he couldn’t move even if he wanted to. “Thought you nearly had me with your bid on Babushka.” Charlie tossed a devilish grin toward Jonas. Oh shit. He knew that look. Charlie was planning something.

“I’m hosting a barbecue at my homestead tonight, horse talk and celebrating the end of the sales. We’d be delighted if you would come.”

Dread spiraled through Jonas.
Say no! No!
His gaze hooked Marina’s, willing her to read his mind.

Like she always did before

It didn’t work. She ignored him and switched her gaze to Charlie, mouth curving.

Damn it. She knew he wanted her to say no, and he sure as hell knew from that twinkle in her eyes she wasn’t about to play ball. “I’d be delighted to come. It will give me a chance to see the countryside.”

“Well, excellent. Coming down to Cambridge is a sure way to see more of our little slice of paradise. Sure is a bit different from all these high rises and jam-packed freeways.”

“Sounds wonderful. If you give one of my bodyguards the address, I’ll arrange to get down.”

“Oh no, don’t you worry about that.” Charlie shot Jonas a look over his shoulder and gave him a conspiratorial wink.

Uh-oh. Jonas’s nerves shot into overdrive. He didn’t like that look one little bit.

“Jonas lives right next door. He can bring you down, can’t you, son?”

Nope. Not on your life.

He went to refuse outright, but Charlie cut him off. “Won’t take no for an answer.”

Shit! Jonas watched Marina cross the foyer and speak to her bodyguards. It gave him the moment he needed, and he grabbed Charlie by the arm. “What the heck are you up to, Charlie?”

The old man’s eyes crinkled, then widened as he feigned innocence. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yeah, right.”

“Aw, heck, Jonas, this is all about business. How about helping an old-timer out? Besides, you could do with a little bit of female company.”

“She’s a princess, for God’s sake. Royalty.”

“She’s a woman.”

Hell, yeah. All woman. Something he knew from personal experience.

“Do it for me, Jonas. I know the young lady wants to buy Babushka, and if I sold her to Palmera Stables, well, imagine how that’s going to affect my business.”

“The publicity won’t do your stables any harm.”

“Dead right,” he agreed with a chuckle. “So how about you do an old man a favor.”

Jonas pursed his mouth with annoyance, but the truth was he couldn’t say no to Charlie. The man and his family had been there when…well, when life turned to crap.

Ten minutes later, he was exactly where he didn’t want to be—driving to Charlie’s with the woman who had plagued his dreams for years sitting right beside him.

Repeat after me. Keep your eyes on the road, buster. Straight ahead. No peeking.

Jonas did exactly that. He kept his eyes firmly on the road, but the trouble was his body was off-kilter, aware of the woman sitting next to him. He wouldn’t mind kissing her.

“You hold the steering wheel any tighter, and it just might break off.”


Marina nodded toward his hands. “Your knuckles are a whiter shade of pale, Jonas.”

Cursing silently, he offered a shrug as nonchalantly as he could. “Rough patch in the road, and this isn’t a limousine.”

“I don’t always travel in oversized vehicles.”

At last he gave in to temptation and glanced at the beautiful woman next to him.


A glorious mistake.

His body surged, blood pounding in places it had no right to pound right now. “Really? And here I thought size always mattered.”

Her lilting laughter rang out in the confines of his SUV. “Oh, Jonas, that is such macho thinking.”

He relaxed a fraction and winked. “I’m a macho kinda guy.”

“Bigheaded too. You don’t do commitment. You walked out, not even returning my calls.”

His grip on the steering wheel tightened further.

“And it’s a shame you couldn’t remember to tell me you were leaving, Jonas.”

“I had other things on my mind.”

“Seems to me it was a case of out of sight, out of mind.”

“No. It was about praying my daughter would survive.”

“Daughter? What daughter?”

“Her name’s Suzie. It was also about burying my wife.”

“Oh my God. I’m sorry. That can’t have been easy.” She looked away from him for a moment. “You could have told me you were married.”

“I was divorced. Besides, it never came up. We were too busy.” Burying his ex had brought up all sorts of stuff. Okay, so Talia might have been his ex-wife, but nevertheless, she had been his daughter’s mother, and he had loved her once. He wasn’t sure she’d ever loved him, though, and as he’d watched her coffin disappear into the bowels of the earth, he’d shut down the idea of love everlasting—except for his daughter.

