The Second Sex (131 page)

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Authors: Simone de Beauvoir

BOOK: The Second Sex
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“The direct, natural, and necessary relation of person to person is the
relation of man to woman
,” said Marx.
From the character of this relationship follows how much man as
a species-being
, as man, has come to be himself and to comprehend himself; the relation of man to woman is the most natural relation of human being to human being. It therefore reveals the extent to which man’s
behavior has become
, or the extent to which the
essence in him has become a
essence—the extent to which his
human nature
has come to be
to him.

This could not be better said. Within the given world, it is up to man to make the reign of freedom triumph; to carry off this supreme victory, men and women must, among other things and beyond their natural differentiations, unequivocally affirm their brotherhood.

Bold Chronicle of a Strange Marriage

In Vino Veritas
. He also says: “Gallantry is essentially woman’s due; and the fact that she unconsciously accepts it may be explained by the solicitude of nature for the weak and the disadvantaged, those who feel more than recompensed by an illusion. But this illusion is precisely fatal … Is it not an even worse mockery to feel freed from misery—thanks to one’s imagination, to be the dupe of imagination? Woman certainly is far from being
[abandoned]; but inasmuch as she never can free herself from the illusion with which nature consoles her, she is.”

That some arduous professions are prohibited to them does not contradict this idea: even men are seeking professional training more and more; their physical and intellectual capacities limit their choices; in any case, what is demanded is that no boundaries of sex or caste be drawn.

I know a little boy of eight who lives with a mother, aunt, and grandmother, all three independent and active, and a grandfather who is half-senile. He has a crushing inferiority complex in relation to the female sex, though his mother tries to combat it. In his lycée he scorns his friends and professors because they are poor males.

Philosophical Works
, Volume 6. Marx’s italics. [Marx and Engels,
Collected Works
, Volume 6. —T

Selected Sources

The works listed below are the published English translations that the translators consulted for Simone de Beauvoir’s French quotes, as well as the English-language books and publications to which she makes reference. In some instances, the translators translated Beauvoir’s citations themselves, for example, when she paraphrases an author. But the works are also included here as “selected sources.”

Abrantès, Laure Junot.
Memoirs of the Duchess d’Abrantès (Madame Junot
). J. & J. Harper, 1832.

. Translated by Richard Lattimore. University of Chicago Press, 1969.

Angela of Foligno.
Complete Works
. Paulist Press, 1993.

Bachelard, Gaston.
Earth and Reveries of Repose
. Translated by Kenneth Haltman. Unpublished.

Earth and Reveries of Will
. Translated by Kenneth Haltman. Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, 2002.

Bâlint, Alice.
The Psychoanalysis of the Nursery
. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1953.

Balzac, Honoré de.
Letters of Two Brides
. Translated by R. S. Scott. Hard Press, 2006.

The Lily in the Valley
. Translated by Lucienne Hill. Carroll & Graf, 1997.

The Physiology of Marriage
. With an introduction by Sharon Marcus. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.

Bashkirtseff, Marie.
I Am the Most Interesting Book of All: The Diary of Marie Bashkirtseff
. Translated by Phyllis Howard Kernberger and Katherine Kernberger. Chronicle Books, 1997.

Bazin, Hervé.
Viper in the Fist
. Translated by W. J. Strachan. Prentice-Hall, 1951.

Bloch, Jean-Richard.
A Night in Kurdistan
. Translated by Stephen Haden Guest. Victor Gollancz, 1930.

Bourdouxhe, Madeleine.
. Translated by Faith Evans. Bloomsbury, 1997.

Breton, André.
Arcanum 17
. Translated by Zack Rogow. Green Integer, 2004.

Communicating Vessels
. Translated by Mary Ann Caws and Geoffrey Harris. Nebraska University Press, 1990.

Mad Love
. Translated by Mary Ann Caws. Bison Books, 1988.

. Translated by Richard Howard. Grove Press, 1994.

Poems of André Breton: A Bilingual Anthology
. Translated by Mary Ann Caws. University of Texas Press, 1982.

Break of Day
. Translated by Enid McLeod. Limited Editions Club, 1983.

Claudine at School
. Translated by Antonia White. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001.

Claudine’s House
. Translated by Andrew Brown. Hesperus Press Limited, 2006.

The Evening Star: Recollections
. Translated by David Le Vay. Bobbs-Merrill, 1973.

Green Wheat
. Translated by Zack Rogow. Sarabande Books, 2004.

