The Secret Lives of Housewives (15 page)

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Authors: Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

BOOK: The Secret Lives of Housewives
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“Right,” Eve and Monica said together.

“Good. Any problem with that?”

With a watery smile, Angie shook her head. “Maybe.”

“Okay, let's get back to good sex,” Cait said. “Come on, Angie, think back. We need to hear good, hot things about Tony. Maybe on your honeymoon or the first time you and Tony did it?”

A small smile crept over Angie's face. “Well…”

“Tell us. Then we'll know what we're fighting for.”


Angie thought back to when she and Tony had started dating after his divorce. He and Jordanna had been apart for almost a year, and he'd had a few short-time girlfriends but nothing that lasted. Since high school she'd had several boyfriends, too, none really serious, but she was content with her single life. She'd moved from her parents' house on Sycamore into a one-bedroom in the East Hudson Apartments. She'd enjoyed decorating it herself, with colorful paintings by never-to-be-known artists on the walls and comfortable, inexpensive furniture. She was a bit lonely in the evenings so she found a wonderful little brown poodle at the local animal shelter to keep her company.

After their cars tapped rear bumpers in the Hudson Valley Mall parking lot, she and Tony got to talking. As attractive as ever, he had a lean, muscular body and a deep tan, both of which he maintained doing construction part-time for his brothers' firm. They'd begged him to join the family construction business after their father's death and he'd been surprised to discover that he didn't hate it as much as he'd expected to. “I never wanted to work in the family business,” he said, “and Jordanna thought doing construction was beneath me. Now that she and I have split I don't care what she thinks.”

They started to date, and soon they were seeing each other every weekend and talking on the phone almost every night in between. On the second Saturday in September, about two months after they began seeing each other, a cousin of Tony's got married and they arranged to go to the wedding together.

She shopped for several weeks until she found the perfect dress, sheer jersey with a scooped neck, a slender ankle-length skirt, and a figure-flattering wide gold belt. She got some chunky gold jewelry and gold sandals with high heels. She had her hair done early that afternoon, a soft pageboy that flattered her face and showed off her new earrings.

When Tony arrived to pick her up, he whistled. “God, my folks will flip when they see you. You look so great.”

Slightly embarrassed, but intensely pleased, she said nothing. At the party, she met so many of Tony's relatives that she quickly lost track of both names and relationships. “Don't let it worry you,” he said. “I've been part of this mob scene for most of my life and I often forget who's related to whom and how.”

After a sumptuous sit-down dinner, the band played dance music, everything from the cha-cha to circle dances. But it was the slow stuff that she liked best. Tony danced every one with her, holding her close and sighing hot breath into her ear. “I want you,” he whispered late in the evening.

They had done some kissing and petting but hadn't yet been to bed together. “I want you, too,” she'd said, the wine she'd consumed making her unwilling to resist.

“Let's get out of here,” he said, and after saying good night to about a thousand people, put her in his car and wordlessly drove to her apartment.

He parked and pulled her to him. The kiss was deep and long, his tongue snaking into her mouth and stroking hers, his hands caressing her back through her coat. “Let's go upstairs,” he said in a hoarse voice.

“Yes,” she said. “I want you very much.”

In the apartment, although she knew he was very aroused, Tony seemed able to take his time. He slowly removed her dress and slip, then slow danced with her as he removed his clothing until he wore only his briefs. He stroked her back and sides with his fingertips as he whispered, “You're so soft,” over and over.

His kisses drugged her with need and his restraint gratified her. He nibbled her neck and lightly bit her earlobe, rubbed his palms up her arms, then slid the straps of her bra from her shoulders. As the cups fell from her breasts, he purred and kissed the upper slopes, then down to her nipples.

Without stopping his laving of her breasts, he removed her bra and slowly lowered her panties until she stood in only her thigh-high stockings and shoes. When he stepped away to gaze at her she wanted to hide, but the look on his face kept her still. “You're so beautiful,” he said, his eyes roaming over her. “So beautiful.”

She could tell from the large bulge in his briefs that he wanted her, and she was soaked and ready for him. She wasn't a virgin, but she was uneducated and very nervous. Would she be enough for him? After all, he'd been married to Jordanna who, no doubt, was an expert between the sheets.

“May I make love to you?”

The question took her by surprise. She knew that she was sending the little come-on signals that men usually looked for and assumed that, since she hadn't said no, he'd decide that she meant yes. Tony, however, was asking her right out. How could she deny him, even if she had wanted to? “Oh, yes,” she sighed.

