Read The Rules Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

The Rules (13 page)

BOOK: The Rules
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I put my hands on my hips, trying to ignore how ridiculous I felt. “Surely you were kidding. I can’t go away for the weekend with nothing but a toothbrush, Cade.”

“Why not?”

I rolled my eyes.

He glanced down. “Take off the damn panties, baby. I hate them.”

I tipped my chin up defiantly. Yes, I was testing him. Yes, he was making me hotter by the second. And yes, I was a little pissed by his high-handed ways.

Cade’s shoulders slumped. He stepped into my closet, shuffled through several things on hangers, selected something, and re-emerged.

I paid no attention to whatever he held. My gaze was on his face.

Cade tossed the hanger on the end of the bed and pranced toward me like a predator. “Amelia, you so do not want to play these games with me.”

Oh, but I did. And I didn’t miss his use of my given name. My spine stiffened. It took everything I had to keep from crossing my arms over my chest. I didn’t want him to have the satisfaction.

Calm as can be, Cade strode over my discarded piles of clothes until he reached my side. I had no idea what his intentions were, but him leaning down to heave me up and throw me over his shoulder hadn’t made the list.

I squealed. “Put me down. Jesus, Cade.”

The next thing I knew, I was facedown on the rumpled bed I hadn’t made in months, my panties yanked down to my knees, and Cade was on the bed beside me. The entire mattress dipped as he landed.

I fought to flip over. He held my lower back with one strong hand. His other palm landed on my ass. Hard.

It knocked the wind out of me and shocked me into submission, literally. I froze, unable to breathe.

Cade rubbed my ass where his hand had landed. And then he spanked me again. Several times. I lost count. It hurt. And my pussy ached to be fucked. I was so embarrassed by my response that I buried my face in the mess that was my comforter and stifled a moan.

This should not be arousing

Cade palmed my ass again, squeezing it gently, molding my flesh in his huge hand. “That’s my good girl. Five more, baby. Stay still.”

I sucked in a breath and held it while he landed three more slaps, paused to rub the burn covering my entire ass and part of my thighs. And then the last two, a bit harder.

I didn’t move a muscle. For one, I was afraid I would come, and I didn’t want Cade to know that. For another thing, I’d never been so humiliated. I was a grown woman who’d been spanked by a man as though I were a naughty child.

Which in a sense wasn’t far from the truth.

He might have gone easy on me for wearing the panties in the first place. But even I had to admit I’d crossed the line when I’d flat out refused to remove them. I’d known somewhere in my mind what might happen. I might have even willed it.

But that didn’t take away from the shame.

Cade lay down alongside me and stroked my skin lightly, starting with my ass and moving up my back until he brushed my thick hair from my hidden face.

I turned in the other direction, trying not to cry. If I breathed or spoke, I wouldn’t be able to hold back my emotions.

“Baby, look at me.” He reached across and tucked my hair behind my ear, but it fell right back into its place in front of my face. The first time in my life I was super glad my hair was so thick and unruly.

Cade set his chin on my back and continued to soothe my heated skin.

Thank God. If he’d forced me to face him, I would have freaked out.

As it was, he didn’t give me enough time, but it was something. Grabbing my shoulders, he turned me onto my side, facing him. I kept my eyes shut, my lip tucked between my teeth. A tear rolled down my face, pissing me off. I knew there would be others, and I wondered how Cade would react.

Cade wiped my tear away. “That’s it. Get it out, baby. You’ll feel so much better after.”

He wanted me to cry? Jesus, I was in over my head. But the tears piled up, running down my face until I was engaged in the full-blown ugly cry that included my nose running and me choking back noisy sobs.

I lifted my hand to cover my face, but Cade pulled it away. He kissed my cheek. “That’s my girl. I know that was tough. It’ll get easier.”

It’ll get easier?

I didn’t want it to get easier. I didn’t want it to ever happen again.

I wanted to tell Cade to get the fuck out of my apartment and leave me alone to lick my wounds. I felt like an idiot.

“Baby, look at me,” he repeated, gently stroking my arm now.

I kept my eyes closed, willing myself to stop sobbing. I sucked in deep breaths, making things worse.

