The Story of Me (20 page)

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Authors: Lesley Jones

BOOK: The Story of Me
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“Ahh, fuck, I’m sorry for laying all this shit on ya, George. I’m your big brother. I should be the one making it better for you.”

“We’re family, Marls, we help each other.”

“Well, I’ve never been much help to you, have I? All I’ve ever done is cause you shit. It was my fault you were apart all those years. If that hadn’t happened, things would probably be different now.” I don’t know what to say to this. It’s something that’s crossed my mind so many times, not that Marley was to blame. Sean and I made our own choices at that time, and we both chose not to sort our shit out and speak. Our continued separation was our fault, with a bit of help from Mum and Whorely.

“If you hadn’t split up, you would have had babies a long time ago, and you wouldn’t have been there, outside that shop that day. The accident would never have happened,” he continues.

“You don’t know that. You can’t say that for sure, Marls.” I wipe my eyes on the sleeve of my tracksuit, and as I do, I notice Cam is walking towards me. He hands me a tissue and steers me back out to the living area and over toward the sofa, where I sit down. He goes back to the table, tops up my glass of water and brings that over to me. I take a sip as I watch him go back and top up his own drink.
How hard must this be for him?
  He’s sat here silently, offering nothing but comfort while I cry over the death of my husband, the man I chose over him. I don’t deserve his comfort. I don’t even deserve his company, but it’s welcome. Once again, I’m overcome by guilt: guilt at feeling what I do for Cam, guilt about how I treated him in the past, and there, always there, clawing away at my insides and my heart is the fact that this is the man I cheated on my now-dead-husband with. My eyes fill with tears as I watch him walk back towards the small, two-seater sofa. He slides his arm along the back as he sits down, and he pulls me in and kisses the top of my head. It’s a simple act, but it touches me deeply; my eyes meet his and the tears spill over again. I hate thinking that my brother is feeling the guilt that I do.

“Big brother Marley?”

“Little sister Georgia?”

“D’ya know how much I love you? D’ya know how much Sean loved you? D’ya know how much he would hate for you to be feeling like this? Life goes on, Marls. Whether we like it or not, whether we want it to or not, we have no say in that fact. Sean’s dead. Beau’s dead, something else we can’t change, and nobody knows that more than me, Marls. But what we do have a say in is the way we go on living. Do we live half a life, grieving, mourning, and feeling guilty for every breath we get to take and Sean and Beau don’t? Or do we make every day count?” He doesn’t say a word, but I can hear the occasional sniff and my heart aches so badly to be near him. “I’ve spent the past year doing that, Marls, and it’s achieved absolutely nothing. I’ve almost ripped our family apart with my selfish actions and behaviour, and I’ve run away from life and reality once again. I’ve moved all the way to the other side of the world to try and outrun my past, the pain and the guilt. It doesn’t work, and it catches up with me wherever I am. I’m just finally coming to terms with that. I left all of you behind, trying to pick up the pieces and it’s achieved nothing, got me nowhere.” I wipe my tears away on the tissues Cam passed to me, and I take a sip of my water. “If I’m ever gonna live again, Marls, then I need you to do the same. I can’t go on living if you’re not. How guilty d’ya think I would feel if you were to curl up in a ball and give up while I try and put my life back together? I need to grow up, stop behaving like the princess you all treat me like, and I need to start giving back to all of you. I need all of you to move on with me. I need you to hold my hand and show me the way. I can’t do it without you, Marls.” I don’t know where the words are coming from. I just know they need to be said and I know they need to be acted upon.

I listen to my brother’s sobs, and I lose control of my own. Cam takes my free hand and gives it a squeeze, pulling me into his chest, holding me tightly, making me feel so much better than I deserve.

I hear Marley clear his throat.

“I can do that, George. If you can do it, then I fucking well can, but we need you back here. We miss ya, Porge; we all miss ya.” I want to tell him I’m leaving in the morning, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise.

“I’ll be home by Christmas, I promise.”

“Good, then we can have a proper Christmas, all of us together.” He’s quiet for a few seconds. “Porge?”


