Read The Second World War Online
Authors: John Keegan
Amann, Max 21
amphibious warfare 472-3
Andrews, Lieutenant-Colonel L.W. 136-7
Antonescu, General Ion 302, 396, 425
Antonov, General A.I. 440
Anvil, Operation 297, 300-1, 315-16
Aosta, Duke of 266-9
appeasement policy 31-2
Ardennes offensive 365-72
armies 3-8, 11-16
arms 8, 14-15, 482-3
Germany 172-3
technology 334-6
Armstrong, J.A. 413
Arnim, General Jürgen von 282-4
Atlantic, Battle of 83-95
Atlantic Charter 459
Atlantic Wall 308-10
atomic weapons 482, 486-7
Auchinleck, Field Marshal Claude 259, 275-7
Aung San 216-17
Austria, annexation of 31
Autumn Mist, Operation 367-72
Avalanche, Opertion 291-4
87, 90, 419-20
Ba Maw 231
Badoglio, General Pietro 290-1
Bagramyan, Marshal Ivan 431
Bagration, Operation 326, 339, 401-4, 425
Balck, General Hermann 430
Baldwin, Stanley 73, 349
Balkans 301-6, 425-31
invasion of 114-29, 142
see also countries by name
ballistic missiles 484-7
Barbarossa 141-69
decision 108-13, 118, 141-2
Moscow 157-61, 166-8
and Red Army 142-8
Stalin’s reaction 148-54
winter 161-6
Barratt, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur 55
Battle of Britain 73-81
Bayerlein, General Fritz 328
Beaufre, General André 60
Bedell Smith, General Walter 297
Belgium 49, 52, 56-8, 59-60, 64, 233
Bell, Bishop of Chichester 361
Belotto, Bernardo 493
Beneš, Eduard 31-2
Bennett, Ralph 422
Bergonzoli, General Annibale 119
Beria, Lavrenty 154, 380
Berlin 493
bombing of 357
siege of 436-47
Soviet advance 431-5
Soviet occupation 495-6
Bessemer, Henry 8
Bidwell, S. 305
Billotte, General Gaston 50, 65
Bismarck Sea 244-5
Blaskowitz, General Johannes 344, 370
Bletchley Park, Code and Cipher School 88, 132-3, 419
US style 339, 341
in USSR 339
Blomberg, Field Marshal Werner von 31
‘Blue’ plan 180-3
Bluecoat, Operation 337
Blumentritt, General Günther 59, 311, 320
Blunt, Anthony 417
campaign 325-30
Bock, Field Marshal Fedor von 49-50, 66, 101, 104, 106, 110, 150, 151, 154, 158-63, 166-7, 168, 180-3, 383
Bolero, Operation 261
bomb, atomic 482, 487
bombing, strategic 75, 346-61, 484
Bor-Komorowski, General Tadeusz 337
Boris, King of Bulgaria 118, 302, 425
Bormann, Martin 101, 433, 445, 492
Bose, Subhas Chandra 231, 464
Bradley, General Omar 325, 332, 336, 338, 364, 369
Bramall, Lieutenant Edwin 318
Brauchitsch, Field Marshal Walther von 45-8, 64, 65, 101, 110, 142, 158, 169
Braun, Eva 443, 444
Braun, Werner von 484-6
Brest-Litovsk 151
British Expeditionary Force (BEF) 46, 52, 58, 65-7
Brooke, Field Marshal Sir Alan 53, 66, 259, 260, 277, 312-13, 382
Brooke-Popham, Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert 212
Broz, Josip
Tito Bruce, Captain Henry 319
Buckner, General Simon Bolivar 477
Budenny, Marshal Semyon 143-4, 154-5, 186
Bulgaria 107, 118, 120-1, 302, 425
Burgess, Guy 417
Burma 94, 216-18, 231-2, 462-6, 471
Burns, James MacGregor 455-8
Busch, Field Marshal Ernst von 402
Busse, General Theodor 442
Butcher, Commander 318
Butt Report 351
Byron, George Gordon, Lord 118, 410
Caen 323-5, 327
Caprilli, Captain 12
Carlyle, Thomas 15
Cartwheel, Operation 244-51
Casablanca Conference 244, 262-4, 282, 354-5
Case Red’ 65
Case Yellow’ 46-8
Cassino, Battle of 295, 296, 298-9
casualties 493-5
cavitron valve 484
Chamberlain, Neville 31-2, 64
Chang Chung-hui 230
Chapman, Professor Guy 56
Chennault, General Claire 462, 466
Cherbourg 325-6
Cherwell, Lord (Professor Frederick Lindemann) 351
Chetniks 126, 414-15
Chiang Kai-shek 199-202, 217, 223, 459, 461, 462, 471, 491
