The Running Series Complete Collection: 3-Book Set plus Bonus Novella (182 page)

Read The Running Series Complete Collection: 3-Book Set plus Bonus Novella Online

Authors: Suzanne Sweeney

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult, #BEACH, #Contemporary, #Suspense, #FOOTBALL

BOOK: The Running Series Complete Collection: 3-Book Set plus Bonus Novella
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“It all depends on who’s behind the bar,” he teases.  “Tonight’s your lucky night.  What can I getcha?”

“How about a Goose Island Pale Ale?” Adam orders.

“Excellent choice,” Derek compliments.  I get back behind the bar and start filling the table orders the waitresses brought over while Derek takes care of the customers at the bar, including Adam. 

I can hear Derek chatting up the guests while holding an intelligent and knowledgeable conversation with Adam about baseball at the same time.  And as I have come to expect, the core contents of that discussion focuses on statistics – games won and lost, player batting averages, ERAs and OBPs – topics that are completely lost on me.

Adam drops another acronym that means absolutely nothing to me.  “Alex says that wOBA is the most precise statistic. It tells you almost everything you want to know about a player's offensive results right there in one number.”  I roll my eyes and go about my business, letting the boys have their meaningless conversation.

The two of them clamor on while I try to listen in, hoping to glean some shred of useful information.  The only thing I am able to decipher is the simple fact that the more often a player has been on base or at bat, the more stats he has accumulated.  Therefore, the numbers are more reliable and predictable, which is why Adam prefers to pull from the minors rather than from high school.  He can make more certain projections and save the club a ton of money because clubs usually get into bidding wars over the best high school prospects.

Aside from the boring shoptalk, I can’t help but notice how much Adam talks about his boss.  “Alex says this ...” and “Alex says that ...” Alex! Alex! Alex! This guy apparently has an opinion about everything and Adam seems determined to share them all with anyone who will listen. 

It sounds like Adam has developed a serious brocrush at work.

For dinner, Adam takes me to one of our favorite hamburger joints, The Committed Pig, in downtown Manasquan.  Their fried pickles are to die for and I’ve been having a serious craving for a while now.

Over dinner, we continue our discussion about his new job.  “I want you to meet Alex.  I think the two of you will really hit it off.  Maybe dinner at the house one night would be nice.  Alex is divorced and doesn’t eat home cooked meals very often.”

I think quickly about the possibility of being trapped in a house with two men talking about baseball and numbers all night.  I love Adam more than anything, but that sounds more like torture than entertainment.

“I have a better idea,” I profess.  “Why don’t you invite Alex to Evan’s party tomorrow?”  I’m hoping Adam jumps at the chance to try and impress his new boss with the likes of Big Mac McGuire. 

“Do you really think it’s a good idea?”

“Positive,” I assure him.  “Alex may be an expert about all things baseball, but you can show off some of your networking skills by making introductions to all kinds of important people tomorrow like Joey Griffin.”  Evan has made a few appearances on Joey’s show, Night After Night, and both he and Adam have become quite friendly with the affable talk show host.

Adam is thrilled with my idea and he can’t wait a moment longer to call Alex.  I listen proudly as Alex accepts Adam’s invitation.  It sounds like Alex has never been to Asbury Park and is looking forward to joining us.

Personally, I think I just dodged a bullet.  I get to meet Adam’s boss and I can easily extract myself from any boring or uncomfortable conversation.  It’s what I call a win-win.

The rest of our dinner conversation is consumed with stories about Alex and work.  Alex seems to have a broad range of knowledge about a wide variety of topics.  According to Adam, Alex was supposed to appear on Jeopardy a few years back, but a work conflict caused a last minute cancellation.

It’s bad enough Adam is with Alex every waking moment during the week.  But the weekends should be

The only time he doesn’t talk about Alex is when we’re in bed.  Thank goodness for small favors because I would go postal if he said anything along the lines of “Alex says this is the best position for maximum pleasure.”  I’m beginning to develop a strong dislike for this stranger I haven’t even met yet. 

lowly I wake up to the sun shining down on my face through the frost covered windows.  Bright, white light beams down on me like a laser.  I rub my eyes, take a deep breath, and try to wake up.  I slide my feet out from under the warm and cozy covers only to discover how cold it is outside of my comfy cocoon.

