The Running Series Complete Collection: 3-Book Set plus Bonus Novella (190 page)

Read The Running Series Complete Collection: 3-Book Set plus Bonus Novella Online

Authors: Suzanne Sweeney

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult, #BEACH, #Contemporary, #Suspense, #FOOTBALL

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He tucks my hair behind my ear and sighs. “I love you.” I am too wrung out to answer.

I yawn and settle back down on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat and enjoying the rhythmic rise and fall with each breath he takes. “Let’s sleep,” he whispers and kisses my hair. 

I close my eyes and fall asleep to the sound of Adam’s steady breathing and heartbeat against my back.

Chapter Thirteen

our bedroom door opening ends my forgettable dream, but it is the mouthwatering aroma of peppermint and chocolate that really wakes me up. I stretch but keep my eyes closed, allowing my senses a moment longer to fully awaken.

Adam takes a seat on the edge of the mattress. He kisses my temple and drags his fingertips up and down my arm, over the ink on my shoulder, sending goose bumps across my skin.  “How did you sleep?” 

“Like a baby,” I tell him. 

My focus is drawn away from the cup of peppermint hot chocolate now sitting on the nightstand beside me and towards the man smiling down at me.  He’s freshly showered with still damp hair and he smells absolutely delicious – a mouth-watering combination of clean scents mixed with masculine pheromones that warms and delights me.

“Have you been up long?” I ask, yawning and stretching.

“A while now,” he admits.  “I have a few more conference calls to make, but then I’ll be all yours.”  He places a soft kiss on my shoulder before getting up and walking back towards his small home office.  I enjoy the view as he walks away, his basketball shorts revealing long, lean legs that stretch and flex with every step.  And the snapping of his flip-flops as he walks down the hallway.  Only Adam would wear flip-flops in the dead of winter.

I enjoy a nice, quiet, relaxing morning at home.  I get to lounge on the couch in my flannels with my big, fuzzy slippers.  Adam’s conference calls keep him on the phone and locked up in his office longer than he promised.

As lunchtime nears, I decide to stick my head in Adam’s office to see if he needs anything.  I don’t think he’s stepped foot outside that office all morning.

I spot him chatting on the phone, spewing out more numbers and stats that I don’t understand while he mindlessly plays desk chess.  Adam does that when he’s bored.  He likes to change the arrangement of his office supplies.  Right now, he has his pencil cup, paper clips, and stapler all lined up symmetrically with his desk lamp on the left side of his desk.  Soon enough, he will remember he’s right handed and everything will have to be shuffled.  It’s cute to watch his need for order clash with his desire for convenience. 

Turning, he beams at me and wraps up his call. “Tim, that’s great. Tell Alex and we’ll go from there.  Good-bye.” He strides over to me as I stand in the doorway.  He’s changed now into a white T-shirt and jeans, all bad boy and smoldering. Yummy. 

“Hello there, Miss Akins,” he murmurs and he bends to kiss me. “Enjoying your day of peace and quiet?” He wraps his arms around me. He still smells delicious. 

“I am.” 

Adam beams, his smile is infectious.  “That’s good, but does that mean you didn’t miss me at all?”

I shake my head.  If we were not sequestered in separate rooms of the house, I don’t think either one of us would be doing much relaxing or crunching numbers today.  We’d be closing deals all right, but our meetings would be held beneath the sheets.

“Hungry?” I ask.

Adam releases me.  “Yeah, I could eat.  You?”

I nod.  When am I not hungry these days?  “Well, I was thinking about making us BLT sandwiches.”  I have never known Adam to turn down anything with bacon.  I swear, the richest people in the world will be the ones who figure out how to make vegetables taste and smell more like bacon.

His eyes light up when he hears
.  “Oh, baby – that sounds great.  Gimme just a little longer.  I have just a few more calls...”  Before he can finish his sentence, his phone rings.  His eyes beg me for understanding.

I roll my eyes.  “Go, answer it.  It might be important.”

I head back into the kitchen to start frying up the bacon.  While the pan heats up, I do a little channel surfing trying to find something entertaining I can listen to while I’m in the kitchen.  Sure enough, I find one of my favorite movies,
.  I saw the play twice and the movie countless times.  I know every one of Rosario Dawson’s lines by heart, and most of the other actors’, too.

I rock out in the kitchen, frying up the bacon, slicing the tomato, and toasting the bread.  In the cabinet beneath the sink, I find our large wooden serving tray, which I fill with sandwiches, glasses of iced tea with lemon, and a little sweet treat for Adam – some of Jette’s dark chocolate covered pretzels.  Adam goes crazy for them and I asked her to make me a batch for Valentine’s Day.

Since this is Jette we’re talking about, she went a little overboard and made a gourmet selection for us.  She’s made an amazing assortment of flavors including crushed almond, toffee, sprinkles, toasted coconut, and drizzled white chocolate.

I bring the tray into the living room to set up for an intimate lunch.  It doesn’t take me long to find a movie Adam is sure to enjoy, the Hobbit.  I swear, if he could watch that movie all day every day, he would.  I have no idea why.

With everything ready, I head to the back of the house to rescue Adam from his office.  We need to spend some time together and he needs a break. 

I slip into his office and take a seat on one of the leather armchairs to wait.

He looks up when he sees me and doesn’t take his eyes off me. He frowns slightly, and I don’t know if it’s at me or because of his conversation. 

“I thought we agreed – I will not be going on any business trips – not now and certainly not with you ... well, leave her out of this ... I am not changing my mind here.” He pauses, listening. “No, of course not.” He frowns deeply as he says this. “Oh, I know you do. I don’t need to be reminded ... It doesn’t change a thing ... Do I need to put it in triplicate for you? Are we clear? ... Good.” He slams the phone down on the desk. 

