The Soul Collector (12 page)

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Authors: Paul Johnston

BOOK: The Soul Collector
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“You don’t have to leave, Matt,” Karen said quietly. “If it was Sara Robbins who killed Dave, you’ll be in real danger.”

We were in her office, the door ajar. She went over and closed it.

I was slumped in a chair, my head down, trying to get the sight of Dave from my mind. But when I succeeded, all I saw was Ginny. She had slapped my face and told me I should never have written my book—all it had done was drive the White Devil’s sister even more crazy. And I saw Tom, trying manfully not to cry because his dad wouldn’t have liked that, and Annie, who looked at me as if I was a war criminal. Which, in a way, I was.

“I wonder where she’ll strike next.” She shook me lightly. “Rog, Pete and Andy aren’t at home and they aren’t answering their phones. They need to give us statements about this morning to corroborate your story.” She brought her face down to the level of mine. “Where are they, Matt? They’re in danger.”

“I don’t know,” I said. I could see she didn’t believe that. “Honestly. They…they have things to do.”

“You’ve got a plan, haven’t you? For God’s sake, Matt, you have to let me in on it. I can’t protect you otherwise.”

I shrugged. “I told you, I don’t know where they are.”


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She stood up and walked behind her desk. “Bullshit. You must have ways of contacting them.”

I wasn’t answering that. I got to my feet. “Can I go now?”

Karen blinked, her expression softening. “Please, Matt. I…I love you. Why can’t you accept my help?”

I raised as much of a smile as I could. “I love you, too, but you have to let me protect my people.”

“Like you protected Dave?” she said sharply, her hand flying to her mouth. “I’m sorry, Matt.”

I turned and headed for the door. I’d always suspected that Sara would come between Karen and me when she returned, but I hadn’t thought it would happen so quickly.

Josh Hinkley, wearing a thousand-pound leather jacket and shoes with real silver buckles, was slouched in an armchair in a coffee shop on Charlotte Street, discarded newspapers all around him. He looked up when another double espresso was placed in front of him.

“Oh, there you are, mate.” He looked at his gold Rolex.

“Just twenty-seven minutes late.”

“Hello, Josh, good to see you, too.” Jeremy Andrewes shoved a heap of books off the armchair next to him and sat down.

“Oy, those are review copies.”

The other man shrugged. “Which you cast an idle eye over and then flog to the shops on Charing Cross Road, even though you don’t need the money.”

“Bloody journalists,” Hinkley said. “Think you know it all.”

Andrewes ignored that and ate a piece of chocolate cake. Josh Hinkley threw the espresso back in one. “Ah-ha!

That hit the spot.” He winked. “But not like the marching powder I just snorted in the bog.”


Paul Johnston

Andrewes concentrated on his cake. Josh Hinkley liked to play at being “the bad boy of British crime writing,” a moniker many reckoned he’d come up with himself. He certainly cultivated the image assiduously. He’d been arrested a couple of times for possession of cannabis, before the Met’s user-friendly policy came in. That didn’t impress Jeremy Andrewes, the crime correspondent of the
Daily Independent.
He had little time for crime novelists—apart from now.

“So what’s this meet in aid of?” Hinkley said, running a hand through his gray hair. His face was pocked by old acne scars and his belly hung over his designer jeans. Strangely, his appearance didn’t put off the surprisingly young female fans of his books. Then again, he was rolling in money.

“Another double es, darling!” the novelist shouted to the dark-skinned girl at the counter. “Slag,” he muttered, when she gave him a haughty look. “Not long out of the jungle.”

“Steady on, Josh,” the journalist said, catching the other man’s eye. “Civilized people don’t talk like that anymore.”

Andrewes was an old Etonian, whose great-grandfather had made a fortune exploiting workers all over the world. That should have made the journo uncomfortable, particularly as he worked for a left-wing paper, but it didn’t.

“Excuse me for breathing,” Hinkley said defiantly. Andrewes finished his cake. It was a good one, almost as good as the cook produced at the family house in Hampshire. He wasn’t looking forward to asking a favor of Hinkley, but he knew it would be worth it. The novelist was a serious gossip-hound. What the man
know about his fellow crime writers could be written on the back of one of his lurid novels.

