The Scandalous Billionaires Collection (34 page)

Read The Scandalous Billionaires Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #billionaire romance, #billionaire boss, #billionaire series, #billionaire bad boys series, #billionaire collection, #billionaire bundle, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire romance collection, #billionaire steamy romance, #billionaire alpha male romance, #billionaire alpha romance

BOOK: The Scandalous Billionaires Collection
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She wanted him.

Inside her.


The only way to fight the crazy feelings was
with anger; controlled, outraged, well directed and totally false

"Of course Susan." He said, swallowing hard
and then sat next to her. "I'm very sorry. Please call me Zach. But
do understand that my, uh, attention to you wasn't sexual
harassment. I have a right to expect adherence to company dress
code and I have to say that Catherine has done a superb job."

He thought for a moment to find the exact
turn of phrase to suit his purposes.

"If anyone can make a silk purse out of a
sow's ear it's that woman. Now what would you like to eat? The food
here is really excellent."

Bastard. I’ll show you what this sow's ear
can do to an ignorant hog like you.

An image of him screaming in painful orgasm
shot through her mind and she took a sharp breath in.

"Are you alright he said?"

"I'm fine. I'll have the linguine Alfredo."
She said, as though she lunched in fancy restaurants everyday of
the week.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Is there an eating code as well as a dress
code now?"

He smiled. "Nope. Go right ahead."

When the waiter came he took Suzy's order
first and then turned to Zachary.

"That's okay, I'm not hungry, just bring me a
glass of water."

The waiter disappeared.

"So, I assume you took care of everything I
told you to do."

"Yes I did."

"Are you sure?"

"Duh, no, I'm just making it up."

He looked at her, incredulous, no employee
had ever spoken to him like that before.

"That has to stop."

"Stop what?"

"I'm your boss now. I don’t like it any more
than you do but I have to put up with you for the sake of
big brother and
big sister. Let's just get one thing
straight here; if you want to quit, I won't stop you, but while you
choose to remain here you will have to at least pretend to treat me
like the person who's paying your salary."

"I won’t quit. I'm not a quitter, so you
better get used to me."

"Okay then, so you will act more professional
and there will be no problem. We can all just get along. Deal?"


"Good, now show me my itinerary."

She handed him the folder that Catherine had
given her. Everything was laid out neatly and clearly.

"Okay, not bad." He said. Suzy felt
ridiculous at the surge of pride that went through her, even though
she knew it was really Catherine who had done all the work.

"But there's something you left out."

Her heart sank.

"That's impossible, I checked everything, and
it's all there."

"It’s something new. I need to be in Hong
Kong tomorrow and I need you with me."

Suzy swallowed hard while Zachary watched her
throat and imagined himself devouring it. It would take all his
will power to control the situation tomorrow. If she even lasted
the day today then he would make sure she cracked on the trip to
Hong Kong--as long as he could control his own desires as well.

"I can't go to Hong Kong, I don't even have a

"You will by tomorrow. Make sure of it, or
I'll consider that as your notice."

"There's no way they can process a passport
in that time--it could take, days, weeks even."

"Not in my experience, but if you can't
figure out how to make that happen then it will be the end of our
time together and we go back to being..."

Suzy waited. What the hell were they

"Just get done." He said. "And I'll need to
meet the governor of Hong Kong as well as my own people and our
main client in the far east. Set it all up and make it efficient. I
don't want to spend any more time with these people than I have

Suzy's linguine arrived as he finished
speaking and she suddenly realized that she would be eating all by
herself with Zach watching.

Her appetite disappeared.

