The Stand Off (21 page)

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Authors: Z Stefani

BOOK: The Stand Off
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He broke the kiss and grabbed her
chin. He slid his index finger across her lips and into her mouth. He slid it
across her tongue before pulling it out and spreading it across her taut
nipple. She inhaled as he bent his head and blew across the tip. She slid her
fingers in his hair but he stopped her.


“Put your hands behind your
neck,” although his tone was soft, it was still a command. She hesitated for a
moment before she complied. “Lace your fingers together. If you move your arms…
I’m going to tie you up,” he warned her before he kissed her parted lips and
thrust his tongue back into her mouth. She tilted her head to the side as he
deepened the kiss. His tongue was working up an intense sensation in her mouth
and she felt her insides begin to melt.


He yanked the bottom of her dress
up to her waist and ran his hands across her ass as he pulled her closer.
Keeping one hand on her butt, he slid the other one into the front of her
panties. He wedged his finger between her lips and then ran it straight across
her clit. He didn’t waste any time, he started with minimal pressure around the
sensitive nub and slowly increased the speed. She spread her legs the best she
could and pushed her sex against his hand. Taking her queue, he increased the
pressure on her clit and bent his head to bite the top of her breast. He bit
across her areola to nibble on the tip of her breast.


She arched her back and sucked
air in through her clenched teeth as she felt her orgasm begin to build. When
he began vigorously sucking on her nipple, the pressure reached to an unbearable
level. Unable to withstand it any longer, she tried to pull his hand from
between her legs but he stopped her.


He grabbed her wrists and held
them above her head as he whispered, “Let it happen; you can’t stop it.” He
sped up the circles he spun across her clit and took the opposite nipple into
his mouth.


She squeezed her eyes tightly
shut as she felt it erupt. The orgasm was too powerful to deny; she held him
tightly as she cried out into their kiss. She felt her knees begin to liquefy
as the intense currents sped through her lower body. She was thankful that Dean
was holding her up, lest she found herself on the floor.

Dean let go of her wrists and
unlatched from her nipple as he pulled back to look at her. Keeping his hand in
her panties, he grabbed the bottom of her face “Tell me his name.”


“Will you just give it up?” she
cried in frustration.


“No,” he grabbed her panties and
yanked them down her body. While on his knees, he kissed her moist pussy and
grabbed her breast before he stood back up. He grabbed her thighs and hoisted
her up against his chest. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms
around his neck. He reached below her and slid his fingers across the expanse
of her pussy.


“Put me inside you,” he


With one arm wrapped around his
neck she reached down between their bodies to grab his cock. He lifted her higher
as she guided the tip to her opening. He popped the head in and then slowly
pushed her down the length of his erection. He jerked his hips up, forcing
every inch of his member inside of her. With her arms wrapped tightly around
his neck, she threw her head back and cried out as he fully impaled her.


He held her tightly as he eased
his thick shaft out of her. He’d only pulled out half way when he forcefully thrust
back into her. He pulled her down to sit flat against his lap where there was
no more cock to take. With a death grip on her ass, he bounced her up and down
on his erection. Suddenly he stopped, pulled out of her and put her on her
feet. She felt her legs wiggle as he turned her around to face the wall.


“Spread your legs,” he instructed
and she immediately complied. He grabbed her shoulders and forced her to bend
the top of her body. She put her hands on the wall as he spread her ass wide.
He slammed his cock into her pussy without warning and she cried out as she
clutched at the wall. He clenched her ass cheeks as he began to pound her from
behind. He bent over her, his heavy body forcing her torso flat against the


“You feel that baby?” he asked as
he fully sunk his cock inside of her, using his lower body to lift her off her


“Yes,” she gasped as she gripped
the wall for leverage.


“Good, because that’s the only
cock you’re ever going to feel.” He reached around her body to her clit, “And I
will find out who you were dancing with.”


She felt her orgasm ignite the
moment his hand touched her. Her clit was too sensitive right now and she tried
to wiggle away from his persistent finger. “Oh fuck,” she panted as she felt it
quickly build. It crashed inside of her, more intensely than before and she
cried out. Her muscles began to tighten around his phallus and he could no
longer hold back. He roared as he shot his load deep inside of her. Dean leaned
against her for a moment as he caught is breath. That had been a powerful
ejaculation, the likes of which he’d never known. Regretfully, he pulled his
penis from her and rose to his full height. He looked at her slumped against
the wall with his seed leaking from her pussy and he felt his erection return.


He carried her over to the bed
and laid her down. He lounged next to her, perched up on his elbow as he slid
his hand between her legs. He traced her nether lips before slipping between
them to attack her still pulsing clit.


“No more,” she tried to pull away
but he held her still.


“You have a habit of trying to
run from your orgasms. You have to learn to stop fighting it so I’m going to
make you come over and over again until you do.”


“Wait,” she breathed as she felt
an involuntary spark in her clit.


“Shush,” he commanded before he
gently kissed her. “Lie still… this could take a while.”




Dean awoke to the sound of his
phone ringing. He could barely open his eyes he was so comfortable. He was
holding Lux and the feel of her naked body pressed against his was the kind of
comfort that money could not buy. He growled as he pulled away from her to grab
his phone.


“What?” he barked as quietly as
he could, trying not to wake Lux.


“Where are you? I’ve been trying
to get ahold of you all frigging night!” It was Johann of course.


“I’m still with Lux. What do you


“You’re with Lux?” Johann gasped.




“You two are having sleep overs
now?” He asked and Dean could hear the excitement in his voice.




