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Authors: Carol Berg

Tags: #Fantasy - General, #Fantasy fiction, #Fiction - Fantasy, #General, #Fantasy, #Fiction, #Science Fiction And Fantasy

The Spirit Lens

BOOK: The Spirit Lens
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Table of Contents
Praise for the Novels of Carol Berg
Breath and Bone
“The narrative crackles with intensity against a vivid backdrop of real depth and conviction, with characters to match. Altogether superior.”

Kirkus Reviews
(starred review)
“Replete with magic-powered machinations, secret societies, and doomsday divinations, the emotionally intense second volume of Berg’s intrigue-laden Lighthouse Duet concludes the story of Valen. . . . Fans of Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Avalon sequence and Sharon Shinn will be rewarded.”—
Publishers Weekly
“Berg’s lush, evocative storytelling and fully developed characters add up to a first-rate purchase for most fantasy collections.”—
Library Journal
“Berg combines druid and Christian influences against a backdrop of sorcerers, priestesses, priests, deep evil, and a dying land to create an engrossing tale to get lost in . . . enjoyable.”—Monsters and Critics
“An excellent read . . . a satisfying sequel.”—Fresh Fiction
“Set in a well-crafted world of magic, intrigue, and dark secrets, this is the intense conclusion to the adventure that began in
Flesh and Spirit
. . . . Berg injects complexity into her characters with a fascinating mix of noble intention and human weakness.”

Romantic Times
“The world Berg builds is one of these intricate, multidimensional fantasy worlds you can’t describe in one sentence. Just read the books.”—
The Monthly Aspectarian
Flesh and Spirit
“The vividly rendered details . . . give this book such power. Berg brings to life every stone in a peaceful monastery and every nuance in a stratified society, describing the difficult dirty work of ordinary life as beautifully as she conveys the heart-stopping mysticism of holiness just beyond human perception.”
—Sharon Shinn, national bestselling author of
The Thirteenth House
. . .
“Valen is unquestionably memorable—in what is definitely a dark fantasy as much concerned with Valen’s internal struggle as with his conflicts with others.”—
“Chilling fantasy.”—
Publishers Weekly
“Fast-paced. . . . Berg creates a troubled world full of politics, anarchy, and dark magic . . . fascinating.”—SFRevu
“Carol Berg has done a masterful job of creating characters, places, religions, and political trials that grab and hold your attention. . . . Don’t miss one of 2007’s best fantasy books!”—Romance Reviews Today
“[Berg] excels at creating worlds. . . . I’m eagerly awaiting the duology’s concluding volume,
Breath and Bone
. . . . An engrossing and lively tale, with enough action to keep you hungry for more.”—
The Davis Enterprise
The Bridge of D’Arnath Novels
“A very promising start to a new series.”—
The Denver Post
“Berg has mastered the balance between mystery and storytelling [and] pacing; she weaves past and present together, setting a solid foundation. . . . It’s obvious [she] has put incredible thought into who and what make her characters tick.”
—The Davis Enterprise
“Berg exhibits her skill with language, world building, and the intelligent development of the magic that affects and is affected by the characters . . . a promising new multivolume work that should provide much intelligent entertainment.”—
“Imagination harnessed to talent produces a fantasy masterpiece, a work so original and believable that it will be very hard to wait for the next book in this series to be published.”—
Midwest Book Review
“[Seri] is an excellent main heroine; her voice, from the first person, is real and practical. . . . I’m truly looking forward to seeing what happens next.”—SF Site
“Gut-wrenching, serious fantasy fiction.”—Science Fiction Romance
“Excellent dark fantasy with a liberal dash of court intrigue. . . . Read this if you’re tired of fantasy so sweet it makes your teeth squeak. Highly recommended.”
—Broad Universe
Song of the Beast
Winner of the Colorado Book Award
for Science Fiction/Fantasy
“The plot keeps twisting right until the end . . . entertaining characters.”—
“Berg’s fascinating fantasy is a puzzle story, with a Celtic-flavored setting and a plot as intricate and absorbing as fine Celtic lacework. . . . The characters are memorable, and Berg’s intelligence and narrative skill make this stand-alone fantasy most commendable.” —
“It would be easy to categorize it as another dragon fantasy book. Instead, it is a well-crafted mystery . . . definitely recommended for libraries looking for high-quality fantasy and mystery additions.”—
Transformation, Revelation, and Restoration
The Acclaimed Rai-Kirah Saga
“Vivid characters and intricate magic combined with a fascinating world and the sure touch of a Real Writer—luscious work!”—Melanie Rawn
“Grabs the reader by the throat on page one and doesn’t let go . . . wonderful.”

“Berg greatly expands her world with surprising insights.”—
The Denver Post
“Superbly entertaining.”—
“Vivid characters, a tangible atmosphere of doom, and some gallows humor.”

SFX Magazine
“An exotic, dangerous, and beautifully crafted world.”
—Lynn Flewelling, author of
Traitor’s Moon
“Berg’s characters are completely believable, her world interesting and complex, and her story riveting.”—
“Epic fantasy on a gigantic scale. . . . Carol Berg lights up the sky with a wondrous world.”

Midwest Book Review
Song of the Beast
Son of Avonar
Guardians of the Keep
The Soul Weaver
Daughter of Ancients
Flesh and Spirit
Breath and Bone
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First Printing, January 2010
Copyright © Carol Berg, 2010
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
BOOK: The Spirit Lens
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