The Solitarian: Part 1 of The Amaranth Series (2 page)

BOOK: The Solitarian: Part 1 of The Amaranth Series
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Chapter 3

“Oh my god McKenna! We were ready to call the authorities. You’ve been gone all day. Your father went looking for you and couldn’t find you. Where were you?” My mother dramatically yells as I enter the cabin.

“I’m fine. I got lost but I found my way back.”

“That’s it no more hiking alone. Anything could have happened to you.”

“Dad I’m fine. I love hiking alone. I get to think as I let nature surround me. Good grief dad, don’t take that away from me.”

“We’ll see Kenna. You have no idea what could be lurking in these mountains.” He barks.

I storm toward the room that I have been calling my own for months. I slam the door and plop down onto my bed. I yank off my back pack and retrieve my cellphone from the front pocket. I toss it into the air and it soars across the room landing in front of the door. I plug my cell into a portable charger and lie on my stomach across the bed. I hear the door open.

“Darling, Rylan is on the phone he wants to talk to you.” I smile and hop up to get the phone.

Rylan is the love of my life. I hate that we couldn’t spend the summer together. Especially since I’m leaving when I get back. He’s going to Greenwich with the rest of my friends. I hope that our relationship can survive the four long years. I will visit on holidays and come home for the summer. But since I haven’t given ‘it’ up yet we may be over after I get on the plane. We’ve been a couple since sophomore year. It has been the best two years of my life. Laine and Callie teases me for being a virgin, but my gorgeous blonde haired, green eyed, boyfriend understands and is willing to wait for me. I don’t know, I may give in before I leave for California. I haven’t decided if I can go through with it, but we’ll see.

I snatch the phone from my mom and flop down into the chair. “Hi ba-by.” I say playfully.

“Hey there beautiful. I miss you so much. I even dreamed about you last night.”

“Did you?” I pause and bite my bottom lip. “I miss you too Rylan. And I’m having so much fun here...I just wish you could’ve come.”

“No way. Too many things happen to people in the wilderness. Especially in other countries.” He teases. “Where were you anyway? Your parents were beside themselves.”

“I got lost hiking up the mountain, but I found my way back. What has the gang been up to?”

“Same ole same ole. Laine is up Litzy Scottsdale’s ass since she got a new BMW. They’ve been skanking it up at the beach every day.”

“Really? But we hate Litzy, right? She’s your ex. Are you sure that you haven’t been skanking it up as well?”

“Come on with that jealous shit Kenna. You know I that I love you and you only.”

“I know, but she is giving it up, unlike me.”

“I don’t care. I love you. I’m going to wait for you. Anyway the only thing that Litzy is good for is getting down on her knees.” He laughs.

“That’s not funny Rylan.” I pause. I want to tell him that as soon as I get back I’m going to give him my all. “I was thinking that maybe before I go off to school, we could do something special.”

“That sounds like a plan.” I hear his mom yelling in the background. “I’ve got to go. My mom is having a little party and I’m supposed to be making sure that she doesn’t drink too much. But… it’s way too late for that.”

“Okay Rylan. I’ll be home in two weeks. Don’t miss me too much.”

“I’ll be counting the minutes Kenna. I love you girl.”

“I love you too, goodbye.” I hang up the phone and I’m all smiles. After I float through my room, take a long overdue shower and ready myself before bed. My mom peeks in as I’m climbing beneath the covers.

“You worry us McKenna. For now on you have to be more responsible. You’ll be living on your own in California. My sister will be checking on you periodically but you are technically on your own.”

“I know that mom. You guys have to trust me.” I pause as I think of my vagrant savior Keyan. “Mom?”

“What is it dear?”

“Can you make dinner early tomorrow?”

“Yes sure.”

“Make enough for left overs.”

“Okay McKenna. Goodnight.”

“Night mom.” I switch off the lamp and shut my eyes for the night.


The next morning when I awake the sun is shining brightly. I overslept for the first time since we’ve been in France. I love watching the sun rise over the mountains and I missed it. I must have been tired from all of the action that I endured yesterday. I hurry to clean myself up and brush my teeth. After I’m dressed, fresh, and ready for the day, I see my dad loading the Jeep.

“Where are we going dad?”

“We are going into town for a festival. The young lady at the boutique invited us to join.”

“Oh okay. How long will we be there?”

