The Source Field Investigations (82 page)

BOOK: The Source Field Investigations
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and parallel realities
precursors to
as product of a single wave
rewriting of
and speed of evolution
storage and release of light
Dong, Paul
dragon currents
Drbal, Karel
dream paths
Dreesen, Oliver
Driesch, Hans
Dunn, Christopher
Dunn, John
Dunne, B. J.
dust, galactic
D’Zmura, David Andrew
changes in
core of
expansion of
final destruction of
and katun cycle
magnetic field of
and Moon
orbit of
pollution of
portal between Sun and
rotation of
sub-surface rotating spherical layer of
and tzolkin cycles
vortex points of
wobble in axis of
See also
celestial objects
and consciousness
frequency of
and geometric vortex points
pyramids’ effect on
Easter Islands
Edison, Thomas
Edwards, Frank
Egorova, N. B.
Egypt, ancient
Benben stone of
deities of
dinosaur-like creatures in
and gold microclusters
and Pathways of Min
and pinecone symbolism
technology of
See also
Bennu birds
Einstein, Albert
on action at a distance
on flow of time
relativity theories of
on space-time
on speed of light
on unified field
Eldredge, Niles
electromagnetic fields and waves
and Larson’s theory
in microclusters
and parallel realities
and quantum fluid
and unified field theory
and wave-particle duality
elements, transmutation of
Eli Lilly
energetic duplicates
energy and information exchange with
healing through
and holographic brain
and lung-gom technique
and parallel reality
persistence of
and silver cord
and three-dimensional quality of time
energy fields
and geometry
individuals who drain
layers of
as nourishment
and stress
England, ley lines in
English, Monica
environment, effect of pyramids on
epileptic seizures
pineal gland
equilateral triangles
Europe, dinosaur-like creatures in
convergent evolution
critics of
cycles in
cyclical jumps in
Darwinian model of
forces driving
and galactic see-saw theory
and genetic mutations
improbability of
and microbes
and missing link
and precession of the equinoxes
in short time scales
speed of
spontaneous instances of
explosions associated with vortexes
mass extinctions
of Neanderthals
rates and risks of
reversal of
Extra High Functioning (EHF) children
Agobard’s account of
appearance of
arrival of
disclosure regarding
evidence of
Mr. X’s testimony on
Eye of Providence
facial features
fairy paths
fairy rings
Faraday, Michael
Farrell, Joseph
Fenwick, Peter
Field, The
fifth root race
captured by vortices
convergent evolution in
fish-egg experiments
knife fish experiments
monster fish evolution
Flannel, Jack
Fleagle, John
fluid characteristics of the Source Field
flux transfer events
Flynn Effect
Folger, Tim
food and nutrition
Fosar, Graznya
fossil record
cycles in
and evidence of evolution
Lazarus Effect in
spontaneous evolution in
Fouche, Edgar
founding fathers
awareness of prophesies
and currency imagery
and Golden Age prophecies
and Great Seal of the United States
secret purpose of
Four Corners area
Fourth Eclogue of Virgil
Freedman, Daniel
free energy
Friedman, Stanton
fruit flies
Fuller, Buckminster
galactic see-saw theory
galactic years
Galtson, Arthur
Gantenbrink, Rudolf
Gariaev, Peter
and DNA phantom effect
and DNA’s storage and release of light
and effects of laser light
frog-salamander eggs experiment
Garrett, Thomas
genetic geometry
genetic information transfers
geomagnetic activity
geometry and geometric patterns
atomic microclusters
and coherence
and crystal core of Earth
and expansion of Earth
in the galaxy
genetic geometry
and ley lines
and Moon’s model
Platonic solids
quantum geometry
and quantum mechanics
and quasi-crystals
in vibrating fluids
and vortex points of Earth
geosynchronous operational environmental satellites (GOES)
German “holy lines,”
Ghosts of the Air
Giarmin, Nicholas
gifts from “gods,”
Gilbert, Adrian
Ginzburg, Vladimir
Giza Pyramid Research Association
Gladwell, Malcolm
Glatzmaier-Roberts model of the earth’s core
Global Consciousness Project
global grid
Godfrey, Arthur
Goeppert-Mayer, Maria
Golden Age
arrival of
changes associated with
and disclosure of ETs/UFOs
end of death in
and founding of the U.S.
