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Authors: Christopher Clark

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   Serbian territorial gains in Balkan Wars 42–5, 253, 256–8, 280, 285

   Young Turk revolution (1908) 84

Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of 25

Macedonian language 25

McKenna, Reginald 210

Magrini, Luciano xxiii, 60, 461

Mahan, Alfred Thayer 147

Maklakov, Nikolai 220, 507

Malet, Sir Edward 146

Mali Zvornik 54

Malinov, Alexander 274

Mallet, Sir Louis 202, 342

Malobabić, Rade 48, 57, 58, 574

Malvy, Louis 504

Manchester Guardian
(newspaper) 492, 541

Manchuria 131, 138, 153, 271, 323

Margerie, Pierre de 190, 438, 440, 501, 502, 505

Mariana Islands 151

Marienbad 36

Masaryk, Thomas 77, 88–9

masculinity 359–61

Matin, Le
(newspaper) 230, 419

Matscheko, Baron Franz 114

   ‘Matscheko memorandum' 114–15, 357–8, 400–401, 412–13, 587

Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico 72

Mayreder, Rosa 360, 376–7

Mediterranean Agreement (1887) 121–2, 126

Mehmedbašić, Muhamed 55–6, 370, 384–5

Meinecke, Friedrich 404

Mekong valley 139, 142

Mensdorff, Count Albert von 175, 284, 467–8, 491

Mérey, Count Kajetan 568
26, 644

Merezhkovsky, Dmitrii Sergeyevich 376

Merizzi, Erik von 371, 374

Merry, W. Mansell 552–3

Mesopotamia 180, 251, 337, 338

Messimy, Adolphe 224, 440, 505, 518, 656

Metalka 405

(yacht) 404

Metternich, Count Paul 221–2, 318, 335

Metz 440

Meuse, River 494, 549

Mexico 72

Meyer, Henri 169

Mihailo Obrenović III, Prince of Serbia 6

Milan I, King of Serbia:

   Milan-Alexandar duarchy 7–8, 9, 17–18, 20

   reign 6–7, 10, 28–9, 29–30, 79, 82, 126

Milan Obrenović II, Prince of Serbia 6

Militärische Rundschau

Militza, Princess of Montenegro 447–8, 473–4

Miliukov, Pavel 34

Mill, John Stuart 14

Millerand, Alexandre 301–2, 309, 437, 621

Miloš Obrenović I, Prince of Serbia 6

Milovanović, Milovan 36–7, 38, 256

Mitrovitza 282

Mlada Bosna (‘Young Bosnia') 41–2, 55

Molden, Berthold 644

Möllwald, Lothar Egger Ritter von 405

Moltke, Helmuth von, German Chief of General Staff 216, 222, 224, 358, 561

   July 1914 crisis and outbreak of war 516, 517, 518, 522, 526, 531, 533, 547, 548, 549–50, 660

   military expansion 216, 218, 330–31

   war policies 327–8, 329, 332, 333–4

   winter crisis 1912-13 288–9


Mongolia 162, 322, 325, 554

Monprofit, Jacques-Abroise 562


   Balkan Wars (1912-13) 42, 43, 252, 253, 263, 283, 284–5, 330

   monarchy 170

   strategic importance 91–2, 93

   territorial gains 92, 283, 284–5, 330

Montenuovo, Alfred, Prince of 107

Morley, John, 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn 210, 211, 493, 542, 543

Morning Post


   Agadir crisis (1911) 196, 204–213, 220–21, 227, 228, 233, 234, 241, 295, 326, 334, 441, 536

   Algeciras conference (1906) 157, 194, 196, 199, 231

   first Moroccan crisis (1905-6) 155–7, 159–60, 162, 180–81, 194–5, 198–9, 231

   Franco-German accord (1909) 167, 195, 196, 204

   French plans for acquisition 133, 134, 135, 245

Morsey, Count (valet to Archduke Franz Ferdinand) 375–6

Moscow 226, 270, 480

   military district 475, 507

Mountain Wreath, The
(Serbian epic) 23–4, 51, 574

Mozambique 146

Mukden, Battle of (1905) 153

Müller, Wilhelm 329, 330, 404, 521

Musil, Robert 71

Muslims 25, 31, 38, 44, 113

Musulin von Gomirje, Baron Alexander 394–5, 452–3, 464, 465

Mutius, Max von 660

(Garašanin) 21, 22, 569

Namibia 142

Namier, Sir Lewis 453

Nancy 548

Narodna Odbrana (Serbian National Defence) 35, 37–8, 40, 41, 46, 48, 52, 94–5, 99, 385, 454, 464