“I’m sorry if I’ve been a wanker in the past. I’m sorry I’ve been a wanker tonight. It’s just… it’s just been an emotional few days, what with the band splitting, the anniversary and you not being around. I’ve missed ya, and I’m sorry. I just want ya to know I’m sorry this happened to you, that your life ended up this way.” I make a choking sound as I fight to keep another sob down. “I’m gonna go, George; let me know when you’re gonna be home. Love ya.”

“I will do. Love ya, too, Marls.” I end the call and Cam instantly pulls me onto his lap and holds me while I cry.

“I’m so sorry,” I eventually whisper.

“For what?” he asks.

“Everything; everything I’ve put you through.”

He kisses the top of my head. “Me, too, Kitten; me, too.”

We’re both quiet for a few minutes. I let the sound of his strong heart beating in my ear soothe me. My eyes feel heavy but it’s gotten so late, I’m worried if I fall asleep now, I won’t wake up in time for my car to take me to the airport.

After a long period of silence, Cam asks, “What are we doing here, Kitten? Where are we gonna go with this?” I shift so I can see his face.

“Where would you like it to go? Can we start over? Is that possible?”

He shakes his head. Looking down at where his thumb is brushing over my knuckles, he says very quietly, “No, I don’t think we can, Kitten.” My heart feels like it’s being crushed, squeezed so tight; it’s painful. Well, serves me right. After everything I’ve put Cam through over the years, I really can’t blame him. “We can’t start over. We’ve shared too much to put it all behind us, but we can try and move forward, deal with all the shit from the past and try to find a way, but I can’t promise anything.” My heart speeds up as I process what he’s telling me.

I desperately want him to look up and make eye contact, but he keeps looking down at our joined hands. “You hurt me, Kitten. I don’t hurt for anyone, but you hurt me and you fucking broke me, and I don’t know if I can take a chance on you doing that to me again.”

“I won’t… I promise I won’t,” I blurt out. “I did love you, Cam. I think I’m still in love with you now.”

He nods his head a little bit. “Then I need you to show me, Kitten. I need you to prove it. I need to know that you’re not just using me as a quick fix again.” He finally looks up and meets my gaze. “I can’t run the risk of having you walk away from me again. I need to know for sure that you’re in it for the long haul this time.” I’m nodding as he speaks. I can do that. I can prove all of those things to him. “I have a lot of shit going on right now… And I don’t think you’re ready to even attempt moving on.” My stomach drops again.

“Did you not just hear everything I said to Marley. I’m ready. It’s time. I need to carry on with my life.”

He shakes his head. “I don’t want you to
to carry on with your life. I want you to
to carry on with your life and I want you to
me in it.” He pauses and looks up at the ceiling. “I don’t want to feel used, Kitten. I won’t be used. I won’t ever let that happen again.” He leans in and kisses my forehead. “We both have a lot going on in our lives. Let’s get back to England and catch up in a couple of weeks, but like I said, I’m not promising anything.”

I nod. There’s not a lot else I can do. I gave up my rights to call the shots where Cam’s concerned the night I fell through Lennon’s front door and straight back into Sean’s arms twelve long years ago. I don’t know what he’s read in my expression, but he lets out a long sigh.

“I want you, Kitten, believe me, I want you so fucking bad, but I just want you to be sure. Take a step back and think about it, because when we’re together, neither of us ever seem to think straight.” He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Take some time to think about why you want to be with me. I don’t want to be just someone to help you through until the next love of your life comes along. I want the next love of your life to be
.” He traces the cupid’s bow of my lips with the pad of his thumb. “I know I’ll never replace him. I know I’ll never be able to give you back what you’ve lost. If I could, I would. Believe me. I really would, but I know that we have something that you didn’t have with him. If everything you had with him was so fucking perfect, then the world wouldn’t crackle whenever we get near each other. I’m not disputing that you loved him, but I am disputing that given the chance, you wouldn’t have felt even more for me.”

“I’ve already admitted that I think I was in love with you.”

