The Secret of Spring (25 page)

Read The Secret of Spring Online

Authors: Piers Anthony,Jo Anne Taeusch

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #General, #Life on other planets, #Magic, #Epic, #Wizards

BOOK: The Secret of Spring
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Sam glanced over his shoulder toward
. She held her breath, certain he would spot Cling Ling, but he didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. She breathed again as he turned back and reached down for the coffee pot, first filling his own tin mug, then offering some to Charlie. Charlie held out his cup,
yowled in pain as the hot liquid sloshed over him.

One of Cling Ling's vines had tripped up Sam just as he lifted the pot. For a brief moment they all stood comically suspended, the two men trying to figure out what was going on. Then Cling Ling pressed a nerve on the injured Charlie's spine, sending him crumbling into the ashes of the fire.

Samuel reached for his knife. "An enchanted weed," he bellowed, wielding the weapon at
foliage. Unfortunately for him, he hesitated, trying to find where the bush was vulnerable. It was a split second too long. One of
vines shot out to snatch away the blade, sending it sailing off into the creek. It sank with a small splash.

"My father's silver handled stabber," Samuel cried. "Why you bloody bush! I'll break you to kindling!" He reached wildly, picking Cling Ling up and squeezing him in a tight bear hug against his chest.

It was probably the worst possible move he could have made.
vines wrapped around the man's bull neck and contracted. Sam let go to clutch at his throat. He tried to speak, but the air was gone. He turned a motley shade of blue and dropped to the ground, taking Cling Ling with him. The man was done for.

Slowly, Cling unwound his vines and rolled back to
. She was up and watching the struggle from a distance. When Cling brought the last man down, she had untied the horses and given them a sound smack on the backsides, smiling with satisfaction as they galloped away down the stream.

Cling nodded approval. "By the time they recover and round up their horses, we shall be long departed."

"Herb?" she whispered. She knew he would have come with Cling Ling were he able, so she was almost afraid to ask.

"Roughed up, but he will recover," Cling Ling said. "He put up a valiant fight for your honor, Mistress Moon."

"I have no honor left," she scoffed, thinking of all the trouble she had brought down on them. "Please, let's hurry, Cling Ling! I want to tell him how much-how much I appreciate what he did for me," she finished quietly.

Without another word, the
led her back through the woods to the place where Herb lay, hardly moving since his friend had left. His head still throbbed, and his lips felt the size of Freezer wheels.

gasped, shocked at his appearance now that the bruises were in full color. Even on green skin, they were beauties.

," he said weakly, trying to smile and wincing at the attempt. "Are you well? They didn't-they didn't harm you?" he asked fearfully.

"How could anyone harm me with you and Cling to protect me?" she asked in return, smiling. "Oh, Herb. You were wonderful!" Then she hugged him soundly.

"Ouch," he yelped.

Spring quickly released him. "Sorry. Is there any place it doesn't hurt?" She leaned forward and cautiously, carefully placed a kiss on an
spot of forehead. "There," she said. "That's for defending me."

"They beat me to a pulp!" Herb snorted.

"Well, yes. But you were outnumbered," she reminded him.

"I suppose I didn't do too badly under the circumstances," Herb agreed, grinning through his pain. "But I couldn't let anything happen to-to the Secret." He caught himself. Damn the damn Secret! It was
. She was all that mattered, but she certainly didn't want to hear that kind of crazy talk from him.

"I see,"
said, some of the enthusiasm fading. "Well, just so you know. I am very grateful."

"Where are the bandits?" asked Herb, trying to sound matter-of-fact.

"Oh, dreaming sweet dreams," she answered. "Cling Ling took care of them."

"Speaking of Cling, where is he?" he asked.

"I don't know. Around, I imagine. You know Cling Ling. He doesn't leave much to chance."

"Yes. Yes, we are fortunate to have him with us," Herb agreed, wondering why suddenly all they could talk about was Cling Ling. Why did a barrier always pop up just when they were getting-close?

Why? He knew very well. Lily. Zygote. Spring's long lost lover. If those weren't reasons enough, he was sure he could find plenty more.

Cling Ling returned shortly bearing news. He had rolled some distance earlier that day searching for any sign of Zygote's castle. The area they had landed in was mainly forest and largely uninhabited. This time out, however, he had met up with a hunter. The man could not, or did not want to give him any information about Zygote, but he did let slip that they were not far from a castle. Cling had continued to search until he made a discovery.

"I found the castle not far from here, but I suggest we proceed with caution," he said. "We will be no assistance to Miss Lily if we become prisoners as well."

Lily, Herb thought. How long ago and far away the two of them seemed now. Just a memory, like a picture on a postcard.

Only none of them "wished they were here."



Jasmine's Castle


They waited as long as they could before starting out. Cling Ling needed a breather after his workout with the bandits, and hike through the woods. Herb was still recuperating, but it was vital to press onward if they hoped to reach the castle Cling Ling had found, before nightfall.

They moved quietly through the woods, as the dusk turned too soon into darkness. It was not the wisest course to wander about at night in a possibly enchanted wood. They proceeded with caution, but the only sounds came from the dry leaves cracking beneath their feet, and the occasional rustle as small woodland creatures scurried from the trespassers. The stillness itself was eerie, and as they came to a clearing, it was with relief that they spied the tall, dark walls of the castle looming ahead of them.

Just then, a dark shape swooped down, causing
to give a muffled cry, but it was only a night owl. It flew away as suddenly as it had appeared.

