The Sounds of War (The Genesis Series Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: The Sounds of War (The Genesis Series Book 2)
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And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house. Acts 2:2


hat the blue blazes?
His concentration broken, Joshua trying not to be angry tossed his iPad on the worktable, sighed and whispered his frustration, “I thought everybody knew this paper is due right away.” Looking at the door, he continued voicing his frustration not caring there was no one to hear his ire, “The dynamics and dimensions of quarks within energy isn’t a walk in the park, so who’s…?”

from his workstation, he stepped into the hall and looked both ways. Whatever the sound was, it seemed to be coming from Kirsten’s lab. Moving further into the corridor, still unable to detect the exact location of the sound, he decided to let Kirsten in on the problem. Hurriedly walking the additional few feet to her lab, he opened her door and called out, “Kirsten!”

There was no answer. “Kirsten,” he repeated the summons and again, no answer. Continuing to call her name, he made his way through her lab and into the adjacent office, “Kirsten, are you in here?”

Silence responded.
Where could she be?
Standing in the doorway, searching for clues to her whereabouts, his eyes fell upon her desk clock. It wasn’t yet two, she should be in her office doing paperwork and making phone calls.
She never violates her routine, so where is she? Maybe she’s downstairs in the clinic with an emergency. Text her you dumbbell.
Chiding himself,
he reached for his cell and came up empty. Once again, he spoke aloud his irritation, “Dang, I left it on my desk.”

the empty shirt pocket in frustration, Joshua retraced his steps returning to his lab. Midway he heard the mysterious sound again. It was not only following him but the volume was intensifying!
Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

still, he cocked his head and listened. The sound was coming from somewhere overhead. Looking up at the ceiling, he noted directly overhead was an air conditioning vent. Giving heed to the natural assumption the sound indicated a problem with the air conditioning system he shrugged his shoulders and carried on toward his lab.

As he neared
his lab, he heard his cell vibrating against the workstation. Even though he moved as quickly as possible, he still failed to reach his desk before the phone grew silent and still. Turning it over, he smiled, the message on its face indicated he had missed a call from his missing sister.

Hitting the call back tab with his thumb, he put the phone to his ear and was surprised when she answered on the first ring. And more surprised when she began shooting her words in machine gun rapidity, “Hey, I was just leaving you a message. I’m on the road to the Woodlands mall. I probably won’t be back by dinner. I need you to fix something for ya’ll to eat. Sorry, I forgot to tell you before I left. I need to go, traffic’s heavy.”

As the words slowed, Joshua grabbed his chance to speak, “Okay, what’s up, something’s wrong!”

“Nothing, I’ve got shopping to do. Remember Justin is
coming in tomorrow. And besides, I’ve got to drive to the airport to pick him up before we leave for the lake, and I have to pack, and cook, and close up the clinic, and I need supplies.” After sighing deeply Kirsten continued, “And I need to visit with Mom before I head back tonight; really gotta go.”

Taking note of her impatience to end the call, he asked again tersely, “
Look everything you just listed is closer in Bryan-College Station except Mom. Is there a problem?”

“No, why would you think that? I put out meat for hamburgers. You’ll take care of dinner for the four of you, right?”

Ignoring her question, he took a different tactic, “When are you coming home?”

“I don’t know precisely. Sorry if this is a problem for you.” Guilt tinged her voice and the tenseness mounted, “Don’t wait for me. I may be late. I need to go. I’m driving and shouldn’t be on the phone.”

Realizing he was not going to unearth the underlying cause of her irritation, Joshua started to end the call but then remembered the noise, “Wait! Do you know if there is something wrong with the air conditioning? I keep hearing a sound and it seems to be coming from the vents.”

“Is it a sound or a noise?”

Perplexed, Joshua closed his eyes and shook his head, “That’s a weird question. What’s the difference?”

“I don’t know!” Kirsten sighed, “The words just came out. I don’t know of a problem, and I really need to go.”

“Okay go, but call me when you start back this way so I know when to expect you.” Ending the call, he plopped in his chair and ran his fingers through his reddish-blonde hair as he repeated her question aloud, “Was it a sound, or was it a noise? What on earth does that mean?”

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Joshua jumped up and looked around. “It’s a sound!”

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Thinking he felt the hair on top of his head move in the wake of th
e sound, he reached above his head and batted at the air. Naturally, nothing was there, yet the sound was so close overhead he was surprised he had not touched its source.

Unexpectedly the cell, which he still held, began to vibrate
again. Stunned by the startling sensation, he jumped to his feet and while laughing at his reaction and the strangeness of the situation he turned the phone over in his hand and read the text on its face,
need to talk

Dialing Caleb’s cell number rather than responding with a corresponding text, Joshua shook his head and thought,
what now?

