The Solitarian: Part 1 of The Amaranth Series

BOOK: The Solitarian: Part 1 of The Amaranth Series
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Part 1 of The Amaranth Series


AVOC Publishing paperback printing February 2015

Copyright © 2015 by C. Amadore

Published by AVOC Services LLC

ISBN-13: 978-0692382660 (AVOC Services)

ISBN-10: 0692382666

Library of Congress control Number: 2117782011

All rights reserved, including the rights to produce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

Cover design by AVOC Services LLC

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Copyrighted Material


The Solitarian

Part 1 of the Amaranth Series

Chalyn Amadore




Solitude is the place of purification.

-Martin Buber

Introduction of the Author

Introducing Chalyn Amadore. She is a romance novelist from Michigan. She was born on February 14, which she believes, makes her a love expert. She enjoys creating fictitious characters that engage in exotic and sometimes dangerous 'positions.'

Chalyn has plans to seduce the world with her creative mind and knack for producing heat between the pages of her novels. Enjoy!



I would like to acknowledge each and every person that inspired me to begin my journey as a writer. The countless television boyfriends, movie hunks, that caused fantasies in the night, and book lovers that plagued my mind long after reading about them~

Chapter 1

inally I, McKenna Duvall, am free from the confines of High School. The days of waking up to my obnoxiously loud alarm at 6am are finally over. I’ll be eighteen in a month and then I’m out of here. I’m the daughter of the business mogul Jacques Duvall. He and my mother Sarafena married young, nineteen years old to be exact. He promised her the world and actually gave it to her. We’re from California, but moved to Myrtle Beach when I was six. My dad vacationed there and never wanted to leave. In four short weeks I will be on my way back to my home state to attend University of California, Berkeley. My parents are extremely proud that I got accepted on my own. He was prepared to offer a hell of a donation if they would have said no. I’m totally bummed that I’ll be leaving my bff’s (Laine Johnston and Callie Keegan) behind. We’ve known one another since we were in grade school. They’re both staying in Myrtle Beach to be with their boyfriends. They’ll actually be attending Greenwich University which is a private college. Gregory, Laine’s beau, got a football scholarship to go and it’s only about an hour away from our little community.

Right now my parents and I are on vacation in France. My dad owns a beautiful cabin in the mountains of a small town outside of Palasca. It is gorgeous here. You would think that since he owns it I would have been several times. But I’ve never traveled overseas before. We hike, mountain climb, I jog in the mornings, and at night we sit in front of the fire and eat. Some days my dad takes us into town and mom and I shop until we drop. We’ve been here since I graduated June 2
, which is about two months. It’s now August 10
, and we’ll be leaving in exactly two weeks so that I can begin packing for college. I leave the day before my birthday. Classes start for me on September 12
and my birthday is September 8
. Most kids leave a month early to get situated. Not me, I’m complicated. I wanted it all, the trip to France and a two week stint to tell my friends goodbye. But unfortunately, I don’t get to celebrate my birthday with those that I love. And right now I’m going to enjoy the rest of my dream vacation. The mornings are foggy but most of the days are fabulous. It’s a bit cold sometimes but so incredibly beautiful. I love my father for bringing me here.

I wake up at dawn, right before the sun graces the world. I dress for the weather which is nippy this early. I have a brand new down jacket that I am dying to sport. After I dress in a pair of jeans and oversized sweater, I stomp my feet into my hiking boots for the morning hike. I pack my backpack with some essentials and grab my headphones. I stuff the buds into my ear and plug them into my MP3 player. Before I could make it out of the door my dad yells out to me from the kitchenette.


“Yes dad.” I sigh.

“You have to be careful when you’re hiking. I know that we are up here alone, but you never know darling. Please be vigilant. That music will distract you.”

“Dad I’ll be fine. We’ve hiked through here a million times since June dad…” I exaggerate.