“I was going to eat breakfast and dinner there. It’ll be dark.”

“I’ll pass then. I can stay here. I’m kind of tired anyway.”

“Come on Kenna. You love going into town to shop. There will be different vendors selling all kinds of things.”

“Mom knows what I like. Just get me something.” They look at one another and decide that it’s okay for me to stay in today.

“Be safe. And if you go out don’t stray too far from the cabin.”

“Bye dad.” I shoo them into the jeep.

“What about dinner dear?”

“I’ll whip up something.” I wave as they pull off and down the side of the mountain, disappearing onto the road to town. I rush inside and start to pack a picnic basket that my parents’ have. I fill it with tons of goodies. I grab some of mom’s rotisserie chicken from the night before, since she didn’t whip up anything today. I grab bottles of water and stuff them into my backpack. I go into my parents’ room and rifle through my father’s closet. I grab two pair of his jeans and a couple of sweaters. I pack them into my backpack along with towels and it is bursting at the seams. I stuff a couple of pairs of socks into the front compartment along with soap, toothbrush, deodorant, toothpaste, and a bottle of dad’s awesome smelling cologne. I’m tempted to grab the scissors but I must take baby steps. I hitch the pack over my arm and slide the basket onto the other.

I hurry up the road toward the cave. I don’t remember where it was but I’m sure as hell going to try and find it. My arm starts to fall asleep as I lug the things along. I get to the spot where he left me and I rest my arms. I drop the bag onto the ground and sit on top of it. I open the basket and grab a cupcake to toss into my mouth.

“Good day Madam McKenna.” He startles me.

“Just Kenna, Keyan. What are you doing here? We’re supposed to meet at sunset.”

“I was hoping to catch you and your parents on a morning hike. Of course I made sure that you were alone before I actually spoke.” I look him over and he looks a mess. There are so many things tangled in his dusty colored beard and hair. His clothes look even worst in the daylight.

“I brought you a few things Keyan. Do you have somewhere that you can bathe? If not my parents are gone for the day,”

“I’m quite offended McKenna. I bathe daily. There is a warm spring in the valley behind the cave.”

“Cool let’s go.”

He turns and starts to walk. I follow him up the mountain and through the cave. He quickly turns into tunnel after tunnel until we reach an opening that leads out of the rear. We reach the valley and I swear it is quite a sight. It is by far the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. I continue toward the spring. I quietly admire the artistically designed scenery. The spring is surrounded by beautifully constructed flowers and trees. The flowers are vibrant, bright, luminous colors. The trees and the grass are the most brilliant vivid green that I’ve ever laid eyes on. My eyes travel around the wondrous space. I look at the heated spring that is amazingly warmed by the earth. The vaporous mist from the spring travels up toward the sky and disappears like mystical ghosts floating away in the rays of sunlight.

“This is absolutely breathtaking. Do people visit here?”

“Out of all of the years that I have been residing in the cave, I have never run into another person here. This is my home.”

“It is better than any decoration, in any house, in the world.” He smiles. “Shit, I mean I could stay here for the rest of my vacation.”

His smile dissipates. “McKenna may I ask you a question?”

“Shoot.” I smile.

“Why do you use such undesirable language? It is not proper for a woman to use words of that nature.”

I laugh because this man is blowing my mind with his old world antics.

“Women use all kinds of language now days. You are very ancient Keyan. I must show you how things are done now.”

“No thank you. I will never leave here. So there is no need for education of that kind.”

“How do you do it Keyan? I mean I would go insane if I had to be here alone all of my life.”

“In the beginning I had to adjust to not having parents to guide and educate me. It was difficult. After a tremendous amount of sadness and writing down my inner thoughts I became complacent with my new life.”

“That is really sad Keyan. You’ll never get to marry or have children. I feel so…”

“Please do not pity me. I have chosen this life of solitude. It is essential for my survival.”

“But you will die alone. How will you survive until you die without love?”

“I’ve never looked at it that way. Besides I could never inflict this curse upon anyone else.”

“You should let the person that falls for you make that choice for themselves. You never know, some woman may want to live in solitude along with you. Love is powerful like that.”

“I am officially impressed madam McKenna. You make an admirable point.”

“Please stop calling me madam Keyan. I feel like an old lady.”

