The Source Field Investigations (65 page)

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All these ancient traditions suggest that humanity is undergoing some type of evolutionary event. The Tibetan Rainbow Body observations give strong support to Biblical prophecies suggesting that we may transform into some sort of energetic body—the Perfected Body. Hence the American founding fathers and others often called themselves the “Perfectibilists.”
Obviously there is no way to know if we will transform into a light body of some sort—but we do now know we are going through a rapid phase of evolution, on a direct, biological level. Our civilization has grown by leaps and bounds within the last few hundred years, and it appears that greater forces are at work—forces that the ancients may have known much more about than we do now. One thing is for certain: The old models of a human body as a random genetic accident that only showed up on earth by Darwinian mutations must be thrown out. In fact, we have suffered under a variety of illusions about who and what we are that have kept us trapped in a prison of materialistic thought. Our bodies grow out of, and are nurtured by, a hidden energy field unknown to the Western mainstream scientific community. This field ultimately unifies all of our thoughts together as One—in directly measurable, provable ways. With this knowledge come powerful new tools that help us evolve as conscious beings. We gain remarkable new methods to heal ourselves and expand our own evolution in a remarkably short time. We have clearly shown how the ancient stone relics of a lost Golden Age point toward the elaborate, technological use of these energy fields. The year 2012 may represent a time when we begin to collectively rediscover this lost science—and start using it to heal ourselves and our planet.
There are certain intriguing Bible quotes I’d like to share with you—as with everything else we’ve shared as context, they become quite interesting to consider. These quotes may have been inspired by the same tradition of Fraso-kererti that was inherited from the Zoroastrian scriptures—and was widely believed to be an accurate prophecy.
The First Adam was made a living soul, and the last Adam a quickening spirit.—
I Corinthians 15:45
The first man is of the earth, the second man is the Lord from heaven.
—I Corinthians 15:47
We shall bear the image of the heavenly. . . . I show you a mystery, we shall all be changed in the twinkling of an eye . . . the corruptible must put on incorruption, and the mortal must put on immortality.
—I Corinthians 15:49–53
We look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
—2 Peter 3:13
Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: The former world shall not be remembered, nor even come into mind.
—Isaiah 65:17
As the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, so shall your seed and your name remain.
—Isaiah 66:22
There shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars [planets?]; and upon the earth the distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
—Luke 21:25–28
do believe a formal, open disclosure of the ET/UFO phenomenon is an essential aspect of our movement into a Golden Age. I have tried to avoid relying on UFO-related accounts in this book, but I do feel there is undeniable evidence that we were visited by human-looking extraterrestrials in ancient times—and that these visits have continued through to this very day. No discussion of the Source Field is complete without an examination of UFOs and their influence on technology, ancient peoples, and the 2012 prophecies.
In 2009, Dr. Alan Boss of the Carnegie Institution of Science speculated that there could be one hundred billion earthlike planets in our Milky Way galaxy alone. This estimate is based on the widespread prevalence of extra-solar planets that have been discovered, leading him to assume there could be an average of one earthlike planet per star. He also believed they are probably inhabited—at least by microbial life-forms.
During this same time frame, scientists from the University at Edinburgh ran a computer simulation where they constructed a synthetic galaxy with billions of stars and planets. From this data, which included extinction events, they concluded that “at least 361 intelligent civilizations have emerged in the Milky Way since its creation, and as many as 38,000 may have formed.”
In December 2009,
magazine published a “controversial study” of a series of archeological findings that began in the autumn of 1913—in a South African town called Boskop. Two farmers dug up hominid skull fragments that seemed “unusual.” Eventually, S. H. Haughton, a formally trained paleontologist, concluded that the Boskop skull contained a brain that was potentially 25 percent larger than our own—or more.
Boskop has a face that takes up only about one-fifth of his cranium size, closer to the proportions of a child. Examination of individual bones confirmed that the nose, cheeks, and jaw were all childlike. . . . Boskop’s brain size is about 30 percent larger than our own—that is, a 1,750-cc brain to our average of 1,350 cc. And that leads to an increase in the prefrontal cortex of a staggering 53 percent.
The prefrontal cortex is where we process our highest cognitive functions—and, it is suspected, our intuition.
With their perhaps astonishing insights, they may have become a species of dreamers with an internal mental life literally beyond anything we can imagine. . . . In a classroom with 35 big-headed, baby-faced Boskop kids, you would likely encounter five or six with IQ scores at the upper range of what has ever been recorded in human history. They died and we lived, and we can’t answer the question why. Why didn’t they outthink the smaller-brained hominids like ourselves and spread across the planet? Perhaps they didn’t want to. . . . [Nonetheless,] anthropologists report that Boskop features still occasionally pop up in living populations of Bushmen, raising the possibility that the last of the race may have walked the dusty Transvaal in the not-too-distant past.
It’s one thing to dismiss people as “crazy” if they think they’ve encountered beings like this in a spaceship. It’s quite another when we find archeological evidence that people like this lived and died here, and
magazine took it seriously enough to publish the article. Were the Boskops dangerous villains? Just the opposite, according to those they lived with.