“I know but, you’ve never been alone. Maybe you should wait for your mother to wake and we can all go together.”

“Oh no dad! Mom won’t be up for hours.” I shout. No way am I waiting on her. “I won’t go too far I promise.”

“Okay princess I don’t want to lose my only child to an animal attack.”


“I’m sorry honey. But I had to put that out there.”

“I’ll see you around.” I press play on my MP3 player and start my hike. I take wide strides as I make my way up the mountain. I look up to the top and think of how we have never made it up that high. I look back and I can see the numerous trees covering what may be beneath. I inhale and take in the fresh mountain air. I really could stay here forever. But that would be ridiculous with no civilization. I just hope to be able to come back one day and visit this wonderful place all over again. I will be leaving soon so I have to cherish every single moment. I walk for miles stopping every so often to collect funny looking stones to take home. I love the sparkling white rocks the most. I grab two at a time and stuff them into the front pouch of my back pack. I look at my watch and I notice that it’s getting close to noon. I sit on a huge rock and set me backpack beside me. I unzip it and dig through it for my lunch. I snatch open the Ziploc and grab a handful of granola. I toss it into my mouth and crunch away. I take the time to enjoy the scenery while I snack. I pop the top off of my water bottle and down it. I’m careful not to drink it all because I’m not ready to turn back around. I look up and I’m further than I’ve been all summer long. It is a sight that anyone could admire. The way that nature has created this gorgeous canvas just soothes the soul. I’m dying to see what is on the other side of this enormous crag.

After I rejuvenate myself, I tuck my things away and start up toward the top. The trees and greenery gets thick the higher I get. I notice that there is an opening between a couples of large boulders. My curiosity says ‘go for it’. But my dad’s voice is telling me to run in the opposite direction. I bend and shove the limbs out of my face to proceed. As I get closer I notice that the brush grows thicker. I have to push my way through. I look back and my path is no longer clear. I start to panic. I turn in circles and start to sweat.

“Fuck! Where did I turn?” I say aloud looking for the path that leads away from never never land.

I spin around into a complete circle but the greenery is blinding. I’m able to see in one direction and that is up to see the sky. I’m sure no sane person hikes this far up into the mountains unless they want to be eaten by god knows what. I stop, bend, and place my hands on my knees to calm my speeding heart. I’m terrified. I sure as hell hope that I can get out of here before nightfall. Suddenly I feel drops of water slap my face.

“No…no, no, noooo! It is not about to rain! Dammit!” I say scrambling through the trees to find shelter. The rain picks up fast and soon I’m drenched. The outpour of water blinds me. I run not able to see until I reach a stunningly beautiful, large, nature sculpted, cave. I put my hands together and thank the cosmos, for presenting me with such a gift, as I run into the cave without thinking. I toss my back pack onto the dusty dirt filled floor. I strip the jacket from my body and shake it out. I search with my eyes for somewhere to set it and I find a space in the corner that doesn’t look totally gross. I lie it out and sit beside it.

I watch as the rain pours like buckets of water being tossed from above. The calming splatter sounds delightful. I close my eyes and let the rhythm soothe my mind. After a few minutes I open them. I remember that I have my phone and I start to read some books that I downloaded before I left home. Half way through ‘The Life Unknown’ I hear a twig snap. I turn and my heart starts to race. I stand and hold my phone at my side.

“Is anybody there?” I look into the darkness and I hear footsteps. “Hello? Who’s there?” I scream. There is no answer. I turn the video camera light on my phone and shine it toward the back. This cave goes on for...who knows how far. I slowly walk toward the dark abyss, not realizing the possibility of what I could encounter. But I refuse to just sit here and let whatever or whomever it is come to get me. I pick up the pace descending deeper into the shadows. I hear a cough.

