The Solitarian: Part 1 of The Amaranth Series (9 page)

BOOK: The Solitarian: Part 1 of The Amaranth Series
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Chapter 16

Greenwich’s campus is filled with eager freshmen ready to take on a new chapter in their life, college. Hand in hand, Keyan and I walk across to the welcome center. Looks like I’m not the only late person to register. Life has the prospect of countless possibilities now that I have the man of my dreams. We decided that after I’ve signed up for all of my classes we will go to get him a modest car along with a cell phone with the money from the jewels. I release his hand and snuggle up under him holding on to his entire arm while we wait our turn. I step up to the counter and the young lady smiles. I tell her my issue and she refers me to a counselor. Keyan accompanies me to the counselor’s office. We wait until my name is called.

I schedule my classes and pay the invoice. I get a copy of the schedule and we are on our way. We walk out of the building and decide to take a tour of the campus. I spot Rylan entering the English building and we opt to go to the science building. The school is really nice. It is newly remodeled. We walk as if we are on our honeymoon. The stroll is nice. We peek into the class rooms and beam at the possibilities. We walk out of the science building and smack right into Laine.

“Well look what we have hear.” She smirks.

“Hello Laine.”

“Hi and bye! You are no longer my friend. The day you decided to side with this stranger over us you killed our longtime friendship. I hope that it was worth it Kenna. You have been my friend since popcorn and popsicles. College is going to be very lonely if you guys break up.”

“We’ll be fine. You moved on long before I even touched down in the US. Your new bestie Litzy will make for a grand replacement. And if that’s how you really feel, have a nice life.” I wave as Keyan yanks me along.

We walk to the car and get inside. “It’s sad that you are willing to give up your friends to be with me.”

“I’m happier than I’ve ever been. You are my soul mate we were meant to be. I can feel it.”

“I know I feel it as well. But it would have been grand if you could have kept those who were so close to you.” He sighs.

I speed out of the parking lot blowing off everything and everyone.

After we leave the school we head straight to the dealership. He decides to pick out a black 4 door 2008 Mercedes-Benz S-Class. It is so gorgeous. He actually likes it as much as I do. He remembers how to drive and what he doesn’t remember he knows from watching. I watch in my rear view mirror as he follows me back to my house. When we get there Rhoda lets us know that the pool house is ready for him to move into. My dad witnesses him pull in and approaches us about the car.

“I didn’t buy it with your money dad. Some of the jewels from the cave were worth more than I thought. We think that some of the other things could be valuable as well.”

“Sweetheart, why would you sell something so irreplaceable? I would have fronted the money to you. Matter of fact I will go through the rest of the things to see what I can find.”

“No sir we can go through it and give you what we don’t keep.”

“Excuse me. This is my daughter’s find, Keyan…is it?”

“Dad I promised Keyan that we would go through the things together. I will give you what we don’t keep.” He takes a long exaggerated look at Keyan, then turns to walk away. Keyan gives him a side eye, then hurries up the stairs to move his things. I watch as Keyan hauls his new and old things that he has acquired to the pool house. I smile at the fact that my forever is no longer a secret and just a hop away. As he unpacks I sit across from the bed in the pool house. It is just as nice as having a real home. It has a living area that opens up to a small modest kitchen, one bathroom and one regular sized bedroom.

“How does it feel to have your own place?” I ask more excited than he is.

“I had my own place for a very long time. This is just a little more cozy.” I stand and follow him into the bedroom.

“We can have lots of fun here.” I wink.

“Don’t you think that it is pretty strange how you father is so nonchalant about everything?”

“No, he pretty much gives me what I want Keyan. Why are you always so suspicious?”

“It is our natural instinct. Something that you should adopt.”

“What are you saying?”

“Never mind.” He flops across the bed.

I lie beside him and slide my arm across his back. I massage it rubbing in a circular motion. I lift his shirt so that I can feel the warmth if his skin. I continue to massage while I lie my head down onto his shoulder. This feeling that bubbles deep inside of me cannot be fabricated.

“Keyan, do you think that you could love me like you once loved Cortina? I mean she was your original mate.”