Narodno Oslobodjenje
(newspaper) 17

Nathalie, Queen of Serbia 7, 8

National Service League (Britain) 237, 238

NATO 251, 456, 559

Naumann, Viktor 399

naval arms race, Anglo-German 147–50, 220–22, 318–19, 323, 593

Naval League (Germany) 229

naval talks, Anglo-Russian (1914) 225, 421–2, 444, 491

Nekliudov, Anatolii Vasilevich 263, 264

Nemes, Count Albert 395

Nemitz, A.V. 341, 348–9

Neratov, Anatol 259, 260, 280

Neue Freie Presse
88, 377, 381

New York 180
New York Herald

Nicholas II, Tsar:

   and Austrian annexation of Bosnia 85, 188

   and Austrian ultimatum to Serbia (July 1914) 427–8, 461, 462, 468, 475, 483

   Balkan Wars arbitration 256, 275

   Baltic Port meeting with Kaiser Wilhelm (1912) 314–15, 316–17

   Björkö meeting with Kaiser Wilhelm (1905) 154–5, 181, 184

   and Liman von Sanders mission in Constantinople 339, 345

   and military expenditure 218, 219, 267

   mobilization of army and preparations for war (July 1914) 477, 500, 507, 508–9, 512–14

   Paris visit (1896) 170

   Poincaré's state visit to St Petersburg (July 1914) 442, 443–4, 446, 450, 471, 499–500

   political influence and development of foreign policy 173, 175–8, 184, 199

   Potsdam Accord (1910) 167, 189, 314

   Racconigi Bargain 93, 244

   relations with press 235

   Reval meeting with King Edward VII (1908) 235

   Turkish Straits question 341, 345

   visits King Carol in Romania (1914) 278

   ‘Willy-Nicky' telegrams with Kaiser 512–13, 523–4, 526

   and winter crisis 1912-13 267–8, 269–70

Nicolai, Walter 517, 524

Nicolson, Sir Arthur (
1st Baron Carnock):

   Agadir crisis (1911) 209

   Anglo-Russian Convention (1907) 87, 158, 324, 325–6, 539, 546

   diplomatic career 165, 202, 223, 227

   on German rapprochement 359

   Haldane mission to Berlin (1912) 320

   July 1914 crisis and outbreak of war 539, 540, 541

   Libyan War (1911-12) 246

   relations with Grey 325, 539

   on Serbo-Bulgarian alliance (1912) 354

Nikola I, King of Montenegro 92, 283, 284, 285, 291, 447

Nikolaievich, Grand Duke Nikolai 270, 447, 448, 475

Nikolaievich, Grand Duke Pyotr 270, 447

Nile, River 132, 133, 145

Niš 16, 458, 459, 464, 467
Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung

Norway 501, 520–21

Novaković, Milan 16

Novoye Vremya
(newspaper) 230, 231, 236, 265, 389, 473, 629

nuclear war 562

Nušić, Branislav 18

Obilić, Miloš 23, 24, 51, 386, 387, 574

Oblakov ridge 253

Obrenović dynasty 5–13

see also
Alexandar I, King of Serbia; Milan I, King of Serbia

Obrenović, Miloš 6

Odessa, military district 475, 479, 507, 525

official histories of First World War xxi–xxii Ohrid 43, 256

oil production 316, 317, 337, 338

Orange Book, Russian 509

Oriental Railway Company 117–18

Orlov-Davidov, Countess Thekla 111

Ottoman Empire:

   Balkan Wars (1912-13) 42–3, 113, 252–6, 258, 457

   control of Balkans 6, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 42, 78, 368

   economy 69, 335–8

   German military mission 338–40, 341–6, 349, 352–3, 418, 484

   Graeco-Turkish tensions 444, 485

   Libyan War (1911-12) 243–50

   railways 145, 251, 335–7, 338, 363

   Russo-Turkish War (1877-78) 125, 250, 273

   Thirty Days' War (1897) 294

   Young Turks 84, 246

Ottoman army 338–9

Ottoman navy 247, 248, 250, 341, 485, 557

Oxford Chronicle

Paču, Lazar 458–9, 460, 461

Palacky, František 72

Pale (Bosnia) 49, 384

Paléologue, Maurice:

   ambassador to Russia 190, 308, 359, 435–8, 440

   and Austrian ultimatum to Serbia (July 1914) 471–2, 486

   background, character and early career 303–4, 435–8

   and Poincaré's visit to St Petersburg (July 1914) 442, 443, 444–5, 446, 471

   and Russian mobilization (July 1914) 480, 482–3, 484, 503, 507–8, 510, 511

   writings 166, 436–7, 450

Pan-German League 228–9

Panafieu, André de 276–7, 359

Panama Canal Zone 152, 161

(German gunboat) 205, 207

papacy 310

Papini, Giovanni 226

Paris 553

   Serbian royal visit (1911) 94

   visit of King Edward VII (1903) 170, 174, 228

   visit of Tsar Nicholas II (1896) 170

Paris, Treaty of (1856) 136

Pašić, Nikola:

   and assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 56–64, 385, 389–91, 411, 466–7, 575

   and Austrian annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina 34, 35, 36, 37, 83

   and Austrian ultimatum (July 1914) 428, 456, 458, 459–62, 463–4, 466–7, 649

   Balkan Wars annexations 97–8, 256–8, 265, 286–7

   and Balkan Wars atrocities 45, 113

   and the Black Hand 41, 385, 466

   character and early career xxi, 16–19, 24, 26, 64, 97–8, 466

   and coup of 1903 18, 19–20, 460

   elections (1914) 458, 459, 460

   military expenditure 357

   Oriental Railway Company negotiations 117–18

   political crisis following Balkan Wars 46–7, 59, 364

   relations with Hartwig 91, 97, 275, 280–81, 349

Paul I, Tsar 173

Pavlović, Aleksandar 572

Pavlović, Milovan 4


   Bosnia 74, 75

   Italy 74

   Serbia 6–7, 17, 31, 32, 33

Peć 284

Périer & Cie (bank) 277

Perrier, Antoine 191


   British interests 121, 130, 142, 158, 166, 322, 444

   German interests 167, 337

   Russian interests 87, 121, 130, 142, 158, 167, 174, 322, 337, 444, 546

Petar I, King of Serbia:

   Balkan Wars (1912-13) 252

   delegation to St Petersburg (1910) 274

   family 92

   military career and exile 5, 24

   proposed coup against 46

   reign 14, 15, 29, 80, 82, 278

   royal visit to Paris (1911) 94

Petar II Petrović-Njegoš, Prince-Bishop of Montenegro 24, 51

Petit Journal, Le
13, 169

Petrović, ‘Kara Djorde' (‘Black

George') 6

Petrović, Lazar 4

Pfeffer, Leo 381–4, 386

Philippines 76, 153, 580

Pichon, Stéphen 194, 196, 309, 310, 312

‘pig war', Austro-Serbian (1906-9) 29, 31, 276

(Black Hand journal) 38, 40, 63, 96, 368–9

Pinter, Harold 359

Plehn, Richard 335

Plessen, Hans von 414

Plunkett, Sir Francis 14

Pobedonostsev, Konstantin 175

Pohl, Hugo von 516

Poincaré, Henriette 310

Poincaré, Raymond:

   and assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 404, 409

   and Austrian ultimatum to Serbia (July 1914) 462, 486, 498–500

   background, character and career 294–5, 302–4, 359

   Balkans policy 294–302, 313

   and Baltic Port Russo-German meetings (1912) 321

   election as president 303, 307, 309

   on Franco-German relations 209

   and Franco-Russian Alliance 191, 294–5, 304–8, 355, 356, 557

   and Grey's warning to German ambassador (December 1912) 354

   and Haldane mission to Berlin (February 1912) 320

   marriage 310

   political enemies 309–311, 441

   preparations for war (July 1914) 500, 502–3

   and rearmament and military redeployment 218, 219, 224, 308–9, 332, 363, 440–41

   relations with foreign ministry 303–4, 309

   relations with Paléologue 437–8

   relations with press 420

   returns to Paris after St Petersburg state visit (July 1914) 498–503, 537

   and Russian mobilization (July 1914) 482–3, 503–4, 505–6

   and Turkish Straits question 340

   visits St Petersburg: (August 1912) 296, 305;

   (July 1914) 426, 427, 433, 438–50, 451, 462, 471, 496–7, 499–500

   visits Sweden (July 1914) 498–501

   writings xxii, 230, 303, 504

Poland 153, 266, 270, 479, 524

Polar Star
(yacht) 155

Poles 67, 70, 71, 81

(Serbian newspaper) 387, 573

Politique Étrangère, La
(journal) 230

Pomerania 421, 422

Pomiankowski, Joseph 82

Ponsonby, Arthur (
1st Baron Ponsonby of Shulbrede) 211

Popović, Cvijetko 55–6, 372, 384

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