Any other love wasn’t worth the risk.

“I was going to call. I tried, but…it was too late.”

Chapter Two

Well, that told her exactly where she stood in Jonas’s life. Nowhere important, which was just as well, because she couldn’t handle the heartbreak again. In his eyes, the past was exactly that. Gone. Over and done with.

If only it were that simple.

But he had a daughter. And a wife. Ex-wife. A dead ex-wife. So what did that make their time together? Simply a fling? And worse, how could she have been so close to him, physically and emotionally, and yet not know him at all?

Lost in sad thoughts, only vaguely aware of the dusk settling over the lush rolling landscape, she straightened as they finally arrived at the outskirts of the small rural town of Cambridge. Jonas drew up to a wide driveway and cut the engine.

“Welcome to Lansdowne Stud.”

Wide wrought-iron gates were drawn back, and above, crafted in a cursive script, was the name of the homestead. She took in the long winding driveway guarded by the gentle shadow of soaring poplars. In the distance, she spied a house of immense proportions.

“It’s a beautiful property.”

“Charlie’s reputation is renowned. His horses are known internationally as a good investment.”

Marina glanced briefly toward Jonas. “That’s why I’m buying Babushka.”

“You reckon?” He flicked her a questioning look.

“I do.” The wheels were already in motion. He just didn’t know it. She scanned the landscape, admiring its beauty. “This country is so green.”

“Good pasture breeds good horses, and New Zealand breeds winners, many from this region.”

“Like Phar Lap.”

“You know about Phar Lap?”

“Of course.” She sighed back into the luxurious leather seat, unable to suppress the taint of disappointment. “I do my research. I told you I’m not playing at being in business. He was one of your country’s most famous horses.”

“Impressive. You know your stuff.”

She clicked her tongue with disdain. “You better believe it.”

He offered her a mock salute. “Yes, ma’am. Understood.”

“Good.” Suddenly, she was smiling at him. Smiling, darn it! She could shoot herself. She wanted to be annoyed with him—and she was, but she was more hurt. Hurt that he’d never trusted her enough to mention his family. Hurt that he’d lied by omission.

She flicked back a loose strand of hair, checking her lipstick. “Will I be all right? I mean, what’s the dress code for a New Zealand barbecue?”

“Probably jeans and jandals, knowing this crowd.”

She frowned. “What?”

“Flip-flops is the Kiwi term for rubber sandals. But I’m surprised you’d worry about stuff like that.”

“I don’t like to disappoint.”

His beautiful mouth curved ever so slightly as his gaze shifted downward in a sultry sweep. “Baby, you could never disappoint.”

Marina tried to ignore the way her body responded to his sensual inspection, the way her nipples pebbled beneath her clothes, and the way heat siphoned through all parts north and south, then centered in one place in particular.

She swallowed, though her action in no way eradicated the lump in her throat. It was as if he held her captive, and her body no longer listened to her brain. She craved him. His touch. His…

He left you

Desperate to break the sensual thread suddenly connecting them, she gathered up her clutch bag and flicked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Right, let’s get this show on the road.”


She wagged a finger at him as if he were a naughty schoolboy, only to realize she’d nearly touched him. She curled her finger back.
Don’t touch. You can’t afford to do that.
“In this business, it’s all about being on show. I have to give the public what they want.”

“Which is?”

“A fantasy. I’m a princess by birth, something I can’t walk away from. Little girls dream of being princesses.”

“While you get to live it. What fun.”

“I wish. It’s darned hard work.”

“Then I guess it’s time for some rest and relaxation.” Jonas shifted the vehicle into gear, and they headed down the driveway, her bodyguards in the vehicle following.

On either side of the poplars, a few sheep grazed. The head of the driveway spread out into a circle in front of the ranch-style homestead where at least twenty cars were already parked.

Just as they drew to a halt, Charlie Flanders strode down the front steps, offering a beaming smile. “Welcome, welcome, Your Highness.”

Marina exited the SUV into Charlie’s friendly embrace. “Thank you for inviting me. You were right. The drive down was delightful, and being able to see more of the country than auction houses or airports is a treat.”

Charlie beamed. “Well, you’re in the heart of horse breeding country down here, Your Highness.”