China 94, 459
armies 462-3
and Burma 217
civil war 491
and Japan 199-202, 232, 461-4, 471, 490-1
supplies 201, 462-3
Choltitz, General Dietrich von 344
Christian, Gerda 444
Christie, Walter 146, 334, 473
Chuikov, General Vasili 146, 187-9, 192, 440, 441, 445-6
Churchill, Winston Spencer
and A-bomb 482
and army command 259-60, 277
and Atlantic Charter 459
on Clark 300
and Crete 136, 138
and Egypt 120
and Ethiopia 269
and French strategy 55, 65, 69-70
on Freyberg 131
ideology 407
and intelligence 417-22
and invasion of Italy 290-1, 306
and Japanese entry into war 197, 209-11, 258
and Overlord 313, 328, 382
and Pacific war 247
and Poland 459-60, 495
and resistance 405-7
and Roosevelt 257-8, 455-6, 459
and Stalin 147-8, 185-6, 258, 262, 304, 429, 495
and strategic bombing 351-2
strategy 258-64
and supplies 83
and Tobruk 276-7
and US entry into war 258
war aims 454
and Yugoslavia 123
ciphers 87-9, 132-3, 417-23
Citadel, Operation 288, 387-91
Clark, General Mark 281, 293, 294, 296-300, 305-6
Clausewitz, Karl von 423, 467
Collier, Basil 214
Collins, General Joe 328
Cologne, ‘Thousand Bomber’ raid 354
concentration camps 237-9
conscription 11-14
Coral Sea, Battle of 224-6
Corap, General André 58, 60, 62
Coventry 422
Crete 106, 129-40, 421
Creveld, Professor Martin van 115, 127
Crimea 159-60, 161, 180-3
Cripps, Stafford 147
Cunningham, General Alan 259, 267-9, 275
Cunningham, Admiral Sir Andrew 273
Czechoslovakia 31-2, 409, 427-8, 495-6
Daladier, Edouard 31-2
Dalton, Hugh 405
Darlan, Admiral Jean Francois 281
de Gaulle, General Charles 51, 55, 63, 65, 67, 70, 269-72, 332, 344-5, 411
Degrelle, Léon 437-8, 442
Denmark 37-8, 234
Dentz, General Henri 270-1
Devers, General Jacob 422
Dietl, General Eduard 38, 402
Dietrich, General Sepp 127, 341, 367
Dill, General Sir John 122
Dollmann, General Friedrich 326
Dönitz, Admiral Karl 84-7, 90-3, 175, 441, 443, 447
Donovan, Colonel William 123
Doolittle, Colonel James 223-4, 358-9
Doorman, Admiral Karel 214-16
Dornberger, Walter 484-5
Douhet, Giulio 74, 348, 483
Doumenc, General Aimé 54, 60
Dowding, Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh 80
Dragoon, Operation 297, 300-1, 315-16
Dresden 360, 493
Dulles, Alan 482
Dunkirk 66-7
Dynamo, Operation 66
Eagle, Operation 78
Eaker, General Ira C. 298-9, 355
East Indies 214-15, 250-51
Eberbach, General Hans 340
Ebert, Friedrich 19
economies, national 82-3, 173-8
see also
Eden, Anthony 66, 259, 267
Edwards, Paul 178
Egypt 104-5, 115, 119
Eichelberger, General Robert 244
Eichen, Lieutenant Sidney 325
Einstein, Albert 487
Eisenhower, General Dwight D. 262-4, 281-2, 291, 313-15, 338, 344, 364, 369, 438-9
Ellis, Major Earl 473
Engels, Friedrich 3, 6
Enigma cipher machine 88, 132-3, 419, 420
Erickson, Professor John 148, 156, 165, 170, 379, 385, 389-91, 404, 433-4, 442-3, 446
espionage 417-18
Ethiopia 120, 266-70, 344
Evans-Pritchard, Edward 268
Falaise Gap, Battle of 331-45
Falkenhorst, General Nikolaus von 37
Final Solution’ 238-9
Finland 35-6, 108, 169, 401-2, 425-6
Fischer, Fritz 1
Fletcher, Admiral Frank John 225
Flower, Desmond 80
Flowers, Thomas 420
food 6-7, 82-3
Foote, Alexander 148
Formosa 474
Fortitude, Operation 311
army 51, 53-4
casualties 493
invasion 61-72
occupation 233-4, 310
resistance 406
surrender 70-2
Franco, General Francisco 105
Frank, General 492
Frederick II, King of Prussia (the Great) 125, 213, 453
Free French forces 269-71, 276, 411
Fretter-Pico, General Maximilian 430
Freud, Sigmund 11
