The Sparrowhawk Companion (8 page)

BOOK: The Sparrowhawk Companion
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There are “cameo” appearances by actual historical persons in the series, e.g., the Duke of Cumberland, George Grenville, William Pitt, and Lord Chesterfield, as well as by Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Patrick Henry, and Peyton Randolph. They are not in the story merely to lend it color or authenticity; if they speak and act in it, they contribute to the plot. Are their characterizations true and accurate? I discuss this subject in the Foreword to this volume.

Readers might note that the one person who does not appear in the series is George the Third. Historically, the monarch did not become an object of general colonial enmity until just after the battle of Bunker or Breed’s Hill in June 1775. Up to the beginning of armed conflict, patriots, including many signers of the Declaration of Independence,
were toasting his health and wishing him and his family well. The toasts ceased, once blood had been spilled. But, all along, from 1763 onward, he merely reacted to Parliament’s designs and legislation. He was not so much a mover or cause of the events as he was a filigreed rubber stamp; hardly a speaking role, and, try as I might, I could not find a more active role for him in the story, except in narrative.

The lists that follow became necessary when, after finishing
Book Two
, I began to lose track of or misplace characters and even ships. The population of
’s universe swelled when the series’ setting first moved from England to the York River in Virginia in
Book Three,
and then in subsequent
when I filled the benches of the House of Commons and the House of Burgesses in Williamsburg with friends and enemies of liberty. Most of the names in the first list are of characters who actually appear in the series; a handful are of characters who appear “off stage,” such as Amos Swart in
Book Three
and Captain Musto of the ill-fated
near the end of
Book Two

So, like Jack Frake, I heeded Parson Parmley’s advice to think earnestly on the names I chose for my characters, places, and ships. It is the only advice from a cleric I have ever taken seriously.