The Soul Collector


“I have a problem.” Andrewes took a sip of his latte and tried to formulate a request that didn’t make him sound too much like a supplicant before an oracle. “Well, as a matter of fact, two.” He smiled, hoping the insincerity wasn’t too obvious. “I need some background on a couple of crime writers. And you’re the man in the know.”

Hinkley didn’t look impressed. He may have written novels with minimal literary merit, but he was smart. Most bestselling authors were, in the journalist’s limited experience.

“I get it,” the novelist said. “I fill the column you’re paid to write. I don’t think so.” He stood up and waved a twenty-pound note at the barista. “Over ’ere, beautiful!

I’ll make it worth your while.”

Jeremy Andrewes tried to hide his face behind his hand. People all around were staring at Hinkley. To her credit, the girl stayed at the bar, forcing him to go and pick up his coffee.

“Bloody cow,” he said, on his return. “There goes her tip.”

“Oh, you were going to leave one?” the journalist said snidely. Josh Hinkley was a notorious skinflint.

“Now, now,” Josh said, raising a finger. “I might be prepared to reconsider, if you make it worth my while.”

He grinned, displaying expensive bridgework. “Then again, your paper doesn’t like backhanders, does it?”

Jeremy Andrewes nodded. He had a small group of people he paid for information, but he wasn’t going to add the millionaire novelist to that list.

“How about your name appearing a few times in the paper?”

“Fuck you, Jerry,” Josh said loudly, provoking an outraged gasp from the elderly woman at the next table. 112

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He stood up and bowed extravagantly. “I do beg your pardon, madam.”

“Bugger off,” the woman responded, in a cut-glass accent. The journalist almost choked on his coffee. Josh Hinkley collapsed into his armchair like he’d been shot, his cheeks on fire.

Andrewes saw his opportunity. “All right, I’ll share the byline with you.” He watched as Josh nodded his agreement. It was amazing how badly a bestselling author still wanted to see his name in print. Maybe that emotional need was how he still got into the top ten, year in, year out.

“Who are you so interested in, then?” Hinkley asked, leaning closer.

“The first one is Mary Malone.”

“There’s a surprise. What are you hearing from the Peelers?”

“I get the distinct impression they haven’t got much to go on.”

The novelist grunted. “I heard some talk of Satanism.”

Andrewes nodded. “They’ve asked us to keep quiet about that, but it won’t be long before the tabloids go public. I don’t suppose Mary Malone was into devil worship?”

Josh Hinkley laughed. “Dunno, mate. I never met the woman. She was secretive with a capital
—no publicity photos, no public appearances. There were rumors that she was as ugly as sin.” He beckoned the journalist closer.

“I reckon she fancied herself and her smart-arse historical novels—thought the rest of us were talentless hacks.”

He laughed. “Oops, sorry.”

Jeremy Andrewes generally found laughing difficult, so he didn’t respond in kind. The White Devil case, when
The Soul Collector


Sara Robbins, one of his colleagues on the paper, had turned out to be the killer’s sister and partner, had put paid to his never well-developed sense of humor. Besides, he came from aristocratic stock. “Those who rule have to maintain their dignity,” his grandfather repeatedly told him when he was a boy.

“What’s the feeling in the Crime Writers’ Society about Mary Malone’s murder?”

Hinkley laughed. “They’re all crapping themselves, aren’t they? Wondering who’s going to be next.”

The journalist looked up from his notebook. “Why? The police aren’t treating this as the first in a series. The VCCT hasn’t even taken over the case.”

“Maybe someone objects to writers who use the same investigator over and over again.”

Andrewes gave a tight smile. “You do, too, Josh. Aren’t you scared?”

“Give me a break,” Hinkley scoffed. “Mary Malone must have wound someone up. Maybe she got in over her head playing poker on the Internet and the heavies were sent around.”

The journalist didn’t bother noting down that farfetched idea. Anyway, the police would be looking at her computer. “Had anyone you know actually met her?”

“She didn’t hang out with anyone from the Society, as far as I’m aware. She just sat at home and wrote her books.”

“Well, that was enlightening.” Andrewes turned a page. “Right, what can you tell me about Matt Wells, aka Matt Stone?”

That got the crime writer’s attention. “I know what his pen name is, Jerry. Why are you interested in him?”