“I know that I will because I already do. I’m so happy that I’ve found you McKenna.” He turns his head to get a better look at me then flips around and lies on his back. He lifts his arm and I lie onto his chest. “I actually have something for you. I’ve been mowing over in my mind, whether or not if I should give this to you now. I’ve had it in my pocket all day.” He stuffs his hand inside of his pocket and pulls out a diamond ring. He places it between his thumb and forefinger and twists it. He looks at it then me. I sit up to get a look at the intricate design and it is an exact replica of the spiral life-ring inside of his eye. “My father made this for me to give to my bride on our wedding day. Each life-ring has its own design. It is like a finger print, no two are the same. He used a magnifying glass to get the design as close to my life-ring as he could. He wanted my wife to wear the only thing that could hurt me on her finger. It symbolizes that we are one and that she has my vulnerability at her fingertips.”

“That is beautiful Keyan. But wouldn’t you rather me have it after we’re married?”

“No. I’ve thought about it and I want you to have it now. I was afraid that a falconer would see it but we should be safe here for now. Are you sure that if we had to, that you would follow me anywhere?”

“I’m sure. I will follow you for the rest of our lives.” He slides the ring onto my finger and my heart does a double Dutch skip. I lift my hand into the air and the ring is dull from years of dirt and grime. I hop up and run into the kitchen. I leave Keyan looking puzzled. He decides to jump up and follow. I take the dish liquid and douse the ring with it. I use a small soft bristled brush to scrub the gunk from it. After I believe that it is cleaned, I take a piece of paper towel and dry it. When I lift my hand into the air again it sparkles exactly like Keyan’s actual spiral life-ring. The diamond is set in a beautiful gold setting. It has a large diamond in the middle that represents the pupil and a line of diamonds that spirals back down toward the band. I guess the smaller ones represents his own unique pattern. It sort of looks like stars aligned alongside the Milky Way. I love it. It’s like staring into Keyan’s eyes all day. I start to tear up and they drizzle down my cheek.

“What’s wrong love?”

“I…I’m so happy. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my whole life. I can’t wait to be with you. I can’t wait until the day that we can give ourselves to one another completely.” I turn to face him and I quickly embrace him. I’m so glad that I stepped into that cave.

We go back into the room and lie down onto his bed. He turns on the TV. Something I thinks he enjoys. His accent is not as evident as it was before. He is a master at blending into society. It is something that all Amaranthines possess. They must not be discovered or it could be grave. After a few hours pass Keyan falls asleep. I stare at my ring and smile about the future that lies ahead. I can’t wait to make love to him. I want him to take me in the gentlest way and then ravish my virginal body turning me into his permanent mate. I think about what he said. Could someone from The Order recognize the life-ring replica on my finger? I leave the pool house as quiet as a church mouse and head up to my room. I search for the email of the person called Phoenix. When I locate it I open up my laptop to contact this person.

[email protected]

[email protected]

Subject: Information


Dear Phoenix,

My name is McKenna and I require some information about The Order of the Falcons. I read on your blog that there was a new faction that experiments on Amaranthines. I realize that this maybe a made up fantasy but I really would like to know what you can tell me about this particular organization. It is vital that we keep this email as private as we can. This is a very dangerous thing that you have been blogging about. Lives could be lost for real. Please contact me via email with anything that you could give me about these people. I look forward to hearing from you.




As I hit send I realize that I used my real name and email address to send this message. I may have put my own life in danger as well as Keyan’s. I hope and pray that this is just some idiot nerd who found out about Amaranths from long ago and decided to have a little fun with it. It’s probably nothing. I probably contacted a crazy person. I power down my laptop and hurry down the stairs to get back to the pool house. I run into my parents.

“McKenna dear, may we talk to you?”

“Sure.” I say as I plop down onto the loveseat. I search the room and I feel a little tension in the air.

“Darling, you know that we support you in all of the decisions that you make. But don’t you think that you are moving a little fast with this…Keyan? You were just pining over Rylan and how you was so sad that he would be staying here while you traipsed off to California. You haven’t had sex with this Keyan yet, have you?” My mom’s eyes burn through me as my dad sits there with these strange sunglasses on. He smiles as I face him.