"Enjoy." He said. "The food here is

"Are you just going to sit there and watch me

"Of course not. I'll be telling you what I
want done while you dine out on the Demovic corporate card. This is
a 24/7 position Suzy, which is why you, just like so many others in
the past, will fail. Your whole life from this morning is now to be
devoted to my needs and to the needs of the Demovic Corporation. If
you can't handle it then--"

"I can handle it. Don't worry." She pushed
her plate away. "So tell me what you need done. I'm not hungry

"Whatever. Michel?" He called for the waiter.
"Take this away please." Suzy watched the gorgeous meal disappear
and felt an enormous pang of hunger. In reality she was starving
but eating with him watching would have been tortuous, especially
with a big plate of sloppy linguine.

"I need you to cancel my 9 o'clock with
Stephanie, or is it Stella, whichever one it is, just get rid of

"Is this one of your dates?"

"Yeah, if you want to call it that. And get
Valerie instead, she's beautiful, just right, tall, slim, blonde
and a head full of air. Just the way I like it."

"Excuse me Zach but that sounds like personal
business to me."

He shrugged. "And?"

"I'm your PA. That's not my job."

He leaned in close to her and she felt the
same whoosh of exhilaration.

He stopped an inch or two from her face.

He hadn't counted on feeling the same thrill
as well. As small and delicate as she was and as much as he held
all the power of their relationship in his hands, still he could
sense the fire of her resistance to him. Resistance that could only
make their time in bed together all the more exhilarating.

He drew back slightly. She was still
Melissa's little sister and she was his employee and she still
didn’t know the truth about him. Three big forbidden no-nos all
wrapped up into one tight, irresistible little package. God, Hong
Kong would be hard if she really did come along.

"Let's get another thing straight Suzy--from
now on it's
your job." He said. "Anything I need you to
do is your job. My
is your job. You're not being paid
to say no to me, you're being paid to say yes, so get used to it or
get out while you still haven't been hurt."

Suzy was on fire as she gazed into his dark

"Do you think I'm afraid to say yes to you?
You have no idea who you're dealing with here. Leave it to me. I'll
take care of your love life for you if that's what you want--set up
your empty little liaisons for you. Just tell me who you want in
your bed and I'll make sure she's there. If you want I can even
pick them out for you."

The words sent a painful throb through his
restricted loins, cramped under the table and hungering for
release. He hoped he wouldn't need to stand up any time soon.

It's you I want you dirty little
He thought, but he drew back even further. He couldn't
take her like this. The first step was to get her to quit. Second
step, get her into bed by any means necessary. Third step, deal
with the incredible flak from Jason and Melissa. Fourth step,
expunge any recriminations or second thoughts from his own guilty

No problem.

He did a double take of his own crazy

No way. No fucking way Zach. You will not
sleep with this girl. Ever.

He could have his pick of thousands of women
in NYC and the relationship he had with Suzy was unlike any he had
ever with any other woman, or even person in the whole world.

"Okay." He said. "I need someone to manage my
women but you can let me do the picking. Make sure that Valerie
gets an invitation she can't refuse, a charming gift that is
particular only to her. I want her in my bed tonight so that I can
think straight in Hong Kong. Take care of it Suzy. I'll be in
meetings the rest of the afternoon and then I'll be coding. Keep
your phone on and be ready if I need anything."

"Of course Zach. You call me if you need
anything. Anything at all."

She was determined now. The more crass he was
the more it steeled her determination to succeed.

She would take him down. Melissa warned her
that getting involved with him wouldn't work, but what was her
definition of something 'working' anyway? Was a night of screaming,
toe-curling orgasms with a sex God a working relationship or

No. No way. I can't do that to
Melissa--can't let her down.

Zach gave her a hot stare that made her heart
race and as soon as he was gone she asked for her linguine to be
returned. Then she made a frantic phone call to Catherine. Despite
her defiance she had no clue how to do anything he had asked.

"Don't worry Suzy, don't worry, I'll show you
how to do all those things. He's just being an ass to test you, but
don't worry, there's nothing he can throw at you that we can't
handle. That man is no match for the two of us together."

"Thank God for that Catherine, I so don't
want to let my sister down God damn it, that arrogant asshole
doesn't deserve to win."