“Hello? Please…who is in there?” I hear footsteps pound against the dirt as they take off further into the cave. I burst into a sprint without thinking. I shine the light as I run losing sight of the opening. I look back and the dark has me surrounded. “Hey stop! I’m lost I need help getting back to my cabin. Please?” the footsteps come to a halt and I continue running. I can’t hear anything any longer so I stop as well. I hold my arm up high and flash the light down the path in front of me. I see three tunnels that split opposite ways. I panic because now I’m more than lost. I’m dead.

“Hello!” I shout again. “Is anyone there, I need help.” My better judgment has not yet kicked in, that is until my light begins to dim. “Shit!” tears start to fall from my eyes and I turn in a full circle. I start to sob. “What am I going to do now?” I cry as my light threatens to leave me stuck in the darkness. “Fuck McKenna, why are you so damn nosey? I should have stuck to the original path like my dad said. And now I’m going to die.” I place my hand over my face and let it go. The tears spill down my cheeks and over my lips. I hear something and turn. I flash the dim light and there is a figure there. “Hello…”

Chapter 2

I hear someone clear their throat I don’t know whether to be afraid or happy.

“Hello… mademoiselle. Please stop crying.” A manly voice with the most delightful old world accent offers.

“Oh my god hi! Can you help me get back to my cabin?” I wipe my tears as I strain my eyes to see the thin figure approaching me. “Thank you for coming back.”

“Although I have not had the pleasure of a woman’s presence in many years…I’m afraid I cannot bear the sound of mourning.” The voice sings deeply.

“Oh, my crying. I’m sorry. I’m just not keen on the thought of dying up here.”

“Nor am I.” he says to me.

“Can you come closer so that I can see your face?”

“You may be frightened my lady.”

“My lady…” I whisper. “I won’t judge I promise.” I hear the footsteps draw near. They are slow and steady. Before the shadow steps into the light the phone blinks out. “Shit!”

“Do not panic my lady. I will light a torch. Don’t move.” He says before rushing off. I stand there as frightened as ever. What if he is a weirdo, a rapist, or worst…a cannibal? “Dang it Kenna, you sure can get yourself into serious shit.” I stand there listening to the bumps in the black.

Finally I see the glimmer of light as it approaches. The glare is so bright that I can’t quite see its transporter. I focus on his shadow as he gets closer. The figure becomes clearer. I cover my mouth when this beast is finally revealed to me.

“Oh my god!!!” I scream. “Please! Please!” I turn to run and he grabs me. “Noooooo!” I scream.
“Please calm down mademoiselle. You’ve inquired my help, remember. I will not harm you. But if you turn down the wrong tunnel you will be more than frightened.” I start to breath, sucking air into my mouth and blowing it out of my nose.

“I’m sorry…you look like a…”

“I know. I am terribly sorry… but I have been in these caves for a very long time.” He says to me. I calm down enough to pull my arm from his grip. As I inhale, I smell the putrid aroma of the cave. I cover my nose and step away.

“How long have you been in here? And what is your name?” he pulls the torch up toward his face. “My name is Keyan and I have nearly lost count. Let’s just say a very long time…follow me.” He turns and leads the way. Soon I can hear the sound of the rain hitting the ground. I smile as the entrance of the cave draws near and is now in sight. As we get to the opening I can see more of him. He is wearing the strangest clothes…well what’s left of the clothes. The pants are ripped and worn. He has on a thick overcoat that appears to be from the 19
century. He has on a ruffled shirt that may have once been white.

“It will be dark soon but the rain will have stopped. I can take you back to the main trail. You should be able to find your way back to your cabin from there.” He turns to face me and I look at his feet. The black boots that he is wearing displays toes in various areas. My heart is saddened.

“Thank you so much…Keyan. What is your last name?”

He looks confused for a moment. “A second name…do you have one?”

“Do you mean my surname?”


“I don’t have one. At least I don’t remember it.” He places the torch in a manmade hole and sits down beneath it. Right then I catch a glimmer of his crystal blue eyes and they are hypnotizing. “So what is your name mademoiselle?” he asks so politely.