“No of course not. But when I do, because I will, it won’t be either of your business!” I shout as I stand. My dad grabs my hand and inspects the ring that Keyan gave to me. He stares at the intricate design then releases me. He sighs.

“Well honey. I don’t want to sound like a prying father but will you talk to us before you do anything? There are so many things that we need to talk to you about before you make such a huge decision. Promise that at least.”

“Promise you what dad? I know that we aren’t going to talk about the birds and the bees now.”

“No. I want you to promise that before you go any further with this man, you will talk to us first. There are so many things that you don’t know dear.”

“Dad you should have thought about all of this when I was raging with hormones in the ninth grade and Rhoda explained it all to me!”

“Listen.” He stands sounding as stern as he ever has. “You are drawn to this man, I get it. But if you don’t promise me right now that you will talk to us before sleeping with him, I will end it now! I will have his ass shipped away tonight and you will never see him again. You got it Kenna?” my eyes bulge. My dad doesn’t yell at me. Tears weld and I’m appalled.

“Yes dad I got it. Before I fuck my new boyfriend and future husband I will give you all of the details! Are you satisfied?” I scream before running out of the main house back to the pool house. And I decide that since Keyan is already suspicious of my parents I won’t divulge this incident to him.

Chapter 17

Monday September 2
, 2013
I get up bright and early. It is the first day of school for Keyan and I. It sucks that we don’t have any classes together. I stretch as I watch my handsome Amaranth sleep like there was never a cave nor murderous Falconers chasing him. He sleeps as if his parents were never killed along with his fiancée and her family. I know that being here with me has a little to do with it. Loving this man is so easy. There is no stress about wanting to please him. He only wants to please me. He puts his own desires aside. I am anxious cause in exactly six days my life will change forever. I will be with him in the most intimate way. I can’t say that I was nearly as excited to give my innocence to Rylan. I hear that he and Litzy are loving it up lately. He has even been spotted driving her car. To hell with them both. I knew that he still had feelings for her which is why I kept my precious pearl for someone who deserves and appreciates it. I look through the things that I brought down from my room to the pool house for something to wear on my first day of college.

As I dress in a pair of super cute blue jeans and a flowing pink blouse I like what I see. I look at the dazzling bling that my Keyan gave to me less than a week ago. Ever since that day we have been on cloud nine. Having our little nights of fun by going halfway to paradise and tap dancing on going all the way. It’s hard to not toss my legs open and let it happen but he is adamant about waiting until I’m eighteen. I slip my feet into the cutest baby doll shoes. When I walk over to the corner, I spot a tiny red light blinking behind one of the recessed lighting cans. I wouldn’t have spotted it if the light had been on. I grab a chair and stand on it to get a better look. When I get closer I see a tiny camera the size of an eraser top of a pencil. I’m not even sure why I looked in this direction. I rip it out and my heart starts to beat. Why is that here? Did my parents put it there? I start to panic. I don’t know exactly what to think.

“Hey.” Keyan whisper through a raspy sleep voice.

“Hey there.” I turn to face him while shoving the camera into my pocket.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting ready for class. Something that you should be doing as well.” He sits up and rubs his eyes. He then musses his hair about. When he smiles at me, my heart does a little dance.

“I know. Why didn’t you wake me?”

“I like to see you resting so easy. I can’t imagine how it must feel for you to sleep in a bed without worrying about someone coming to try and kill you.”

He reaches out to me and I go to him. I lay back into his arms and he wraps them around me. He kisses my cheek with rapid repetitive motions. “I can’t remember the last time I felt like this.” He says. “I’m so glad I’m not in that cave anymore. Now that I’m here with you it seems so… barbaric.”

“I’m glad too. And I really like the creative ways that we satisfy one another.” I wink.

“How about a little satisfaction right now?” he yanks at my jeans.

“No. We’re going to be late.”

“Okay. I’ll shower.” I lift as he heads in to shower and dress. I pull the camera from my pocket and take another look at it. If my dad continue these erratic antics I’m going to leave sooner than later.

