The Silken Cord (28 page)

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Authors: Leigh Bale

Tags: #romance, #inspirational, #england, #historical, #wales, #slave, #christian, #castles, #medieval, #william the conqueror

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“Nay,” Edwin bellowed. Spittle ran from his
mouth, his eyes crazed.

He raised the sword and Ariana winced,
prepared to feel the sharp blade pierce her flesh. A scream froze
in her throat. Her muscles tightened as he drew back to spear

Her death had come.

A subtle sound reached her ears, like the
wind rushing past, yet something more. What was it?

Edwin jerked. Blood burst from his left
shoulder and he staggered sideways. His sword grated against the
rock wall. His expression changed from rage to amazement.

Wulfgar growled low in his throat and
attacked. Ariana watched with horror as Edwin whirled to face

Now was her chance.

She pushed Edwin. He stumbled, but lifted
his sword to block Wulfgar’s thrust. An arrow protruded from
Edwin’s back.

Someone had shot him!

Drawing back her fist, Ariana hit his
shoulder where the arrow was imbedded and Edwin screamed. He
stabbed at her, staggering on his feet. She jumped to the side,
barely missing the blade. Wulfgar advanced and the clash of steel
rang in her ears. He fought like a berserker, wearing the wounded
man down.

Edwin’s blows became weaker while Wulfgar’s
became more powerful, forcing Edwin back, carrying the fight toward
Ariana. She was pinned against the wall with nowhere to go and she
shrank against the wall for protection.

Dodging a lethal thrust, Edwin bumped her
hard, knocking her over the side. She screamed, grabbing for
something, anything to keep from falling. Her hands clasped the
decorative curve of stone and she dangled there in mid-air. She
struggled to pull herself up, her long skirts hampering her legs.
Panic climbed up her throat and she dug at the stones with her toes
to gain a foothold.

Wulfgar thrust hard and deep. Edwin’s eyes
widened and he dropped his sword, reaching for his belly. Blood
poured over his hands. He stumbled back over the edge, his body
brushing past Ariana.

Falling. Falling.

She heard a splash below as he landed in the
dark waters of the moat.


Her fingers were slipping. Terror prickled
her skin. She screamed again.

She fell. But Wulfgar grasped her arm and
she hung there, suspended.

“Don’t you dare let go,” he commanded.

She grabbed for him, clutching his hands.
She kicked her feet against the wall and one toe caught the edge of
a stone. Pushing upward, she reached for Wulfgar’s arms.

His voice surrounded her, soft and
reassuring. “Don’t fear, my love. I have you and I’ll never let you

My love!

She latched onto his forearms with ferocity
and he pulled her up. Once her feet were safely on the stone
walkway, she threw her arms around his neck. He clutched her to his
chest, holding her there for what seemed an eternity. He kissed her
forehead, his hands caressing her back as he soothed the tears
trembling down her cheeks. She sobbed with shock and relief, not
even trying to stop the tide.

“Shh, sweeting,” he soothed. “You’re safe,
now. Carlinham will never harm us again.”

Drawing back, Ariana touched his face
gently. “You’ve never failed me. Always you’ve been there to save

“Yes, my love, just as you’ve saved me.”

Guards stood below, staring up at Ariana,
their eyes wide, their mouths hanging open.

“Is she all right?” the king shouted from
the bailey.

“Aye,” Wulfgar called back.

“Who shot the arrow?” Ariana turned to look

Numerous guards and knights had assembled in
the bailey and outside the castle walls. Several men fished Edwin’s
body out of the moat. No one had a bow. As her gaze traveled
further out, she stiffened.

“Markus,” she whispered.

Standing at the foot of the stairs leading
into the great hall was Markus, clutching a bow to his chest, his
face ashen.

He had shot his father.

Ariana’s eyes filled with tears. The boy had
shown courage to save her life. Looking at him, she tried to
communicate her gratitude with her expression. He must be overcome
by grief.

Beside her, Wulfgar bowed deeply to the

Nodding his head once, Markus turned to go
back inside the great hall, his shoulders slumped.

“If Edwin had one whit of his son’s valor,
he could have been a great lord,” Wulfgar observed.