Abingdon, Earl (4th)
Willoughby Montagu Bertie, pro-American—Book 5
Acland, Albert
Pastor, Stepney Parish, Caxton—Books 3-6
Albertoli, Sig.
Hugh’s fencing master—Book 2
Ambrose, Charles
Skelly Gang—Book 1
Anderson, Clough
Clerk, General Assembly—Book 4
Ashton, Mr.
Justice, Falmouth trial—Book 1
Autt, Francis
Scullion, Sea Siren—Book 1
Ayre, William
Skelly Gang—Book 1
Bailey, Idonea
Housekeeper, Morland Hall—Books 3-4
Barré, Isaac
MP for Chipping Wycombe, later for Calne—Books 4-5
Barret, Travis
Wendel Barret’s nephew—Books 5-6
Barret, Wendel
Publisher, Caxton
Books 3-5
Beck, Israel
Husband of Mary, Morland Hall—Books 4-6
Beck, Mary
Cook, Morland Hall—Books 3-6
Beckford, William
MP for London—Books 4-5
Beckwith, Col.
71st Foot, Hulton’s original regiment—Books 2-3
Beecroft, Rupert
Business Agent, Meum Hall, Caxton—Books 3-6
Slave, Meum Hall—Book 3
Berkeley, Norbonne
Baron Botetourt, Lt.-Governor—Book 6
Biddle, John
Worley Partner, Lion Key—Book 2
Bigelow, Timothy
Tenant, Morland Hall—Book 3
Slave, Meum Hall—Book 3
Binns, Mr.
Falmouth gaoler—Book 1
Blackstone, William
MP for Hindon, legal scholar—Book 5
Blair, John
President of Gov. Council—Books 4-5
Blair, Matthew
A.K.A. Redmagne—Book 1
Bland, Richard
Burgess, Prince George, General Assembly—Books 4-6
Blassard, Mr.
Revenue Man, crony of Hunt—Book 6
Family of Londontown, Maryland—Book 2
Blissom, Brice
Marquis of Bilbury, son of Guthlac—Book 2
Blissom, Guthlac
Marquis of Bilbury—Book 2
Brashears, Beverly
Pippin: Elspeth/Electra—Book 2
Bridgette, Miss
Governess, maid—Books 2-3
Apprentice, slave, Meum Hall—Book 3
Brompton, Peter
Pippin: Steven/Sterope—Book 2
Brougham, Covington
Past owner of Brougham/Meum Hall—Book 3
Brown, William
Ferrymaster, Londontown, Maryland—Book 3
Brune, James
Brother of Reverdy—Books 2-6
Brune, Mrs.
Wife of Robert—Book 2
Brune, Reverdy
Daughter of Robert—Books 2-6
Brune, Robert
Squire, neighbor of the Kenricks in Dorset—Book 2
Buckle, Henry
Reisdale’s cooper, Caxton—Book 5
Burke, Edmund
MP for Wendover, Bristol, Rockinghamite—Books 5-6
Camden, Baron
Charles Pratt, Chief Justice, Common Pleas—Book 5
Carrington, Paul
Burgess, Charlotte, General Assembly—Book 4
Carter, Landon
Burgess, Richmond County, General Assembly—Book
Cary, Mr.
Gwynnford merchant—Book 1
Cavie, Mr.
Instructor, Dr. Comyn’s School—Book 2
Chance, Fiona
Cook, Meum Hall—Book 3
Chandler, Brice
A.K.A. Redmagne—Book 1
Cheney, Mr.
—Book 1
Chiswell, John
Burgess, Williamsburg, General Assembly—Books 4-5
Claxon, Richard
Skelly Gang—Book 1
Basil Kenrick’s valet—Books 2-6
Wendel Barret’s apprentice slave—Books 5-6
Cole, Adeline
Actress—Book 1
Cole, Mr.
Hugh’s tutor—Book 2
Marquis of, Guest at Pumphrett House—Book 2
Comyn, Dr. James
Headmaster, Comyn’s School, London—Book 2
Cooke, George
MP for Middlesex—Book 5
Corbin, Jewel
Wife of Moses—Book 3
Corbin, Moses
Mayor of Caxton—Books 3-6
Corsin, Enolls
Business Agent, Sachem Hall—Book 6
Cottle, Mr.
Bookshop owner—Book 2
Craun, Mr.
Revenue man—Book 1
Crisp, Vivian
A.K.A. Redmagne—Book 1
Crofts, Charles
Captain, 6th Marine Battalion—Book 6
Croisset, Alphonse
French commercial agent—Books 3-4
Crompton, Aymer
Brickmaker, Morland Hall—Books 3-6
Cruger, Henry
MP for Bristol—Book 6
Cullis, Edgar
Son of Ralph, Burgess for Queen Anne—Books 3-6
Cullis, Eleanor
Daughter of Ralph—Book 3
Cullis, Hetty
Wife of Ralph—Books 3-6
Cullis, Ralph
Planter, Caxton—Books 3-6
William Augustus, Duke of, son of George II—Books 1-2
Jefferson’s slave—Book 4
Curle, Alden
Basil Kenrick’s butler, major domo—Books 2-6
Cust, John
MP for Grantham, Speaker of Commons—Books 4-5
Dakin, Henry
Tenant, Morland Hall—Books 3-6
Dakin, Ruth
Servant, wife of Henry, Morland Hall—Books 3-6
Darling, Jack
A.K.A. Redmagne—Book 1
Dawson, A.
Printer/bookseller—Book 1
Slave, Meum Hall—Book 3
Dent, Jasper
Leith’s cousin—Book 1
Deverix, James
Peruker/Barber—Book 3
Slave, Meum Hall—Books 3-6
Doherty, Tom
Powder monkey,
—Book 6
Dolman, Horace
Steward, Windridge Court—Book 2
Doody, Tim
Serving boy, Fruit Wench—Book 2
Dorn, Arthur
Student, Inns of Court—Book 5
Driscoll, Sawny
Pen name of Brashears—Book 2
Eales, Bernard
—Books 3-4
Easley, Israel
Brother of Novus—Book 3