Joshua’s older brother
answered the call in his usual matter of fact manner and jumped right to the subject of his message. “Hey, can’t talk. I’m not going to be home tonight. Staying overnight with Carl.”

“Huh? I must truly be lost in a dream world,” Joshua snorted
. “I didn’t know you weren’t here, when did you leave?”

Caleb’s voice dropping to a noticeable whisper an
swered hastily, “I drove into Austin early this morning. I told Kirsten I was going, didn’t she tell you?”

“No, she didn’t. I just got off the phone with her. She actually said there would be four for dinner, and since she doesn’t plan to be here that would mean she thinks you are. Eme, Elijah, and
me, make three, so you must be the fourth.”

Caleb chuckled softly, “What on earth are you rambling about?”

“Oh nothing, I’ve obviously lost touch with reality along with the control of my life. When will you be home and what’s up with you?”

“I’m in the UT library doing research on the Tower of Ba
bel. I want to continue with it while I can. It’s going well, but the library’s going to close soon. Matter of fact, in the next ten minutes.” Caleb, allowing impatience to show in his voice raised the tone to just above a whisper, “I need to get back here first thing in the morning.”

“Tower of Babel...” Not taking the hint, Josh switched the phone to the other ear
. “That sounds interesting, when did this come up?”

“Wait a minute.” A few seconds of phone silence hung between them while Caleb walked to a more secluded location, then in a more normal voice continued, “Look, got to make this quick before I’m kicked out. I read an article in an archaeological journal last night
. It was about the unearthing of new information concerning the purpose of certain pyramids, including the Tower of Babel. When I woke up this morning, plagued by all the questions I had no answers to, I decided to dig, pardon the pun, in the older records stored in the library here. I just spoke with Carl and he’s going to put me up for the night. Anyway, I wanted the opportunity to discuss my theory with him. Do me a favor and define the physical properties of light and sound in a language that I can understand. And send it to me in an email, please?”

“What are you
trying to get to?” Leaning on his desk, Joshua searched for a pencil and post-it note pad, “I mean, what are you thinking the purpose of the tower was?”

“I’ll tell you tomorrow when I get home. I need to know what there is about the properties of crystal and gold that amplifies light and sound, can you do that?” Caleb asked with a touch of skepticism in his voice.

“Can I? Of course, but from a quantum perspective,” laughing Joshua added, “I don’t know if I can dumb that down for you.”

“Funny. Ha. Ha. As always, you’re a barrel of laughs
. Just try to help me out, please,” Caleb pleaded.

“Well, since you‘ve asked so nicely
. Be sure to tell Carl hi for me.” Joshua ended the conversation and was about to stick his phone in his shirt pocket when he heard the sound again.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh



Another parable He set forth before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while he was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed also darnel (weeds resembling wheat) among the wheat, and went on his way. So when the plants sprouted and formed grain, the darnel (weeds) appeared also. And the servants of the owner came to him and said, ‘Sir did you not plant good seed in your field? Then how does it have darnel shoots in it?’ He replied to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘then do you want us to go and weed them out? ‘But he said, ’No, lest in gathering the wild darnel (weeds resembling wheat), you root up the [true] wheat along with it. Let them grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will say to the reapers, gather the darnel first, and bind it in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my granary.’” Matthew13:24-30, AMP


ay could not help but grin as he watched Emmett’s sidestepping maneuvers around a frustrated wait staff. Cowboy hat in one hand, and the other stuck inside his western belt, Emmett appeared to be unintentionally but nonetheless dancing the Cotton-eyed Joe as he dodged and ducked his way through the overly crowded Texas Steak House. By the time his son-in-law had reached their table, Ray was roaring with laughter. Still chuckling when their good-natured, testosterone filled, backslapping bear hug was over Ray apologized, “Sorry for laughing so hard but that was an entertaining entrance you made.”

laying his hat on the bench slid into the booth next to it and replied, “Yeah, you picked this restaurant because the steaks are the best, but this is ridiculous, what’s going on, is it Rodeo Day and no one told me? Next time I choose the restaurant, okay?”

“It is a bit crowded and overly noisy at the moment, so let’s order. We can catch up, and then when the crowd thins I need to talk with you about my manuscript. I’m submitting it to my editor in a few days. I’d like your input
. That’s if you have time to read it.”

“Sure, no problem
. Surely after being my father-in-law for thirty-something years you know I never turn down a free meal especially when it’s steak.” Bowing his head in an exaggerated manner, Emmett smiled. “Of course, I’m honored you’ve asked me to read your new manuscript.” Picking up the menu, he opened it and after briefly looking it over returned it to the table and added with a chuckle, “Seriously next time, pick a restaurant that isn’t so crowded.”

