The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (50 page)

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Authors: Ray Kurzweil

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Combining Methods
. The most powerful approach to building robust AI systems is to combine approaches, which is how the human brain works. As we discussed, the brain is not one big neural net but instead consists of hundreds of regions, each of which is optimized for processing information in a different way. None of these regions by itself operates at what we would consider human levels of performance, but clearly by definition the overall system does exactly that.

I’ve used this approach in my own AI work, especially in pattern recognition. In speech recognition, for example, we implemented a number of different pattern-recognition systems based on different paradigms. Some were specifically programmed with knowledge of phonetic and linguistic constraints from experts. Some were based on rules to parse sentences (which involves creating sentence diagrams showing word usage, similar to the diagrams taught in grade school). Some were based on self-organizing techniques, such as Markov models, trained on extensive libraries of recorded and annotated human speech. We then programmed a software “expert manager” to learn the strengths and weaknesses of the different “experts” (recognizers) and combine their results in optimal ways. In this fashion, a particular technique that by itself might produce unreliable results can nonetheless contribute to increasing the overall accuracy of the system.

There are many intricate ways to combine the varied methods in AI’s toolbox. For example, one can use a genetic algorithm to evolve the optimal topology
(organization of nodes and connections) for a neural net or a Markov model. The final output of the GA-evolved neural net can then be used to control the parameters of a recursive search algorithm. We can add in powerful signal- and image-processing techniques that have been developed for pattern-processing systems. Each specific application calls for a different architecture. Computer science professor and AI entrepreneur Ben Goertzel has written a series of books and articles that describe strategies and architectures for combining the diverse methods underlying intelligence. His Novamente architecture is intended to provide a framework for general-purpose AI.

The above basic descriptions provide only a glimpse into how increasingly sophisticated current AI systems are designed. It’s beyond the scope of this book to provide a comprehensive description of the techniques of AI, and even a doctoral program in computer science is unable to cover all of the varied approaches in use today.

Many of the examples of real-world narrow AI systems described in the next section use a variety of methods integrated and optimized for each particular task. Narrow AI is strengthening as a result of several concurrent trends: continued exponential gains in computational resources, extensive real-world experience with thousands of applications, and fresh insights into how the human brain makes intelligent decisions.

A Narrow AI Sampler


When I wrote my first AI book,
The Age of Intelligent Machines
, in the late 1980s, I had to conduct extensive investigations to find a few successful examples of AI in practice. The Internet was not yet prevalent, so I had to go to real libraries and visit the AI research centers in the United States, Europe, and Asia. I included in my book pretty much all of the reasonable examples I could identify. In my research for this book my experience has been altogether different. I have been inundated with thousands of compelling examples. In our reporting on the Web site, we feature one or more dramatic systems almost every day.

A 2003 study by Business Communications Company projected a $21 billion market by 2007 for AI applications, with average annual growth of 12.2 percent from 2002 to 2007.
Leading industries for AI applications include business intelligence, customer relations, finance, defense and domestic security, and education. Here is a small sample of narrow AI in action.

Military and Intelligence
. The U.S. military has been an avid user of AI systems. Pattern-recognition software systems guide autonomous weapons such
as cruise missiles, which can fly thousands of miles to find a specific building or even a specific window.
Although the relevant details of the terrain that the missile flies over are programmed ahead of time, variations in weather, ground cover, and other factors require a flexible level of real-time image recognition.

The army has developed prototypes of self-organizing communication networks (called “mesh networks”) to automatically configure many thousands of communication nodes when a platoon is dropped into a new location.

Expert systems incorporating Bayesian networks and GAs are used to optimize complex supply chains that coordinate millions of provisions, supplies, and weapons based on rapidly changing battlefield requirements.

AI systems are routinely employed to simulate the performance of weapons, including nuclear bombs and missiles.

Advance warning of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks was apparently detected by the National Security Agency’s AI-based Echelon system, which analyzes the agency’s extensive monitoring of communications traffic.
Unfortunately, Echelon’s warnings were not reviewed by human agents until it was too late.

The 2002 military campaign in Afghanistan saw the debut of the armed Predator, an unmanned robotic flying fighter. Although the air force’s Predator had been under development for many years, arming it with army-supplied missiles was a last-minute improvisation that proved remarkably successful. In the Iraq war that began in 2003 the armed Predator (operated by the CIA) and other flying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) destroyed thousands of enemy tanks and missile sites.

All of the military services are using robots. The army utilizes them to search caves (in Afghanistan) and buildings. The navy uses small robotic ships to protect its aircraft carriers. As I discuss in the next chapter, moving soldiers away from battle is a rapidly growing trend.

Space Exploration
. NASA is building self-understanding into the software controlling its unmanned spacecraft. Because Mars is about three light-minutes from Earth, and Jupiter around forty light-minutes (depending on the exact position of the planets), communication between spacecraft headed there and earthbound controllers is significantly delayed. For this reason it’s important that the software controlling these missions have the capability of performing its own tactical decision making. To accomplish this NASA software is being designed to include a model of the software’s own capabilities and those of the spacecraft, as well as the challenges each mission is likely to encounter. Such AI-based systems are capable of reasoning through new situations rather than just following preprogrammed rules. This approach enabled the craft
Deep Space
in 1999 to use its own technical knowledge to devise a series of original plans to overcome a stuck switch that threatened to destroy its mission of exploring an asteroid.
The AI system’s first plan failed to work, but its second plan saved the mission. “These systems have a commonsense model of the physics of their internal components,” explains Brian Williams, coinventor of
Deep Space One
’s autonomous software and now a scientist at MIT’s Space Systems and AI laboratories. “[The spacecraft] can reason from that model to determine what is wrong and to know how to act.”

