The Stranger Master (Vol. 2 - Total Control)

BOOK: The Stranger Master (Vol. 2 - Total Control)
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The Stranger Master

Vol. 2 – Total Control


By Sofia Paz


© 2013



All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


This story is intended for mature adults only. It contains sexual scenarios, dirty language, hot action, and much more! Please store your digital files where they cannot be accessed by minors.


And above all – Enjoy!


~Volume Two: Total Control ~


The morning of her trip to the mall, Katherine was nervous, but also very excited. Awaking early, she made coffee, smoked a cigarette and then went to the bathroom to prepare herself for the adventure.


She was under the hot shower for a long time, letting the water flow over her face, allowing her thoughts to run around her head. In her mind, the instructions she had been given echoed over and over again like a mantra;


Drive to the mall.

Buy a newspaper.

Choose a restaurant.

Order a glass of white wine.

Show her cunt to a stranger.


Repeatedly Katherine asked herself if she really wanted to go through with this? She knew she could back out at any moment. But then that would disappoint Sir, and that, in turn would disappoint her too. Besides, the thought of public exposure made her warm just imagining it.


She wanted to be perfect for the man who had suddenly taken control of her life. Without truly understanding why, her intuition told her that by serving this man, paths leading to endless sexual fulfilment would open up to her. Fulfilment on a level of intensity she had never experienced before.


So perhaps it was a purely selfish urge she followed? Katherine toyed with the thought, then shook her head. No time for that now. Too late to analyse her motives. Katherine was going to the mall to reveal her most intimate part to a total stranger.


Back in the kitchen, Katherine saw her phone had received a text. Her heart skipped a beat and, thinking it was Sir, she pressed a button and began to read. It was from Sam in Tokyo.


Arrived OK. Flight OK. Are you OK?


Katherine felt a sudden stab of guilt and punched I LOVE YOU SAM into the phone with her thumb. But she couldn't send it. Instead she wrote:


All good here. Enjoy the trip.


She poured herself a mug of coffee and smoked another cigarette, then went to the bedroom. She had chosen her outfit the night before. Sir's instructions had been emphatic. She was to wear her shortest skirt and no panties. Katharine’s shortest skirt was a faded denim number that she had last worn two summers ago and was now a little tight around the hips. She resolved to lose a pound or two. The no-panties part was of more concern to Katherine.


It was October, a fine, clear day with blue sky and sunshine, but it was still chilly outside. She had rummaged through her underwear draw and found a pair of thick black pantyhose. Yes, they would keep her warm enough, but she could hardly pull them down below her knees whilst sat in a restaurant, could she? For a moment, Katherine pondered the problem, then with a wicked smile on her face, she took a scissors from the kitchen and cut the crotch out of the pantyhose. ‘Problem solved’, she thought to herself with a wry smile.


She decided against wearing a bra. ‘No panties, no bra’ she thought and it sounded logical to her. Katherine chose a light gray, tight fitting turtle neck sweater from the closet, and a pair of knee length black boots. Finally dressed, she took a long look at herself in the mirror. She looked good, she thought, far better than she had imagined. Her hair drawn up and back in a pony, the sweater tight around her breasts, accentuating their shape and size, the hem of the skirt high on her thigh. The black pantyhose hugged her slim legs and the boots added a slightly kinky nuance to her appearance. Katherine looked damned sexy, and she knew it.


Smiling at her reflection, she slowly lifted her skirt. The effect was quite startling. The sight of Katharine’s smooth, pale pink vulva framed within the deep black triangle of pantyhose was...startling, she thought. Katherine couldn't help but touch herself. Wet. Very wet. She knew she did not have time for this, but she couldn't stop. Staring intently at her own reflection, Katherine slipped a welcome finger between the lips of her dripping wet vagina.


An hour later and Katherine was driving her Volvo to the mall. She had washed between her legs and sprayed her thighs with her favorite Ea de Perfume, but still fancied she could smell the sweet, cloying musk of sex. Her hands were sweating on the steering wheel and a fiery itch in her crotch made it almost impossible for her to sit still in the car. Thankfully, the journey was short and 20 minutes later, she arrived at the mall and found a place to park as close to the entrance as she possibly could. In the back of her mind, Katherine had planned a quick getaway, just in case this all went badly wrong.