“I wonder why Phoenix never got back to me. Maybe it was just some nut job ranting about something that he knew nothing about after all.” I say out loud. I crush the camera beneath my feet and toss it into the waste basket. When Keyan is dressed we head out to our first days as college students together.

Classes are as boring as they were in high school. The only difference is that the teacher could give a flying fig whether you get it or not, and they are a hell of a lot longer. I move from my first god awful three hour class to my next. When I enter the room I am the first. I sit and open my text book to see what I am facing.

“Hi, I’m Raven.” A girl says to me in a raspy sultry tone. I look up from my text book.

“Hi, I’m McKenna but all of my friends call me Kenna.” I say switching my eyes back to the book. She sits next to me and I watch her out of the corner of my eye. She stares at me for a while. She looks as if she wants to say something more but the classroom starts to fill up.

The professor enters and begins to speak. As he gives his introduction of the course I glance at this Raven girl that keeps staring at me. I get anxious I want to tell her that I don’t swing that way. But I don’t want to offend her. So I’ll just keep pretending that I don’t see her looking. After three grueling hours of listening to this man ramble on it is time to go. I gather my books and stuff them into my bag. I pick it up and hitch it over my shoulder. As I exit the girl Raven tries to catch up.

“Hey…umm. McKenna?” I sigh as I turn to face her. I know what’s coming.

“Yes.” She slides a pair of sunglasses onto her face and I’m confused. Why the fudge is this broad putting on shades inside of the building.

“Oh…I was wondering if we could do a late lunch. I wanted to talk about maybe being study partners.”

“Thanks but I don’t know. I’m going to meet my boyfriend in the café.”

“Please can I come with? I’m starving.”

“Okay?” I’m baffled. Why is this girl clinging to me like this? She doesn’t know me.” I look her over and she resembles a biker chick, from the spikey black leather boots to the black stretch pants. She is dark. The only girly thing she has on is the red bra that is peeking from her dark paisley tank top. One side of her head is clean shaven and the other is flowing red and black greasy curls that hangs to her shoulder. She has a pencil in her back pocket, that’s it.

I walk a few steps ahead as we reach the cafeteria. She removes her glasses, thank god, and follows me inside. I spot Keyan sitting at a table reading a text book. I break into a wide smile as I hurry over to him. I lean in and kiss his cheek as he notices me.

“Hi baby.” I shriek.

“Hey there, how was your classes?” he closes the book.

“I guess they were okay. I can tell that this psych teacher is going to be a real hard ass.” He frowns at my language. I pretend to zip my lips and sit beside him. “Oh by the way this is Raven…”

“Just Raven.” She snaps. Then extends her hand.

“Well hello. I’m Keyan.”

“Hello Key-an” she draws his name out and sits across from him. She stares at him for a while as well. What is this bitch’s problem? I was going to be nice but that is out of the window.

“So Raven why are you stalking me?” I ask like I’m joking.

“No I’m not stalking anyone. I’m new here. I’m from Texas and I needed a friend. You looked friendly so I…”

“Shit. I’m sorry. I’m a little paranoid these days.”

“It’s okay. What about you two? Are you guys from here?”

“Well I’ve lived here for a long time but I was born in California.”

“What about you Keyan? Where are you from?” as she waits for an answer she slides those damned shades back on. They aren’t regular shades either. There are a weird high-tech kind. She gives a wide devilish grin as she rests her eyes on Keyan. Come to think of it they are the same as the glasses my dad put on.

“You’re a Falconer.” Keyan sighs, as he whispers.

“Damn right Keyan McGrath. Didn’t think you were alive? But your Spiral life-ring, amazing as it is just gave you away.”