Using a network of computers NASA used GAs to evolve an antenna design for three Space Technology 5 satellites that will study the Earth’s magnetic field. Millions of possible designs competed in the simulated evolution. According to NASA scientist and project leader Jason Lohn, “We are now using the [GA] software to design tiny microscopic machines, including gyroscopes, for space-flight navigation. The software also may invent designs that no human designer would ever think of.”

Another NASA AI system learned on its own to distinguish stars from galaxies in very faint images with an accuracy surpassing that of human astronomers.

New land-based robotic telescopes are able to make their own decisions on where to look and how to optimize the likelihood of finding desired phenomena. Called “autonomous, semi-intelligent observatories,” the systems can adjust to the weather, notice items of interest, and decide on their own to track them. They are able to detect very subtle phenomena, such as a star blinking for a nanosecond, which may indicate a small asteroid in the outer regions of our solar system passing in front of the light from that star.
One such system, called Moving Object and Transient Event Search System (MOTESS), has identified on its own 180 new asteroids and several comets during its first two years of operation. “We have an intelligent observing system,” explained University of Exeter astronomer Alasdair Allan. “It thinks and reacts for itself, deciding whether something it has discovered is interesting enough to need more observations. If more observations are needed, it just goes ahead and gets them.”

Similar systems are used by the military to automatically analyze data from spy satellites. Current satellite technology is capable of observing ground-level features about an inch in size and is not affected by bad weather, clouds, or darkness.
The massive amount of data continually generated would not be manageable without automated image recognition programmed to look for relevant developments.

. If you obtain an electrocardiogram (ECG) your doctor is likely to receive an automated diagnosis using pattern recognition applied to ECG
recordings. My own company (Kurzweil Technologies) is working with United Therapeutics to develop a new generation of automated ECG analysis for long-term unobtrusive monitoring (via sensors embedded in clothing and wireless communication using a cell phone) of the early warning signs of heart disease.
Other pattern-recognition systems are used to diagnose a variety of imaging data.

Every major drug developer is using AI programs to do pattern recognition and intelligent data mining in the development of new drug therapies. For example SRI International is building flexible knowledge bases that encode everything we know about a dozen disease agents, including tuberculosis and
H. pylori
(the bacteria that cause ulcers).
The goal is to apply intelligent data-mining tools (software that can search for new relationships in data) to find new ways to kill or disrupt the metabolisms of these pathogens.

Similar systems are being applied to performing the automatic discovery of new therapies for other diseases, as well as understanding the function of genes and their roles in disease.
For example Abbott Laboratories claims that six human researchers in one of its new labs equipped with AI-based robotic and data-analysis systems are able to match the results of two hundred scientists in its older drug-development labs.

Men with elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels typically undergo surgical biopsy, but about 75 percent of these men do not have prostate cancer. A new test, based on pattern recognition of proteins in the blood, would reduce this false positive rate to about 29 percent.
The test is based on an AI program designed by Correlogic Systems in Bethesda, Maryland, and the accuracy is expected to improve further with continued development.

Pattern recognition applied to protein patterns has also been used in the detection of ovarian cancer. The best contemporary test for ovarian cancer, called CA-125, employed in combination with ultrasound, misses almost all early-stage tumors. “By the time it is now diagnosed, ovarian cancer is too often deadly,” says Emanuel Petricoin III, codirector of the Clinical Proteomics Program run by the FDA and the National Cancer Institute. Petricoin is the lead developer of a new AI-based test looking for unique patterns of proteins found only in the presence of cancer. In an evaluation involving hundreds of blood samples, the test was, according to Petricoin, “an astonishing 100% accurate in detecting cancer, even at the earliest stages.”

About 10 percent of all Pap-smear slides in the United States are analyzed by a self-learning AI program called FocalPoint, developed by TriPath Imaging. The developers started out by interviewing pathologists on the criteria they use. The AI system then continued to learn by watching expert pathologists.
Only the best human diagnosticians were allowed to be observed by the program. “That’s the advantage of an expert system,” explains Bob Schmidt, TriPath’s technical product manager. “It allows you to replicate your very best people.”

Ohio State University Health System has developed a computerized physician order-entry (CPOE) system based on an expert system with extensive knowledge across multiple specialties.
The system automatically checks every order for possible allergies in the patient, drug interactions, duplications, drug restrictions, dosing guidelines, and appropriateness given information about the patient from the hospital’s laboratory and radiology departments.

Science and Math
. A “robot scientist” has been developed at the University of Wales that combines an AI-based system capable of formulating original theories, a robotic system that can automatically carry out experiments, and a reasoning engine to evaluate results. The researchers provided their creation with a model of gene expression in yeast. The system “automatically originates hypotheses to explain observations, devises experiments to test these hypotheses, physically runs the experiments using a laboratory robot, interprets the results to falsify hypotheses inconsistent with the data, and then repeats the cycle.”
The system is capable of improving its performance by learning from its own experience. The experiments designed by the robot scientist were three times less expensive than those designed by human scientists. A test of the machine against a group of human scientists showed that the discoveries made by the machine were comparable to those made by the humans.

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