The Source Field Investigations (83 page)

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Keeler, Leonarde
Kelly, Kevin
Kenny, Robert
Kepler, Johannes
kimberlite pipes
Kirlian photography
kiva circles
Kjellson, Henry
knife fish
Kossoff, Eric
Kozyrev, Nikolai
astronomy experiments of
background of
and causes of time-flow changes
and post-collision weight changes
and rotating movement of time
time-flow detectors developed by
Krasnoholovets, Volodymyr
Krippner, Stanley
See also
Golden Age
kundalini serpents
Kunoonda stone circle complex in Australia
Küs, Matěj
LaBerge, Stephen
Laigaard, Jens
Lake Windermere, monster sightings at
Lambert, Guy
Larson, Dewey
laser light
Laszlo, Erwin
Lazarus Effect
Lea, Susan
LeBlond, P.
left-handed molecules
Leikin, Sergey
Lemesurier, Peter
Len, Hew
Levich, A. P.
and coherence
human levitation
incidents of
lung-gom technique
and Tesla technology
Tibetan Acoustic Levitation
and time-space boundary
in tornadoes
See also
gravity shielding
in falling-stones incident
and gravity
and Tibetan Acoustic Levitation
and time-space
Lewin, Roger
Lewis, James
ley lines
life, resilience of
biological cycles of
coherence of
and DNA phantom effect
DNA’s storage and release of
effect on DNA of
effect on health of
effect on mass of
laser light
light-body references
380-nanometer light
transformative powers of
ultraviolet light
“Lines of light” (
te lapa
Linklater, Richard
Lintz Basalts
Little Book of Coincidence, A
Liu, Hanshou
Living Water
local interstellar medium
Loch Ness Monster
Lockwood, Mike
Lolley, R. N.
Lorber, John
Lost Science
Lowenstein, Tim
lucid dreaming
Luckert, Karl W.
lung-gom technique
lung mei
(dragon currents)
MacDougall, Duncan
Machu Picchu
Magic Number of Goeppert-Mayer
magnetic field oscillator
magnetic stroboscope
Mahlberg, Arden
Makarov, Valery
Mallove, Eugene
Mardyks, Raymond
Marinov, Stefan
changes in
cycles associated with
geometric relationships of
Martineau, John
at boundary of realities
and flow of time
and frequency of energy
and geometry
and gravity
spontaneous generation of
and unified field theory
Maxlow, James
Maxwell equations
Mayan culture
and baktun cycles
calendar of
and Calendar Round cycles
and cycles of the Sun
end-date identified by
and katun cycles
and pinecone symbolism
and portals
pyramids of
raised roadways of
and tzolkin cycles
McCormick, Donna
McDougall, William
McFadden, Johnjoe
McMoneagle, Joe
McTaggart, Lynne
Mead, G. R. S.
measurements, standards of
medicine wheels
and brainwave synchronization
and coherence
effects of
post-9/11 group meditation
and Rainbow Body
and shared mind
Medvedev, Mikhail
megalithic stone structures.
See also
Mellott, Adrian
mental disorders
meridian points in Chinese acupuncture
Mewaldt, Richard
Mexican pyramids
Meyerowitz, Elliott
Mickelson, Kathy and Leonard
microclusters of atoms
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Miglietta, Maria Pia
migration routes
Milas, Mijo
Miller, Julie Ann
and consciousness
“hive mind,”
and linear time
power of
and reincarnation
remote viewing
shared mind
and souls
mitogenetic effect
Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreaming (MILD)
Mokele-Mbembe sightings
monster fish
monster sightings
Montagnier, Luc
Moody, Raymond
Moon, Robert
Moray, Thomas Henry
Morehouse, David
Morozov, Vyacheslav
Morris, Mark
Morse code experiments
Mound Builder cultures
mountain ranges
Müller, Andreas
Müller, Hartmut
Muller, Richard A.
multiple sclerosis (MS)
“multiples” in discoveries
mystery schools
Nairz, Olaf
Nan Madol ruins
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
on flux transfer events
Glatzmaier-Roberts model of the earth’s core
on interplanetary climate change
on local climate change
space probes of
“Tethered Satellite” experiment
National Airlines 727 “time slip,”
Native Americans
Natural History
near-death experiences (NDEs)
nebula in shape of double helix
Neck of the Giraffe, The
negative mass
Nehru, K.
