The Squad Room (18 page)

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Authors: John Cutter

BOOK: The Squad Room
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“Read that,” Morrison said.

Galipoli looked at it. It was a rather famous quote from Theodore Roosevelt, the so-called “Man in the Arena” passage:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

After a few minutes Detective Galipoli looked up from the quote at Morrison. His expression was inscrutable—an angry, confused blank.

“What is this supposed to mean?” he asked.

Morrison stared at him, and shook his head. “If I have to tell you what it means, then you’re in the wrong place, Detective.”

Galipoli tossed the frame on Morrison’s desk in disgust. “I’ve been saying that since I got here,” he said indignantly.

Morrison leaned forward. “Now, you listen to me, pretty boy,” he said. “You may have other people fooled, but not me. I may be a team player at heart, but I can recognize special, and you aren’t it—at least not in the right way. You know, there’s no one who wants to work with you in this whole department—
no one.
That’s something special, but these are good people, and it doesn’t speak well of you. And your
reputation for heavy-handedness is only part of it. I’ve been watching you, Galipoli, and I’ve seen the way you act while you’re working this case. I don’t know whether it was your time in the service, or what, but I don’t like how you look at those case photos, and other people have noticed it too.”

“You don’t know me,” Galipoli said. “None of you know shit about me.”

“That’s exactly my point,” Morrison said. “You’re not
, Galipoli. You stare off into space during meetings, and the first time you open your mouth, it’s to criticize your fellow teammates. I know you have a service record, and I respect that; through everything I’ve tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. But this is a team—more of a family, really—and you need to get with the program.”

“Thanks, but I already have a family,” Galipoli sneered, “and this team of yours can’t even do their job right. Now you done with me, Captain, or do you have more quotes to show me?”

“All right, asshole,” Morrison said. “I see you aren’t listening. If this weren’t an all-hands-on-deck situation, hooks or no hooks, you’d be gone; and that’s exactly what’s going to happen, as soon as we get it cleared up. Now get the fuck out of my sight, and try to change my opinion of you.”


Later, Morrison stopped by at the Medical Examiner’s Office to speak with the head of the DNA laboratory there.

James Fernandez was a retired FBI agent and scientist who’d come to work in the New York Medical Examiner’s Office about ten years ago. He was one of the best FBI guys Bill had ever worked with over the years—meticulous, patient, and, most importantly, easy to get along with. He’d been a friend of Morrison’s for years now.

When Morrison walked in, the tension must have been visible on his face. Fernandez welcomed him in with a concerned expression.

“Bill, are you okay?” he asked, almost immediately once they were inside.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Morrison answered, none too convincingly, “but I need a favor.”

“Anything you need, you know I’ll do my best.”

“I know it.” Morrison grimaced. “It’s about the DNA for my case.”

“Bill, aside from the latest murder, your Crime Scene samples have been ready for several days now,” Fernandez said. “We ran everything through the DNA Databank and CODIS already—no matches. Didn’t your guys tell you that?”

“Yeah, they did,” Morrison said. “I actually need something else.
My guys just dropped off some possible DNA from two suspects up in Boston. Have you seen it yet?”

“No, not yet.”

“Well, I need that material tested and run against my previous stuff, and I need answers within the next three days.”

“Three days?” Fernandez looked away, blowing out a long breath. “Bill, you’re, uh—you’re asking a pretty tough one here.”

“I know, Jim, I know—and
know I wouldn’t ask you if it didn’t matter. My career depends on this.”

Fernandez thought a moment, then nodded. “Okay, Bill—okay. No guarantees, but I’m going to really try to pull a rabbit out of my ass on this one for you.”

“Thanks, Jim. I mean it, I really owe you one.”

Fernandez laughed. “Well, do you really? You know, Bill, you’re a fucked-up guy, but I remember when my son had his problems, and Amy and I both remember what you did for him. Do you?”

