The Secret Heiress

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Authors: Judith Gould

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Table of Contents
“Strong romantic suspense.”—The Best Reviews
“Betrayal, violence, and a shocking conspiracy . . .
is romance with a dash of intrigue.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“Enthralling . . . ripe with exotic locales and entertaining mystery.”—
Romantic Times
The Parisian Affair
“Spine-tingling mystery . . . plenty of shocking surprises.”

“Fans of the bestselling Gould will enjoy her designer label name-dropping, her lush descriptions of the places rich folk romp, and of course, the . . . sex scenes.”

Publishers Weekly
“Old-fashioned glitz. Emeralds to die for . . . European settings . . . sex, and scheming bitches by the score.”

Kirkus Reviews
“Will keep readers hooked.”—
The Greek Villa
“[A] great escapist read, a tale filled with suspense, steamy sex, glamorous clothing, and exotic characters.”—
“Readers . . . will get plenty of bang for their buck.”

Publishers Weekly
“An engaging contemporary romance that has a touch of mystery.”—
Midwest Book Review
“Wonderful twists and turns. . . . Devour a bite at a time to truly enjoy and experience . . . an outstanding work.”
—A Romance Review
The Best Is Yet to Come
“An exciting relationship drama. . . . Readers will take pleasure from Judith Gould’s inspirational tale.”

Midwest Book Review
“[A] page-turning plot and deliciously evil villains. A delight.” —
Publishers Weekly
“A fun, glitzy summer read filled with titillating sex and tidbits about upper-crust Manhattan, the trademarks that delight Gould’s many avid fans.”—
“Another of Judith Gould’s surefire pleasers.”

The Sanford Herald
A Moment in Time
“Gould’s steamy tale about the lives of the rich and troubled is perfect for a read on the beach.”—
“Gould applies complex characters, steamy sex scenes, and a fast-moving plot to a popular premise. A modern-day Beauty and the Beast . . . sure to please her many fans.”

Affaire de Coeur
Time to Say Good-Bye
Beach Book of the Week
“Tugs seriously at your heart. . . . Fueled by a speedy . . . plot, delicious
-style details, and some lusty sex scenes that will surprise—perhaps even shock—the earthiest of readers, this yarn delivers.”—
“Cavort across the continents . . . with Gould’s diverting tale.”—
Till the End of Time
“This novel has all the right components: romance, a beautiful setting, deceit, and strong-willed, independent characters.” —
Second Love
“Whisks from scandal to scheme, piling on the suspense.”

Publishers Weekly
Too Damn Rich
“A wedding of Krantz and Sheldon. Judith Gould is a master.” —
Kirkus Reviews
“Mouthwatering . . . just the thing to chase away the blues.”

Chicago Tribune
Never Too Rich
“A romp . . . a smash success.”—
New York Daily News
Never Too Rich
Texas Born
Too Damn Rich
Second Love
Till the End of Time
Time to Say Good-Bye
A Moment in Time
The Best Is Yet to Come
The Greek Villa
The Parisian Affair
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Copyright © Judith Gould, Inc., 2006
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To the one I love
And, after all, what is a lie? ’Tis but
The truth in masquerade.
Don Juan,
(LORD BYRON), 1788-1824
January 1994 On the island of Hydra, Greece
When she was suddenly awakened by her mother, she sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes with small fists. “What is it, Mama?” she asked in a sleepy voice.
“Don’t ask questions now, Ariadne,” her mother said sternly. “We must hurry.”
“But what—?”
“No buts, Ariadne,” Maria said, pulling the bedcovers off her daughter and shoving them aside. “You must get up now. Quickly.”
Her mother had turned on the lamp at her bedside, and in its small pool of light Ariadne could see that her mother’s eyes were red and swollen. She had been crying. “What’s wrong, Mama?” she asked worriedly. “Why are you crying?”
Her father’s voice came from out of the darkness at the doorway to the tiny bedroom. “Your mama is fine, Ariadne,” he said. “Do as she says and hurry. We’re going on a trip.” She heard his footsteps as he marched back into the front room.
A trip?
Ariadne wondered what he was talking about. Maybe it was for her birthday, she thought. Tomorrow she would be ten years old.
“Here,” her mother said, gesturing to Sunday clothes she placed on the bed. “Put these on.”
Ariadne pulled off her nightgown and dutifully began dressing, watching as her mother opened the drawers in the old pine chest and began emptying their contents into a small piece of luggage. Sweaters, shirts, underwear, socks—all of Ariadne’s clothing in the drawers—went into the suitcase. Before she had tied the laces of her sneakers, her mother had taken the few things hanging in the battered armoire and placed them atop the clothing that already nearly filled the suitcase. Flipping the top down, she struggled with the zipper but finally managed to bring it all the way around.
When she was finished, she sat down on the bed and turned to Ariadne. In her hand was a long black scarf. She placed it on Ariadne’s head, then wrapped its ends around her neck. It was so low on her forehead and high on her chin that it obscured everything but the child’s eyes. Putting a hand on each of her daughter’s shoulders, she gazed at Ariadne with an anguished expression, then slid her arms around her and hugged her tightly.

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