The Shadow Reader (13 page)

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Authors: Sandy Williams

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Fiction, #General, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Shadow Reader
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Someone wrenches me to my feet. I’d cry out a protest if the sharp twinge of pain in my lower back didn’t drive the air from my lungs. Black spots murk my vision as I’m dragged away from the inn’s front door. I’m thrown to the ground before I can suck in a breath.
Freaking hell, I hurt. The pain radiates up my spine and into my neck. Nauseous, I force myself to my hands and knees and wait as my stomach tries to empty itself. A few dry heaves, but nothing comes up, and after another minute, the pain ebbs, becomes more manageable. I settle onto my haunches and try to get my bearings.
I’m sitting on the kitchen floor. Naito and Kelia are crouched down by the cabinets, too. They’re both smeared with the soot in the air. She’s wearing a very thin, baby blue nightie but Naito has on nothing but a pair of jeans. Long, red scratch marks curve over his shoulders and down his chest. They’re clearly not the result of this attack. Kelia’s cheeks are flushed and the
scurrying over her flesh quiver with pent-up energy.
“Who’s outside?” I ask them, though my gaze is drawn to the window in the breakfast nook where Lena and another fae crouch, bolts nocked and ready in their crossbows. A few boxes, a couple of swords, and an extra crossbow are lined up against the wall beside them. My backpack and some other bags are thrown there as well.
“My father,” Naito responds. The acid in his voice could corrode iron.
“Vigilantes,” Kelia clarifies. “Humans who kill fae.”
My frown triggers a headache behind my eyes. Humans who kill fae? “Why?”
“Because they hate,” Naito all but snarls.
“They have the Sight?” I press. Kelia nods. “Are any of them shadow-readers?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Naito says. “They can’t follow fae into the Realm without a fae to take them through a gate.”
Kelia lays her hand on his shoulder. “The vigilantes won’t touch us.”
Something in her voice tells me that “us” is really a “me.” The vigilantes won’t touch
, or so she’s trying to assure Naito. Sounds like there’s an interesting story there. Could it be?
I turn my attention back to Naito. “You used to be one of them.”
The tension in his clenched jaw indicates I’m right. I sniff. How Romeo and Juliet of them.
I glance in the direction of the front door. The humans seem to be concentrating their fire on the upper floors. Whether that’s because the fae up there are drawing their fire or because a few humans invaded the ground floor, I don’t know, but that’s not what’s worrying me. The humans have slowed their attack. The spluttering of gunfire is more intermittent now. They’re taking their time to aim. What if they
running out of ammunition? If they have to retreat, will they return? I don’t want to miss this opportunity to escape, but if I make a mad dash out the door, will the fae upstairs take a shot at me?
“Don’t think about it,” Naito says, reading my mind. “The vigilantes will kill you just for being here.”
I throw him a quick glare. “I’m not with the rest of you.”
“They won’t care. You work for the Court. A fae is a fae to them.”
“Then I won’t broadcast my job,” I snap. It’s been a week since Aren healed my arm, and this is the first, possibly the last, chance I might have to escape.
“Listen to him, McKenzie,” Kelia says. “These people are the worst of humankind. They’ll kill you on sight.”
I stifle the “whatever” I want to snap out when a flash pulls my attention back toward Lena. Out of arrows, the fae beside her has set his crossbow aside. He rises to his knees now, holding a handful of flames.
“No fire,”
Lena orders in their language. After a brief hesitation, the fae makes a fist, extinguishing his small blaze. Almost all fae have the ability to create and manipulate fire, but having enough skill and power to throw it—as I assume this fae was about to do—is impressive. I wish Lena hadn’t stopped him, though. A forest fire would undoubtedly draw more humans here.
humans. I won’t admit it, but Naito and Kelia’s claims about the vigilantes make me nervous.
I can’t stay here, though.