I couldn’t move my legs because they were tangled together by my stupid panties. And my ass stung like hell.

Cade eased me back onto my belly and climbed off my bed.

I listened without moving, wondering what the hell he was going to do next. I heard him step toward my bathroom, his feet landing at odd intervals among my clothing. I heard the water running. And then he was back. He gently pulled my panties down my legs and then climbed back up to my side. He turned me toward him again and wiped my face with a cool cloth.

I felt marginally better. My ass still stung, but at least I could breathe.

Surprisingly, he settled me back on my belly, and I heard the pop of something right before a cool substance landed on my butt. “It’s just cream, baby. Found it in your bathroom. It’ll take away the sting.” He rubbed it into my ass for an eternity.

I began to relax while he worked, my body loosening and sinking into the mattress. I was almost dozing when he finally stopped and leaned in to whisper in my ear. “I know you’re tired, baby, but we really have to hit the road. You can rest on the way.” He brushed my hair out of my face, and I finally opened my eyes to peer at him.

He was so gentle. Actually, he’d been gentle through the entire scene. He hadn’t gotten angry. His blows had been hard and accurate, but not out of anger. He was completely calm.

I stared at him. Could I still go with him for the weekend?

He lifted me like a rag doll and held me in his lap, rocking me back and forth for several minutes while he looked into my eyes. “Such a good girl. I’m so proud of you. What you’re feeling is completely normal. You slipped into a sub-space. It leaves you exhausted.”

I said nothing, blinking at him.

His hand smoothed down my body until he reached my sex. “Were you aroused, baby?” He eased me on to my back across the bed and nudged my legs apart.

I let him, completely limp and unable to stop him. I wanted him to touch me.

And when he did, I moaned. Loud.

“Oh, yes. Baby you’re so wet.” He lifted his fingers between us and sucked them into his mouth. And then he smiled. “Everything’s going to be okay, baby.” He climbed off the bed, pulled me to sitting, and reached across to grab something at my side. A second later, he eased the dress he’d chosen from my closet over my head.

I glanced down. It was a sundress, soft material, low cut. I hadn’t worn it for a while. I thought it was too short, and the way it hung in the back made it difficult to wear a bra. But of course Cade had no intention of adding a bra, and he probably selected it intentionally for the length.

I rolled my eyes.

“There she is.” He smiled at me and tugged me to my feet. He snapped his fingers. “Hang on.” He picked his way across the room again and returned carrying a pair of sandals. When he kneeled at my feet and put them on me, I grabbed his shoulders, fighting the urge to cry again at the way he took such care.

When he stood, he took both my shoulders in his hands and faced me. “Let’s go, baby.”

I nodded, finding my voice and glancing around. “I still need to pack a few things.”

“Still?” He chuckled and glanced at the ceiling. “She doesn’t get it.”

I shrugged free of his clutch and ducked under his arm. I went straight to the bathroom and grabbed my bag from the floor. I’d packed everything I would need as far as makeup and bathroom shit. When I turned around, I ran right into Cade. He set his finger under my chin and lifted my face. “You got everything you need from the bathroom?”


“Then let’s go.” He took my bag from my hand, grabbed my arm, and tugged me out of the room and back to the front, flipping off lights as we went. He even reached for my purse on the table next to the front door. And that was it. He was done. He opened the door and ushered me out.

We were leaving, and I was taking nothing with me for a weekend trip to Nashville. Not even one pair of panties or a bra. Just makeup, toiletries, and a toothbrush. Great.

Chapter Nine

I was surprised to find the limo out front, Arthur in the front seat waiting. As soon as we approached, he jumped from the Mercedes and rounded it to open the back door.

I cringed, wondering what he thought had taken us so long. I also knew my face was red and splotchy from crying.

And it didn’t help one bit when I wondered if Arthur was used to picking up crying women with Cade.

Cade set a hand on my back and urged me to get in the car.

After I climbed in, he appeared beside me. The back was roomy and comfortable. I gritted my teeth against the sting of my ass hitting the seat, sending renewed heat to my cheeks.

The door closed, leaving us in silence.

“Lift your skirt, baby. The leather will feel good against your sore skin.”

I lifted my butt to do his bidding and turned my gaze toward the far window so he couldn’t see my face.

