The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx (2 page)

Read The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx Online

Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #General Fiction, #Romance MM, #erotic MM

BOOK: The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx
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Layton broke away from Preston and took Morgan’s hand. “We

should go,” he said. “Our parents must be looking for us.”

Preston nodded, although he still seemed thoughtful. “Sure. Come

on. I’ll take you to the living room.”

Compared to Layton’s family mansion, Garth Mckenna’s home

was actually quite small, so it didn’t take them long to reach their destination. Thankfully, Layton’s parents didn’t comment on their

earlier disappearance, but judging by the brief look from their father, it had been noted and would be discussed extensively once they said

good-bye to their hosts.

Layton sighed to himself and couldn’t help remembering the

earlier scene. Would Corbin really be moving? And if so, when would

Layton see him again?


Scarlet Hyacinth

Chapter One

Ten years later

Layton leaned against the cool glass of the car window, watching

the familiar silhouette of the United Paranormal Academy become

clearer as they approached. Normally, he would have driven here

himself, but he was too out of sorts to focus on anything, let alone driving. Hell, he didn’t think he could even have much luck with his studies, but if he’d stayed one more second in his parents’ house, he’d have grown mad. As it was, he’d gone with a compromise. He had a

chauffeur to drive him and another to bring his car along.

It had all started with the appearance of Morgan’s supposed mate,

the incubus, Alexis Whitaker. Layton had been suspicious of Alexis

from the beginning, but he’d done his best to befriend the incubus,

especially after Alexis had suffered a severe burn to the face. But

then, Alexis had betrayed them all. He’d seduced Layton, using him

to flee Layton’s family home. To this day, Layton didn’t realize the purpose of Alexis’s actions, but he did know he felt dirty, used, and fucking guilty. He couldn’t look at his twin in the face, knowing how much Morgan still cared about Alexis. The current situation brought

Morgan in the face of making a terrible choice, a choice between his lover and his brother. Layton hated that his weakness had put them all in this position. He hated Alexis and himself with a passion.

Truly, he didn’t think he was capable of anything except ranting

and raving right now, but he hoped that seeing his mate would make

him feel better or at least anchor him in normality.

The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx


Corbin had never given him the attention a shifter should give to

his mate. According to some of their friends, it could be because

Corbin seemed most inclined to sleep with women or because of the

age difference between them. As time passed, however, the ten years

or so that separated them would no longer mean anything. Layton

hoped that once he finished university that would change. For the

moment, though, even Corbin’s rejection would help.

The cars finally drove up to the university and reached the C

dorm. C, for carnivore. What a laugh. The heads of the university

must have been really amusing themselves when they’d decided to

place seahorses in the same building with sharks and tigers. Okay, so it was convenient for Layton, since he was a hybrid, but in the end, he’d still been separated from his twin and had been forced to room

with another seahorse. Perhaps it would be for the best. God only

knew what would happen when Morgan returned to the school. Still

brooding, Layton had the chauffeurs help him with his bags then sent the two men off. He needed to be alone.

For a while, he waited in his room, simply looking out the

window. His friends would soon come to visit. He’d have to find

something to tell them, some way to avoid looking as pathetic as he


For the moment, they weren’t in the academy, though. Almost

everyone had gone home for the holidays, so Layton could take

advantage of the occasion to go see Corbin. Decision made, Layton

abandoned his unpacking for later and rushed downstairs. The

excitement he felt over seeing Corbin gave him focus as he slid into his car.

The town next to the United Paranormal Academy had been taken

over by shifters years before Layton had even arrived here. Corbin

and Preston had both come to live there. They had businesses of their own, but also dropped by the academy for the occasional class. Since their families were still very close, they often got together, but


Scarlet Hyacinth

somehow, with all the Alexis mess, Layton had been unable to see

much of either of the two lynxes.

The first step to reach normality was to start a new campaign to

reach out to Corbin. Preston might also be able to help out. In spite of their age difference, he was one of Layton’s best friends.

Layton drove into town and stopped in front of Corbin’s auto

repair shop. He wiped his sweaty hands against the material of his

trousers, welcoming the nervousness that usually came with a visit

here. Sometimes, when Corbin was in a better mood, they’d hang out,

even if Corbin only treated Layton like a pesky little brother. Layton would be content with that today.

He found Corbin fiddling on one of his ongoing projects. Corbin

rolled out from under the vehicle and got up as he heard Layton


“Hey, Corbin,” Layton said, his stomach already fluttering.

“Oh, hey.” Corbin grinned at him, wiping his face with a nearby

rag. “What’s up, kid?”

“I’m not a kid,” Layton replied automatically. The greeting and

response were almost a ritual now. “Just came back from home.”

“I thought you’d be there for a while longer.” Corbin’s expression

turned thoughtful. “Preston and I were going to drop by during the

weekend, too. Anything wrong?”

The lie fell easily from Layton’s lips. “No, nothing. I just wanted

to see you, that’s all.”

Corbin’s eyes narrowed. “Why don’t I believe you?”

He stepped closer, invading Layton’s personal space. With each

step Corbin took, Layton took one back, until there was no place to

go. Corbin pinned him against the wall, his powerful arms blocking

Layton’s escape. He’d never been aware of Corbin’s presence so

intensely. Every nerve in his body seemed aflame, and his heart

hammered. His breathing grew labored. They were so close now that

Corbin’s scent surrounded Layton, drugging him, calling out to him.

“Tell me,” Corbin murmured. “Tell me what happened.”

The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx


Technically speaking, Layton could have broken free of the other

man’s hold. Courtesy of his ancestry, he had a great many abilities

normal seahorses didn’t. But his knees buckled and he couldn’t have

moved to save his life.