“As you wish McKenna. I will make a note to never call you madam again.”

“Thanks, now let’s get to the bathing.” I yank at the zipper of my backpack and pull the things from the bag one by one. He watches as I pile the things in front of him. “I didn’t know what size shoe that you wear but my dad has really large feet so you should be able to fit them regardless.”

“Thank you. You are too kind.”

“It’s my pleasure. I want us to become friends.”

“That sounds delightful McKenna. You will make a wonderful friend.” I nod as I urge him to rid himself of the atrocious attire that he is rocking.

Chapter 4

Keyan slowly undresses. I watch as he yanks the ripped disgusting pants from his body. He’s not at all shy about the filthy underwear that he removes to reveal his tightly toned cheeks. I temporarily turn away when he quickly rips the jacket and soiled shirt from his body, and cannonball into the springs. I catch a glimpse of the hard toned body of a teenager when he leaps high into the air. His hair trails behind him like a train as he lands into the spring. The water ejects and splashes all over the grassy pasture that surrounds it. He is giddy as he treads the warm water. His hair lies down immediately after being drenched by the healing spring. For a moment I see the face of a boy not much older than me. But that’s impossible because he is all of forty years old. Although his eyes are telling me different.

“You have distinctive blue eyes Keyan. Did your mom or dad have them?”

“My father and mother had eyes as blue as the bright afternoon sky. Neither of them ever spoke directly to others, because they wanted them hidden.”

“Why hide eyes so brilliant?”

“Because the eyes my dear, reveals all of your secrets. Some secrets are much too dangerous to expose.”

“I see something in your eyes.” I smile shyly.


“Youth. There is a strange sense of youth in your eyes. I want to know how old you are Keyan.”

“You will find out one day.” He toys with me and I’m extremely annoyed. I toss him a bar of soap and he catches it. He begins to roll it around in his hands. “Do you not think that it is inappropriate for you to be around a stranger while they are nude?”

“I don’t know why but I’m not afraid when I am around you Keyan.”

“You have no reason to be.”

I stand and walk over to the edge of the spring with a small bottle of shampoo in my hand.

“May I shampoo your hair?”

“Yes please.” I pour a huge glob of shampoo into my hand and rub it around. I rub them together and he treads the water as he waves his hands about and coasts toward me. I slide my hands across the tangled locks and begin to massage. As it lathers, his eyes shut and I scrub away. It is difficult to get through because of the mangled mess he calls hair. I move down to the beard and his eyes pop open.

“I’m sorry but I just had to. Now rinse.” I dip his head into the water and the feel of the water is heavenly. The heat of the spring soothes my hand. I now envy Keyan for having such a thing at his disposal. When he emerges from the water I hop back. He wipes the water from his eyes.

“The water feels like paradise...”

“I agree.” He says spitting water from his mouth. I sit flat on the grass, place my hands behind me and prop myself up with my palms resting on the ground. I cross my legs at the ankle and allow my head to fall back.

“Why is it so warm down here?”

“It is nature’s way of providing natural resources for its children.” he treads around and about.

“Beautifully put.” I reach over and toss the towel toward the edge. He grabs it and begins to exit the spring. I turn away so that I don’t catch a glimpse his goods. My mom and dad would kill me if they knew that I was in the company of a naked wild man that hasn’t been with a woman in who knows how long and is twice my age…I think.

He dresses in the clothes that I brought for him and slides on the socks. I giggle at the way he struggles to get them on. He then goes for the shoes and they fit him perfectly. He and my dad wear the exact size. I grab the deodorant and explain how to apply. We immediately splash on the cologne that I nabbed. The gentle aroma feels the air and dances on the breeze as it cools down in the valley. The temperature starts to drop when the sun starts with a game of peek-a-boo.

“Let us get back to the cave.” I gather my things and follow him into the cave through the tunnels. I can’t keep track because he maneuvers them like he designed them. After a series of turns I spot several lights. There are rows of torches perched neatly down the tunnel leading to an enormous cave that has been decorated by nature but looks like a home. I see a makeshift bed. It is made with vines and leaves. It appears to be as strong as oak. Then there is a hammock tightly pitched up onto the walls of the cave. There are a collection of old books stuffed in a sack in the corner, and writing materials from long ago on a wooden trunk that has been snatched from the earth. I stare like a newborn child looking at the world for the first time. I take a seat on a claylike chair in the corner diagonal to his ‘bedroom’. It is wonderfully designed. I know that it is handmade, maybe from dirt, water and rocks. It shimmers a bit from the fire on the walls. As I sit I admire the effort that he has invested in this chateau.