They followed Cling, who guided them to a pathway leading close to the castle. The tall peaks of the towers gleamed in the moonlight, making dark blue and purple shadows along the path. It was beautiful and frightening at once, like a child's dream. As they drew nearer, entering through garden gates, lights from the tall windows above gave off a soft, golden glow.

"There seem to be an uncommon number of statues in this garden," Herb commented. "Is your friend Zygote a patron of the arts?" He gazed at the form of a muscular young
sword raised high above his head as if to strike.

"I don't know,"
answered. "But you're right, it is a bit busy." She looked across the ornate lawn at the profusion of sculptures. There seemed no pattern to their placement, and they appeared to be all male likenesses, as well. She advanced to the nearest and stroked the smooth surface, giving a small cry at the touch.

"What's wrong?" Herb asked anxiously.

"I can't believe it. I wish I could see better, but Herb, I think all of these statues are carved from gemstones."

"Crystals? The sort of stones your father used for healing?" he asked.

"Some crystal, probably, but others too," she said excitedly, examining another. "Emeralds, and diamonds, and rubies. Incredible. How could stones of this size exist?"

"They are very valuable, then?"

"Yes, depending on the kind they are, of course." She looked with a trained eye to another beside them, and drew in her breath. "If this really is one emerald, I couldn't begin to calculate its worth."

"But if this Zygote is so wealthy, why would he care about your secret? He could have whatever he wants anyway," Herb said.

"Power, Herb. Riches are nothing to some men compared with that."

Cling Ling had left them momentarily to roll about the grounds. He had just returned when a brilliant light suddenly lit up the garden, bright as day. The scene was breathtaking. Statuary of every kind of stone stood glistening like giant jewels. They were all colors, emerald green, ruby red, sapphire blue, and delicate shades in between. It was like standing in the center of a rainbow. The light seemed to come from no specific area, but magical or scientific, it provided a beautiful spectacle.

It did mean, however, that someone knew they were in the garden. There was nowhere to run, so they tried concealing themselves behind the statues. But as it turned out, they were too late.

Through the center of the stones glided a lovely young woman who called out sweetly to them: "Please Travellers. Be not afraid. Welcome. Enter and rest within. The nights
not safe to fare abroad."

The girl's hair was long, full, and jet black, set with a circlet of gold. Her color was deep olive, her form fair and slender. She was attired in a flowing gown of rich, dark red, with midnight lace at the sleeves and low bodice, and golden ornaments encircled her wrists. A single, perfect crystal hung from the delicate chain at her neck, nestled in the V of her breasts.

"Fear not, strangers," she entreated kindly, her arms opened wide in welcome. "You are safe here."

They stood in silence. Even
had been struck by the strange girl's beauty. "What do you think?" she whispered to the others.

"Does Zygote have a daughter?" asked Herb.

Spring gave a snort. "Who would marry Zygote? Either it's a trick to lure us in, or-this isn't his castle."

They looked to Cling. "It could be a trap, but I must agree with
supposition. I have seen no signs of the magician here. There may be more than one castle in
. Given a choice between staying the night here and venturing through the dark to an unknown destination, I believe I would select the lesser of risks."

The others saw his point. They stepped forward into the light.

"Why bid strangers such a warm welcome?" Spring asked suspiciously.

"I have no reason to fear," answered the girl, "but certain strange creatures walk the night
. '
Tis no place for the innocent." She smiled, her beauty intensifying.

And perhaps you are not as innocent as you seem,

"We thank you and accept your hospitality," Cling Ling said. "We seek the castle of Zygote."

"The magician? Nay, his abode
much too far to journey this night. I am Jasmine, and this is my castle. Please follow me." She led them inside through a corridor lined with marble pedestals, which held small statues of animals and flowers, carved of the same precious materials as the statues outside.

Spring was enthralled. Never had she seen such a grand display of gems. "Jasmine, if I may ask
how can such large pieces of precious stone exist? The artistry is fantastic." She paused to examine a small rabbit of sapphire, and pyrite flowers. "They are even cut to scale."

Jasmine glowed with pleasure. "This is a magical world; many facets of natural law do not apply here."

That was the only explanation,

Jasmine showed them to a group of rooms along another long hallway, inviting them to take their choice. The castle was so
a few overnight guests could hardly burden their hostess. She then bid them goodnight with a promise to send refreshments to their quarters, and departed.

The guest rooms were sumptuous. As Herb lay on his comfortable bed, he reflected how good it felt to be resting on something that wasn't hurtling though outer space.

True to the lady of the castle's word, a tray of wine, fruit and rolls was delivered to each of their rooms. Herb was too restless to eat very much, and soon found he was more than a bit lonely for company. He wandered out into the hallway, intending to see if
was still awake.

The swish of a feminine skirt sounded behind him. He turned to find Jasmine at his side, smiling sweetly. She had lovely features, no doubt of that, and her dark coloring was closer to that of
his own

Before he could speak, she placed a well-manicured fingertip to her lips, motioning him away from the other doorways.

"My servant says the lady was fatigued and requested an herb tea to help her sleep.
Needs must
you disturb her rest? May I be of assistance?"

"Oh, I was just looking for company, nothing important. Of course, she needs her rest and I won't bother her. I apologize for keeping you up as well. I will return to my room."

"Thou art restless. That is understandable after a long journey. Why not join me for a walk in the garden? 'Tis a fine warm night with a full moon."

"But I thought you said it wasn't safe to go out at night here," Herb reminded her.

"My grounds
secure. None would dare to trespass the garden now. It is protected," she assured him.

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