The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down (44 page)

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Authors: Anne Fadiman

Tags: #Social Science, #Anthropology, #Cultural, #Disease & Health Issues

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Air America

Air Force, U.S.

Aleman, John

Allman, T. D.

American Academy of Family Physicians


animal sacrifice


Anti-Chinese Association of Merced

see specific drugs

Apgar score

Arias, Raquel

Armée Clandestine



BaFá BaFá (simulation game)

Ban Vinai refugee camp

Befriend-a-Refugee Program

Bernatzik, Hugo Adolf

Bertrais, Yves

Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (1972)

Bliatout, Bruce Thowpaou

breech birth

British East India Company

Buell, Edgar “Pop,”

Bunch, Effie



California, University of: at Berkeley, at Davis

California Custom Social Services

California Department of Human Resources

California Department of Motor Vehicles

California Department of Social Services

California Southeast Asian Mental Health Needs Assessment

Callahan, Teresa

Cambodia, refugees from

Carroll, Lewis

Carter, Jimmy

Carter, Stephen L.

Center for Applied Linguistics

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Central Pacific Railroad

Chao Fa (Lords of the Sky)

chemical weapons

Cheng clan

Ch’ien-lung, Emperor of China

Child Protective Services (CPS)

China: Hmong in, opium introduced to, People’s Republic of

Chinese-Vietnamese refugees

Christianity, conversion to, fundamentalist

Christian Science Monitor

Christian Scientists


Clifford, Clark

Coelho, Tony

Collazo, Yasmin

conjoint treatment

Conquergood, Dwight


Cooper, Robert

cross-cultural medicine

Crouse, Vonda

Crystal, Eric

Culhane-Pera, Kathleen Ann

Cullen, John


Dab Neeg Hmoob: Myths, Legends and Folk Tales from the Hmong of Laos

(spirits), animal sacrifices to appease, illness caused by, and New Year celebration, Shee Yee and, soul-stealing, and Sudden Unexpected Death Syndrome, and taboo on foretelling death

Dao, Yang,
Yang Dao

Defense Department, U.S.

DeLay, Paul

dengue fever

Denver Developmental Screening Test


dermal treatments

developmental deficits

Dien Bien Phu, Battle of

Dilantin, side effects of



Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

Douglas, Benny

Douglas, Eugene

Dunnigan, Timothy


ectopic pregnancy

Egeland Mother-Child Rating Scale

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

Elizabeth I, Queen of England

Elmhurst Hospital Center (Queens, N.Y.)

Emanuel Medical Center (Turlock)


Eppley, Judith

Ernst, Neil, and catastrophic seizure, communication difficulties with Lia’s parents, on cost of Lia’s treatment, on developmental deficits, and foster care placement and Foua’s pregnancy, Hilt and, leukemia of son of, on nosocomial infection, and prescription of Depakene, and septic shock, and traditional healing

Ernst, Toby

Estevez, Luis


faith healing

Fang, Thai

Fang clan

Farr, Francesca

febrile seizures

Fife, Roger

Finck, John

Flaubert, Gustave

Ford Motor Company

Forster, E. M.

France: Hmong in, Indochinese colonies of

French Guiana

Fresno State University



Gaddis, John Lewis


Garcia, Dominica

Geddes, William Robert

Geneva Accords on Indochina (1954)

Geneva Conference (1961–62)

Geneva Convention on status of refugees (1951)

Geneva Protocol on chemical weapons (1925)

grand mal seizures

Greeks, ancient

Gulf War


Haig, Alexander

Hamilton-Merritt, Jane

Han dynasty

Hang clan


Hartwig, Kris

Harvard University, Medical School

Harwood, Jan

Hawkes, Phillip

Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of

Helms, Richard

Hennepin County Medical Center

Her, Doua

Her, Koua

Her, Pa Kao

Her, Soua


Her clan

Hider, Michael

Highland Lao Initiative

Hilt, Jeanine, death of, and foster care placement, and Lia’s return home in persistent vegetative state

Hin Heup Massacre


History of the Hmong

Hmong: agricultural practices of, animal sacrifices of, attitude toward children of, beliefs about epilepsy of, and bridging of cross-cultural gulf, calendar of, childbirth among, childhood mortality rate of, in Laos, child-rearing practices of, in China, clan names of, clothing of, under communists, dance of, escape from Laos of, folktales of, and foster care placement, under French colonial rule, funeral customs of, hierarchy of, intermarriage among, marriage customs of, and MCMC, in Merced, Merced health department and, migration to Indochina of, Murphy and, names of, New Year celebration of, opium cultivation by, oral narratives of, preference for sons among, in refugee camps, repatriation of, resettlement in U.S. of, somatization among, soul-calling ceremonies of, stature of, taboos among, textile arts, of,
see paj ntaub
; traditional medicine of, Waller and, during war in Laos, Western accounts of, and Western medicine

Hmong National Development

Hoang-ti, Emperor of China

Ho Chi Minh


hu plig, see
soul-calling ceremonies

Hutchison, Terry





Immigration and Naturalization Service


Indochinese Psychiatry Clinic (Boston)

infant mortality

International Organization for Migration

International Rescue Committee




Jackson, Robert

Jehovah’s Witnesses


Johnson, Charles

Johnson, Lyndon B.

Johnson, U. Alexis

Journal of Ethnobiology



Kee, Moua,
Moua Kee

Kennedy, John F.