The Innocent Libertine
. Translated by Antonia White. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1978.

The Kepi
. Translated by Antonia White. Secker and Warburg, 1984.

My Apprenticeships & Music-Hall Sidelights
. Translated by Helen Beauclerk.

Penguin Books, 1967.

The Pure and the Impure
. Translated by Herma Briffault. New York Review of Books, 2000.

. Translated by Una Vicenzo Troubridge and Enid McLeod. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002.

The Tender Shoot
. Translated by Antonia White. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1975.

The Vagabond
. Translated by Enid McLeod. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1955.

Dalbiez, Roland.
Psychoanalytical Method and the Doctrine of Freud
. Longmans, Green, 1941.

Deutsch, Helene.
The Psychology of Women
. Bantam Books, 1973.

Diderot, Denis. “On Women.”
In Dialogues
. Translated by Francis Birrell. Routledge, 1927.

Duncan, Isadora.
My Life
. Boni & Liveright, 1955.

Ellis, Havelock.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex: Sexual Inversion
. University Press of the Pacific, 2001.

Engels, Friedrich.
The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State
. Translated by Alick West and Dona Torr. Marxist-Leninist Library, 1942.

Flaubert, Gustave.
Sentimental Education
. Translated by Robert Baldich. Penguin Books, 1964.

Freud, Sigmund.
Moses and Monotheism
. Translated by Katherine Jones. Knopf, 1939.

Gide, André.
The Coiners
. Translated by Dorothy Bussy. Cassell, 1950.

The Journals of André Gide
. Translated by Justin O’Brien. Penguin Modern Classics, 1967.

Halbwachs, Maurice.
The Causes of Suicide
. Translated by Harold Goldblatt. Free Press, 1978.

Halévy, Daniel.
Jules Michelet
. Hachette, 1928 and 1947.

Hall, Radclyffe.
The Well of Loneliness
. Wordsworth Editions, 2005.

Hegel, G. W. F.
Phenomenology of Spirit
. Translated by A. V. Miller. Oxford University Press, 1977.

The Philosophy of Nature
. Translated by J. N. Findlay and A. V. Miller. Oxford University Press, 1979.

Huart, Clément.
Ancient Persia and Iranian Civilization
. Knopf, 1927.

Hughes, Richard.
A High Wind in Jamaica
. Harper & Brothers, 1929.

Hurst, Fannie.
Back Street
. Grosset, 1931.

Ibsen, Henrik.
A Doll’s House
. In
Eleven Plays of Henrik Ibsen
. Modern Library, 1935.

Jouhandeau, Marcel.
Marcel and Élise: The Bold Chronicle of a Strange Marriage
. Translated by Martin Turnell. Pantheon Books, 1953.

Jung, Carl.
The Development of Personality
. Translated by R. F. C. Hull. Princeton University Press, 1970.

Symbols of Transformation
. (Originally published as
Metamorphoses and Symbols of the Libido.
) Translated by R. F. C. Hull. Pantheon Books, 1956.

Kennedy, Margaret.
The Constant Nymph
. Doubleday, Page,1925.

Kierkegaard, Søren.
Stages on Life’s Way
. Translated by H. V. and E. H. Hong. Princeton University Press, 2009.

Krafft-Ebing, Richard von.
Psychopathia Sexualis
. Rebman Kessinger, 1906.

Landau, Rom.
Sex, Life, and Faith
. Faber and Faber, 1946.

Lawrence, D. H.
Fantasia of the Unconscious
. Dover Publications, 2006.

Lady Chatterley’s Lover
. Modern Library, 2003.

Sons and Lovers
. Modern Library, 1999.

The Plumed Serpent
. Vintage, 1992.

Lehmann, Rosamond.
Dusty Answer
. Virago, 2008.

Invitation to the Waltz
. Virago, 2006.

The Weather in the Street
. Virago, 1981.

Levinas, Emmanuel.
Time and the Other
. Translated by Richard Cohen. Duquesne University Press, 1987.

Lévi-Strauss, Claude.
The Elementary Structures of Kinship
. Translated by James Harle Bell, Rodney Needham, and John Richard von Sturmer. Beacon Press, 1969.

Luhan, Mabel Dodge.
Lorenzo in Taos
. Knopf, 1932.

Malinowski, Bronislaw. “The Bachelors’ House.” In
The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia
. Horace Liveright, 1929.

Malraux, André.
Man’s Fate
. Translated by Haakon M. Chevalier. Modern Library, 1934.