Living nearly seventy-five miles apart, the two men didn’t spend as much time together as they would like
. For the next half-hour, they discussed all the latest family news and then debated all the recent NFL trades and were on the price of gold as the wait staff served their steaks. Despite a nearly thirty-year age difference, the two men were very good friends and shared many of the same interests.

Ray, a retired archeologist, and Emmett, a retired pastor, could talk for hours and usually did, but as the lunch crowd thinned and the noise diminished, their conversation returned to Ray’s new manuscript. As the waiter walked away with the desert order Ray began in earnest to speak of what was on his mind, “I’ve deliberately not spoken to anyone about
my new manuscript. The only person who has read any part of it is Marla. As you know, the books I have written in the past either have been textbooks or study guides of a particular ancient site. This one however has to do with the many archeological sites that both my peers and the ‘powers that be,’ either hide or ignore because of the spiritual implications within the relics recovered.

“I’ve spent over fifty years in the field of archeology and I personally know there are discoveries that need looking into with more honesty. In the book, I talk of my
personal experiences. Digs I headed up or ones where I served as a consultant. Anyway, I had firsthand knowledge of all the digs and relics I mention in the book. My point: in the manuscript, I share how the findings of these digs, were never published, or if published the conclusions were misleading

“I’m comfortable with the technicalities of my book
so it’s not the professional aspects I need you to review. So let me explain to you what kind of feedback I need. I need to make sure I am scripturally correct. The mysticisms of the past are often supported by archeological findings, if you know where to look. This is one of the book’s primary purposes. In each instance of where the scientific community has ignored or hidden archeological evidence; if truthfully revealed the findings would correlate and or add substantiation to certain biblical accounts.

explain how the past directs us to the understanding of what is to come, you know Bible prophecy. You know I’ve always said that uncovering the past discloses the future. And what I lead up to is my supposition that it is our future that is most damaged by the lack of truth. For instance if we realized the importance of the Book of Enoch, and how that one book affected the past, we as a society might have a different take on what to expect for our future. That is just one of my chapters…but it sums up the overview of the manuscript.

But let me back up and tell you how this book started. Right after Marla and I got home from Carl’s dig last fall, something persistently nagged at me. Do you remember what Brent and Flip said they saw?” Ray, not looking at Emmett, poked his fork at the tablecloth as he gathered his thoughts. Then putting the fork down, he locked his long knobby fingers together and continued, “What they described to us could only be an unidentified flying object and their description resurrected memories of one of my first digs.” Pausing, Ray picked up his fork again and pointed it at Emmett, “Before Brent and Flip, I’ve never known anyone that’s actually seen a UFO have you?”

Tilting his head slightly, Emmett gave it thought and then shaking his head answered, “Well, now that I think on it, not up close and personal like they did.”

Chuckling Ray nodded, “Yeah, well, I know a couple of people who’ve seen lights in the sky and claimed they were UFOs, but like you said, not anyone who’d admit to a close encounter. At least not anyone who was sober.”

Interrupted by the waiter and the arrival of their dessert, Ray toyed with his chocolate cake and after eating a few
bites, put his fork down again. “This dessert is unbelievable, but too rich for my blood, you can finish it while I get back to talking about the book. It’s been my experience, not many people will look you straight in the eye and then confess UFOs are a possibility. Matter of fact, other than the members of this family, I personally haven’t known anyone who’ll talk about UFOs or Nephilim without a smirk on their face, except perhaps Carl…”

Interrupting after
putting the last bite of cake in his mouth, Emmett voiced behind his napkin, “I know what you mean, but I do need to say in the last couple of years the subject of the Nephilim is being discussed more openly. I’ve heard some very strange stories actually. As part of the clergy,” Emmett wiped his mouth and then folded his napkin across his lap as he continued, “there are those who I associate with…well let’s just say they are increasingly more willing to talk about fallen angels and the Nephilim, so I think the numbers of those who believe might be on the rise.”

“Perhaps in your circles,” Ray agreed reluctantly, “but more than once I’ve been present when the bones of a giant have been unearthed and everyone knew what we had found were the bones of abnormal beings,
and yet no one would discuss the obvious. I’ve actually packed the bones into crates and had the crates vanish, almost before my very eyes. Shipped to some warehouse and never seen again, buried under governmental red tape,  no matter how hard I protest…believe me, I’ve experienced this frustration more than once.

“It’s not that I, or even those of my profession, don’t suspect the paranormal aspect of what we have unearthed, but no one wants censure. No one is willing to protest or speak out against the mainstream acceptance of evolution
, and it’s because we know any objection to the accepted and popular beliefs of the academic world means immediate professional repercussions. Even if we have held in our hands artifacts that prove evolution is not true, we have ducked our collective heads and silently gone about the business of ignoring the evidence. I’m guilty of this as well, but before I get on a hobbyhorse, let me get back to what I need to say.