Marina rested her hand on his arm. “Please, call me Marina. I’m not on official business.”

“Delighted to. Come on and I’ll introduce you to everyone.”

With a quick glance over her shoulder at Jonas, who simply offered another of his bone-melting smiles and a wink to go with it, she followed Charlie inside.

The relaxed atmosphere of the evening proved just the break she needed—except whenever she looked toward Jonas. The man’s quiet intensity seemed to follow her around the room. Oh, he smiled and chatted with other guests, especially one blonde who seemed to hang on every word he uttered, but Marina couldn’t evade his all-encompassing awareness, or the heat that sparked between them.

Dinner of lamb on the spit and a myriad of salads was superb, followed by the decadent Pavlova, a meringue and marshmallow-like dessert topped with whipped cream and kiwi fruit. Marina tucked in.

“Looks like you’re enjoying that.” Jonas had snuck up behind her and joined her on the wooden bench out on the patio. Citronella-scented flaming torches fragranced the air.

“It’s delicious.” She licked the last dab of cream off her spoon and offered a guilty smile. “And it’s my second helping.”

“You’re living dangerously.”

She sure was. Playing with fire, flirting with Jonas. “Why not?”

He edged closer, and his heat circled around her.

Why not?

Because you’ll get hurt. Again. Because he has a daughter.

The spoon fell from her fingertips into the bowl with a clatter and broke the invisible thread between them. Marina stood in a rush and placed the still half-full dessert bowl on the small side table beside her. Suddenly, the exotic and richly decadent dessert tasted no better than soggy cardboard. She glanced away from Jonas, desperate to find an excuse to escape, and found none.

“You looked all cozy with Charlie.” Jonas nodded toward their host, deep in conversation with another horse breeder across the far side of the patio.

“He’s a nice man. We chatted about…about horses.”

To one side, Jacques, one of her bodyguards, stood rigid, a deep frown centering his brow as he spoke on his cell phone, clearly disturbed about something. He strode toward her. “Your Highness, we’ve just been notified that the main highway is blocked by an accident. Police say it’ll be hours before it’s cleared.”

An icy shiver slithered down her spine. She hated hearing of accidents. They always reminded her of her mother, Princess Charlotte, who died in a road crash when Marina was still in her teens. The loss had been devastating to her entire family, her father’s grief overwhelming.

Growing up without a mother had been tough. Worse was the moment when she truly needed her mother at her side, someone who would understand. Someone to talk to. Even more, to ask her mother why love didn’t work sometimes.

“Can we find a hotel?” she asked.

Jacques shook his head. “We’re still making enquiries, but it doesn’t look like it. There’s a tributary bridge which is an alternative route, but unfortunately, that too is damaged, Your Highness.”


Marina turned to Jonas, and her breath hitched. He was so close and looked so good. Her gaze roamed at will. His dark silky hair was just a tad too long to be fashionable. There was a smattering of gray hair at his temples that hadn’t been there four years ago. Then there was his broad mouth, which, when he smiled, offered a sexy dimple in each cheek.

For a moment, she fixated on his strong hands, his fingertips roughened from his outside work. Heat stole up her spine as she remembered the feel of his fingers sliding along her body, caressing her, teasing her in secret places.

Oh, dear God, she was lost.

She dug her own fingers into her palms, forcing herself to snap out of such dangerous thoughts, refusing to let the sensual memory gain further traction. Time to focus on the moment, not on the past. Hadn’t Jonas reminded her of this fact earlier? “The road is closed and there’s no way back to the city.”

“So I heard. No problem. Stay with me. I’ve got plenty of room.”

Shock stilled her voice for several heartbeats. “I…I can’t.”

“Seems to me you don’t have any choice. I heard your bodyguard say there were no hotels available. The All Blacks versus Argentina are playing in Hamilton as part of a multination tournament.”

Marina frowned, having lost track of what Jonas was talking about.

“Rugby,” he said, as if that explained everything. “It’s our national game,” he added for clarity. “So since there’s nowhere else to go, and I brought you down here, you’re my responsibility.”

“No, it’s fine. I can sort something out.” She couldn’t stay with him. No way.

“It’s no problem. I’ve already sorted it out with Charlie. You’ll be perfectly safe with me, Your Highness. I’m not about to haul you into my bedroom and ravish you.”