Easley, Novus
Philadelphia Quaker/Merchant—Books 3-5
Edgecombe, Armiger
King’s Proctor—Book 1
Effingham, Earl (3rd)
Thomas Howard, pro-American—Book 5
Embry, Mr.
Merchant—Book 1
Farbrace, Timothy
Naval officer,
Rover, Zeus
—Books 1-2
Fauquier, Francis
Lt.-Governor of Virginia, 1758-68—Books 3-5
Faure, Bamber
Vicar of St. Thraille’s—Book 2
Fawkner, Everard
Duke of Cumberland’s aide—Book 2
Ferguson, William
Clerk, General Assembly—Book 4
Fern, Joshua
Fern’s Tavern—Books 3, 5, 6
Fineux, John
Skelly Gang—Book 1
Fix, Mr.
Revenue man—Book 1
Fleming, John
Burgess, Cumberland, General Assembly—Book 4
Fletcher, John
William’s son—Book 5
Fletcher, William
Ironmonger, Barret’s in-law—Book 5
Formby, George
Kenrick banking partner—Book 2
Frake, Cephas
Father of Jack—Book 1
Frake, Huldah
Mother of Jack—Book 1
Frake, Jack
All Books
Franklin, Benjamin
Colonial agent (London)—Books 4-5
Frazer, Jock
Planter—Books 5-6
Frew, Oswald
Leith’s attorney (Falmouth)—Book 1
Fuller, Rose
MP for Maidstone—Book 5
Gage, Gen. Thomas
Cmdr-in-Chief, British. Army, No. America—Book 6
Galpin, Mr.
Hugh’s tutor—Book 2
Gammage, Peter
A.K.A. Redmagne—Book 1
Gandy, Mary
Edgar Cullis’s cousin—Book 4
Garth, Charles
MP for Devizes—Book 4
Gascoyne, Bamber
MP for Midhurst, barrister—Book 5
Geary, Elyot
—Books 5-6
George I
Lewis, or Ludwig, grandfather of George III
Giddens, Dorsey
Tenant farmer, Meum Hall—Book 3-6
Goostrey, Sir Miles
Under-secretary of state—Book 2
Gould, Mr.
Friend of William Horlick—Book 2
Grainger, Sir Bevil
Master of the Rolls, King’s Bench, Pippin Trial, later
Viscount of Wooten & Clarence—Books 2-5
Gramatan, Carver
Gramatan Inn, Caxton—Books 3-6
Granby, Damaris
Wife of Ira, Caxton—Books 3-4
Granby, Ira
Planter, Caxton—Book 3-4
Granby, Selina
Daughter of Ira, marries James Vishonn—Books 3-4
Granby, William
Son of Ira, Burgess, Caxton, marries Eleanor Cullis—
Book 4
Greene, Richard
Skelly Gang—Book 1
Grenville, George
MP for Buckingham, Prime Minister—Books 4-5
Griffin, Mary
Serving wench, Gramatan Inn—Book 6
Grimby, Mr.
Grimby, Holtby & Brizard Bank—Book 2
Grynsmith, Humphrey
Sheriff, Falmouth—Book 1
Hamlyn, John
Bully, Green Park, London—Book 2
Hanway, Mr.
Danvers warden—Book 2
Harke, James
Lieutenant, British Navy,
—Book 5
Harle, Sir Francis E.
Rear Admiral—Books 1-2
Harris, James
MP for Christchurch—Book 5
Harris, Maud
Duke of Cumberland’s mistress—Book 2
Haslam, Simon
Prosecutor, Skelly trial—Book 1
Haynie, Mr.
’s bursar—Book 2
Heathcoate, Lydia
Seamstress, Caxton—Books 3-6
Cooper, slave, Morland Hall—Book 3
Henry, Patrick
Burgess, Louisa, General Assembly—Book 4
Herbert, Mr.
MP for Ruxton—Book 2
Hewitt, James
MP for Coventry—Book 5
Hillier, Crispin
MP for Onyxcombe—Books 2-6
Hockaday, Geoffrey
Son of Nicholas—Book 1
Hockaday, Nicholas
Marquis of Epping—Book 1
Hogue, Richard
Theater producer—Book 5
Holets, Capt. James
MP for Oakhead Abbas—Book 5
Horlick, William
Pippin: Mathius/Merope—Book 2
Hosphus, Mr.
Cornwall fisherman—Book 1
Howard, George
MP for Lostwithiel, Major General (pro-American)—Book 4
Huggens, Oswald
Magistrate, Common Pleas—Book 2
Hulton, Thomas
Hugh’s valet—Books 2, 3, 6
Hunt, Jared
Turley’s alias, bastard son of Earl of Danvers—
Books 4-6
Hunter, Thomas
MP for Winchelsea—Book 4
Hurry, William
Overlooker—Morland Hall—Book 3
Huske, John
MP for Malden—Book 5
Ingoldsby, Robert
Late MP for Swansditch—Book 3
Innes, James
Captain, Williamsburg Volunteers—Book 5
Iverson, Mr.
’s surgeon—Book 2
Ivy, Richard
Tobacco inspector, Caxton—Book 3
Jeamer, Jeremy
Jack Frake’s “London” alias—Book 1
Jefferson, Thomas
Burgess, Albemarle, law student—Books 4-6
Jenyns, Soame
MP for Cambridge Borough—Book 4
Johnson, Samuel
Writer, lexicographer—Books 2-6
Johnston, George
Burgess, Fairfax, General Assembly—Book 4
Jones, Sir Dogmael
Serjeant-at-law, barrister, King’s Bench, later MP for Swansditch—Books 2-5
Kemp, Mr.
MP for Harbin—Book 2
Kennaway, Ian
Captain, merchant sloop
—Book 5
Kenny, Jude
Brother of Will —Books 3-6
Kenny, Will
Brother of Jude —Books 3-6
Kenrick, Alice
Sister of Hugh—Books 2-6
Kenrick, Basil
15th Earl of Danvers—Books 2-6

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