The Sleepwalkers (117 page)

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Authors: Christopher Clark

BOOK: The Sleepwalkers
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   Balkan Wars (1912-13) 42, 113, 252, 253–6, 258, 263, 459

   Graeco-Turkish tensions 444, 485

   Italian seizure of Dodecanese 248–9, 252

   and Macedonia 25, 26

   monarchy 170

   Serbian Empire (14th century) 21

   Thirty Days' War (1897) 294

Grégr, Edward 72

Greig, Charles 44–5

Grey, Charles, 2nd Earl 200

Grey, Sir Edward (
1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon), British foreign secretary 140, 160, 193, 200–204, 298, 307, 359

   and Agadir crisis (1911) 209–210, 211–12, 536

   Ambassadors' Conference (London 1912-13) 284, 321, 325, 357, 495

   and Anglo-Russian Convention 322–3, 536

   and Anglo-Russian naval talks (1914) 421, 444

   anti-German stance 160, 161, 165–6, 202, 203

   and assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 410–411

   background and character 200–202, 222, 545

   and Crowe memorandum (1907) 163

   and Entente Cordiale 204, 212–13, 214, 495, 497, 539, 544

   failing eyesight 490–91

   and Haldane mission to Berlin (1912) 320

   and Irish Question 342, 493

   July 1914 crisis and outbreak of war 456, 461–2, 468, 491–8, 501, 502, 519, 522–3, 527–47, 548, 559, 656

   and Libyan War (1911-12) 245–6

   and Liman von Sanders mission in Constantinople 340, 342, 343

   and Lloyd George's Mansion House speech (1911) 210–211

   memoirs and post-war interviews xxii, xxiii

   on naval race with Germany 150 opposition to his policies 211–13, 227, 236, 240, 320, 323, 335, 493, 542–3, 544, 557

   proposed four-power mediation (July 1914) 493, 495, 519, 559, 656

   relations with Asquith 200, 202, 203

   relations with Cambon 213–14

   relations with George V 175, 200

   relations with press 227, 233, 234

   Relugas Compact (1905) 202

   and Russian threat to India 140, 322

   and Serbian occupation of Albania 286

   and Turkish Sraits Question 188, 355

   warning to German ambassador (December 1912) 329, 330, 354–6

Grieg, Edvard 173

Grierson, Sir James 160

Grigorovich, Ivan 344, 474, 506–7

Gruić, Slavko 390, 457, 458, 463–4

Guam 152

Guillaume, Baron (Belgian minister in Paris) 214, 229, 235, 309, 325, 351

Gustav V, King of Sweden 500

Habsburg empire

Hadzici 386

Haldane, Richard Burdon, 1st Viscount:

   and Agadir crisis (1911) 209, 212

   July 1914 crisis and outbreak of war 493, 494, 534, 539, 542

   and military expenditure 217

   mission to Berlin (February 1912) 225, 318–21, 335

   Relugas Compact (1905) 202

Hamilton, Lord George 138

Hamilton, Sir Ian 323

Hanotaux, Gabriel 132–3, 191, 294, 505

Harcourt, Lewis, 1st Viscount 211, 335, 493

Hardinge, Charles, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penshurst 62, 150, 158, 161, 175, 202, 227, 235, 359

Harrach, Count Franz von 367, 371, 374, 375

Hartwig, Ludmilla von 431–2

Hartwig, Baron Nikolai, Russian minister in Belgrade 38, 87, 112, 189, 192, 274, 281, 347, 349, 356–7, 361

   and assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 408

   and Balkan League policy 257, 260, 263, 264, 265, 275

   ill health and death 361, 430–32

   political influence in Serbia 89, 90, 91, 97, 257, 259–60, 275, 282

Hašek, Jaroslav,
The Good Soldier
Å vejk

Havas (news agency) 230, 550

Hawaii 152

Heeringen, Josias von 216, 218, 329

Heiachiro, Togo 152

Heligoland-Zanzibar Treaty (1890) 129

Henry, Prince of Prussia 176, 528–9

Herbette, Maurice 190, 195–6, 205–6, 208

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hitler, Adolf 68
, 279

Hohenberg, Sophie, Duchess of
Chotek, Countess Sophie Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Prince Chlodwig von 197–8

Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Prince Gottfried von 392

(yacht) 154–5, 520

Hollmann, Friedrich von 148

Holstein, Friedrich von 143, 197–9

Home Rule, Irish 342, 488–90, 493, 545

Homs 248

House, Edward 214

Hoyos, Count Alexander (‘Alek') 395, 399, 424

   mission to Berlin (July 1914) 400, 401–2, 403, 412–15, 422, 423

Humbert, Charles 440

   report on French military preparedness (1914) 440–41, 443, 518, 658


   economy 66, 69–70

   Magyarization policies 24, 66–7, 108

   Romanian population 66, 71, 81–2, 91, 397, 398, 404

   Serb population 22, 24, 26, 67, 82

   Slovak population 67

see also

Idea Nazionale, L'
(newspaper) 226, 245

Ignatiev, Count Alexis 301–2, 307, 481–2, 506, 552

Ilić, Danilo 55–6, 383–4, 385

Ilidze 74, 369

Imperiali, Guiglielmo 245

Independent Radicals (Serbia) 19, 34, 36, 46, 47


   British garrison 139, 140, 322

   Russian threats to 134, 136, 138, 139–40, 174, 322

Indochina 134, 139


   Austria-Hungary 69–70, 350

   Bosnia 74–5

   Germany 164–5

Innsbruck 425

Innsbrucker Nachrichten
(newspaper) 381

Iran-Contra affair (1980s) 99


Ireland, Home Rule 342, 488–90, 493, 545

Istria 22, 25

Italian army 184

Italians, in Austria-Hungary 67, 70, 86, 121, 405

Italo-Turkish War
Libyan War (1911-12)


   colonial office 245

   invasion of Libya (1911-12) 42, 110, 183, 242–51, 295, 352

   Mediterranean Agreement (1887) 121–2, 126

   monarchy 183–4

   neutrality 544

   peasantry 74

   press 226, 229, 231

   Prinetti-Barrère Accord (1902) 155, 244

   Racconigi Bargain (1909) 93, 244

   seizure of Dodecanese Islands (1912) 248–9, 252

   Triple Alliance (1882) 92–3, 121–3, 125–6, 129–30, 157, 249–50

   unification 65

Izvolsky, Alexander:

   ambassador to France 189, 192, 277, 295, 298–9, 307, 359

   Anglo-Russian Convention (1907) 87, 111, 158, 187–8

   and Austrian annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina 35–6, 85, 86, 87, 111, 177, 188, 258–9, 298–9

   and Balkan Wars (1912-13) 298–9, 340

   foreign minister 35, 159, 186–8, 272, 356

   meeting with King Edward VII (1906) 174

   on Paléologue 437

   and Poincaré's state visit to St Petersburg (July 1914) 446

   relations with Aehrenthal 90, 111, 188

   relations with press 231, 233, 235

   replaced as foreign minister by Sazonov 188–9

   and Russian mobilization (July 1914) 480, 486, 503, 504–5, 505–6

   and Serbo-Bulgarian alliance (1912) 274, 296

   Turkish Straits question 158, 177, 187–8, 261, 355

Jagow, Gottlieb von, German foreign secretary 321, 325

   July 1914 crisis and outbreak of war 402, 413, 421, 427, 518, 519, 520, 521–3, 531, 532

Jameson, Sir Leander Starr 146

Jameson Raid (1895) 146, 174

Jandrić, Čedomil 116

Janković, Velizar 463

Japan 144, 176, 179

   Anglo-Japanese Alliance (1902) 138–9, 545

   Russo-Japanese War (1904-5) 81, 87, 140, 152–3, 154, 157, 159, 166–7, 177, 184, 186, 231, 323, 426, 474

   Sino-Japanese War (1894-95) 137, 138, 140, 158

Jászi, Oskar 77–8

Jean Bart
(battleship) 501

Jehlitschka, Heinrich 112–13

Jellinek, Georg 361

Joffre, Joseph 217–18, 218–19, 222, 224, 304–5, 306–7, 358

John Bull
(magazine) 492–3

Johnson, Lyndon B. 240

Joll, James 237

Jonnart, Charles 303–4, 309

Jovanović, Jovan 60–61, 113, 286, 388, 393

Jovanović, Ljuba 56, 455, 459, 463

Jovanović-Čupa, Ljuba 39

Kafka, Franz 381

Kageneck, Count Karl 517, 658

Kalimantsi 258

Kaljević, Ljubomir 26

Kállay, Count Benjamin 75

Kálnoky, Count Gustav 79

Karadjordjević dynasty 5–6, 14, 15, 26, 452

see also
Petar I, King of Serbia

Karadžić, Vuk 22, 23, 25

Kazan, military district 475, 507

Kennedy, John F. 240

   assassination 376, 379

Kennedy, Paul 560

Kerović, Mitar 54–5

Kerović, Nedjo 55

Khesapchiev, Christophor 581

Kiaochow (Jiaozhou) 141–2, 151, 161, 168

Kicevo 256

Kiderlen-Wächter, Alfred von 207–8, 227, 289, 321

Kiel 404, 501, 522, 528

   regatta 520

Kiel Canal 160

Kiev 272

   military district 267–8, 475, 479, 507

Kimberley, John Wodehouse, 1st Earl of 138

Kirk-Kilisse (Lozengrad) 252

Kisch, Egon Erwin 92

Kissinger, Henry 456

Kitchener, Herbert, 1st Earl 140

Klobukowski, Antony 550

Klotz, Louis-Lucien 218, 310

Kočani 43

Kokovtsov, Count Vladimir, Russian minister of finance and prime minister 178, 186, 189–90, 259, 272, 308, 473, 615