Nelson, Roger
neurological disorders
Newton, Michael
New World Order concept
Nineveh Constant
Niroma, Timo
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
Norman, J. R.
Norse legend of the Ragnarok
Novel, Gordon
“Novus Ordo Seclorum”
and Great Seal of the United States
interpretation of
origins of phrase
Obama, Barack
at atomic level
and coherence
and Earth Expansion Theory
and evolution
at galactic level
Ogburn, William
oil well, effect of pyramid on
O’Leary, Brian
omphalos stone
ore concentrations
organ transplants
orgone energy
Orphic Egg
Osis, Karlis
Our Ancestors Came from Outer Space
out-of-body experiences
Out of Place Artifacts (OOPARTS)
Pacheco, Ignacio
pancreas study
Papua New Guinea, monster sightings in
parallel realities
and energetic duplicates
India Daily
Technology Team on
interconnectedness of
in Johnson’s model
multiple instances of
space and time in
and time travel
and wave-particle duality
See also
Paré, Ambroise
Parkinson’s disease
Parnia, Sam
Pasichnyk, Richard
Pasteur, Louis
past lives
Pathways of Min
Pearsall, Paul
Pecora, R.
Peden, Robert
Penrose, Roger
People’s Republic of China
Peret, Bruce
performance, effect of pyramids on
Periodic Table
Perring, John
petroleum concentrations
phantom leaf effect
pharmaceutical industry
pH balance
Philosopher’s Stone
eagle as symbol of
and Great Seal of the United States
on Greek coins
origins of legends
and time travel
transformation symbolism of
in the Vatican’s Court of the Pinecone
photo repair experiments
physics, conventional
Pietsch, Bernard
piezoelectric crystals
pineal gland
and ancient cultures
baetyl as symbol of
and Capitol dome
DMT secretions of
and DNA phantom effect
and gold microclusters
health consequences of calcification of
and Illuminati
and lung-gom technique
and melatonin
microcrystals floating in
and near-death experiences
photosensitivity of
and piezoluminescence
and Project Looking Glass
sacred stones as symbols of
shape, size, and location of
as a third eye
thoughts sent and received from
in written legends
and ancient cultures
Apotheosis of George Washington
in Catholic images and carvings
featured in art and architecture
in Freemasonry
on Roman coins
placebo effect
Plagemann, Stephen
Planck’s Constant
celestial objects
consumption of
effect of pyramids on
extinction rates for
and flow of time
gravity-shielding effect used by
and light
and local interstellar energy
mind-reading abilities of
restoration of extinct species of
transformation of
wave effect in
plasma structures
plate tectonics theory
Platonic solids
coherence of
and Moon’s model
Neolithic carvings of
and planetary orbits
Plot, Robert
politics, global
polyethylene film
Polynesians’ “lines of light,”
Popp, Fritz-Albert
appearance of
crop circles and fairy rings as
and dinosaurs
effect of coherence on
effect of traumatic events on
and geomagnetic activity
gravity shielding in
Mayan’s tracking of
between stars
and sub-surface rotating spherical layer of Earth
between the Sun and Earth
and Temporary Local Risk factor
precession of the equinoxes
and ancient civilizations
centrality of
and Cotterell’s solar cycle
and Great Pyramid
and Great Seal of the United States
Hipparchus’s rediscovery of
and human evolution
and imperfections of humanity
and Nineveh Constant
symbolized on U.S. currency
Presence of the Past, The
Price, Weston
Primitive Mountain
Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research laboratory
Project Camelot
Project Looking Glass
Pruitt, Robert
psychic abilities
Puharich, Andrija
Purcell, Edward
Pure Consciousness
Pushkin, V. N.
Puthoff, Hal
PVC plastic
advanced technology of
and baetyl
capstones of
and coherence
on coins
energy around
and geological/meteorological events
and geometric vortex points
Golod’s construction of
healing properties of
legends of
of Mayan culture
preservation properties of
pyramid power movement
pyramid-shaped mountains
research on powers of
and Roman empire
Russian investigations of
shape of
and spiraling gravity currents
transformative powers of

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