The Smartest Girl in the Room (4 page)

Read The Smartest Girl in the Room Online

Authors: Deborah Nam-Krane

Tags: #college boston new adult

BOOK: The Smartest Girl in the Room
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"Wow. Most of the people I’ve met literally
don’t know how to use a can opener or boil water, much less
‘cook’." He cocked his head back. "What’s your best dish?"

"Vegetarian lasagna," she answered.

"What’s your favorite dish?"

She raised her eyebrows. "Scalloped potatoes
and cream of spinach."

He nodded. "Mm hmm. What was the first thing
you learned to make?"

"Macaroni and cheese."

"What were you cooking when you were

"Chicken breasts. I wasn’t a vegetarian

"What’s your favorite vegetable?"


"How do you deal with woody stems?"

"Cut off the florets, then peel the stems.
Wait a minute. What’s your best dish?"

"Stir fried tofu and bok choy."

"Gotcha!" She clapped her hands then pointed
her finger at him. "How do you stir fry tofu without crumbling it

He smiled. "You heat up the pan for one
minute, then heat up your oil, and add the tofu."

"And then...?"

"You wait at least three minutes on the first
side before you start turning."

"Wow. Wait. Why do you eat tofu?"

"I’m a vegetarian, too."

"No way! Since when?"

"After my Eastern philosophy class. I
wouldn’t call myself a Buddhist but when you see it in that light,
it just feels wrong. If I we were desperate for food and it was
between a chicken and me, the chicken would lose. But that isn’t
the case most of the time. And you?"

"President of my high school's Animal Right’s
Club. I’ve calmed down since then but I still don’t eat meat."

"What did you do?"

"Back then you wouldn’t want to wear a fur
near me."

"Are there any criminal warrants out on

"There may be a few fur owners who might have
had a gripe with me three years ago but I think they would have
replaced their coats by now." She laughed. "‘Criminal warrants’-
how very ‘Law and Order’ of you."

"Ugh!" He shuddered. "That show is the worst.
To think people actually believe that’s what the police and court
systems are like! No wonder this country is such a moral


"Criminal Justice. As close as we get at this

She rolled her eyes. "I didn’t realize I was
surrounded by so many people who were settling when they deigned to
come here."

He put up his hands as if he were protecting
himself. "I was very grateful to get here, and I’ve been squeezing
my education for all it’s worth, although, maybe not as much as
some people. But I’d have to be blind not to notice its

"I’m sure since you left your frat you’ve met
many more of the academically-motivated."

"Hold on there. I was single-handedly
responsible for making us the fraternity with the highest grade
point average, and when I left they became one of the lowest. Yes,
I ‘participated’ in most of the festivities, but only if it wasn’t
a school night."

"You’re right. Frat boys can be smart. Oh
wait. You’re not in a frat anymore, are you?"

"I concede nothing, but you like to win,
don’t you? Maybe you’re the one that should be a lawyer when she
grows up."

"Great idea, except I have no passion for

"Then what are you passionate about?"

"I will tell you on one condition."

"Go on."

"Stop talking to me about when I grow

"Fair enough."

"I really like yoga and Pilates."



"Nothing, I just expected you to say
something about superconductors or international banking." He said
then thought for a moment. "Do you think that would work for me?
I’m looking for a new workout."

"There are so many different kinds of yoga
out there that you can use it for almost anything if you know what
to look for."

He frowned. "Except maybe getting really
built up, right?"

She shrugged. "I’m a bad test case. I’d have
to eat nothing but protein shakes, egg whites and probably meat,
lift four hours a day and take steroids before I’d get big

"So you’re basically a guy."

She smiled. "Yes, I’m a guy. And what do you

"Not enough. I used to run and lift weights,
but I overdid it. My doctor told me I could walk again or run
again- once. I try to hit the weights and some of the cardio
machines at the gym, but I feel like such an old man when I get,
you know, on the elliptical."

"Well, yeah! Those are things that, like,
twenty-five year olds use!"