Morrison did. Some years back their son had come back from Iraq with a lot of demons and a new drinking habit, and had gotten picked up out of state, acting like a lunatic. Morrison, still in the midst of the turmoil surrounding his own son’s death, had called in a favor to keep the guy out of jail, picked him up, and driven him off to the crayon farm himself, with Ricky screaming in the back of the car. Ricky had hated him at the time, but it had been a turning point in his life: now, after a lot of successful therapy, he lived on Staten Island with a family of his own and a very happy life.

“Well, that’s what friends do,” Morrison said simply.

“It was a lot more than that, to Amy and me,” Fernandez said. “You were the only one there to show him any compassion, and I’ll always owe you for it. If I have to stay all night every night to get these samples done on time, I will.”

“Thanks a million, Jimmy. That’s going to be critical for me. Now I just have to get Stan on board.”

“Rosenthal? Why would he be any trouble?”

wouldn’t; it’s the case. I’m just going to need a little speed on processing it, is all.”

“Wow, they really have you on the hot seat with this one, huh?”

“Man, you better believe it.”

“Well, count on me, Bill. I’ll do my best.”

On his way out, Morrison dialed up Assistant District Attorney Stan Rosenthal.

Stan was another old friend, a straight shooter from way back who’d worked on countless cases with Morrison and his team. Morrison knew his help would be as indispensable as Fernandez’s in this situation; he’d need both men’s help to take the case down quickly enough to satisfy the powers that be.

“Stan Rosenthal, Manhattan District Attorney’s Office—how can I be of service?”

Morrison smiled. As long as he’d known Stan, the ADA had answered the phone as though he were brand-new to the job.

“Hey, Stan, Bill Morrison here,” he said.

“Hey, Bill, good to hear your voice,” Rosenthal said affably. “I was wondering when I’d get this call.”

“I’m sure you were. Stan, I’ll cut to the chase: I’m in real need of your help.”

“So it sounds, my friend. I just hung up with Sergeant Rivera a few minutes ago; sounds like we’ve got a real winner here. Let me put it together here: two rich kids from Connecticut are your primary suspects. Your guys have surveillance footage from the area around the homicide, and have two guys who fit their physical description, but it needs to be enhanced to lock them in. On the other hand, we’re sure the car in at least one video is the one registered to one of our suspects. We have matching DNA in the first three cases, but the results for number four aren’t in yet, nor have we confirmed matching DNA from the suspects yet. We’ve had them under surveillance for a few days now, but we aren’t quite sure if they were in Boston during number four, as we didn’t have
eyes on them overnight. Am I missing anything?”

“Only the hard part,” Morrison said. “Okay, what’s that?”

“I’ve been given a three-day reprieve from the PC to get this done, and after that you’ll be dealing with a new task force commander.”

“Oh, really?” the ADA said in a low tone. “Well, I guess that explains the call the DA got from your Chief of Detectives earlier today.”


“Yeah, Arndt called the big guy upstairs, who in turn called me. Thankfully the DA likes me, so he let me know that Arndt wants your head on a stick, and mine too, if possible, since he knows I’m a friend.”

“Shit,” Morrison said. “I should’ve expected he’d try to jam us up. So what’d the big guy tell him?”

“He told him the office of the District Attorney was here to protect the judicial system and wouldn’t impede the investigation or slow the process for anyone.” Rosenthal laughed. “In other words, he politely told him to fuck off.”

Bill breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank God for that.”

“Yeah, well, we have enough problems as it is,” Rosenthal said. “Honestly, can the ME’s office have those suspect samples done and compared to the crime scenes in time?”

“Well, hopefully; I just spoke to Jimmy Fernandez—he’s a good friend—and he said he’d do everything in his power to make it happen.”

“That’s good news. Calling in your favors today, huh, Bill?”

“You know it.”

“How about the fingerprints?”

“Those are at our lab for processing. We could get that match back even sooner, with any luck.”

“All right.” Rosenthal cleared his throat. “Listen, Bill, this case is still going to be tough, without statements from these guys. The forensic evidence is definitely really good,
it turns out to be them—but a statement would seal the deal.”