I cock my head to one side and raise an eyebrow at him. What just happened? “Is everything okay?” 

Adam just stares at me, his expression impassive.  He says nothing, and my heart free-falls into my stomach. Tentatively I walk around his desk to where he’s sitting. He still says nothing, his eyes never leaving mine.  I stand in front of him.

“Was that Alex?” I ask.

He sighs, reaches out for my hand, and pulls me into his lap, wrapping his arms around me. He buries his nose in my hair. “Yes,” he says. 

“Has she done anything I should be aware of?” I ask quietly.

He hugs me tightly and he seems uncertain, processing his thoughts. Finally he answers. “Tried, yes.  Succeeded, no.”

I try not to react.  None of this is his fault I remind myself.  I may have seen the writing on the wall the moment I met her, Adam did not.  “Can’t say I blame her,” I whisper in his ear.  “You do dazzle people, you know.”

He pulls away slightly, his eyes serious, “She’s pissed, Emmy.  Alex isn’t used to being told ‘no’ by anyone.”

“So, what do you think is going to happen at work?” I ask, anxiously clutching his hand and gazing at his sad, serious face.

He sighs. “I don’t know.” He shrugs, and then smiles.  “But it sure did feel good to drop the hammer on her little ploy.”

“Could you lose your job?” I ask cautiously.

“No way.  I know too many people.  I’m not some schmuck that just walked in off the street.  If I start talking, people will listen and she knows it.”  He beams— a glorious, carefree smile, and the weariness and strain present moments ago have vanished. 

I arch an eyebrow at him. “Hungry?”

His mouth twists in amusement and he nods.  “Let’s eat.”

’m just glad you were able to pull this off, Jette.”  Marcus smiles as he stuffs his face full of spaghetti.  The boys were in charge of cooking tonight and it’s back to the basics. 

I’m surprisingly impressed with the whole meal.  Who can reject a gourmet meatball made with TLC by the man she loves?  Or homemade garlic bread?  Not this girl.

“Me, too.  Damn, this is good!” Derek chimes in.

Evan’s plate is full of pasta, meatballs, and hot sausage.  I can’t imagine what it must cost to feed that man on a regular basis.

“That’s an awful lot of carbs for someone whose season ended a month ago.”  Adam loves to tease Evan every chance he gets.

“Dude, you worry about your shit and I’ll worry about mine.” 

“Would you boys please watch your mouth?”  Shea is making a plate for Kai who’s joined us tonight.

“Yeah, not in front of my son.”  Adam picks up a piece of garlic bread and throws it at Evan’s head.  Evan ducks just in time.

Kai reaches over, grabs his piece of bread, and throws it across the table.

“Knock it off,” She gives Adam a dirty look, “
of you!”  Kai has really bonded with Adam.  He does everything Adam does, mimicking him.  I can’t help but smile.  Jette and Camilla can’t hold back their giggles, either.

We are all gathered at Evan and Jette’s house for Valentine’s Day. The loving couple has been married for about a month now, and I couldn’t be happier for them. Marcus and Camilla have been married for exactly six months.  And it’s just a matter of time before Derek puts a ring on Shea’s finger. 

Reese is here, and so is Cole.  He’s officially moved to Point Pleasant and is getting ready to pack it up for Spring Training. 

When Cole first started spending time with us, I had hoped he and Reese would hit it off, making our little group complete.  But she’s told me more than once how much Cole reminds her of her brother Oliver.  They sure do fight like brother and sister. 


This house is overflowing with bodies, loud with voices and laughter, and is a little too warm, but there’s no place I’d rather be.

“Where’s Auggie?” I ask.

“He and Lucas are in LA.  Lucas is reading for a part in Judd Apatow’s latest project.  I’m not supposed to say anything, but...” Jette has a gleam in her eye, “have you heard who Auggie’s newest client is?”



“Kensington Lane,” Jette announces.

“Oh, my God – no way!”


“Who are you girls talking about?” Adam asks.

“Don’t you know who Kensington Lane is?” Camilla asks.  The boys all shake their heads.

“Sounds like a stripper to me,” Derek remarks.

“She’s a writer.  Her books have sold millions of copies and are even getting turned into movies,” I explain.  “She’s one of the most successful authors under thirty.”

Marcus is very well read.  “Oh, what has she written?  Maybe I’ve read some of her books.” 

“No, Marky – you definitely haven’t read
books,” Camilla chuckles.

“What kind of books does she write?” Derek asks.

“Romance novels,” I reply with a smile. 

The guys all roll their eyes, but not Cole.  “The dirty kind?” he asks hopefully, earning a smack in the arm from Reese. “What?”

“Don’t be a perv,” she mutters, glaring at him.

“Actually, yes.  Erotic novels are pretty hot right now,” Jette responds and winks at him. 

“What is she doing
?” one of the boys asks.  “If she has all that money, shouldn’t she be in Rumson with Bon Jovi and Springsteen?”

“Or in Hoboken down the block from Eli and Abby Manning,” Evan suggests.

“Why would she choose to live near the Mannings when she can be neighbors with the McGuires?”  I reply.

“The world may never know,” Shea sarcastically answers.

Jette stands up and walks around the table, gathering dirty dishes and carrying them back to the kitchen.  My gaze finds Evan. He’s watching his wife, his blue eyes full of love and contentment. 

Since the boys cooked, the girls get to clean.  We all make quick work of clearing the table, filling the dishwasher, and bagging the leftovers while the boys watch the end of the Rangers game.

With a full belly and a warm fire blazing not far away, we join the men.  There’s plenty of room on the couch because Derek and Adam are sitting on the floor with Kai playing with his toy racetrack.  What is it with men and their cars?  Honestly?

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