Mansfield, Katherine. “Prelude.” In
The Short Stories of Katherine Mansfield
. Knopf, 1937.

Marx, Karl, and Friederich Engels.
Collected Works
. Vol. 6.

Mauriac, François.
A Kiss for the Leper
. Translated by Gerard Hopkins. Eyre and Spottiswood, 1950.

Thérèse Desqueyroux
. Translated by Raymond MacKenzie. Rowman & Littlefield, 2005.

McCullers, Carson.
The Member of the Wedding
. Penguin Classics, 1962.

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice.
Phenomenology of Perception
. Translated by Colin Smith. Routledge, 2005.

Michaux, Henri. “Bridal Night.” In
Selected Writings
. New Directions, 1968.

Michelet, Jules.
The Mountain
. Translated by W. H. Davenport Adams. T. Nelson & Sons, 1872.

Mill, John Stuart. “The Subjection of Women,” as reprinted in
Philosophy of Women
, edited by Mary Briody Mahowald. Hackett, 1994.

Montaigne, Michel de.
The Complete Essays of Montaigne
. Translated by Donald M. Frame. Stanford University Press, 1965.

Montherlant, Henry de.
The Bachelors
. Translated by Terence Kilmartin. Greenwood Press, 1977.

The Dream
. Translated by Terence Kilmartin. Macmillan, 1963.

The Girls
. Translated by Terence Kilmartin. Harper & Row, 1968.

The Master of Santiago
. Translated by Jonathan Griffin. Knopf, 1951.

La Petite Infante de Castille
. French & European Publications, 1973.

Nietzsche, Friedrich.
The Gay Science
. Translated by Walter Kaufmann. Vintage, 1974.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
. Translated by R. J. Hollingdale. Penguin Classics, 1961.

Parker, Dorothy. “Too Bad” and “The Lovely Leave.” In
The Portable Dorothy Parker
. Penguin Books, 1944.

Rabelais, François.
The Complete Works
. Translated by Donald M. Frame. University of California Press, 1991.

Rimbaud, Arthur.
. Translated by Helen Rootham. New Directions, 1943.

A Season in Hell
. Translated by Delmore Schwartz. New Directions, 1939.

Rougemont, Denis de.
The Devil’s Share
. Translated by Haakon M. Chevalier. Pantheon Books, 1944.

Sachs, Maurice.
Witches’ Sabbath
. Translated by Richard Howard. Jonathan Cape, 1965.

Sade, Marquis de.
Philosophy in the Boudoir
. Translated by Joachim Neugroschel. Penguin Classics, 2006.

Sartre, Jean-Paul.
Anti-Semite and Jew
. Translated by George J. Becker. Schocken, 1948.

Being and Nothingness
. Translated by Hazel Barnes. Citadel Press, 2001.

Dirty Hands
. In
Three Plays
. Translated by Lionel Abel. Knopf, 1949.

Scott, Geoffrey.
The Portrait of Zélide
. Turtle Point Press, 1997.

Senghor, Leopold Sédar.
The Collected Poetry
. Translated by Melvin Dixon. University of Virginia Press, 1998.

Stekel, Wilhelm.
Conditions of Nervous Anxiety and Their Treatment
. Liveright, 1950.

Frigidity in Woman
. Translated by James S. Van Teslaar. Liveright, 1943.

Memoirs of an Egotist
. Translated by David Ellis. Horizon Press, 1975.

The Red and the Black
. Translated by Roger Gard. Penguin Classics, 2002.

Three Italian Chronicles
. Translated by C. K. Scott-Moncrieff. New Directions, 1991.

Tolstoy, Leo.
War and Peace
. Translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. Knopf, 2008.

Tolstoy, Sophia.
The Diaries of Sophia Tolstoy
. Translated by Cathy Porter. Random House, 1985.

Webb, Mary.
The House in Dormer Forest
. Jonathan Cape, 1928.

Precious Bane
. E. P. Dutton, 1926.

Wharton, Edith.
The Age of Innocence
. Random House, 1999.

Woolf, Virginia.
Mrs. Dalloway
. Penguin Books, 1967.

To the Lighthouse
. In
The Selected Works of Virginia Woolf
. Wordsworth Editions, 2005.

The Waves
. Harcourt, Brace, 1931.

Zola, Emile.
. Unpublished translation by Constance Borde and Sheila Malovany-Chevallier.

. Everyman, 1999.

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