“I didn’t think you would.” Even though she wanted him to.

“Interesting thought, though, but I guess I’d have a hard time getting past the beefcakes.” He nodded toward Jacques and Pierre, standing sentinel a few feet behind her. “So how about it? Camping in your SUV, or my place?”

Her fantasy evaporated. Okay, so he didn’t want to ravish her. Marina swallowed back the sudden spark of disappointment.

“Camping with your beefcakes could be a bit cramped, I reckon,” he continued. “Those guys have got to be six foot six apiece.”

“Jacques and Pierre have been with me for years.”

“Yeah, I remember them playing gooseberry when all I wanted was to get you alone.”

“Yes, well, Jacques does have a penchant for garlic over everything, and I think a night cooped up with him would be um… rather challenging.”

“So I guess that’s a yes.”

She forced Ms. Princess back in place. “Yes, thank you.” The role of playing princess was far easier than being his ex-lover. “But what about my bodyguards?”

“Don’t worry about them, there’s a sleepout ready and waiting for them.” He held the door open for her, but Marina spied Charlie saying good-bye to other guests.

“Just a moment.” She walked over to her host and rested a hand on his forearm. “Sorry to interrupt, but have you considered my proposal?”

Charlie’s smile broadened. “Sure have.” He held a hand out to her. “You’ve got yourself a deal, Your Highness.”

Marina cheered secretly. This was exactly what it was all about, making deals that would push her business to the top of its field, being in control of her destiny. She took Charlie’s handshake but gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. The rough-and-ready man with a heart of gold blushed beneath his sun-toughened leathery complexion.

She didn’t offer any explanation as she rejoined Jonas, and within minutes, they were on the road. His home was less than half a kilometer away, and with each second of the journey, her nerves shot into overdrive as she struggled to keep her well-practiced facade in place.

Outside his front door, he cut the engine and shifted in his seat to face her. He hooked an arm over the steering wheel. “So what was that tête-à-tête you had with Charlie about?”

“I closed on the deal for Babushka. I succeeded, Wilder.” Witnessing his disbelief, she couldn’t help but laugh. “And not a head butt in sight. The man’s a pussycat, really.” Pushing down on the door handle, she exited the vehicle, then stilled. “I told you I would. You offered me a challenge I couldn’t refuse.” Closing the door on a dumbstruck Jonas was something she enjoyed immensely.

On the doorstep, while Jonas fumbled with the keys, the chilly night air circled and a shiver slithered down Marina’s spine as she stared back down the driveway.

“You having second thoughts?” he asked.

She turned from the ghostly sway of nearby trees and tried to smile.

Jonas waved to her bodyguards. “The beds are made up for you guys.” He pointed toward a light haloing the entrance to a door some twenty feet away. “It’s a granny flat installed by the previous owners for their aging parents.”

Jacques stood his ground, stance rigid, Pierre an exact imitation behind his security partner. “Your Highness,” Jacques said, “this is highly irregular.”

It was, and she wasn’t sure it was a good idea either. She’d be alone with Jonas. “It is, but it’s also unavoidable.” What she didn’t say was that her nerves were shot and she wasn’t quite sure how she was going to get through the night. And that what she really wanted to do was jump his bones.

Ignoring the erotic thoughts carousing inside her brain, she tempered her voice as best she could. “I’ll be fine, gentleman. Please, get yourselves a good night’s sleep.” She gave Jonas a quick look, grateful for the encompassing darkness of a shadowed moon. “Mr. Wilder is an old friend.”

“That’s right, guys, we’re just going to catch up for old times’ sake.” Without giving her bodyguards time to argue, Jonas grabbed her hand and pulled her up the steps and inside his home, leaving Jacques and Pierre staring wide-eyed.

The house seemed eerily quiet, but he gave her no time to mitigate his control of the moment and tugged her behind him, taking the stairs two at a time. Okay, so following him had its good points, giving her a wonderful moment to study the man’s butt. Firm. Perfectly formed. His long, strong legs…

“Your bedroom.”

Marina snapped to attention and dragged her gaze away from things she should definitely not be ogling. But she hadn’t gotten away with it, because Jonas watched her with an intensity that sent shivers scurrying along her spine. Then he smiled, delineating those tiny dimples … So sexy.

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