Instead of replying, Layton crushed his mouth to Corbin’s. It was

the most daring thing he’d ever tried with his mate. Corbin had

always put up an invisible wall around him, not allowing him to get

close. But now, Layton finally had what he wanted.

Corbin’s lips were soft, but firm, his body hard and muscled

against Layton’s. Layton pressed closer to Corbin, seeking more of

the heat. At one point, Corbin actually started responding to kiss. But even as their tongues dueled, Layton couldn’t help but feel something was missing.

He rubbed against Corbin, seeking friction, trying to climb inside

Corbin’s body, to find what he’d been looking for all his life. Their hard pricks rubbed against each other, making shocks of pleasure

course through Layton’s body. But as much as he tried, he couldn’t

get enough.

The sound of a cleared throat interrupted the kiss. Corbin broke

away from him, and Layton looked to his right to see a woman

closing in.

“Hi, baby,” she said. “Should I come back later, or are you ready

to go now?”

She didn’t give Layton a single look, although she couldn’t have

missed his presence. Layton gaped at her. He was right there and he’d had his tongue down Corbin’s throat. Was she crazy?

Corbin passed a hand through his hair. “Let me just clean up, and

I’m coming,” he said.

Layton couldn’t believe his ears. “What the fuck?” he shouted.

“What about me? What about us?”

The woman rolled her eyes. “Please…You’re not important,



Scarlet Hyacinth

The sound of his name on her lips was like a slap in the face.

“How do you know my name?” he asked.

“I know everything about you. I know you stalk Corbin like an

obsessed maniac. I know he’s the ultimate goal of your wretched little life, and also that you’re never going to get him.”

“Enough, Cherise,” Corbin said, a warning in his tone.

“No.” Cherise shook her head. “Let him listen. You’re pathetic,

Layton. In fact, I almost feel sorry for you. You’re so ridiculous,

throwing yourself at Corbin, spreading your legs like a whore. He’ll never love you. Whatever you might think, he’ll never be yours. You

simply don’t have the right equipment.”

This was not the first time people had told Layton to let go of

Corbin, but the truth was that his supposed stalking of the lynx hadn’t gone beyond a close circle of friends. Their brothers and cousins

knew, of course, but other than that, they’d kept it silent.

Humiliation burned through Layton at the realization that a

stranger knew all about the torment in his heart and was mocking him because of it. He looked at Corbin and saw the guilty expression on

his face. Just like that, he knew. Corbin had been the one to tell her.

For a few moments, the pain of the betrayal was too strong for

him to endure. Sure, Layton knew Corbin slept around and, in a way,

had even grown to accept it. He’d gotten used to the fact that one day, when he matured enough, Corbin would stop and take Layton as a

lover instead. But this was different. His advances toward Corbin

aside, they’d been friends since they were kids. They’d grown up

together. Corbin had thrown all that away for a piece of ass.

Layton glanced away from Corbin, suddenly unable to stomach

the sight of the other man’s face. He focused on the bitch, instead.

“You know what, Cherise?” he asked. “You’re the idiot. Because

you see, Corbin might not be in love with me, but I certainly made

him hard just a minute ago.”

It was Cherise’s turn to gape at him. “Liar. Corbin’s straight.”

The Seahorse Who Loved the Wrong Lynx


Layton just laughed. “Yeah, right. You tell yourself that. Maybe

you’ll even believe it.”

He pushed past her, stalking out of the building. Corbin’s voice

reached out to him as he reached his car. “Layton, wait. Come on,


Corbin’s hand landed on his arm, forcibly turning him around.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t have told her about you, I know. I just…I got drunk one night, and I kind of lost it.”

Layton shook his head. Things had been much easier when

alcohol didn’t affect shape-shifters. But either way, he couldn’t

forgive Corbin. “Drunk or not, you betrayed me. Now, let go.”

“Not until you tell me you’ll be fine,” Corbin insisted.

Fury coursed through Layton. For the first time since he could

remember, Layton used his power on a close one. The electricity

coursed through him, immobilizing Corbin and pushing him away. It

was an ability Layton had inherited from his shark father, and he did his best not to abuse it. Right then and there, however, he was too

pissed to think clearly. “You don’t deserve to make demands.”

He got into his car, leaving Corbin standing there, frozen. He

dropped the paralysis spell as soon as he was far enough away. He

couldn’t focus on keeping it up. Even under normal circumstances,

he’d have trouble, and now, he was a mess. He drove away, heading

back toward the university as fast as he could go.

God, what a disaster
. Layton couldn’t remember ever feeling so betrayed. His vision blurred as tears threatened to come. He’d always trusted Corbin, beyond their strange relationship, and Corbin had

gone ahead and destroyed that.

Layton wiped at his eyes, angry with himself. What was wrong

with him? He should have stayed. He should have fought for his mate.

It must be that bitch Cherise’s fault. Corbin wouldn’t have done

anything like that of his own accord. Or so Layton told himself,

except he knew that the Corbin he’d fantasized about for so long


Scarlet Hyacinth

wouldn’t allow some prissy woman to order him around and make

him betray his family and friends.

And then there was the kiss. Corbin had yielded to it, but Layton

couldn’t help but remember the way it had felt. It wasn’t at all like Layton imagined it would be. He’d always thought that finally

touching Corbin would be mind numbing, earth shattering, an

experience he’d remember for the rest of his days. The kiss had been amazing, and Corbin’s touch skilled, but…Something had been


The smoother road of the town yielded to the rougher one over the

mountain, the road which led to the academy. In this part of the drive, all those with vehicles were encouraged to drive slower, but Layton

couldn’t be bothered. On and on, he remembered Cherise’s words, the

kiss, and wondered what it meant. The humiliation and the betrayal

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