The Savage City (69 page)

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Authors: T. J. English

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McCarthy, Joseph, 341

McCoy, Calvin, 220–23

McDonald, Brian, 86

McGuire, Barry, 246

McKearney, Lawrence J., 10, 12, 49, 52, 53–54, 79

McKeiver, Alex, 282

McKinley housing projects (Bronx), 63

McQuillan, Peter J., 387–88

Meagher, Pete, 23

“meat eaters,” 364


and BLA, 335, 336, 347–48, 350–51

and Black Panthers, 185, 209, 214, 229, 240–41, 255, 267, 313, 338

and Borrero case, 95, 102, 103, 104–5, 106, 132

and Career Girls Murders, 11–12, 53–54, 59, 79, 110, 111, 151–52

and CCRB, 155

and civil rights protests, 120

and Cleaver visit to New York City, 246–47

crime reports in, 120–21

and Edmonds case, 136

and Genovese murder, 119

and image of New York City, 119

and Joe's Place incident, 158

and Joseph's (Pauline) information, 337

and Knapp Commission, 344, 345, 347

and Lindsay's reform initiatives, 159

and Malcolm X speech, 85

and March on Washington, 5–6

and Napier murder, 337

and New York City riots, 77

and Nostrand Avenue–police incident, 229

and NYPD-black relations, 240–41, 267, 347–48, 350–51

and NYPD reaction to Phillips Knapp

Commission testimony, 344

and Panther Twenty-one case, 277–79, 281

and police brutality, 128

and police corruption, 347

and Powell (James) death, 71

and race riots, 200

and Reiben-Miller disagreements, 167

and Robles arrest for Career Girl Murders, 110

and shooting of policemen, 323, 333, 336, 350, 360, 362

and Whitmore case, 53–54, 59, 79, 135–36, 145, 167, 172, 191, 209, 376, 377

See also specific person or organization

Mena, Maria, 355

Meredith, James, 184

Mexico: Whitmore-Nate trip to, 261–63

Miller, Arthur H.

and Beldock, 209

burn out of, 209

experience of, 105–6

Farrakhan and Whitmore meeting with, 232–33

and film about Whitmore, 371

and job for Whitmore, 232

and NAACP fundraiser for Whitmore, 127

payment for, 371

prison visits with Whitmore of, 112

Reiben disagreements with, 167, 170, 192

and reopening of Borrero case, 375

takes on Whitmore case, 105–6

and vacating of Whitmore's conviction, 376

and Whitmore appeals, 211, 352

and Whitmore confession, 193

and Whitmore defense fund, 167

and Whitmore hearings, 106, 263

and Whitmore involvement in black–Puerto Rican gang activities, 191

and Whitmore out on bail, 172

and Whitmore robbery conviction, 276, 277

as Whitmore supporter, 211

and Whitmore's arrest for gang fight, 190

decision, 170–71

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, 85

Mjuba (prisoner), 66, 67, 115

mock trials, Black Panthers, 303

Moore, Audrey Cyrus, 62–63, 141, 143, 179, 180

Moore, Collins, 62, 142–44, 179

Moore, Richard Earl.
Bin Wahad, Dhoruba al-Mujahid

Morris Houses (Bronx), 63

Morrisania housing projects (Bronx), 63, 179, 203

Moseley, Winston, 119

Mosque Number Seven (Harlem), 118, 232, 233, 366–67

Muhammad, Elijah, 113–14, 118, 232, 373

Muhammad Speaks
newspaper, 67, 233

Murphy, Michael, 77

Murphy, Patrick V., 281–82, 323–24, 336, 344, 350, 351, 389

Murtaugh, John M., 283–84, 295, 299, 319, 321, 368, 369


and Mosque Number Seven, 366–67

in prison, 66, 67, 115, 129, 373

Whitmore's views about, 232, 233

See also
Nation of Islam

Myers, Twymon, 338, 380, 381


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

NAACP Legal Defense Fund, 231, 276

Napier, Sam, 315, 316–19, 328, 333, 335, 337, 359–60

“narcotics eradication program” (BLA), 328

Nate (Whitmore's friend), 261–63, 275–76

Nation of Islam, 74–75, 113, 114, 115, 118, 232–34, 243, 366–67

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Bin Wahad comments about, 319

and Brooklyn Criminal Court incident, 242

and Career Girls Murders, 127, 135

and CCRB, 160

and Evers murder, 30

founding of, 133

image of, 134

King criticisms by, 134

and Lindsay's reform initiatives, 160

mission of, 133–34

New York Black Panthers compared with, 213

and police brutality, 128

pro bono legal activities of, 134

and Reiben-Miller disagreements, 167

tensions within, 133

and Whitmore case, 110–11, 112, 127, 128, 134–35, 145, 171, 172, 231

National Guard, 184, 199–200, 203, 220, 350

National Liberation Action (ALN), 314

National Review
magazine, 85

National Urban League, 197

Negro: definition of, 245

Neuberger, Samuel, 192–93, 194, 195

New Haven, Connecticut: Black Panther rally in, 296–99

New Haven Railroad: “bombing” of, 278

New Jersey: Bin Wahad home in, 388

New Jersey Turnpike: Chesimard-police shootout on, 381

New Left, 246, 282

New York City

Black Panthers in, 66–74, 204, 213–14, 225, 227–29, 246, 266–74, 287, 290, 291, 292, 296–97, 299–300, 301, 302, 314, 320, 321–22

civil rights progress in, 69–70, 76, 393–94

Cleaver's visit to, 246–47

crime rate in, 393–94

drugs in, 393

effects of Newark riots on, 201

elections in, 119–21

image of, 394

increase in crime in, 393

in 1980s and 1990s, 393–94

poverty in, 69–70, 74

prevalence of drugs in, 27–28

riots in, 70–77, 220–23

segregation in, 82

self-image of, 119

Whitmore lawsuit against, 391

See also specific person, topic or borough

New York Daily News,
12, 58, 59, 159, 163, 200, 255, 258, 278, 279, 280, 281, 318, 347