and Golden Race
and Great Pyramid
and Great Seal of the United States
and New World Order concept
period preceding
prophecies of
and Rainbow Bodies
time in
and transformation of humanity
transition to
and Zoroastrianism
Golod, Alexander
and effects of pyramids
pyramid construction of
Goncharov, Nikolai
Grant, Rosemary and Peter
and antigravity
energy flow as cause of
and levity(
see also
gravity shielding)
and matter
and microclusters
in parallel realities
“pushing” quality of
as related to time
and Source Field
and space-time
spiraling currents in
and Tibetan Acoustic Levitation
and time travel
and unified field
and virtual inertia
and wave-particle transition
gravity shielding
Carr’s technology
and coherence
and geometric vortex points
Grebennikov’s platform
incidents of
in nature
in portals
suppression of technologies
Tesla technology
See also
Gray, Mark
Great Attractor
Great Constant
Great Flood
Great Glen geological fault
Great Pyramid of Giza
airshafts of
builders of
capstone of
casing stones of
chambers of
construction of
and geometric vortex points
and Golden Age prophecies
on Great Seal of the United States
and Hermes
historical descriptions of
inscriptions on
location of
measurements of
sarcophagus in
technological achievement of
and twenty-five thousand year cycle
Great Seal of the United States
and Freemasonry
and Golden Age prophecies
Roman coins compared to
symbolism in
Great Year
changes associated with transitions
and founding of the U.S.
and the gods
and Mayan calendar
and pineal gland awakening
symbolized on U.S. currency
See also
precession of the equinoxes
Great Zimbabwe ruins
Grebennikov, Viktor
Greece, ancient
dinosaur-like creatures in
omphalos stone of
and pinecone symbolism
and Sacred Roads of Hermes
Greer, Steven
Grenet, Frantz
Gribbin, John
Grinberg-Zylberbaum, Jacobo
Grotten-Dieck, W. G.
Guerrero, Barbara
Guéttard, M. Jean
Gurwitsch, Alexander
Hagens, Bethe
Hall, Manly Palmer
Halley’s comet
Hamlet’s Mill
(Santillana and Von Dechend)
Hancock, Graham
Haramein, Nassim
Hausdorf, Hartwig
Haussler, David
Havewala, Porus Homi
Hawaiian “aka threads,”
Hawks, John
health and healing
biorhythms related to light
and consciousness
effect of attitude on
effect of light on
and flow of time
and geometric vortex points
and pH balance
psychic healing
pyramids’ powers of healing
and science of the Source Field
and shapes as related to energy flows
spiritual healing
and Swedish Stone discovery
See also
Heath, Robin
Hecht, Laurence
hell on earth, age of
Henry, William
Herschel, Sir John
(third eye)
and Golden Age
and pinecone symbolism
and Shiva lingam
historical personages, incarnations of
Hitching, Francis
Hoagland, Richard C.
holographic brain
Holy Grail legend
holy lines
“Ho’oponopono” technique
Howe, Robert Lucien
Hoyle, Sir Fred
Hubbard, G. Scott
Human Connection Project
Human Excitability index
Hume, Daniel Dunglas
Hurwich, Sid
hybrid organisms
Hyman, Ray
ice ages
at atomic level
and coherence
at galactic level
and pentagons
and vortex points
Ighina, Pier Leonardo
Inca civilization
inch, British
“Index of Mass Human Excitability,”
India Daily’s
Technology Team
influence, remote
Institute of HeartMath
intelligent design
International Census of Marine Life
International Society for Unified Science
Irschick, Duncan
Islamic traditions
Jahn, Robert G.
Japanese research
Jarl (Swedish physician)
Jenkins, Jere
Jenny, Hans
Jesse, Edward
Jochmans, Joseph
Johnson, Rod
Johnson, Steven
Johnston, Laurance
Julien, Eric
changes in
cycles associated with
geometric relationships of
Ka’aba stone
Kaivarainen, Alex
Kali Yuga
Kangeng, Dzang
Karma, law of
katun cycles
Kaznacheyev, Vlail

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