“What? Wait? How did you find…”

“Your email to Phoenix. I was sent here to investigate you, but what a find. You see Keyan, you’ve been MIA for a very long time.” She whispers. “The aboriginal bloodline has been wiped out. Thanks to The Order. There are only mixtures of what you are. They are weaker and easier to kill. We have been searching for you to wipe out the aboriginal gene.” She searches the room for onlookers. I’m terrified. “No longer do we have to get to the life-ring. We can kill them without really trying. They are more human than Amaranth. The only trait they still possess is the ability to create more and outlive us. So when I eliminate you there will be no more pure Amaranthines left. Now stand up or I will start with you little curious girlfriend here.” We stand slowly. “Follow me to my truck.” She pulls out a small dagger with jewels and an engraved falcon on it. Keyan looks to me as I start to sob. I never should have sent that stupid fucking email. Now we’re going to die. “I have one question Keyan. Why didn’t you keep your bloodline going?”

“I’m not answering any of your questions.”

“Oh you will. Or you will watch your little girlfriend die a horrible painful death.”

We get to her green pick-up and she opens the door. If we get into this truck we will die today. He looks over at me and his eyes are sad. He mouths “I’m so sorry.”

“I would think that the last aboriginal would be making little Amaranthines all over the globe. But not you. No one has been able to track you for decades.”

“Because of The Order. They refuse to allow us peace. We were created just like humans. We deserve a chance to love, to thrive in society, just as you are.”

“Now that’s where you’re wrong Mr. McGrath. See…you are an abomination. You are a mistake in creation. Much like a rodent. You spread your disease infecting the human race until we are distinct. And it is The Order’s job, sanctioned by the highest power to rid the world of your pestilence.” She spews.

“We were created like you. We are the miracle of creation. We are a beautiful species that you don’t understand so you want to destroy it.”

“Shut up. It doesn’t matter. I need to get rid of you before the Cognoscente faction finds you.”

“Wait who?” we say simultaneously as she points the dagger at my side urging us to enter the truck.

“The Cognoscente Faction is a new Order of Falcons. They are scientist that study Amaranthines. They feel as if they could be the key to miracle cures for humans. But it is just another way to infect us with your venom.”

“But that sounds noble. Amaranths could help to cure fatal diseases such as cancer or even AIDS.”

“No you idiot. They are their own kind of disease. They are AIDS. An infection waiting to wipe out the human race.” She presses through her teeth.

“But they…”

“If they find your boyfriend before I kill him they will dissect him like a lab rat. Because he is the last of the aboriginals, they would mate him and probe him. It would be a fate worse than death I assure you. Now get in the damn truck.” She yells. I look around for some sort of help. Keyan is stunned at her enlightening news.

“Things have gotten worst. There are people who torture and mutilate us. It is sickening. They must be stopped.” He says angrily.

“They cannot be stopped no more than The Order can. They are massive and have millions of dollars behind their research.”

Suddenly I spot a security officer driving our way. I look at Keyan and then her. She is preoccupied with Keyan’s words. So I break free then kick her directly in the knee cap. She screams and Keyan attempts to grab the knife. She slices it right through his hand. His yells out in pain. I start to scream ‘Help!’ the guard comes running and she takes a defensive stance.

“I am going to cut your eye out of your head. I heard that my ancestors plucked them out and kept them for souvenirs. No one has had the pleasure in about ninety years…I want one.” she lunges toward Keyan and I scream. They began to fight. She is very skilled at what she does. And Keyan as well. They punch and kick one another as she attempts to jab the dagger into his eye. I scream and scream. Finally the guard reaches us and draws his gun.

“Drop the weapon ma’am!” She backs away from Keyan and he hurries over to my side out of breath. “Put the knife on the ground, lady!” he points the guns at her. She smiles as she holds her hands up high and drops it onto the ground. Keyan grabs the dagger and the guard quickly turns to look at him. Raven seizes the opportunity and leaps into the air landing on top of the guard. She grabs his gun and they tussle about fighting for it. Keyan and I run to his car. As he pops the locks I hear a gun shot. The guard falls to the ground and I scream.

“Oh my god! She shot him!”

“Get in Kenna! She is coming for us. Get in now!” he yells as I get myself together. He starts the car as she races toward us. She aims the gun at the vehicle and begins to fire.

“She’s shooting at us!” I wail. He speeds through the lot. As we pass her she aims and fire once more hitting Keyan in the side.

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