“What will become of Markus? All of his
father’s lands will be forfeit to the crown.”

Wulfgar kissed her lips, his eyes glowing
with warmth. “I think the king will make an exception in this case.
Markus has been loyal in spite of his father. If not, he may foster
here with us. I always have need of good men.”

“We always have need of good men. You know
I’ll never leave you, now,” she said, then laughed at his
astonished look.

He took her hand. “That’s good. If you left,
I would follow. Come, let’s go down to the king. I can see he’s
worried for you.”

Nodding, Ariana let Wulfgar lead her down
the narrow steps to the bailey.

“I’m glad to see Carlinham didn’t harm you.”
When they stood before him, the king smiled warmly.

Ariana trembled as she squeezed Wulfgar’s
hand. His strong fingers curled around hers and he smiled. In
joyous triumph, he let out a whoop of victory. In the next moment,
Ariana found herself pulled into Wulfgar’s embrace and he kissed
her openly, in front of King William and the host of knights.

Ariana was aware of Raulf, Gaston and Arnulf
joining them. The king must have had them freed from the dungeon.
They laughed and clapped Wulfgar on the back.

“We leave you for a short time and look at
the trouble you get yourself into,” Raulf laughed. “Couldn’t you
have waited until we were here to join in the fun?”

A chuckle rumbled in the king’s chest and he
nodded with approval. “You have much to celebrate, Wulfgar. Indeed,
we all do. For your loyal service to me, I vow never to doubt your
word again. All you have lost will be returned. You’re once again
Lord of Glyndwr. It’ll bring me great peace to inform your mother
I’ve found you innocent of any wrongdoing. No doubt she’ll visit
you forthwith.”

A grin spread across Wulfgar’s face. A cheer
rose up as the people threw hats, baskets, and straw into the air.
Ariana wept with joy.

“My mother is at Winchester? She is well?”
Wulfgar asked, his voice roughened by emotion.

“Aye. Not a day has passed that she hasn’t
begged me to pardon you and bring you home. As you know, she’s a
dear friend to my wife. Even my Matilda has begun to complain that
I should never have sent you away. But I knew of no other way to
ferret out the real traitor.”

Wulfgar laughed deeply, a rich, vibrant
sound that filled Ariana’s heart with incredible happiness.

The king’s brow furrowed. “I fear there’s
still one small problem remaining to be solved.”

Wulfgar’s face crinkled in a quizzical
expression. “And what is that, sire?”

William arched a brow as he looked at
Ariana. “To whom should I wed the princess? She is my hostage. I
weary of fighting the Welsh and I can’t let her go free.”

Nodding his head, Wulfgar took her hand and
lifted it to his lips where he kissed her fingers. “Aye, sire, I
think I know just the lord for her to wed.”

“And will this arrangement suit the
princess?” William asked.

Ariana stared into Wulfgar’s eyes, thrilled
by this magical moment. “It’s my fondest desire, sire.”

The king laughed. "Then I commend her to
you, Wulfgar, with my blessing. You will wed her as soon as

“Aye, sire.”

Stepping back, William turned to his man
Baldwin. “I want to see Edwin’s body myself. To know he is really

Wulfgar turned to follow. “I will go with
you, sire.” He paused, brushing his fingers against Ariana’s cheek.
“I will join you in the great hall anon. Wait for me there,

“Forever, my lord.”


Chapter Nineteen

By mid-day, the king had departed with his
army and Raulf came to inform Ariana and Wulfgar that her brother
awaited her outside the castle walls. As they rode out to meet him,
she sat in front of Wulfgar on his destrier. They left the
gatehouse and traveled across the fields toward the forest where a
horde of armed Welshmen awaited them. Dafydd sat his pony at the
front of the throng, beside Evan and Cwrig.

In unison, Ariana and Dafydd slid off their
horses and raced into each other’s arms. She hugged him tightly,
breathing deeply of his warm skin.

“Oh, Dafydd. Dafydd. I love you so. How
happy I am that you’re finally safe.”

“I feared I’d never see you again,” he

“I feared the same.”