Catherine smiled to herself. Maybe this
delicate little woman was the one who was going to finally break
Zachary Demovic, the arrogant billionaire stallion who had left so
many female hearts broken in pieces.

"Don't worry Suzy. He doesn't have a
snowballs chance in hell, not against you and me. Not this

The words gave Suzy courage.

"He wants me to travel with him to Hong Kong
tomorrow. Is there any way to get a passport by then?"

Catherine went silent.

"Catherine, are you still there?"

"Sure honey, the passport is no problem."

"Okay. So then it's not a problem."

"No, not at all. It's just a bit soon is all.
I didn't think you'd be traveling alone with him so soon."

"Is that bad?"

"Not at all. Just… don't let him get to you.
You'll be spending a lot of time with him on that plane and then
after that in Hong Kong and I won't be around with you guys. Just
don't let him get to you, okay?"

"This doesn't sound good Catherine. Why would
he get to me on the plane?"

"Don't worry. I have to go. I'll take care of
all those things. You go back to his office and wait there, just be
ready if he needs you. And one other thing you need to know."

"What's that?"

"He sleep walks."

"Why would I need to know that?"

"Just don’t be alarmed is all and of course
don't wake him if you find him doing it. Apparently it’s the jetlag
that sets it off."

"Okay. Whatever. Thanks, I guess."

"Be careful and have fun. I'll be in contact
during the trip. Remember what I said and don’t worry about a
thing. Bye for now."

It was all totally bizarre, but this was the
world of the billionaire Suzy supposed and she was too hungry to
care. She devoured the meal in front of her and then called her
friend Bella.

"Details!" her friend answered the phone.
"Spill it. Has he come onto you?"

For the first time in their friendship Suzy
beginning doubt the wisdom of calling Bella to share her

"He's a way bigger asshole than I thought,"
she said, "but he is taking me to Hong Kong tomorrow, so who cares,

"Oh my God, that is soooo awesome. Will you
be flying first class?"

"I think it might even be on one of his
private jets."

"Oh. My. God."

"But I'm kind of nervous."

"Of course you are, that's normal."

"No. It's not normal nervous. It's… it's

"It's just nerves."

Suzy debated with herself how much of the
truth she could reveal to her friend.

"It's sexual nervous." She blurted out

"Sexual nervous? What the hell is that?"

"I keep getting this feeling that he's...
well that he's really into me."

A peal of bubbling laughter rang out from the
other end of the line.

"Why is that so funny?"

"He's a hot billionaire and you're the girl
who just crawled out of hospital with a new kidney. If that's all
you're nervous about then relax. There's nothing to worry about.
Come on Suzy, I'm just having fun, I know in reality it'll all be
just work and--"

"He touched me last night when he was over at
my place."

"He did what?" Bella stopped in her

"He touched my… he touched my ass."

"That's pretty serious Suzy. How do you mean
he touched you exactly? I mean, what did he touch you with?"

"I'm not sure, but it could have been with
his… his… "

"His hand?"


"His mouth?"

"God no."

"With his ass?"

"No. He was pressed up against me, his whole
body was behind me and he was hugging me when I felt something…
something kind of hard pressing against my butt."

"What was he doing hugging you from behind?"
Bella asked very slowly. She was beginning to get worried about her
friend. "I thought he was standing in for your nurse, not your
wrestling instructor."

"I was choking on piece of Moo Shoo pork and
he gave me the Heimlich maneuver."

"Which one is the that?" Bella asked.

"I think it's the one where you stick your
schlong into the choking person's behind. The element of surprise
clears the blockage pretty quickly." Suzy said very seriously and
then waited.

A moment later the two of them were laughing

"I knew you were a whore-slut." Bella said
when her laughter subsided. "I bet you were parading around in your
sexy pajamas when you suddenly forgot how to swallow Moo Shoo."

"You've seen my pajamas. Parading around
isn't what I would call it."

"So you
in your pajamas. Double

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