The Second World War (97 page)

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Authors: John Keegan

BOOK: The Second World War
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Hull, Cordell 202, 205

Hungary 104, 302-3, 426-7, 430-1, 492

Huntziger, General Charles 60, 71

Husky, Operation 288-91


Iceland 87

Ichi-Go offensive 463, 466, 471

Iida, General Shojira 216-17, 464

Imamura, General Hitoshi 245

imperialism 17-18, 407-9

Indo-China 204, 490, 497

see also countries by name

Indonesia 215-16, 490

industrialisation 7-8


Germany 172-3, 358-9

occupied countries 233-5

UK 175-8

USA 177-8

USSR 108-9, 170-1


and Crete landings 132-3

Czechoslovakia 409

espionage 417-18

of Japanese strategy 202-4, 209

‘Lucy’ network 148, 391, 417-18

Overlord 311, 317

Poland 410

U-boats 88-9

and USSR 148-9

Iran 275

Iraq 271

‘Iron Curtain’ 495-6

Ironside, Field Marshal Sir Edmund 59

Irving, David 113

Ismay, General Sir Hastings Lionel 380


Allied campaign in 291-306

casualties 493

invasion of Africa 265-6

invasion of Greece 116

Mussolini’s rise 286

Winter Position 294-7

World War I 285

Iwo Jima 474, 475


Jacob, Ian 456


A-bombing 487-8

and China 199-202, 232, 461-4, 471, 491-2

defeat 461-71, 487-8

Doolittle raid 223

economy 82, 173-5

Leyte Gulf 466-71

Okinawa 472-8

preparations for war 202-5

production 467

strategic bombing of 480-2

strategy 197-205

Java 215-16, 490

Jeschonnek, General Hans 50, 348

Jews 238-9, 490

Jodl, General Alfried 104, 108-10, 130, 159, 167, 184, 192, 308, 366-7, 383, 387, 441, 447, 492

Juin, General Alphonse 299

Junge, Traudl 444


Kallay, Miklos 302

Kaltenbrunner, Ernst 492

tactics 472, 475-8

Kantaria, Meliton 444

Keitel, General Wilhelm 46, 71, 101, 130, 366, 383, 441, 492

Kenney, General George 245

Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert 48, 50, 75, 101, 282, 292-7, 300, 304, 439

Khrushchev, Nikita S. 156, 177

Kielsmansegg, Captain Graf von 63

Kiev 156, 160-1

Kimmel, Admiral H.E. 214

King, Admiral Ernest 240, 247, 258-60, 261, 315, 466, 474

King, General Edward 219

Kinzel, Manfred 94

Kipling, Rudyard 11, 16

Kirponos, General Mikhail 146, 148-9, 156-7, 160

Kleist, Field Marshal Ewald von 45, 111, 157, 160, 181, 184, 191, 331, 387, 395, 398-400

Kluge, General Günther von 101, 153, 158, 168, 326, 329, 340-1, 395

Knowles, Commander Kenneth 88

Koenig, Pierre 270, 276

Koga, Admiral Mineichi 246

Kohima 465

Koiso, Kuniaki 474, 482, 492

Konev, Marshal Ivan 146, 168, 380, 392-3, 398-403, 431-5, 438, 440-2, 446

Konoye, Prince Fumimaro 197-8, 201, 203, 230, 492

Korea 497

Korten, Günther 348

Koryzis, Alexander 127

Krebs, General Hans 440-1, 445-6

Kretschmer, Otto 94

Krueger, General Walter 468, 471

Krupp, Alfred 8

Küchler, General Georg von 398

Kulik, G.I. 144-6

Kuomintang 462

see also
Chiang Kai-shek

Kurita, Vice-Admiral Takeo 469-70

Kursk 288, 381-2, 386-93


landing craft 315, 321-2, 473-4

Lattre de Tassigny, General Jean de 69

Laval, Pierre 121, 281, 344

Leahy, Admiral William 480

Lebrun, Albert 55, 70

Leclerc, General Philippe 270, 344, 491

Leeb, Field Marshal Ritter von 49, 101-3, 150, 155-9, 161-2

Leese, General Oliver 259, 299

Lelyoshenko, General D.D. 168

LeMay, General Curtis 481

Lend-Lease 88, 93, 176-7, 258, 455

Leningrad 161-2, 493

Leopold, King of Belgium 57

Lettow-Vorbeck, General von 265

Leyte Gulf, Battle of 466-71

Libya 119, 266, 272-4

Liddell Hart, Basil 332, 352

Lindemann, Professor Frederick (Lord Cherwell) 352

List, Field Marshall Wilhelm 101, 184

Löhr, General Alexander 131, 304

London, bombing of 79, 351, 486, 493

Lorrain, Claude 306

Lossberg, Colonel Bernhard von 102, 104, 108

Lossow, General Otto von 24-5, 30

Lovett, Robert A. 359

Lucas, General John P. 297

Luck, Hans von 327

‘Lucy’ network 148, 391, 417-18

Ludendorff, General Erich 24-5

Luftwaffe 50, 75-81, 348

Lüttich, Operation 340-1

Lutyens, Edwin 16


MacArthur, General Douglas 218-19, 240-1, 244-5, 247, 250, 262, 466, 474, 480-1, 488