   and Anglo-Russian Convention (1907) 187

   Baltic Port Russo-German meetings (1912) 314–15, 316–17

   dismissal 346, 363, 418, 474, 557

   and Liman von Sanders mission in Constantinople 344, 345–6

   rivalry with military command 215, 216, 218, 220, 223, 224, 225, 267, 305–6

   and Turkish Straits question 188, 341

   winter crisis 1912-13 266–8, 269, 481

Kölnische Zeitung

Königgrätz, Battle of (1866) 65, 292

Königsberg 524–5

Konopischte 404

Konya 145

Korea 153, 176, 186

Kosovo 24–5, 43, 51, 256, 285, 368–9, 387, 456

Kosovo Field, Battle of (1389) 21, 23, 61, 368, 387

Kovel 480

Kovno 525

Kragujevac 467

   Serbian state armoury 54, 385, 408

Kraus, Karl 72, 73, 378, 380

Kresna Gorge, Battle of (1913) 258

Krivoshein, Alexander Vasilyevich, Russian minister of agriculture 220, 271, 333, 615
99, 615

   background and character 270–71

   July 1914 crisis and outbreak of war 473–4, 486, 508, 552, 557

   nationalism and views on foreign policy 271–2, 473–4

   political influence 272, 346, 473–4, 557

   and Turkish Straits question 485–6

Krobatin, Alexander von 392, 394, 424, 425

Kronstadt 143, 442, 451, 552

Kruger, Paul 146

Kruger telegram (1896) 146, 161, 174, 235

Krupp, Gustav 522

Kudashchev, Prince Nikolai 468

Kühlmann, Richard von 335

Kumanovo, Battle of (1912) 253

Kuropatkin, Aleksei A. 176

Laguiche, Pierre, Marquis de 312, 313, 448, 482–3, 503, 507–8, 647

Lambach 468

Lamzdorf, Vladimir 131, 227

Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of 139, 144–5, 159, 542

Lascelles, Sir Frank 161, 165

Lausanne, Treaty of (1912) 249, 252

Lauzanne, Stéphane 419–20

Law, Bonar 542

Lazarević, Vasil 390

League of Nations xxii

Lebanon 248

Lehár, Franz,
The Merry Widow

Leo XIII, Pope 107

Leopold II, King of the Belgians 181, 182

Lescovac 460

Liberal Party (Great Britain) 140, 173, 200–201, 203, 211, 216–17, 236

Libya 93, 135, 244–5

Libyan War (1911-12) 42, 110, 183, 242–51, 259, 295, 352

   Peace of Lausanne 249, 252

Lichnowsky, Karl Max, Prince, ambassador to Britain 329, 354, 421

   July 1914 crisis and outbreak of war 491, 496, 497, 510–511, 519, 522, 529–34, 552

Liège 548, 551

Liman von Sanders, Otto 339, 344

   mission in Constantinople 338–40, 341–6, 349, 352–3, 418, 484

Limpus, Sir Arthur 250, 342–3

Lješnica 54

Ljubljana 69

Lloyd, George (
1st Baron Lloyd) 541–2

Lloyd George, David (
1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor) 212, 494

   Mansion House speech (1911) 209–211, 328

London, Ambassadors' Conference (1912-13) 283–5, 286, 321, 325, 357, 495

London, Treaty of (1913) 285, 286, 357

Longchamp (racecourse) 404

Loreburn, Robert Reid, 1st Earl 210–211, 212

Alsace-Lorraine Louis, Georges 231

Lublin 480

Lunjevica, Nikodije 4, 11, 46

Lützow, Count Heinrich von 427

Luxembourg 531, 538, 547

Lyncker, Baron Moriz von 414

Maastricht salient 547

Macchio, Baron Karl von 468

Macedonia: Bulgarian territorial claims 25–6, 27, 28, 38, 256, 257, 258, 274, 452

   national identity 25

   Ottoman rule 24, 26

   Serb population 24, 26, 27

   Serbian Empire (14th century) 21

   Serbian nationalist operations 24, 25–7, 33, 35, 38, 45

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