Quickly they went into the bedroom, and as she removed the rest of her clothes, he pulled the geometric-designed spread off the bed. As if she weighed nothing, he picked her up and lay her on the cool sheets. “My mind doesn't want to rush,” he said, removing his briefs, “but I'm so hungry for you.”

“I want you too. Protection?” she said softly.

“Of course,” he said, dashing into the living room and retrieving a condom from the pocket of his slacks.

She couldn't tear her eyes from him as he unrolled the latex over his erection. His upper body was well-muscled from all the lifting he did and his upper-body tan was a dark contrast to his white hips and pale, tight buttocks.

They kissed, then he nibbled along her jawline and nipped at her earlobe. Although she was in a sensual haze and wanted it to go on forever, she knew he couldn't wait. She cupped her palms over his hips and urged him to mount her. Then he was on top of her, slowly entering her sopping body. She arched her back to meet him, and wrapped her legs around his waist to pull him more deeply inside of her. “God, baby,” he groaned, “don't do that. It's difficult enough to hold back.”

“So don't,” she said, feeling bold and daring. “Do what feels good.”


She wiggled her hips so his thick cock moved within her until she heard his bellow as he came. Covered with a thin sheen of sweat, he collapsed beside her. “What about you?” he asked when he caught his breath.

“I'm wonderful.” She hadn't climaxed but it was still the best sex she'd ever had.

“I know that people say the dumbest, most impetuous things after an evening like this, but I love you so much. Will you marry me?”

Shocked, she stammered, “We…I mean we've only just begun dating,” she said.

“I know, but we've known each other since high school and I can feel”—he tapped his chest near his heart—“in here, how right this is.”

In high school she'd loved him the way one teen loves another, but now she was older and loved him as a woman. This was sudden, but like Tony, she felt it was right, too. “I do love you.”

His face radiated with the most brilliant smile she'd ever seen. “Then you will?” He sounded incredulous.

“Yes,” she said.


Angie told her friends the PG-rated version of that evening, enjoying the dreamy looks that lit the other three women's faces. “And we were married three months later.”

Eve said, “That's so beautiful, I want to cry.”

“It sounds so fabulous,” Cait said. Finally having heard the good side of Tony, she understood what Angie saw in him. “So romantic. I, for one, think he's a keeper.” She leaned forward and looked into Angie's eyes. “We'll make this work for both of you. I mean it.”

Angie's smile was crooked and a bit damp as she said, “Thanks. Okay, I want off this sex hook you've got me on. It's someone else's turn. How about you, Cait? You started this. What was your best sex with Logan?”


ait had already thought carefully about whether to tell her friends about Hotguy and had decided that it was too juicy not to share. Maybe that was why she'd brought sex up in the first place. “My best sex wasn't Logan.”

“No? Who then? Someone from before?” Eve asked, picking up her drink, trying not to look too curious.

“Nope, not in the past. Someone from right now. This afternoon, actually.”

“You're cheating on Logan?” Angie said, suddenly shocked. “Somehow that doesn't sound like you.”

“I'm not cheating. Well, not exactly.”

“Okay,” Monica said. “Now I'm confused. What does ‘not exactly' mean? Either you're having sex with someone who isn't your husband or you're not.”

“I've got a cyberlover and we had our first on-camera encounter this afternoon while Logan went to his office and checked his e-mail.”

The other three women gaped. When Eve regained her composure, she said, “A cyberlover? How does one do that? How did it start?”

Cait told them about her ventures into chatting, and then her discovery of Paul's Place. “I met Hotguy—that's his screen name, actually Hotguy344—one afternoon and we made love in a private room.” She spent the next few minutes explaining about hot chatting and private places in cyberspace. “His real name is Brett. He told me he was handsome, but when I saw him I realized that he's not really very good-looking. But God, he's hot, hot, hot.” She fanned her face with her hand. “And after all, I'm no babe myself.” She munched a chip to create a theatrical pause.

“Isn't that sort of thing dangerous?” Monica asked. “I mean, what do you really know about him?”

“Not much. I know he lives in Fairbanks, Alaska, and that's about it. But he doesn't know much about me either, so where's the danger?” Cait was feeling really good and very sure of herself after her afternoon romp.

“I don't know,” Eve said. “It sounds creepy to me.” She blushed and ducked her head, a small smile on her lips. “Even if the sex is really good, but what do I know about any of that?”

“Hot chatting isn't dangerous if you're careful not to reveal too much personal information.” She realized that Brett did know her name and what state she lived in, but he was so far away that it couldn't matter. Could it? A small shiver passed over her.