Mitch made a face. "Point taken."

"Uh huh."

Zainab walked in a little bit later. "Thank
you for joining us!" Mitch said as he kissed her on the cheek.

Zainab looked serious. "Sorry. I was
researching our options and I just found out about the crackdown at
the Tiger clubs last month."

Mitch frowned. "You mean because of that
cokehead they caught in a bathroom?"

Zainab nodded. "Word is that in addition to
bringing his stash, he also had a few underage companions with
them. None of which is noteworthy except that one of the girls was
connected to a City Councilor. He was pretty pissed, so IDs are
actually being checked now."

"There are some places we can go Metrowest,
and then there’s a bunch of places on Route One," Mitch suggested.
"And I’ve got a car. Not a problem."

Zainab groaned. "We’ve got a car but most of
the other guys don’t. So we’ve got to stay T-accessible."

Emily put up her hands. "Guys, it’s no big

"You’re not getting off that easily. There is
an option over the river."

They waited. "But?" Emily finally said.

"It’s being hosted by Tau Epsilon Theta."

Mitch's stopped breathing. "Maybe I shouldn’t

"Who or what is Tau Epsilon Theta?"

"They were Pi Alpha Gamma’s biggest rival. We
didn’t always play nice," Mitch said. Emily could tell from Mitch's
voice that was an understatement.

"Haven’t you been out of Pi Alpha- your
fraternity- for a while now?"

"Not long enough."

Emily stood and saluted. "Guys, have a great
time. I’m going to go home, make myself a Shirley Temple, go crazy
with some
Battlestar Galactica
, and call it a night. But
you, my friend, are mine tomorrow at nine, so don’t invite anyone
over, okay?" Before either could respond, Emily dashed for the

She walked out into the twilight. It was
always so tense going out and coordinating who was going, where
they were going, how they could sneak her in. So Emily was just
going to go home, get comfy and go to sleep. All was well. But...
sometimes it was nice to do something different. Maybe tonight
she’d go see a movie instead.


She turned around and saw that Mitch was
running after her. She stopped and waited. When he reached her he
took a deep breath. "Boy, you walk fast!"

"Not fast enough."

He tilted his head. "I can’t let you bail on
my account."

She shook her head. "Sorry, but it’s bad
enough when there’s a friendly bouncer. This serves the greater

Star Trek Two
reference but I
couldn’t live with myself if you went home."

"You’ll be fine then because I’m going to see
a movie. I think Copley’s playing the latest Brad Pitt-"

"And you’re such a big Brad Pitt fan?"

"Just because he’s beautiful doesn’t mean he
can’t act. But I’m going one way and you guys are going the other.
Have a great time and hopefully I’ll see you around."

"Fine. I’ll see the movie with you."

Emily’s cheeks tingled. "You can’t."

"I can’t go see a movie? There must be a
constitutional amendment."

Emily never realized before how difficult it
was to argue with someone who had gorgeous green eyes and a great
smile. "You and Zainab had plans."

"No, you and Zainab had plans, and I elbowed
my way in."

"That’s not an improvement, just so you

"Zainab isn’t going to miss us."

"Are you underestimating my importance to

"I think you’re underestimating how many
people she’ll have around her tonight." He smiled. "And what do you
have to be afraid of? It’s a movie, it’s not like I’m asking you to

Emily sighed. "A movie?"

He put his hand on his chest. "Just a

She thought for a moment then moved in closer
and put her hand on his. "Only," she whispered, "if it is the most
sweeping, cheesy, romantic Brad Pitt ever."

"And if that’s not playing?"

"Then you are going to buy me the best dinner
of my life and tell me about what happened in the battle of the two

"Sounds like a plan. Let’s say bye to Zainab
and get my car."

She wrinkled her nose and shook her head.
"I’ll meet you there. I want to walk."

"Are you going to make everything hard?"

She grasped his hand and shook it. "Yes," she
said. He grinned and walked away.

She had been walking for five minutes when
Zainab called.

"What are you doing?"