“Personally, I can accept the Nephilim more readily than the UFO thing because I’ve unearthed bones that are clearly not human
. They were too large to be human. I’ve not seen a UFO, well, not up close and personal.

“If you remember last fall after everything was over with, I asked you if you had seen the craft, and you said it wasn’t there when you and Dylan came up from the tunnels. So what happened between the time when Brent and Flip saw it land and they left
the field, and the time when you and Dylan passed through the underground hanger and it was gone? Where did the craft go? Who took it? Why didn’t you see it, if it was there when they left? No one went past you and Dylan. You said the launch pad was lowered into the hanger and locked into place. So again, I ask, how did the craft vanish? Was it invisible or had it slipped into another dimension?” Ray shrugged his shoulders and asked before drinking his iced tea, “Shall I continue with the myriad of possibilities and questions?”

Watching his father-in-law intently, Emmett responded, “I get your point, but you sound almost skeptical, don’t you believe that Brent and Flip saw a UFO?”

“Actually, I do. Truly, I believe what they witnessed was a UFO craft landing, and while I’m open to the possibility that it was a secret military craft, I don’t think the facts lead to that being the case. More than likely it was a UFO much like those that others have described as belonging to aliens. Besides, let’s face it, our government is not exactly innocent and open handed about UFOs, aliens, military secrets, and such.

“But back to what Brent and Flip saw
. When I started asking myself all those questions, and as I pondered on all possibilities, a memory of the past began to haunt me. It was an ancient memory for me. Going back to when I was in my late twenties, but before I tell you about it, let me tell you what I think UFOs are.”

scratched at his mustache and smiled. “Okay, shoot, what do you think they are?”

“UFOs are inter-dimensional crafts,” Ray held up two fingers, “and there are only two possibilities I can give credence to as to why they exist. Oh heck, let me just tell you how I reached these conclusions. You see, as I said, it began with this vague memory of something to do with UFOs and it was driving me crazy
, taunting me continuously. I finally gave in and went to my storage locker at the university and there I found a journal I had not looked at for more than fifty years. It was with a stack of notebooks I kept in the early days of my career, and this particular journal seemed to call out to me. It was just a faded dingy journal, but it carried me back to one of my first experiences in the Middle East.

Carl and I were
still students working on our PhDs. We were on an expedition in Iraq looking for the Tower of Babel. The day I started that particular journal we were visiting a team of German archeologists. They were working to unearth what they believed was Gilgamesh’s tomb, do you know who he was?”

Emmett nodded, “Nimrod?”

“Yeah, many scholars have thought so, but I’ve never been sure about that, and now…less so. Anyway, we were in the field looking for what we call markers. We had been visiting several ancient tells that purportedly at one time or another someone had come along and stuck a marker in the ground and claimed that the tell was the Tower of Babel. Well, out of the blue, the lead archeologist of our group came into our quarters and informed us that our group had been invited to visit a nearby dig. The dig, headed by a fellow from Germany was a friend of our professor and since the dig was about a half-day north of where we were, the professor thought it would be interesting for all of us to meet and share notes.

“Historically, Gilgamesh is associated with Nimrod, hence the possibility exists he might have a connection to the Tower of Babel
. But my purpose in telling you this is not to argue the merits of the Gilgamesh-Nimrod connection. I want to connect the dots concerning the location of the digs and the connection of what we were looking for…now back to the story. I had this particular journal with me, and I made notes as Carl and I looked through a number of cuneiforms the Germans had unearthed. Their lead archeologist believed that one of these cuneiforms recorded the protocol of the Sumerian worship of Enki. Our team took turns studying the cuneiform and at attempting to decode its symbols.

Now here’s the interesting part of my story. I indicated in my journal I believed the cuneiform told the story of the star gods. I even referenced it spoke of a vessel that traveled among the stars.” Noting Emmett wanted to say something, Ray held a finger, “Wait, let me backtrack and give you a bit of history, I don’t want to lose my train of thought.”

Taking a deep breath, Ray continued, “For many years, archaeologists have believed they understood the meanings of
the mystical symbols of the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Egyptians. We’ve interpreted the hieroglyphs and pictographs that refer to star gods and their flying machines as being the gods of an inferior people. We have inferred, rightly in most cases, that these drawings have religious connotations. The problem is mainstream academia had discounted the drawings as being the depictions of belief systems of naïve men. The truth is, Sanskrit and cuneiform tablets abound with actual descriptions of what can only be termed UFOs, and the ancients were anything but naïve.

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