“I know. We’re already making plans to snatch them up in Boston
as soon as we get anything back.”

“I figured you would be. Let’s just be sure we do this right, okay? Let me know when things come through from the lab, and if you can get them to make a statement in Boston, I’ll make sure I’m standing by to get arrest warrants done so they can hold them there without any hangup.”

It was what Morrison had been waiting for. “Stan, you’re the best.” Rosenthal laughed again. “I know I am,” he said, and the two hung up.


Back at the stationhouse, the clock was ticking.

This was the worst part of the job: the waiting game. Word from the forensic lab, word from the Medical Examiner’s Office, word from McNamara in Boston—until they heard from one or another of these, virtually nothing could be done but sit there and sweat. Morrison felt like an inmate on death row, waiting for the Governor’s pardon—and equally unsure it would ever come.

Suddenly, Sergeant Rivera pushed open the door to his office. “Cap, you got Captain Johnson from the lab on the phone for you,” he said in a rush.

Morrison grabbed the phone. “Send it in,” he said.

The phone barely had a chance to ring. “Give me some good news, Tom,” Morrison said.

“What—no good morning, Bill?”

“Come on, Tom, don’t break my balls; you know I need this.” Captain Johnson laughed. “Sorry, Bill, I know,” he said. “I think you’ll like this, though. We got prints off both your bottles, and they match some of what we recovered from the first three crime scenes.”

Morrison shouted in exultation, almost dropping the phone. In ten seconds, he’d just gone from death-row inmate to king of the world.
Rivera, still standing in the doorway, pumped his fist in silent relief.

Morrison recovered his composure. “Thank you, Tom—thank you.”

“Thought you’d appreciate that,” Johnson said. “We’re still working on number four, but three gives you something to tag these guys on.”

“That’s terrific, Tom. If you’ll excuse me, I have another couple of calls to make.”

“I figured you would, Bill. Talk soon.”

“Definitely. Thanks again, Tom.”

Morrison hung up, and turned to Rivera. “Get me Stan Rosenthal in the DA’s office, and get the team ready to travel. We’re going to Boston.”

“Hell yes.” Rivera beamed. “I’ll put him through in a second.”

“Hey, Bill, what’s the news?” Rosenthal asked when they’d gotten hold of him.

“We’ve got a fingerprint match on both suspects. They were at the crime scene.”

“That’s fantastic!”

“Tell me about it.”

“And the DNA? How about that?”

“No word yet—hopefully we’ll have it by tomorrow.”

“All right, the fingerprints will do for now. So what’s your plan?”

“I’m going to take a team up to Boston today, and speak to these two.”

“All right. Wow, that turned around quick!”

“As it does.”

“As it does, is right. Well, that’s great news, Bill. I’ll prepare arrest warrants and be ready for your call.”

“Thanks, Stan.”

“You know, it couldn’t have come at a better time, either—your boy Arndt came by a little while ago, ranting and raving about you again.”

This time Morrison could laugh. “Oh, did he?”

“Yeah, I guess he wasn’t satisfied with how his call with the DA had gone. Man, that guy really has it in for you!”

“Well, he’s going to be disappointed to hear this, then. Thanks
again, Stan—I gotta go.”

“No problem. Good luck in Boston—we’ll be waiting on your call.”

As Morrison hung up, he heard the door to the squad room swing open. As though on cue, in walked Chief of Detectives Arndt with a stiff, businesslike air. He slammed Morrison’s door shut behind him.

“Captain, I need to speak to you, now,” he said.

“Okay, Chief,” Morrison said. “What is it?”

“You’re relieved of command,” Arndt declared.

“I see,” Morrison answered. “And on whose authority?”

“Mine,” Arndt smirked. “Frankly, I’ve had enough of your bullshit, Captain. You’ve been abusing your people, and that is intolerable.”

, Morrison thought with disgust.
Of course he’d complain to Arndt.
But one thing at a time.

“Well, Chief, if that’s what you want,” Morrison sighed.

“It most certainly is. I take abuse of personnel very seriously.”

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