“Wow, this is marvelous Keyan. I’m speechless.” He walks over to his things and rifles through the sack. When he doesn’t find what he is searching for, he moves over to the pile of books. He quickly retrieves a photo and brings it over to me.

“This was my mother and father.” I focus my eyes onto the photograph. It is black and white. They both are extremely youthful. The woman appears to have bright colored hair that is dimmed by the optics of the ancient snapshot. She stands poised beside the love of her life. She is wearing a unique dress that is larger than she is. The top of it has long sleeves and buttons that line straight up her torso stopping just below the chin. The collar has delicate ruffles that playfully dance around the jawline. It fits her waist like a glove and stylishly shifts into a balloon like bottom. Her shoes are covered but she has an umbrella in her hand the matches exactly. The man appears to be gallantly noble. He holds a firm but faint smile. He is very handsome. His hair is as dark as his son’s. His face is neatly covered in facial hair. He is holding his wife’s hand and has on a two piece suit very similar to the filthy one that Keyan left at the spring. Their eyes must have caught the glare because there is a glint in each of their eyes. It is kind of scary but the camera seems to be very old. We can fix these kind of things on our phones now days.

“Your parents’ were stunning. I know that you must miss them terribly. I can’t imagine how you must feel, losing them so violently.”

“I do not think that I will ever get used to not having them around. Especially when we remained together for so long.”

“I thought that you were a child when they were murdered.” He confuses me with his comments.

“It is all very complicated McKenna. I will explain it all to you one day.”

“It will have to be one day soon Keyan. I leave in less than two weeks.”

He looks down at his feet and the sadness in his eyes deepens. I’m angry that we only met one day ago. I would have loved to hear about all of the interested things that he has to share.

Slowly I begin to unload the basket of goodies that I brought along. I take them out one by one and set them on a cloth I tossed inside of my bag. I offer for him to join me and he sits in front of me. Now that his hair is drying, it is returning back to its former eternal caveman mess. As we eat he is more civilized this time. He takes a bite out of the sandwich and tosses back the water bottle. It is very different from the way he behaved when I offered him my lunch yesterday. I began to tell him about my life in Myrtle Beach as we eat our meals. He is fascinated by life in America. It is almost like teaching a babe new things. I am intrigued by his thirst for the unknown.

“You should be going McKenna. Your father will be worried about you.”

I look at him and his features are even clearer with his hair drying toward the back, out of his face. The way that his eyes glimmer when he looks directly at me makes me feel strange. I stand and he mimics me.

“You’re right, I should. My dad will be livid if he comes home and I’m not there.” I dust my pants off and take a step. He hurries in front of me to lead me out.

“I’m glad that you decided to come back. I have truly enjoyed your company. You have been so gracious toward me. Thank you.”

“You’re more than welcome Keyan. I enjoyed this time with you as well. I would love to get a peek at those journals of yours one day.”

“That means that you would have to come back for another visit. I believe that I’m becoming attached to having someone to converse with. Conversations with animals are quite ridiculous.”

“You talk to animals.” I giggle. “Have you named them yet?”

“I named them long ago. The friendly ones anyway.” I exit his cave and the darkness of the tunnel surrounds us immediately. He grabs a torch and the pathway is lit. We are quiet as we maneuver through and enter the cave that leads out of this secret, fascinating world that he has created all on his own.

“Thank you for all of your kindness McKenna. I will treasure it always. I have not interacted with humans for a very long time. And, I do not remember interacting with anyone as kind as you are.”

“Thank you for that Keyan. I will see you tomorrow and I’ll be sure to bring lunch and dinner. I smile as I see the entrance of the cave quickly approaching. He shakes my hand and we bid farewell.

I march forward, making my way down the winding spiraling road and I spot the cabin. The lights are on, so that means my parents have returned. I know that my dad is going to give me the third degree. I jog down the remainder of the hill and place the basket outside of my window. I wouldn’t want to have to explain that I’ve been hanging out with a strange old man that lives in a cave. I enter with my back pack and wave at them as I go off to bed.

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