Khang, Maj. Wang Seng

Khmer Rouge


Kierkegaard, Søren

Kilgore, Martin

Kirton, Elizabeth

Kissinger, Henry

Kleinman, Arthur

Kong clan

Kopacz, Maciej

Korda, Dee

Korda, Julie

Korda, Maria

Korda, Tom

Korda, Wendy

Kue clan



Language and Orientation Resource Center


Lao Family Community

Laos, under communists, French colonial rule of, migration of Hmong to, refugees from (
and see specific ethnic groups
); war in

Lee, Cha Koua

Lee, Cheng

Lee, Chong

Lee, Evelyn

Lee, Ge

Lee, Joua Chai

Lee, Kia

Lee, Lia, begins suffering seizures birth of, brain damage diagnosed in, catastrophic seizure suffered by, developmental deficits of, foster placement of, and gulf between traditional and Western medicine, healing ceremony for Hilt’s relationship with, and Hmong beliefs about epilepsy, hospitalized at MCMC, hyperactivity of, medical records of, medication regimen for, obesity of, as parents’ favorite, in persistent vegetative state, returned to parents, septic shock suffered by, soul-calling ceremonies for, state coverage of medical care of, in status epilepticus, traditional medicine for, at Valley Children’s Hospital

Lee, Mai

Lee, May

Lee, Nao Kao, arrival in U.S. of, brings Lia home, cares for Lia in persistent vegetative state, and catastrophic seizure, court order obtained by, and cousin’s arrival in U.S., Dan Murphy and, description of village in Laos by, distrust of Western medicine, escapes from Laos, and foster care placement, group ethic of, gulf between Western medicine and beliefs of, health problems of, Hilt’s relationship with, during hospitalizations, Lia as favorite child of, Lia returned to, and Lia’s birth, and Lia’s obesity, at MCMC emergency room, and medication regimen, during
ceremony, in refugee camp, and soul-calling ceremony, and traditional medicine for Lia

Lee, Pang

Lee, Phua

Lee, True

Lee, Yee

Lee, Yer

Lee, Zoua

Lee clan

Lemoine, Jacques

Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome

levirate marriage


Lincoln Hospital (Bronx, N.Y.)

Lippert, Sunny

Lo clan

Lor, Yeng

Lor clan

Lue, Lt. Ly

Lundman, Ian

Lunney, Pat

Ly, Pheng

Ly clan


Mae Jarim refugee camp

Magaillans, Gabriel de

Mai, Vue

managed care

Manchu dynasty

Marciel, Evelyn

Marino, Karen

McDoniel, John

McKown v. Lundman

McMahon, Jeff


Medically Indigent Adult program



Merced Chamber of Commerce

Merced College

Merced Community Medical Center (MCMC), catastrophic seizure at, and foster care placement, Hmong at, interpreters at, Lia admitted to, Lia’s birth at, outpatient care for Lia in persistent vegetative state at, and traditional healing

Merced Community Outreach Services

Merced County Anti-Japanese Association

Merced County Health Department

Merced County Mental Health Department

Merced County Office of Refugee Services

Merced Human Services Agency

Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy

Meselson, Matthew

Metropolitan State University

Middle Ages


Migrants of the Mountains

Ming dynasty

Minnesota, University of

Mitchell, Roger

Mochel, Marilyn

Mockus, Mari

Mollica, Richard

Mongolian spot


Morris, Eric E.

Mottin, Jean

Moua, Blia Yao

Moua, Chong

Moua, Dang

Moua, Yia

Moua clan

Moua Kee

Murphy, Cindy

Murphy, Dan


Nam Yao refugee camp

National Institute of Mental Health

Nationalities Service of Central California

Native Americans


Neo Hom (United Laotian National Liberation Front)

New Yorker

New York Times


Nixon, Richard M.

Nord, Steve

Ntuj Khaib Huab
(mythical Hmong homeland)


Office of Refugee Resettlement, U.S.

Olmos, Karen

opium production

Oregon Human Resources Department

Osler, William

Other Side of the Asian American Success Story, The


paj ntaub
(embroidered cloth)

Pake, Catherine


Pao, Vang,
Vang Pao, Gen.

Paris Agreement (1973)

Pathet Lao

Peace Corps

Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal

Pennsylvania, University of

Phanat Nikhom refugee camp

phenobarbital, side effects of

Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations

Philp, Peggy, cares for Lia after brain damage, and catastrophic seizure, communication difficulties with Lia’s parents, on development deficits, and foster care placement, and Foua’s pregnancy, leukemia of son of, on nosocomial infection, and prescription of Depakene, and septic shock, and traditional healing

Planned Secondary Resettlement Program



Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder



qaug dab peg

Quiet War,
Laos, war in



Ranard, Donald

Ratcliff, Martha

Ravens, The

Reader’s Digest

Reagan, Ronald

Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) program



Rhode Island Office of Refugee Resettlement


Robbins, Christopher


Rodriguez, Gloria

role loss

Romans, ancient

Rosenblatt, Lionel

Royal Lao Army


sacrifice, ritual,
animal sacrifice

San Francisco General Hospital


Savang Vatthana, King of Laos

Savina, François Marie

Schelby Center for Special Education

Schneider, Dave

Scott, George M., Jr.

Segerstrom, Steve

Selvidge, Bill, depressed Hmong treated by, Hutchison and, Lia admitted to MCMC by, on Lia’s prognosis after brain damage, Waller and

Senate, U.S.: Armed Services Committee, Judiciary Subcommittee on Refugees and Escapees, Subcommittee on Immigration and Refugee Affairs

septic shock

see also txiv neebs

Shapler, Robert

Shee Yee, tale of

Singlaub, John

slash-and-burn agriculture,
swidden agriculture

Small, Robert

Other books

A Hovering of Vultures by Robert Barnard
Holiday Fling by Victoria H. Smith
Ancient Enemy by Michael McBride
Torch: The Wildwood Series by Karen Erickson
Loose Screw (Dusty Deals Mystery) by Davies, Rae, Devoti, Lori