“You said you used a camera this afternoon,” Monica said, leaning forward and chewing on a chip with salsa. “I, for one, am dying of curiosity. I have no idea what goes on on the Internet. Give!”

“It all started when I logged onto a Web site called Paul's Place.” She found she enjoyed telling her friends about her escapades almost as much as having them in the first place. The looks of wonder and envy did her heart good.

“Sounds wonderfully kinky,” Angie said. “I can't imagine myself doing it, but if I were single and much more experimental than I am, I just might.”

Eve stared at Angie. “You're kidding, Angie. It seems so far out of my experience, and yours, too.”

“Different and far out aren't necessarily bad,” Cait said, enjoying amazing the women more and more. She was the expert and it felt good.

“You said you used a camera today? What about Logan? What if he finds out or walks in on you? It sounds like quite a risk.”

“He knows nothing and doesn't seem to care enough to investigate. I don't feel bad about that. Anyway, to me it's not really cheating since there's no physical contact of any kind. Logan's not interested in having sex with me and I'm no saint. I have my needs and this scratches my itches without my having to pick up some guy in a bar or at a party.”

“It sounds so reasonable when you say it, Cait,” Eve said, “but I don't know how I feel about it. I'm trying to imagine how I'd react if my husband, if I had one, was doing what you're doing.”

“Well,” Cait said, “different strokes.” She sounded almost cocky, but watching her friends' reactions, she wondered whether she was as sure of herself as she sounded.

“You bet,” Monica said. “I'm dying of curiosity. Tell us about the camera thing. How does it work? You talk to each other live, too, right? It must have been the first time you've heard his voice or seen his face.”

“It was.” Cait smiled and allowed her mind to drift while she spoke.


She had found Hotguy344 in the chatroom at Paul's Place and they'd gone private. She told him about her camera and he gave her a short list of instructions to follow so they could see and talk with each other. It took a few attempts but finally she saw Hotguy344's image appear on her screen.

He wasn't at all what she'd pictured. The Brett she fantasized about, the one he'd described to her in their early encounters in the chat room, was in his mid-twenties, with blond curly hair and a great physique. The real Brett was much older, stocky, with dark hair and eyes. He had a neatly trimmed moustache and a bushy beard that he stroked with his large, long-fingered hand. He wore only briefs, and she could see that his body was covered with thick hair. “Not what you expected?” he said, and she could watch his mouth move as he spoke.

“Not quite, but I'll bet I'm not either.” She'd warned him, and from the look on his face as he looked her over, he seemed pleased.

“Why in the world did you tell me all that stuff about being twenty-five with dark hair? You're sensational exactly the way you are.” Cait glowed at his praise as he continued. “Stand up and let me look at you.”

The camera sat on top of her monitor so she stood and stepped back so he could see her from knees to hair. She had worn a pair of tiny white shorts and a tight T-shirt. She hadn't worn a bra so her nipples showed prominently through the thin fabric. “I like your tits,” he said.

A shiver echoed through her body. His voice was gruff and forceful, and it sliced through her. “Thanks,” she said softly.

“I'd like to see them better,” he purred, then said, “Why don't you take off your shirt?”

With a growing smile, she slowly removed her top. She treated it like a strip show, slowly pulling the hem of the shirt up, revealing her breasts only a bit at a time. She heard him laugh. “You like to tease,” he said. “That's wonderful.” She watched his palm stroke the length of the bulge in his small black briefs. “Ah, Cait, this is going to be so good.”

She realized that he'd called her by name. Wasn't that a bit dangerous? Probably not. “Yes, Brett, it certainly is.” She wanted to be more than just an object in this game so she said, “I love watching your hand on your cock.” So far she'd only typed those words. Hearing herself say “cock” was almost as exciting to her as seeing Brett on her screen.

“Now the shorts and panties. Since this is our first time I'm really eager to get it on with you.”

She took off the remainder of her clothing and sat in front of the camera, her heels on her chair. “Are you wet?” he asked. “I want to watch you stick your finger between your legs and tell me how wet you are.”

She stroked herself. She was soaked, and she told him so. “I love that,” he said, pulling down his briefs.

When she saw his cock for the first time, as thick around as her wrist, she said, “That's quite a piece of equipment you've got there.” She tried for coy but it came out with a small catch in her voice.

“And it's all for you.” He filled his palm with lubricant, then wrapped his hand around his dick and rubbed from tip to base. “I like to make it feel like I'm fucking you.” He stroked again. “Does watching me make you hot?”

“I'm so hot already there's not much further to go.” She realized that she meant it. She was so highly aroused that she could probably come from just a touch of her fingers, but she wouldn't do that just yet. She'd let the anticipation build for as long as she could stand it.