McClusky, Lieutenant-Commander Wade 228

Machiavelli, Niccolò 457

McNeill, Professor William 4, 9, 12

Madagascar 269

Maercker, General Ludwig von 19-20

‘Magic’ 202-5, 224, 246, 419, 422, 482

Maginot Line 47, 50-8, 69

Malaya 212-13, 231

Malenkov, Georgy 154, 379

Malinovsky, Marshal R.Y. 386, 430, 438, 488

Malta 130

Manchuria 200, 230-1, 461-3, 487, 491

Mannerheim, Marshal Carl Gustav 36, 162, 169, 401, 426

Mannheim 350

Mansbridge, Major-General E.C. 490

Manstein, Field Marshal Erich von 47-9, 60, 110, 150, 161, 180-3, 384-88, 398-400

Manteuffel, General Hasso von 368, 442

Mao Zedong 203, 462-3, 491

Marianas Islands 250, 467

Marita, Operation 118, 122

Market Garden, Operation 363

Marshall, General George C. 240, 258-64, 290, 312, 457, 487, 491

Marshall Islands 249

Marx, Karl 5

Matsui, General Iwane 463

Matsuoka, Yosuke 201

Maxim, Hiram 7

Mekhlis, L.Z. 144, 380

Mende, Karl Heinz 72

Merrill’s Marauders 462, 471

Metaxas, General John 116, 120

Michael, King of Romania 303, 425

Middleton, Drew 58

Midway 223-9, 423

, Draza 126, 413-15

Mikolajczyk, Stanislaw 404

Mikoyan, A.I. 170

Milch, Field Marshal Erhard 50, 75, 101

militarisation 3-22

Milward, Professor Alan 82

Minsk 151, 153

, General Bora 122-3

Mitchell, General William 74

Mitscher, Admiral Marc 249-50, 476

Model, Field Marshal Walther 160, 342, 367, 388-93, 400, 402-4, 439

Mohnke, SS Brigadeführer Wilhelm 444

Molotov, V.M. 33, 105, 106-7, 154, 165

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact 33, 35, 102-3, 107, 117, 148-9, 410-11

Monte Cassino 295, 296, 298-9

Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard 59, 140, 259, 262, 277-97, 312-14, 324-32, 336-9, 344, 362-4, 370-1