Adam’s side of the bed is empty as usual, so I pull the sheets back up and roll over onto his pillow, wishing he were here in bed with me.

Just as I’m about to fall back asleep, I hear the front door slam and the unmistakable sound of Adam’s footsteps entering the house.  Where the hell did he go so early in the morning?

Curiosity gets the better of me and I drag myself out of bed in order to investigate.  Adam is pacing around the kitchen and talking on his phone. 

He must have gone to the gym this morning.  He’s wearing his sleeveless compression shirt and baggy shorts.  God, he looks hot.  I stare at his muscles as they flex beneath his lightly tanned skin.  I can imagine how they must have looked glistening with sweat as he worked out.  I’m sure heads were turning as he moved from station to station.

I can’t stop staring and I’m happy I don’t have to. He is mine, after all, a fact that sends warm pleasure sliding through me.

“Hold on, please,” he says as he takes the phone away from his face and stalks determinedly towards me.  He places his hand beneath my chin and gently urges my head back, tilting my mouth up so he can greet me with a deep, lush kiss.  “Good morning, beautiful.”

As he turns to walk away, I notice how good he smells – the provocative mix of body wash and perspiration gets me fired up every time.  He knows it, too.  He looks back at me with an arched brow and rueful half-smile that makes me all tingly.

On the counter is a bag of fresh bagels and cream cheese.  Adam stopped on his way home to get us breakfast.  I take a peek inside the bag and find the plumpest, softest bagels in the world – no doubt he went to Baron’s Bagels down the road.  Every year on his birthday, I send my big brother Mike a dozen bagels down to Florida, along with a log of Taylor’s Pork Roll.  There’s nothing like it and he can’t find it anywhere else.

Adam slips into his small office and starts tapping away on his computer as he continues chatting on the phone.  It sounds like he’s talking to one of the minor league player’s managers.  “Just make sure you get him there so I can give him the good news,” he insists.  “He’s going to make a great addition to the team and we’re lucky to have him.”

This must be one of Adam’s favorite parts of his job.  He is going to give some young man a special gift and the day it happens will be one he remembers for the rest of his life.

Even though Rush is closed to the public today, Reese and I promised Jette and Evan we would go in early to help set up for Evan’s Super Bowl Party.  They want everything to be perfect, and so do I. 

Everyone is going to be there tonight – Marcus and his wife Camilla, Derek and his girlfriend Shea, our hosts Evan and Jette, her best friend Auggie and his husband Lucas, and Reese.  Even if it were just the eleven of us that would be enough for me, but Evan has invited some of his friends and teammates, so there’s sure to be an interesting mix of personalities.

Luckily, I have just enough time to get in my own workout.  My subscription to Netflix provides me with a great selection of prenatal workout videos to choose from so I can get in my cardio and toning exercises in under an hour without ever having to leave the house.  After last night’s fried pickles and this morning’s bagel and cream cheese, working out isn’t an option, it’s a necessity.

When it’s time for me to leave, I find Adam still working in his office.  I step in and notice a big box sitting beside his desk.  Peeking inside, I find piles of Red Hawks gear – hats, T-shirts, and pennants.  “What’s this for?” I ask.

“They’re gifts to our new players,” he explains.  “Alex just gave me the go-ahead to break the good news to one of them immediately.”

I jump up and down, clapping my hands.  “Oh, my God!  That’s so exciting.  Who is it?”

Adam looks at me with a sideways smile.  He raises his eyebrows and asks, “I’d love to tell you, but it has to be a secret. You couldn’t tell anyone – not Reese, not Jette, and definitely none of the guys.  Do you think you could keep quiet?”

I think about it and I know myself well enough to be able to answer him honestly.  “Forty-sixty,” I concede.  “Well ... maybe it’s closer to thirty-seventy.  I’m afraid the odds aren’t very good.”