“I can’t believe it. You know what
this means?” Johann said in an overly cheerful voice.


“What do you want Johann?” Dean
roared into the phone but quickly lowered his voice when he saw Lux begin to
stir. “This better be important.”


“It’s Vaughn; he’s been trying to
get ahold of you.”


“So, I’m busy.”


“He’s really pissed about
something,” Johann scoffed.


“He’s always pissed. What is it
this time?”


“I don’t know, he won’t tell me.
He wants to talk to you.”


“I’ll talk to him when I’m not
busy.” Dean insisted.


“Are you coming in today?” Johann


“No, cancel or reschedule
anything planned.”


“There’s just one meeting, but I
can handle it for you,” Johann offered.


“Good, take care of it. Thank
you,” Dean said and shook his head when he heard his brother’s short inhale of


“You’re very welcome,” Johann
said before Dean hung up.


“Was that your brother?” Lux


“Yes. I was trying not to wake
you.” He slid back into the position he was in before Johann interrupted them.
“But since you’re up.”


He grabbed her breast and put his
head under the cover to kiss the plump top.


“Is everything alright? You
sounded irritated.”


“Yes. He just wants to know if
I’m coming in today and there was something about Vaughn.” He continued to kiss
around her nipple as he talked, careful not to touch it yet.


“Are you going to work today?”
she asked with a shaky voice. His warm breath was creeping close to her nipple
like an airy, invisible feather.


“I wasn’t planning on it,” he
said, and she sighed when he pulled his head back to look at her.


“Good, you should just spend the
afternoon with me,” she purred and kissed his lips.


“Why not make it the whole day.”
He pulled the blanket from her torso to bare her breasts before bending his
head to kiss both tips.


“You should stay for dinner, too,”
she suggested as she ran her hand through his hair.


“I’m definitely staying for
dessert,” he took her nipple into his mouth.


“Might as well stay the night,”
she sighed as she arched her back a bit. She grabbed a handful of his hair when
his gentle sucking turned into a soft bite.


He let go of her nipple to
briefly kiss her lips and then said, “Brilliant fucking idea. It’s settled. I
like waking up to see your face.”


“Me too,” she said as she slid
her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Are you hungry?”


“Yeah; you want to go get
something to eat?”


“No, let’s just stay here. I
guarantee either Kiki or my mom cooked breakfast.”




After they spent a little while
fooling around, they finally got up. They managed to make it downstairs despite
the countless times they stopped to touch or kiss. Dean kept his arm around her
waist and his hand on her hip as the entered the kitchen. The moment they
stepped into the room, all eyes were on them. There was a collective gasp,
complete with wide eyes, and dropped bottom jaws. Lux smiled when she saw that
almost everyone was there. It would make it easier on everyone involved if they
all found out at once.


“Where’s mom?” Lux asked as she
grabbed two cups and headed straight for the coffee pot.


“She’s um,” Kiki stammered as she
watched Dean sit down at the table.


“She’s upstairs. She got up super
early, cooked, and went back to her room,” Graves answered.


“I hope you two are hungry; Mom
went overboard,” Pixie said and handed two plates to Dean as Lux finished
making their coffee.


“She really did go overboard,”
Lux agreed as she looked at the food spread across the table. She smiled as she
handed a cup of coffee to Dean and sat down in the chair beside him.


Lux and Dean fixed their plates
while the girls discreetly monitored their every movement. Pixie tried to
refrain from unnecessary questions but she could not hold out for long.

“So are you two like, a couple now?” Pixie asked with a huge smile and eyes
chocked full of hope. The girls decided to forfeit being discreet and were
openly staring at Lux and Dean again.


“Um,” Lux was unsure how to
answer that.


“Yes we are,” Dean answered.


“Like a
couple?” Kiki


“Real as in: a
couple?” Graves asked.


“Like with the potential to go
couple?” Pixie opened her eyes wide and raised her brows dramatically.


“Enough,” Lux shot at her.


“Well?” Pixie had to know.


“Pixie,” Lux started but Dean cut
her off.


“Yes,” he answered.


“I knew it,” Pixie cooed as her
smile widened.


“Congratulations! We should
celebrate!” Kiki cheered.


“Yes; a huge celebration!” Pixie


“We just celebrated,” Lux
reminded them.


“Yeah, but we celebrated the
music hall,” Pixie said.


“Now we want to celebrate the two
of you.” Kiki grinned.


“No, no celebration.” Lux shook
her head.


“Please Lux; we’ll just do a
small one, just us,” Pixie pleaded.


“On the roof with a case of
beer,” Graves stated.


“Just hotdogs or something
simple,” Kiki added.


“Okay, but you have to keep it
simple,” Lux agreed.


“Yes!” Pixie and Kiki clapped
their hands in excitement.




Later that evening, Lux changed
into her black jean skirt and her matching ballet slippers. She paired it with
a black and white hounds tooth tank top and accessorized with a long, silver


Dean sat on the edge of the bed,
sipping a beer, and watching her get dressed. He appreciated the way that she
made something as simple as getting dressed a memorable event.


“By the sound of it, I’d say that
Pixie is not keeping it simple,” Lux said once she was done. She walked over to
stand next to the bed. “It sounds like she’s trying to haul all the equipment


“Live band?”


“I’m sure,” Lux shook her head
with a slight grin. “Are you ready?”


“In a minute,” he pulled her
closer and kissed her.


“You’re going to ruin my gloss,”
she purred against his lips.

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