The journalist leaned forward. “You remember that book he wrote about the White Devil?”


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“’Course I do. It sold well in over fifty countries, I seem to remember the bastard boasting on the radio.”

“The killer’s partner, Wells’s ex-lover, got away at the end,” the journalist said.

Hinkley nodded. “So?”

“One of Matt Wells’s friends was murdered this morning.” He flicked back in his notebook. “David Cummings. Apparently he used to be in the Parachute Regiment and the SAS.”

“Christ, yeah, I met him at the launch of Matt’s book. He told me to fuck off when I asked him how many Irishmen he’d topped.”

“Very diplomatic of you.” Andrewes knew he’d hooked his man and was less inclined to brown-nose. “They’re not saying it publicly, but I heard a whisper that the killer may have been Sara Robbins.”

“Your ex-colleague and Matt’s ex–other half?” Josh Hinkley grinned. “Juicy, Jerry, I’ll give you that.You should have clocked her, shouldn’t you? And now Matt’s shagging the head of the VCCT. You do know that, don’t you?”

The journalist nodded. “DCI Oaten must be close to having a conflict of interest. I know that her people hauled Wells in. Apparently he found the body at the victim’s home.”

“Is that right?” Hinkley scratched his stubble. “What do you want from me?”

“Wells won’t ever talk to me. He has his column in the paper and he keeps all his material for that.”

“Oh, Jerry,” the novelist said, laughing and slapping him on the knee. “Do I detect the smell of overripe jealousy? You don’t approve of a mere crime writer being given the chance to air his views about your area of expertise every week, do you?”

The Soul Collector


Jeremy Andrewes looked away. “Yes, well, the question is, can you give me any stuff I could use about him?”

Hinkley tapped his nose. “I can, my friend. Matt and I have been mates since we were both on the short list for best first novel. The bastard won. We’ve been pissed together at plenty of events and conventions. I can dig you some dirt on him. In fact, I can do better than that. I’ll go around and offer him a shoulder to cry on.” His lips formed into a twisted smile. “You never know, he might just confide in me.”

The journalist felt a wave of relief that he wasn’t one of Josh Hinkley’s friends. He listened carefully as the author ran through a series of drunken antics and misbehavior in hotels, most of which seemed to have been inspired by Hinkley. But he got some insight into Wells’s character, admittedly before the White Devil case, and it was worth keeping Josh sweet in case he actually managed to get close to the other crime writer. If Sara Robbins really was back on the scene, it would be a hell of a story.

It was raining heavily when I left New Scotland Yard in the Saab. My cell phone had been returned but not my clothes, so I was still wearing a white plastic coverall and overshoes. While I was stopped at a red light, I turned the phone on. There was an envelope on the display. The message consisted of only one word—
It wasn’t only the name of a fine Stephen Stills album. Andy was the sender and it meant that he was waiting at the Mansfield Arms in Pimlico. He’d have stashed his bike. I replied with “SS” a couple of minutes before I got there. He was standing on the pavement with his bag.

“Head down,” I said as he got in and threw his bag 116

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onto the backseat. “Karen might have someone watching my place.”

“Sara or some sidekick might be doing the same,” he said, peering at what I was wearing. “Did they give you a hard time?”

“No major sweat.”

“Why are we going to your place, anyway? I thought we’d be heading for a hotel or a safe house.”

“We’ve just compromised the plan by hooking up, Slash. Anyway, I’m buggered if I’m going to run from Sara after what she did to Dave. Someone has to make a stand.”

“Way to go, Matt!”

I grunted. “Say that when you find me in a pool of—”

I broke off and bit my lip.

“Hey, man, remember what Dave used to say at halftime.
Deep breaths or I’ll have your nuts.

I couldn’t do anything but laugh. Christ, we were going to miss Psycho.

I looked in the mirror and pulled away. Because of Andy’s height, his head was only just below the bottom of the side window. I handed him my phone. “Delete your message and the one I sent you,” I said. “Karen might check if I’ve received anything.
would definitely make her suspicious.”

“Doesn’t she like Stills?” he asked, squinting up and giving me a grin that faded fast. “What was it like with Ginny and the kids?”


“But you handled it okay, yeah?”

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