I would sooner cut off my right arm than cry again.

I was aware of Cade setting my belongings on the floor, and then he wrapped his hand around my neck and pulled me down into his lap. His fingers threaded in my hair as I braced myself against his thigh.

“Sleep for a bit, baby. You’ll feel better.”

There was no doubt I would gladly close my eyes and block out the universe to avoid confronting him right then.

Cade smoothed his hand down my body until he reached the hem of my dress. He eased the material up over my hip, leaving my bare ass exposed to the cool air of the car. When he stopped moving, resting his fingers across my belly, I resumed breathing normally.

My mind raced.

“Sleep, baby,” he repeated gently.

Completely overloaded, I let it go and drifted into bliss.

When I awoke, it was to the sound of Cade’s voice. He was on the phone, clearly trying to keep his tone down. But I was alert quickly, my face snuggled into his thigh, my hands balled up against my chest.

I blushed when I remembered why my ass stung, and that it was exposed.

Cade must have realized I was awake because his hand moved farther up my waist until he cupped my breast, idly stroking my nipple.

My body came completely alive in less than a second. I had to fight hard to remain still and not moan. Damn it.

Cade continued to talk in hushed tones, his hand never ceasing its actions. It was so casual, I found it hard to believe how aroused I was and how much moisture gathered between my legs.

When he ended the call, he leaned over me, brushed my hair from my face, and smiled. “Hey, baby. You rest well?”

I nodded, pushing myself off his lap. I needed to regroup. And I needed him to stop touching me.

The latter he didn’t oblige me on. He did release my breast as I sat, but only to tug me close to his body and kiss my temple. “Let’s talk.”

My ass was sore, but it wasn’t as bad as it had been before. I glanced around. It was pitch dark outside. “What time is it?”

“About ten. You were exhausted. It’s understandable.” He tipped my face back with a hand on my neck, somehow managing to control my position even from that angle. His gaze met mine, his brow furrowed. “You okay?”

“I think so.”

“I know you defied me on purpose. I knew it would happen eventually. It’s normal behavior in a new D/s relationship. But you know I had to act, right?”

I swallowed.

He nodded. “When you make an innocent mistake, I’ll go easy on you. When you blatantly disobey me, I won’t. I think that’s clear.”

I stared at him, my eyes watering. Finally I found my weak voice. “I’m embarrassed.”

“Don’t.” He shook his head. “It’s part of D/s, baby. You’ll mess up. I’ll punish you. And,” he leaned his face in closer, as if that were possible, “you liked it.”

I took several shallow breaths, trying to wrap my mind around his words. Who liked being spanked like a child?
You did
. It wasn’t as though I could deny it. I’d almost come as his hand made contact with my ass. It had been so erotic. Still, I didn’t relish the idea of being humiliated like that again. “I didn’t like it, Sir.”

“You did, baby.” His hand moved up into my hair, tipping my head back more. He kissed my lips gently. “And it was so sexy.”

I stared at him, unwilling to argue this point and knowing I would lose in the end.

“And I’m going to tell you something else.”

I blinked.

“I intend to spend large chunks of time this weekend playing with you. I don’t want to spank you again too soon. So keep in mind if you defy me, you’ll find yourself in a time out, naked with your nose pressed to the corner of the wall. Spanking is quick and effective. It stops the behavior on the spot. You won’t soon wear panties in my presence again. But if you thought it was embarrassing, wait until you stand in a corner for a while.” He lifted one eyebrow.

I gasped.
He wouldn’t

But I knew he would.

I thought about his words and how they made me feel for a long time. He let me rest against him in silence while he held a small electronic device up and flipped through pages of information, seemingly able to read faster than the average human.

Time out? No way. The knot in my belly became a tight ball. How unbelievably humiliating would that be?

When the limo came to a stop, I was surprised how much time had passed. It was almost midnight. Cade didn’t wait for Arthur. He exited the car himself and helped me out.

I smoothed my dress down, hoping it wasn’t obvious I was naked underneath.

It took Cade only minutes to check us in, and then he took my hand and led me to the elevator. A short ride up and we stepped straight into a suite of rooms.

BOOK: The Rules
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