I rise into a low crouch, prepared to sprint for the front door, when another niggling thought causes me to hesitate. Something’s not right here, something aside from the vigilantes and the fae. I’m not sure what it is until I glance again toward the breakfast nook. Lena’s staring back at me, her face pinched.
“Go ahead and run,” she says. “We need a diversion.”
They’re fae. They
need a diversion.
“Why isn’t anyone fissuring?” I ask.
fissure,” she says as if I’m the densest person she’s ever met.
“You can’t fiss . . .” My voice trails off. I survey the kitchen, the countertops and floor, then my jeans and my palms. It’s not soot in the air; it’s silver dust. Everything’s coated in it.
Shit. The rebels are totally screwed. These humans are brilliant. Not only are they keeping the fae from escaping, they’re severely limiting their ability to fight as well. The fae rely on their fissures to avoid and initiate attacks. They’re crippled without use of that magic.
Their problem, not mine. I’m getting out of here.
I don’t want to get a crossbow bolt in my back, so I wait until Lena takes aim outside the window before I make a dash for the kitchen’s exit. I don’t get far. A mass of intertwined arms and legs barrels past me. I spin around as Aren and a human crash against the counter. Both men grapple and curse, but Aren’s stronger, more agile. He wraps his arms around the struggling human and body-slams him to the linoleum.
Something skates across the floor. A gun. Naito grabs it on his way to help Aren; then, together, they wrestle the human across the kitchen and heave him into a chair.
“How did you find us?” Aren demands, inches from his captive’s face. I think the man’s one of the two humans who charged inside when I tumbled down the stairs, but I didn’t get a good enough look to be sure. Besides, he’s been roughed up so badly he’s barely able to sit upright. His nose looks broken, his mouth and chin are covered in blood, and his cheek is so swollen he can’t open his left eye.
Aren’s face looks better, but he’s hurt, too. Blood runs down his back and chest from a bullet wound in his upper left shoulder. He’s not wearing a shirt. I’m pretty sure the round went straight through his muscle. If it had struck a few inches lower, he’d most certainly be dead.
“How did you find us?” he demands again. He doesn’t give the man time to answer before he swings a fist into his face.
“Answer his question, Tom,” Naito says, stepping forward and running his hands over the human’s camouflaged pants. He finds something in a pocket on the man’s thigh. I don’t recognize the black rectangle until Naito snaps it into the magazine well of the gun.
“Naito,” the captive responds, drawing out the shadow-reader’s name. “Your father thought you might be with this group.”
“So he’s throwing all his firepower at us? How’d he find out about the silver?” He tucks the pistol into the waistband of his jeans.
“It’s old legend, Naito. We just discovered a way to deploy it.” He nods toward the remains of some twisted-up piece of metal. It looks like it might have been an old Maxwell House coffee can. The vigilantes must have stuffed it with silver dust and some type of explosive and then launched it into the inn. There are other twisted pieces of metal scattered around, too. Probably dozens more outside.
“Bullshit,” Naito says. “Who told you?”
Tom shrugs as if he hasn’t been beaten to a bloody pulp. His gaze takes an inventory of the kitchen, finally rests on me. “You’re with them?”
“No. They kidnapped me.”
He’s about to say something else, but Aren cuts him off. “How did you find us?”
“Go to hell,” Tom says. I have to give the human kudos. If Aren interrogated me with that expression on his face, I wouldn’t talk to him like that.
Aren towers over the vigilante. His voice is ice when he speaks. “You know what I’m capable of?”
Tom straightens and meets the fae’s eyes.
Aren’s temple pulses when he clenches his jaw. He glances at Lena as if asking her for permission. Her lips thin, but she gives him a curt nod.
“Very well,” he says. Then he wraps his hands around the human’s forearms. Tom screams and jerks. His chair tilts back on two legs before crashing over. Aren follows him down, his hands burning through Tom’s camouflaged sleeves and searing his flesh. The scream and the acrid smell trigger the memory of Brykeld, and my stomach churns.