Just about 100 miles from the original Boskop discovery site, further excavations were once carried out by Frederick FitzSimons. He knew what he had discovered and was eagerly seeking more of these skulls. At his new dig site, FitzSimons came across a remarkable piece of construction. The site had been at one time a communal living center, perhaps tens of thousands of years ago. There were many collected rocks, leftover bones, and some casually interred skeletons of normal-looking humans. But to one side of the site, in a clearing, was a single, carefully constructed tomb, built for a single occupant—perhaps the tomb of a leader or of a revered wise man. His remains had been positioned to face the rising sun. In repose, he appeared unremarkable in every regard . . . except for a giant skull.
Dr. Steven Greer has worked tirelessly to gather together more than 560 witnesses who directly worked in classified programs where UFOs and ETs were dealt with directly.
is the term Greer and others use to describe a hypothetical moment in which the governments around the world openly reveal their secret archives of UFO knowledge—including any retrieved technology—or may even give us a direct introduction to ETs themselves. We are getting closer and closer to achieving real transparency, and governments have been increasingly sharing their formerly classified materials about these encounters. They kept them hidden for years because they apparently feared it would trigger a worldwide epidemic of terror—but with the coming of the Golden Age, I believe the public response will be one of awe and acceptance, not chaos and panic. All we need is a congressional subpoena; Dr. Greer’s witnesses are prepared to testify to exactly what they know in open, public hearings in Congress. I was fortunate enough to attend Greer’s “Closed Executive Summary Briefing” for members of Congress and VIPs that took place on May 10, 2001—and the mood in the room was electric. The witness who stood out the most was Sergeant Clifford Stone, who allegedly worked on crash-retrieval projects. He was so traumatized by the things he had witnessed in the line of duty that he burst into tears and almost could not finish his presentation. Among many other intriguing data points, Stone revealed that he had a field manual describing fifty-seven different varieties of extraterrestrial intelligent life now visiting the earth. Every one of these fifty-seven varieties was human in appearance, with only superficial differences from the way we look here on earth—if any.
Other members of Dr. Greer’s entourage reported direct ET interventions that powered down nuclear missile installations, or actively disabled missiles that were in flight—rendering them completely nonradioactive once they crashed to the earth. These and additional witnesses came forward in a major public conference at the National Press Club on September 27, 2010,
and were given generous coverage in the mainstream media.
The military-industrial complex has been forced to see these power-downs as hostile acts, but another equally valid viewpoint is to see that we are being protected from a nuclear holocaust by our long-lost relatives. These visitors may well account for the many reports of angels and gods in a variety of ancient cultures—and we may now be on the threshold of a true Family Reunion.
The Circlemakers
On October 20, 2009, the U.K.
reported a story where a police officer saw three men, each with blond hair and over six feet tall, taking instrument readings near a crop circle. The officer heard a hissing sound similar to static electricity, and this crackling noise seemed to run through the entire field—while also causing the crop to gently move. He shouted at the three men but they did not seem to be able to hear his voice. However, when he entered the field, they all looked at him and began running.
They ran faster than any man I have ever seen. I’m no slouch but they were moving so fast. I looked away for a second and when I looked back they were gone.
A similar case was disclosed on March 22, 2009, after the British government officially released many of its UFO files. On November 20, 1989, an anonymous woman called R.A.F. Wattisham in Suffolk to report a strange experience she had while walking her dog. She saw a man wearing a light brown one-piece garment, similar to a flying suit, who had a “Scandinavian-type accent.” He asked her if she had heard anything about large, flattened circles appearing in wheat fields. During the course of a ten-minute conversation, the man told her he was from another planet that was similar to the earth, and there were others like him who had traveled to earth and were making these formations. These visitors were here for a friendly purpose, but “they were told not to have contact with humans for fear that they would be considered a threat.”
Apparently he never said who told them not to contact us. The woman was “completely terrified”—and as she ran home, she heard a “loud buzzing noise” behind her, and saw a large spherical object, glowing with orange-white light, rise straight up from behind some trees. The R.A.F. operator said the woman spoke for about an hour—and had no doubt that she was reporting a genuine experience.
The Crop Circle Connector Web site has an archive of every formation that has occurred in England since 1978, and many others around the world as well. For a nominal fee, you can explore this vast resource—and you will be stunned at the number of formations that reveal three-dimensional geometric patterns like the ones we’ve been discussing. Although some formations are undoubtedly hoaxes, I do feel the Circlemakers are giving us a variety of symbolic messages in these formations that can help us transition into a Golden Age. For me, perhaps the single most compelling crop formation appeared on July 15, 2008, at Avebury Manor in Wiltshire. This pattern appeared directly next to the northwest portion of an elaborate series of standing stones, not unlike Stonehenge, that are found in this same area. What we see is a clear, unambiguous illustration of our solar system—with a large, flattened circle in the middle for the sun, surrounded by a series of circular rings representing planetary orbits. In each of these rings, a smaller circle gives an exact position for each planet. Andreas Müller and Red Collie both independently analyzed this pattern, using astronomy software, and concluded that the alignment depicted a particular day in our future: December 21, 2012.

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