“Oh I’m McKenna Duvall.” I say. “How long has it been since you’ve had company?” I say as I find my jacket and sit on top of it.

“You are the first human encounter that I have had since my parents died. I have seen people hiking but I never engage. And over the years I have learned to stay deep inside of the cave until they have gone.”

“Oh no. Were you a child when your parents’ died?”

“Umm..Yes…” He leans forward. “May I ask you a question?... What year is it McKenna?”

“It’s 2013…” I think for a moment. “I must say. You speak very well to have lived out here alone since you were a child. How old are you?”

“It is twenty thirteen?” He stands in panic. “God so much time has passed. Are you sure?”


“So much time…so many years. My lord.” He covers his mouth.

“How long ago did your parents die Keyan?” I say firing question after question at him.

“Madam McKenna…” he turns to face me. “Must you ask me all of these…questions?” he says staring through me with his piercing blue eyes.

“It’s just fascinating that you have lived up here for so long with no human contact. What do you eat?” I say ignoring his distaste for my curiosity.

“Berries, leaves, and any other things that I can get out of this mountain.”

“Do you kill animals?”

“Not unless I have to. If I am attacked I will defend myself. And if it is something that can be eaten… I eat it.”

“Okay?” he looks me over. I fling my now drying hair. His eyes follow me. It is a little frightening. He watches me like a predator. I am frightened but not enough to haul ass out of here. “Would you like to have some of my lunch? I have plenty.”

He shrugs as he twiddles a small stick in his hand. I pull out my Ziploc of goodies and offer half of a peanut butter and jelly, my fave sandwich, and granola. I hand him my canteen of water. He attacks it as soon as I walk over and release it into his hands. There is granola hanging from his never-ending beard. I take the chance to inspect him while his mind is on the food that he is scarfing down. His hair is dark and long, it touches just above his behind. His beard is just as long. They have both locked and are in dreads. The water spills down as he tosses it back like a whiskey shot. I am fascinated by this person. When I get back to those eyes they are watching me again.

“Thank you so much. That was most delicious. Goodness I have not eaten real food…”

“You know I can get you some things to put on. I have soap and towels too. You could come to my cabin and shower.”

He looks at me in confusion. “I cannot come to your cabin madam McKenna. I don’t want anyone to know that I am alive. The people who killed my parents may still be looking for me.”

“I doubt that Keyan. You look like you have been here about thirty or forty years. They are either dead or long gone.”

“That may be true but I’ll decline all the same.” He finishes the rest of the food I gave him and returns the container. I stand and dust off my pants as he looks on. “I take it that women have been granted the permission to wear trousers during my seclusion?”

I burst out laughing. “I’m sorry. I don’t know how old you are but in America women have worn pants for quite some time.” I giggle.

“Ahh…America. I have not had the pleasure of visiting there.”

“Okay…” I look out of the opening of the cave and the sun is going down. The rain has slowed. “Can we go now?”

He stands, hands me my canister and exits the cave. I grab my back pack and stuff the container inside. I slip into my dusty rain drenched jacket and follow close behind. When he stops I almost run into him. He turns and squints his eyes, then starts walking again.

We walk for about an hour. I immediately start to recognize the trail. “Here you are mademoiselle.”

“Thank you so much.” I start down the path.


“Please, just call me Kenna.” I say turning to face him.

“Alright then, Kenna would you please be so kind as to keep me out of your discussion when you get back to civilization. I have worked very hard to keep my existence unknown.”

‘I see that’ I think as I scan his filthy attire and horrible hair maintenance. “I will on one condition.”

“What is it?”

“Allow me to bring food and clothes for you until I go.”

“How long are you here?”

“We have been here for months, but we leave in two weeks. Will you let me help you?”

“Why not? I will meet you in this spot tomorrow, just before the sun sets.”

“Oaky dokey.” I wave as I hurry down the path and back to my cabin.

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