Freyberg, Major-General Bernard 131, 133, 136, 138-9, 298, 421-2
Frick, Wilhelm 491
Friedeburg, General Hans von 447
Friesner, General Johannes 303
Frisches Haff 494
Fritsch, General Werner von 31
‘Fritz’ plan 108-9
Fromm, General Friedrich 365
Fuchs, Klaus 487
Fuller, Major-General J.F.C. 332
Galland, Lieutenant General Adolf 78, 81
Gamelin, General Maurice 52-5, 59, 62, 64, 332
Gavin, General James 325
Gehlen, Colonel Reinhard 399, 401
Genda, Minoru 207, 210
George VI, King of Great Britain 72
Georges, General Alphonse Joseph 54-5, 59, 60, 63, 65
Gericke, Captain Walter 135, 139
aircraft 50-1, 76-7, 129
arms 172-3
army 54, 141-2
casualties 494-5
economy and production 82-3, 173, 178, 233-7
marshalate 101-3
post-war 493-5
rockets 484-7
tanks 51, 176, 333-4, 335, 340-1
U-boats 83-95
Gilbert Islands 212, 248
Giraud, General Henri 58, 281
Goebbels, Josef 192, 329, 357, 365, 384, 385, 445, 453
Goering, Hermann 25, 67, 75, 77-9, 80, 101, 111, 130, 383, 441, 443, 491
Golikov, Marshal F.I. 387
Goodwood, Operation 327, 337
Gordov, V.N. 186
Gort, Field Marshal John 54-5, 66-7
Graf Spee
37, 84
Graham, D. 305
Gransard, General P.P.J. 61
Graziani, Marshal Rodolfo 119, 272-3, 293
Greece 106, 115-18, 120-2, 126-8, 428-9, 490, 492
Guadalcanal 241-3
Guam 211
Guariglia, Raffaele 291
Guderian, General Heinz 45, 48, 51, 63-5, 110, 150-1, 158-68, 176, 331, 335, 383-9, 424, 440
Guzzoni, Alfredo 289-90
Hacha, Emil 32
Haganah 490
Hague Convention 152
Haile Selassie, Emperor 267-9
Halder, General Franz 46-9, 64, 65, 70, 108-10, 124, 151, 157-60, 165, 180, 184-5
Halifax, Lord 53
Halsey, Admiral William 224, 244, 246-7, 466, 469-70
Hamburg 355-6, 361
Harding, General John 299
Harpe, General Josef 432
Harris, Air Chief Marshal Arthur 346-8, 352-3, 355-7, 358, 361
Hart, Admiral Thomas 218-19
Hassell, Ulrich von 57
Hausser, General Paul 341
Hess, Rudolf 21, 25, 141, 148
Heusinger, Colonel Adolf 159
Heydrich, Reinhardt 239, 409, 428
Heydte, Baron von der 135
Higgings Company of New Orleans 473
Himmler, Heinrich 30, 235-9, 365, 404, 424, 441, 443, 492
Hindenburg, General Paul von 27, 434
Hinsley, Professor Harold 419
Hirohito, Emperor 204, 488
Hiroshima 482, 487
Hitler, Adolf
and Allied invasion 307-16, 325-6, 335-6, 340-3, 362-3
and Allied invasion of Italy 288-92
and appeasement 31-2
Ardennes campaign 365-8, 377
army command 54, 259, 379, 458
and Barbarossa 142, 152, 157-9, 166, 168-9, 176
and Battle of Britain 75-9, 80-1
bomb plot against 329-30
and Bulgaria 120
and ‘Case Red’ 65
and ‘Case Yellow’ 46-8, 55
and concentration camps 237
and Crete 129, 139
and Czechoslovakia 31-2
death 444
and Dietl 38-9
French defeat 71
and the generals 28-34
Graf Spee
and Greece 105-6, 115-18, 121
and Hungary 427, 430
ideology 21-2, 82, 112-113, 407-8, 453-4
and intelligence 417
and Kursk 387-91, 393-9, 401-4
and Manstein Plan 48-9, 59, 64
and Mussolini 288, 408
Nazi revolution 26-8
and North Africa 105, 120, 274, 278, 281-4, 383
and Plan ‘Blue’ 180-5
and Poland 32-5
and rockets 485-6
and Scandinavia 36-9
Soviet offensive on Berlin 431-3, 436-7, 440-41
and Stalingrad 189-92, 383-5
and strategic bombing 350
and tanks 335, 340-2
and U-boats 85
and USA 197, 453-4
and USSR 103-4, 107-13
and war supplies 172-3
and Yugoslavia 122-7
Ho Chi Minh 491
Hodges, General 370
Hoepner, General Erich 51, 162-4, 165, 168
Homma, General Masaharu 219
Hong Kong 211-12
Hopkins, Harry 261, 457
Horthy, Admiral 124, 302, 426-27
Hoth, General Hermann 51, 151, 158, 164, 165, 182-3, 392
Hudson, Captain D.T. 413