“Then watch me.” He was obviously well practiced and knew exactly how to touch to make his cock swell and dance. As she stared, transfixed, he reached between his thick, hairy thighs and cupped his balls, squeezing and pulling on his sac. “I'm getting close, too,” he said. “Spread your legs more and point the camera down so I can see your pussy.” She adjusted the camera, shifted forward on her desk chair, and parted her inner lips with her fingers. “Ah, yes,” he said as he rubbed the length of his cock, “your wet lips almost fill my screen.” He leaned back and kept rubbing. “Now touch your clit. It's so swollen it's almost like you have a cock like mine. Rub it!”

It was as though he controlled her fingers as he told her exactly where to touch. “Slide your fingers to the left. Oh, yes, I can tell that you like that. Now rub the right side of your clitty with one hand and pinch your nipples with the other.” She knew her body pretty well but listening to him give directions for her to rub here and stroke there made it all the better. Soon her pulse was pounding and her breathing was ragged. “Getting close?” he growled, and she watched him look around the area around her computer. “I can see a thick magic marker on the desk beside your keyboard. Take it and push it into your snatch. Fuck yourself with it. I want to watch.”

Without hesitation she took the marker and used the blunt end as a dildo to fuck her pussy. It didn't fill her, and somewhere in her brain she made a note to go to an adult Web site and buy a thick dildo for herself for next time. While she slid the marker in and out, she rubbed her clit with her other hand. Her eyes never left Brett's hand and she soon realized that he was as close as she was. She'd done that for him. She'd aroused him, gotten him really hot. “I want to see you come,” he said. “Do whatever it is that you do when we chat and make yourself come. When you do, I will.”

She knew just the places to touch and in only a moment, she came. She knew he could hear her grunts and the mewling sounds she made and watch her head fall back as she fought to breathe. “You're a treasure,” he said, rubbing his cock harder and faster. As she came down, she watched semen spurt from the tip of his cock and he caught it with his other hand.

They cleaned up, and finally he said, “We'll have to do this often. It's delicious and the closest I can come to fucking you in person—for the moment.”

“I've got to go now,” she said, still in a sexual fog. “I hope we can do that again soon.”

“Can we make plans now?”

“I never know when my husband's going to be out so you'll have to hang around Paul's Place and I'll get there when I can.”

“That will have to do. I'm logging off.” She saw his fingers on his keyboard and then her screen returned to the logo of the Web site she'd logged on to. She quickly shut her computer down.

As she thought over their encounter, she smiled, then heard him say something about fucking her in person. What did his “for the moment” mean? Ahhh. Probably nothing, and she was too content to think about it too much. This had been both exhilarating and exhausting. The camera made it so much more exciting and she couldn't wait to meet him again. She hoped he felt the same way.


When she finished telling her three friends the slightly expurgated version of her encounter with Hotguy344, she was wet. Pleading too many margaritas, she rushed to the ladies' room and masturbated to orgasm. When she returned to the table her friends were looking at her in awe. “I can't believe you did that,” Eve said. “It's like a whole new kind of sex.”

“It is, isn't it? And it's going to be difficult for me not to log on daily.”

“You're sure he doesn't know anything about you?” Monica asked, sipping her drink. “I worry about you, babe.”

“Nah. I'm really careful.” Careful enough? She picked up her drink. “Okay. Monica, your turn. Best sex ever.”

“After that story of yours,” Monica said, “I can't think of anything anywhere near as hot as that.”

“My story wasn't that kind, either,” Angie said. “I 'fessed up so now it's your turn. No punking out.”

“Okay,” Monica said with a resigned sigh. “I haven't had lots of long-term relationships and I think most of the really good stuff happens when two people grow to know and trust each other. Most of my sex is one-night stands. Most good, some not. It's difficult for me to single out one experience.”

“Okay, how about we change the rules?” Cait said. “What's the worst you've ever had?”

A picture flashed through Monica's mind and she couldn't help but laugh. “That's easier. I did business briefly with a guy who worked for a slick woman's magazine, I won't say which one. We'd been talking on the phone for several weeks and eventually decided to get together for drinks. He wasn't a bigwig at his place, but had a little bit of power. He was young and kind of cute, so I was willing to hop into bed with him if that was what it took.”

“I'm curious,” Eve said. “Is there a lot of fooling around? You know,
quid pro quo
stuff? I know there is in my business. Since the government is so tight on money changing hands, although I'm sure some does, it's more favors for favors, with sexual favors at the top of the list.”

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