“Not good enough, Kitten. I want you to know for sure that you
in love with me. Then and only then will I consider getting more involved. I can’t allow it to be any other way.” He sits forward on the edge of the sofa but turns his head towards me. “Being here with you tonight and not touching you has nearly killed me. I’m aching for ya, Kitten. I wanna kiss ya, lick ya, taste and fuck ya. I wanna bury myself inside ya, feel that tight little cunt of yours throb and pulse around my cock when you come. I want to hear those little noises you make when I flick my tongue over your clit, but I know, if I so much as kiss you, we won’t be making it out of this room for at least a week. And I know, that I will be wanting you by my side and in my bed every morning and every night till the day I die. Until you decide that’s what you want too, I’ve got to keep my hands off you.” My mouth is dry. I want to say so much. I want to promise him that I’m his; that I’ll be his forever; that I’ve done nothing
think about what I feel for him for years, especially in the last few weeks. But I don’t think he’s ready to believe me, and if it’s proof that he wants, if he wants me to show him what he means to him, then that’s what I’ll do. I’ll find a way to show him, I’ll find a way to make him understand, that’s the very least I owe him.


Chapter Thirteen




Cam carries my bags down to the hotel lobby and waits with me for my car. There’s no sign of Jackson or Brooke ten minutes later when it pulls up, and I’m so tired; I just want to get in and get to the airport. As the driver puts my bags in the boot, Cam pulls me into him. He grabs my arse cheeks and grinds himself against me.

“I can do this now.” He bites along my jaw and I let out a little moan. “Now you’re leaving and I know we can’t take this further. I can do this.” He wraps his arm around my back and grabs at my hair with his hand, his lips move to mine, gently at first and then it just explodes, lips, tongues, teeth. I grab a handful of his hair and force his mouth down harder on mine. I hear a car pull up and we separate our mouths, standing with our foreheads pressed together. “Fuck, Kitten, you have the power to ruin me, never forget that.”

“You have got to be fucking kidding me!” We both turn and look as Jodie, Brooke and Jackson pile out of a taxi. I’m a little confused at Jodie’s comment.

“You made it. I didn’t think you would…” I start to say.

“This is where you vanished to. You left the club last night with
?” What? I look from Jodie to Cam, totally confused.

“Have you no fucking shame? It’s the one year anniversary of the death of your husband and child, and you choose to spend the night whoring around with another man.” I shake my head.

“No, no, I’ve known Cam for years. It wasn’t like that,” I try to plead my case. I look at Brooke and Jackson, who are trying to hold each other up, without much success.

“Poor Princess Georgia, whatever she wants, she just fucking takes. I don’t believe this. You and him, I just don’t believe it.”

Realisation smacks me right between the eyes as I work out that Cam is the bloke that Jodie works with and has been on a few dates with. I look up at Cam as he starts to speak.

“Jodie, we went for dinner a couple of times. There was never anything between us and Georgia’s telling you the truth. We’ve been friends for years.” She puts her hands on her hips and looks between us.

“You know what, fuck the pair of ya. You’re welcome to each other, but just so you know, she’s spent the last month fucking my ex in Byron, so if it’s sloppy seconds you’re into, you’re welcome.” I feel Cam squeeze my shoulder but he doesn’t say anything. Jodie then gestures with her head towards Cam, but sneers as she says to me, “And he, sweet spoilt Georgia, is having something you never will, you spoilt little bitch. Cameron here is having a baby with his girlfriend back in England.” Everything sways and spins around me, then slows down, sound becomes distorted and I can’t decide if I’m too hot or freezing cold. Somehow, I manage to make my legs move and turn towards the car. Cam grabs my arm and pulls me back towards him.

“She’s not my girlfriend. It’s not like that, Kitten. Listen to me.” He holds my face in his big hands and makes me look at him. “She’s not my girlfriend. I’m not with her. It’s… you need to let me explain. We need to talk about this.” He looks past me to Jodie I assume. “You have no idea what you’ve done. You spiteful bitch, fuck off out of here. You’re sacked. I don’t want you near my club again.” I break free from his hold as he talks. “Georgia, wait, I’ll come to the airport with you. Let me just explain.”

I shake my head and smack his hands off me. “Stay the fuck away from me,” I scream at him. I need to get away. I need to get in the car and get away from both of them. He grabs me by the shoulders.

“Fucking listen to me,” he roars, but in a split second, he’s gone, yanked backward. I seize the opportunity and jump in the car as quickly as I can and tell the driver to get us to the airport. We drive away as I watch Cam and Jackson swinging punches at each other.


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