"I think I’m seeing a movie with Mitch. Don’t
be mad. Now the rest of you can have fun."

She could see Zainab shaking her head through
the phone. "You know you’re the one I wanted to hang out with
tonight, right?"

"So come with us."

Zainab laughed. "That would be fun, with the
two of you making googly eyes at each other over me."

"Zainab! I wasn’t- I’m not going to-"

"Yeah, sure. Are you still coming over

"Yes, dear. So don’t be too hung over,
because I’m putting you through your paces."

"Whatever you say."

Emily looked at the phone after Zainab hung
up. "I’m not," she said before she put the phone in her bag.




Emily got to the mall and sat down on the
stone ledge by the pool in front of the movie theater. Ugh. Brad
Pitt really was playing.

"You beat me here." She turned around to see
Mitch. He looked at the marquee and grinned. "It’s playing after
all, and you’re just dying to see it, aren’t you?"

"You win."

"Now what?"

"I believe we agreed that you were going to
buy me dinner-"

"The best dinner you’ve ever had."

"-the best dinner I’ve ever had, and then
tell me all about why you’d rather spend the evening with a little
kid like me than go to that frat party."

"Can you be bribed out of part two?"

"Not unless the bribe is my diploma."

He clucked his tongue. "Dinner it is

"Let’s see: there’s Friday’s but every time
I’ve gone there before, I’ve gotten food poisoning. There’s Chili’s
but I made myself something Mexican for lunch...oh!" She smiled and
clapped her hands. "Au Bon Pain!"

"That is the best dinner of your life?"

"No... but I’ve sort of been in the mood for
one of their cheese sandwiches."

"We could always walk down to Newbury

"I’m so not in the mood to wait in a line on
a Friday night with the beautiful people while I’m holding all of
my stuff."

"Au Bon Pain it is!"

"Cool. Do you mind going to the one on the
upper level? The lower level can get so crowded."

"Sure, but then you have to explain your
touch of agoraphobia."


"You’ve managed to talk your way out of
dancing, Newbury Street restaurants and a ‘crowded’ Au Bon Pain.
That’s starting to sound like a pattern."

"It is. It’s all part of my plot to get you
alone with me." She smiled. "And I guess it worked."

"Is that the truth, or just your way of
trying to end the conversation?"

"That," she touched the tip of his nose
lightly, "would be telling."

They walked to the escalator and then through
the bridge to the adjoining mall in a comfortable silence. While
riding down, he turned around. She looked up at the ceiling, trying
to suppress a giggle, but couldn’t. She started laughing, then he
followed, and by the time they got to the other side they couldn’t

"People must think we’re crazy," she finally

He looked around. "Nah, I think they get

"You’re not very gallant, you know."

"Did you want me to carry you through the
revolving doors?"

"No, but maybe we could go to your car."

"Wow, things are moving along pretty

"I’d like to get rid of these bags."

"Oh! Okay, you stay here and I’ll bring the
bags to the car."

"Thank you. And for your reward I’ll get you
a drink. What’s your poison? Don’t say coffee."

"Elixir of the gods, but you’re right. How
about a diet coke?"

"Ew! Are you serious? I’d rather get you a

"What’s wrong with diet coke?"

"I don’t know. I’ve always spat it out too
quickly to be able to give a full description."

"I wouldn’t want to force you to compromise
your values."

"Diet coke it is. I’ll just make sure not to
handle it too much." She playfully tossed her bags at him and then
practically skipped away.




He stood for a moment and watched her leave.
The stupid grin started to leave his face and a more serious smile
replaced it. He kept it on as he found his way to the garage.

, he kept reminding himself as
he waited for the elevator to arrive.
, he thought
when he stepped in to the elevator.

Three months is not a very long time
he thought as he arrived at his floor.
Yeah, but a lot can
happen in three months. What if she meets someone else, but doesn’t
do anything because she’s noble? What if she meets someone else and
I can’t do anything about it? What if she gets out of school so
quickly I’m not there when she graduates?

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