Morell, Dr Theodor 441

Morgan, General Sir Frederick 313

Morgenthau, Henry 453

Moscow 108-9, 157-61, 166-8

Mountbatten, Admiral Lord Louis 464

Mufti of Jerusalem, the 267, 271

Mussolini, Benito 20, 31, 33, 69-70, 105-6, 115-20, 265, 272, 284-91, 408

Mutaguchi, General Renya 463-6


Nagasaki 482, 487

Nagumo, Admiral Chuichi 208-11, 226-9

Nazi Party 22, 26-8

Nehring, General Walther 282

Netherlands 49, 56-7

East Indies 215-16

Neuhoff, CSM 135

New Guinea 224-5, 243-4, 224-5, 471

Newbold, Douglas 266

Niedermair, John 473

Nimitz, Admiral Chester 227, 240-3, 244, 247-50, 463, 466, 474, 477

Nishimura, Vice-Admiral Shoji 469

Nobel, Alfred 8

Noël, Léon 71

Nomura, Admiral Kichisaburo 203, 205

Norman, Max 420

Normandy 311, 313-14

see also Overlord

Norway 36-9, 311

Nuremberg 492


occupation 230-239

Asia 230-2

Eastern Europe 235-9, 410

Western Europe 232-5

O’Connor, General Richard 119, 273, 279

Office of Strategic Services (OSS), USA 416

Okinawa 474, 475-8, 479

Oldendorff, Admiral Jesse 469-70

Osterkamp, General Theodor 78

Overlord, Operation 264, 307-30

campaign 325-9

deception plans 310-16

forces 316-19

German confusion 319-22

Panzer response 318, 322-5

Overstraeten, General Robert van 57

Overy, Dr Richard 73-4

Ozawa, Admiral Jisaburo 250, 469-70



East Indies 214-18

Japanese occupation 230-2

Japanese strategy 206-8

Malaya 211-14

Midway 221-9

Pearl Harbor 208-11

Philippines 218-20

US counter-attack 240-51

Pahlavi, Reza Shah 275

Palestine 490

Papagas, General Alexandros 120, 125, 126-7

paratroops 129-30, 139-40

Crete 133-40

Overlord 320

Paris, liberation 342-5

Park, Air Vice-Marshal Keith 80

Pas de Calais 311, 313

Patch, General Alexander 301, 370, 438

Patton, General George 280-3, 289, 301, 311, 338-9, 362-5, 369-70, 438-9

Paul, Prince of Yugoslavia 122

Paulus, General Friedrich von 108, 181-2, 186, 187, 189-92

Pearl Harbor 206, 208-11

Peenemünde 486

Percival, General Arthur 212-14

Pétain, Marshal Philippe 64, 69-72, 105, 121, 272, 281, 344, 408

Peter, King of Yugoslavia 122

Philby, Kim 418

Philippines 218-20, 231-2

Phillips, Admiral Sir Tom 211

Pienaar, Dan 266

Platt, General Sir William 269

Poland 459-60, 495

casualties 492

invasion of 33-5

resistance 405-6, 410

and USSR 403-4, 410, 495-6

Popov, General M.M. 384, 386, 392

Popov, V.S. 151

population growth 4-6

Portal, Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles 263

Potsdam Conference 482, 495-6

Pownall, Admiral Charles 248

Prien, Günther 94

Pripet Marshes 150

production, war 8, 170-8, 233-6

Puttkamer, Admiral Karl-Jesko von 441


Quadrant Conference, Quebec 263-4

Quisling, Vidkun 37, 78, 408


Rabaul 244-6

radar 76, 352-3, 484

Raeder, Admiral Erich 37, 102, 111

Ramsay, Admiral Bertram 67

Rashid Ali 267, 271

Red Army 142-8, 179, 377-81, 395-7

purges 109, 129-30, 142-4

Red Orchestra 417-18

Reichenau, Field Marshal Walther von 101, 168

Reinhardt, General Hans 51, 432

Reitsch, Hanna 441

resistance 405-17

Reynaud, Paul 64, 69, 70

Rhine, crossings 363-4, 438-40

Ribbentrop, Joachim von 33, 105, 107, 197, 441, 492

Richthofen, General Wolfram von 184, 189, 191

Ritchie, General Sir Neil 259

Ritter von Greim, Field Marshal Robert 441, 443

rockets 484-8

Rodimtsev, A.I. 187

Röhm, Captain Ernst 21-2, 24-5, 29

Rokossovsky, Marshal K.K. 146, 156, 165, 168, 189-91, 380, 390-3, 403, 434, 440, 446

Romanenko, General P.L. 144-5

Romania 103-4, 117, 120, 302-3, 425, 492

Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin 61-5, 68-72, 120, 274-93, 310-12, 320-3, 330, 333, 383, 419, 422

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 457-8

and Churchill 257-8, 455-6, 459

death 453

and intelligence 417

and Japan 204-5, 208-9, 455

Lend-Lease 258, 455

neutrality 69, 206, 455

and Overlord 313

and Pacific war 247

and Stalin 459-60, 495

and strategy 259, 261-3, 453-60

and U-boats 206, 455-6

Rosa, Salvator 305

Rosenberg, Alfred 492

Rowehl, Theodor 147

Royal Air Force (RAF)

Bomber Command 346-61

Fighter Command 75-81

Rubarth, Hans 61

Ruby, General Edouard 55, 61

Rundstedt, Field Marshal Gerd von 47-50, 66, 68, 101, 142, 150, 155-60, 167-8, 308-12, 320, 326, 367, 439

Ryti, Risto 426


Saint-Lô 328-30, 338

Salisbury, Marquess of 361

Salomon, Ernst von 19

Sangro, battle 295-6

Sassoon, Siegfried 53

Sauckel, Fritz 235, 492

Schaub, Julius 441

Schelde estuary 362-3

Schepke, Joachim 94

Schlieben General Karl Wilhelm von 325

Schlieffen, Field Marshal von 49, 59, 108

Schmundt, Rudolf 48, 102, 104, 159, 185

Schörner, Field Marshal Ferdinand 400, 424, 431, 443

Schulze-Boysen network 417

Schuschnigg, Kurt von 31

Sealion, Operation 75, 80, 102, 104

Seeger, Alan 16

Senger und Etterlin, Frido von 289, 298

Serbs 122-3, 126

Serrigny, Bernard 69

Seyss-Inquart, Arthur 31, 492

Sherrod, Robert 248, 475

Shima, Vice-Admiral Kigohide 469

Shirer, William 101

Sho-1 plan 468-9

Shtemenko, General S.M. 400

Sicily, Allied invasion 287-91

‘Sickle Stroke’ 49-50, 65

signals intelligence 87-9, 132-3, 202-4, 418-23

, General Dušan 122

Singapore 213-14

Skorzeny, Colonel Otto 292, 302, 371, 427

Sledgehammer, Operation 261

Slessor, Air Marshal Sir John 349

Slim, General William 217-18, 465-6, 471

Smuts, Jan 266-7, 277

Sokolovsky, Marshal V.D. 146, 395, 445

Somaliland 120, 265-6

Sorge, Richard 147, 167-8, 417-18

Spaatz, General Carl 346, 358-9, 482

Spain 73, 105

Spears, General Edward 70

Special Operations Executive (SOE), UK 405-6, 409, 413-14, 428

Speer, Dr Albert 101, 172, 334-5, 348, 358, 366, 441, 443, 485

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