Drawing back, he smiled, his young face
crinkled with joy. “Lord Wulfgar sent Sir Raulf to me an hour ago.
Your betrothed has promised me the labor of his men to help rebuild

“I know. I would have brought you word
myself, but we didn’t know where you might be, so Wulfgar sent Sir
Raulf to find you.” She laughed. “King William has put me under
arrest until I’m wed to Wulfgar. I am his willing hostage.”

Dafydd’s face beamed. “Are you happy,

She nodded. “Very much. But I’d rest easier
knowing you won’t take chances with your life any more. You’ll be
king over our people and you must be more careful.”

Jutting his chin, he gazed up at her with
more maturity than she’d seen in him before. “A king should never
ask things from his men that he’s not prepared to do also.”

How true. No doubt Dafydd would make a good,
wise ruler, just like his father.

“After we’ve rebuilt Powys, it’ll be even
greater than when father ruled there,” he said. “Lord Wulfgar has
assured me it’ll become a haven to all who wish to trade at the
market. He and I will deal well together. Evan will serve as Regent
until I’m old enough to be crowned king.”

Wulfgar joined her and tears of bliss rolled
down Ariana’s cheeks. She could do little more than nod her head as
she looked up into his eyes. He wrapped an arm around her back,
squeezing her tight.

Dafydd eyed Wulfgar and Ariana. “Jenkin and
father would be happy with this outcome.”

“I have no doubt,” Ariana agreed. “I only
wish they were both alive to see the peace that’s finally come to
our people.”

Dafydd’s eyes filled with sadness and his
brow crinkled as he pursed his lips. “They gave their lives for me.
I’ll never forget any of them.”

She cupped his young face with her hand and
her voice vibrated with emotion. “Nor will I.”

Then Dafydd was gone, with Evan’s promise to
return the boy to Ariana in four days, when she and Wulfgar were

That evening, Wulfgar ordered a feast in the
great hall, which lasted deep into the night. Knights and their
ladies, guards, and lowly peasants crowded into the castle. Ariana
ate, danced, and sang with joy until her voice was raw and her face
felt flushed with heat.

Near midnight, she stood in the threshold of
her chamber upstairs and a wave of happiness swept her as she
stared at the cheery fire in the brazier. Soon, she would be
Wulfgar’s wife. There would be more laughter within the walls of
Cynan, love, happiness and children.

Clasping her hands to her face, she whirled
about the room. The shock was wearing off and she began to realize
what all this meant to her.

She and Wulfgar were free. Everything she’d
wished for would now come to pass. The Welsh would prosper and
there would be peace along the border. Edwin had been punished for
his crimes and Wulfgar had been vindicated.

A sound came from behind and Ariana turned
to see Wulfgar leaning against the doorjamb. He smiled and came
toward her, his shoulders filling her view, his dark eyes
compelling. Running to him, she threw her arms around his neck,
laughing and spreading kisses upon his face and neck.

A chuckle rumbled in Wulfgar’s chest as he
lifted her and danced about the room.

“God has been so kind to us,” she said.

“Aye, cherie, He has. We have so much to be
grateful for. I haven’t heard your laughter for a long time and I
cherish the sound. After we’re wed, I’ll demand you laugh each day,
so be warned.”

“And I’ll gleefully comply, my lord.” She
nuzzled his chin with her nose.

He kissed her again, clasping her close to
his heart.

“I love you, Wulfgar,” she whispered against
his lips.

“And I love you, sweet princess. My heart is
tied to yours. Even without chains, I’ll forever be your willing

His eyes shone with the promise of joy to
come. Ariana sighed with happiness. No longer would she live in
fear. The silken cord of love had wrapped around both of their
hearts, binding them more surely than iron chains. And she would
have it no other way.





Dear Reader:

love medieval romance. I can never get enough of it. The rich
history, the gallantry and daring deeds. The hardship and intrigue.
Perhaps the clothing and technology has changed from our day and
age, but not the situations. World leaders still conspire for power
and exercise unjust dominion over their people. Since I have a
degree in history, I suppose it’s only natural that I would write
some historicals along with my contemporary books. I hope you’ll
enjoy both genres of my books.


Leigh Bale



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Excerpt from The Heart’s Warrior
Chapter One

Northern England, AD 954

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