New York Herald Tribune,
30–31, 53, 58, 119, 120, 145, 151

New York
magazine, 361

New York Police Department (NYPD)

Alex interviews of, 348

and Bin Wahad case, 386–87

Bin Wahad civil lawsuit against, 388

black liberation war with, 254, 314, 322–23, 332–33, 338–39, 347–48, 350–51, 360, 380–81, 388

and Black Panthers, 226, 238–43, 266–74, 279–81, 301, 320, 360

Buckley's influence on, 85

and “community policing,” 302 culture of, 24

decentralization of, 302

Holy Name Communion Breakfast of, 120

and infractions of police protocol, 89

investigation of circumstances surrounding Whitmore confession by, 145–46

Irish domination of, 19–20, 22–23, 57, 84

and Lindsay administration, 153–55, 323, 324, 344

and Malcolm X's assassination, 115

and media, 240–41, 242, 267, 344, 347–48, 350–51

morale in, 238–39, 242–43, 323–24, 344, 348

in 1980s and 1990s, 393–94

outsiders in, 24

Pacino film about, 345

Panther Twenty-one case as victory for, 279

and Phillips-whorehouse murder case, 366, 368

Prince of the City among, 87

public image of, 343

reaction to Phillips Knapp Commission testimony within, 343–44

reputation of, 43–44, 340, 345

rivalry within, 44–45, 81–82

and shooting of policemen, 229–30, 301–2, 321–25, 330–36, 337, 338, 349–50, 359–60, 366–67, 380, 381, 386

as tool of ruling class, 302–3

See also
police; police brutality; police corruption;
specific person or topic

New York Post,
129, 278, 281, 321, 332

New York State Court of Appeals: Whitmore case in, 352

New York Times

Bin Wahad/BLA letter to, 318–19, 332, 335, 336

and Bin Wahad's Curry-Binetti shooting trial, 362

and Bin Wahad's “soapbox radicalism,” 388

and Black Panthers benefit, 223

and Black Panthers-police relations, 239

and Borrero case as vindication for Brooklyn D.A.'s office, 170

and Brooklyn Criminal Court incident, 242

Career Girl Murders story in, 11, 26

and D.A. leaks to media, 135

and Forman-Panthers incident, 214–15

and Furey petition, 238

and Gallashaw-Dean murder case, 174

and Genovese murder, 119

Hoover comment about Black Panthers in, 244

Knapp Commission stories in, 281, 342, 343

and license plate from Curry-Binetti shooting, 321–22

Lindsay endorsement by, 153

Malcolm X interview by, 182

March on Washington story in, 11

and NYPD investigation of circumstances surrounding Whitmore confession, 146

and origins of
Third Degree,

and Panther Twenty-one case, 278

and Phillips conviction, 382

police brutality editorial in, 242

and police corruption, 280, 281, 308, 346

and Powell's accusations, 124

prison censorship of, 58

and race riots, 200

and Rockefeller investigation, 265, 266

and role of Whitmore case in
decision, 171

Serpico story in, 345

and shooting of policemen, 362

and Stewart arrest, 252

survey about racial attitudes by, 175

and Whitmore arraignment, 59

Whitmore comment in, 391

World Telegram
as competitor of, 104

New York University: Cleaver speech at, 247

Newark, New Jersey: race riot in, 198–201, 224
magazine, 12, 25, 26, 98, 153

Newton, Huey P.

arrests of, 196–97, 208–9

and Bin Wahad, 208, 209, 225, 289, 292, 296, 297, 298, 299, 319

and corruption among Black Panthers, 290, 294–95, 298

and drugs, 292, 296, 298

and establishment of New York City chapter of Black Panthers, 186

and FBI, 293, 294

and founding of Black Panthers, 290

founding of Black Panthers by, 185

and “Free Huey” movement, 208–9, 214

as fund raising for Black Panthers, 289

Hilliard's relationship with, 286

as icon among Black Panthers, 291

impact on Black Panthers of, 224

influence on Cleaver of, 205, 206

and leadership of Black Panthers, 216, 218, 267, 285, 287, 295–96

lifestyle of, 294–95, 319–20

manslaughter conviction of, 247, 251

and Napier murder, 315, 318

and New Haven rally, 296–99

New York City visits of, 186

New York visits of, 290, 291, 294–95

and Panther Twenty-one case, 287, 288, 295–96, 297, 299, 315, 319

paranoia of, 292, 298, 299

payback for conviction of, 247–48, 251

plans to assassinate, 297–98

and police as pigs, 227

and police as tool of ruling class, 302–3

in prison, 216, 267, 285, 288

and purpose of Black Panthers, 289

and RAM, 196–97

release from prison of, 289–90

security force for, 298

as Shabazz security detail member, 205, 206

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