Adam and I agree that telling me this huge secret probably isn’t a great idea.

I leave Adam to finish his work and head out to Rush.  Thankfully, there’s enough to do to get ready for the party that I don’t have any time to even think about Adam’s big surprise announcement.

The gang is here and together, we all get busy turning a full-service restaurant into a self-service buffet.  Scattered around the room is a taco bar with all the fixings, a chili bar featuring three different varieties of chili, and a Viennese table showcasing all of Juliette’s desserts. 

The restaurant, bar, and kitchen are a flurry of activity as everyone finishes their last minute preparations. The music is playing, the pre-game festivities are projecting, the surfaces are shining, and at last, I think we’re ready. 

Now it’s time to get myself ready.  A quick peek into Jette’s office tells me that the room is empty, so I take a few minutes to get changed and do a little primping. 

I’m in black capris and a white top with the shoulders cut out, showing off the ink on my right shoulder – a brightly colored lotus flower.  It reminds me that beauty can arise from chaos, just like the lotus flower can bloom in murky water.  Besides, it also represents the female anatomy, but not many people know that, so it’s my private little secret.

It doesn’t take me long to touch up my makeup.  I’ve become a whiz at creating the perfect smoky eye in under a minute.  I keep the rest of my make-up simple and natural. A little blush and lip-gloss are all I need to complete the look.

Since I’ve been pregnant, I stopped coloring my hair, so the only fun I get to have with my hair is the occasional color splash.  My favorite, by far, is hot pink, so I went all-in and last week I had fresh fuchsia highlights added to my plain blonde hair that frame my face dramatically.  I absolutely love it! 

Today might be a good day to tone it down, though.  After all, meeting Adam’s new boss is kind of a big deal.  So with a quick sweep of the brush and just by changing the way I part my hair, the dramatic highlights become hidden jewels that only peek out when my hair playfully moves. 

As soon as I step back into the restaurant, the doors swing open, sending in a rush of cold, crisp air.  All heads turn to see who’s arrived first and lucky for me, it’s Adam.  He glides in dressed irresistibly in a pair of gray light-washed jeans with a white shirt and blue sweater tucked haphazardly, showing glimpses of his black leather belt. 

A large stainless steel watch is proudly worn on his wrist.  Evan gave it to him as a gift when he left the Sentinels.  I can’t be sure and I would never ask, but something tells me it’s a very expensive watch.

Everything around me disappears and all I can see is Adam as he walks purposefully towards me.  His shaggy blonde hair.  His mile-wide smile.  His killer body.  These are just a few of the things I love about him.  But the real reason I love him – he is lovable ... and caring ... and thoughtful ... and smart ... and I love the way he makes me feel when he touches me. 

My senses light up when he’s near and I feel a sense of urgency to seal the connection.  But not this time.  This time I will wait and let him come to me.  Sometimes delaying gratification makes the reward even sweeter.

His eyes lock with mine and I am unable to look away.  He smiles at me and I’m greeted with the most beautiful smile in the world.  He walks directly towards me, ignoring everyone else around him. 

As he gets closer, I notice clutched in his hand is a small box wrapped with a simple golden ribbon.  Once he’s close enough, he grabs my hand and raises it above my head, encouraging me to spin around like a jewelry box ballerina.  “Emmy, you look absolutely beautiful tonight.  This is for you, baby.”  His eyes scan me from head to toe, making me feel naked and completely exposed.

“You’re no bum yourself, mister man,” I tell him, unable and unwilling to hide my appreciative smile.

Adam responds by wrapping his long arms around me and holding me tight.  I could get lost in his arms forever.  I wrap my arms around his waist, rest my head on his chest, and inhale his clean, fresh scent.  God, he smells good.

Adam pulls away and hands me the small box.  “This is for you, sweetheart.  Please open it.”

I look at the small gift box that just happens to be the perfect size for a ring.  “Um, I don’t know if I should, Sparky.  I hope it’s not what I think it is.”

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