“Okay!” Tom screams. Aren releases him. Sweat glistens on the man’s face and his chest rises and falls as he sucks in air. He stares at his arms, which are both an angry red from the fire that seared him, then he raises his eyes to meet mine. There’s so much pain in them. I have to do something. I can’t let Aren hurt him again. Silently, I open the cabinet drawer behind me.
“How did you find us?” Aren demands once more.
I peek into the drawer. No knives. Not even a freaking fork.
“We”—Tom heaves a raspy breath—“tracked her cell phone.”
I hip the drawer shut before Aren and Naito swivel their gazes toward me. I know I look guilty. Hopefully they misinterpret the reason why.
Naito turns to Aren. “You didn’t crush it?”
“I did,” the fae answers. “After we fissured here.” His voice is low, angry. I doubt he’s used to making mistakes.
He returns his attention to his captive. “How did you know to track her?”
I hesitate before checking the next drawer, partly because I want to know the answer to Aren’s question, but mostly because Kelia’s watching me now.
Tom shakes his head. “I don’t know.”
“How?” Aren lowers his hand until it hovers just above Tom’s face.
“I would guess it was an anonymous tip,” Sethan says, stepping into the kitchen. Since everyone’s being careful to stay away from the windows in the breakfast nook, it’s getting crowded in here.
Aren glares at the son of Zarrak. “You shouldn’t be in here.”
“Neither should you,” Sethan responds. “If you die, we fail.”
Aren fires back something in Fae. I don’t try to translate his words. Tom catches my eye. He holds my gaze a moment, then deliberately looks at Naito. Or, more specifically, he looks at the pistol in Naito’s waistband.
Ah, hell. He wants me to grab it. Grab it and then what? I glance at Aren and Sethan, at Trev, Lena, and the other fae by the window, at Kelia, who’s stepped to Naito’s side. I can’t possibly shoot them all. To be quite honest, I don’t know if I want to.
Tom’s eyes plead with me. I swallow. I was looking for a knife seconds ago. A gun is a more efficient weapon. I can do this. I
do this.
I give Tom a little nod. He manages a small smile; then, a second later, he springs to his feet.
I lunge for the pistol and manage to get it out of Naito’s waistband. Naito spins, but Tom grabs him before he can wrench the weapon from my hands. Aren tackles the vigilante, and all three men crash to the floor.
I point the gun. “Stop. Stop!”
They don’t stop. Fists fly and I’m afraid Aren and Naito will kill Tom before I get their attention. I point the barrel toward the floor, try to pull the trigger. Nothing happens.
Shit. I’ve never touched a gun before in my life. I only know what I’ve seen in the movies and . . . Hold on. Don’t guns have safeties?
I check the side, find some little toggle and flick it, aim the weapon at the floor a second time, and shoot.
The gun jerks hard as the shot rings out. My heartbeat restarts a second later. I have everyone’s attention now.
Aren straightens and steps away from Tom. He turns toward me.
“Stay where you are.” I point my weapon at his chest. I know the gun puts me in charge here, but I feel less safe with it in my hand. It makes me feel dangerous, and rightly so. I could take someone’s life if I pull the trigger.
“You don’t know what’s going on here,” he says. His voice is soothing, his expression softer than it was seconds ago.
“I know enough,” I say. “Let him up.”
Naito’s still holding Tom down on the floor. He holds his hand out, palm down as if to calm me. “McKenzie, I know these people. They’ll shoot you the moment you step out the door. Don’t do this.”
I point the gun at him, manage to hold it steady. “Let him up, Naito.”
“McKenzie.” Kelia’s voice cracks as she steps toward her human, her silver eyes wide with fear. Guilt twists in my gut. Killing Naito will destroy her and, damn it, I don’t want to hurt either of them.
“McKenzie,” Aren says softly, taking a step forward. He pauses when I re-aim at him. God, there are too many people in here. I can’t keep them all in my sights.
“You’re not going to shoot me,” he says. I clench my teeth as he takes another step. “Put down the gun,

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