Before leaving the car, Katherine took a long look at herself in the rear view mirror. She rarely wore make-up, but now she wished she had at least added a faint smear of red to her lips. Katherine caught her breath. She actually felt like she was on a date. She remembered the excitement, the exhilarating anticipation. Trembling slightly, Katherine got out of the car. Her phone buzzed, a text from Sir:


Have you arrived, Kitten?


It was the first text she had received from him that entire week and Katherine felt a wave of relief wash over her. She was, after all, not alone in this. His instructions had been clear and precise. When, where, and how. But naturally Katherine had felt intimidated and would have liked to talk to him more about the details, the possible consequences, what she should do if something went wrong? But Sir was adamant and quite, quite merciless.


'It is a test of loyalty, Kitten,' he had told her. 'You can choose not to do this. But if you decide to go through with what I ask of you, you must not fail me.'


Instead of texting a reply as usual, Katherine rang the number. To her surprise, he answered and Katherine became instantly lost in his hypnotic, sensual tone of command.


'I'm here, Sir.' She spoke into the phone, a light tremolo in her voice.


'Good. Kitten, are you ready to do this?'


'Yes, Sir, for you Sir.'


And then he asked if she was if he hadn't already known...


'Yes Sir, I am very excited. But...'


'But, Kitten?'


Katherine mustered all her courage and blurted out her next words without thinking;


'Sir, I am about to do something I have never done before in my life. Yes, I am excited, but I am also afraid. I will do this for you Sir, but I need you to tell me one thing.'


'And that is, Kitten?'


Katherine took a deep breath and said;


'Your name, Sir. I need to know your name if I am going to go through with this.'


For a long, long moment, there was silence on her phone. Katherine began to think that her outburst had been at best premature, at worst, extremely badly timed. After almost a minute, she heard his voice again.


'My name is Dominic.' He said, and hung up.




Inside, the mall was not particularly busy. It was a weekday and so the hordes of overweight, bustling Moms, with their grabby, contentious offspring, were noticeable only by their absence. Katherine had been here only once before, (she preferred shopping at the small local stores in town), when the mall had opened two years ago. Katherine had bought a couple of last-minute Christmas presents for Sam and then quickly left the mall, unimpressed.


At first, Katherine decided she would 'case the joint.' She winced at the phrase; it was one of Sam's favourite expressions, and she quickly pushed the thought, and the image of Sam, out of her head. Wandering around the ground floor of the vast complex, making mental notes of exits and rest rooms, she also began keeping tabs on the security guards. Katherine told herself that she needed to be prepared for any eventuality, but in her heart she knew she was simply procrastinating. She took an escalator up to the second floor and spotted another security guard. That made three, she counted, two guards downstairs, one up here. She guessed there were about a hundred people in the mall, which for a place this size, meant it was practically empty.


The mall had an abundance of fast food outlets and several restaurants, Greek, Italian, French, but it was still early, not yet lunchtime and diners were sparse. Most customers, she noticed, would order baguettes or bagels with coffee to go, and none seemed to loiter long at the tables. Katherine decided on the French place because firstly, it was the only restaurant with any kind of real activity and secondly, it was on the ground floor and in the back of her mind, Katherine still had a kind of half plan for a quick get-away should she need one. Katherine bought the local newspaper from a vendor at the top of the escalator then rode the stairs back down to the ground floor. The French restaurant had six tables arranged haphazardly at its front. Katherine chose a table furthest from the entrance and sat with her back against a partition of fake wine plants and sunflowers. She opened the newspaper and lay it across the small, round wooden table. A bored young waiter dressed in black jeans and a white shirt took her order. In a few minutes, he was back with her glass of white wine.


Katherine sipped at her Chardonnay and pretended to read the newspaper. Anyone noticing her at this point would have seen only an innocent, attractive, forty-something woman, wearing a skirt that was slightly too short for this time of year, enjoying a pre-lunch glass of wine, while taking a time-out to read the local news. On the outside, Katherine appeared serenely calm, normal; but on the inside, her heart was racing and her mind was in turmoil. And one glass of wine, she thought, would not be enough for what she was about to do.


As the waiter was bringing her a second glass of Chardonnay, a man sat down at the table opposite Katherine. She watched him closely from the corner of her eye, all the time pretending to be engrossed in her newspaper. He was good looking, she thought to herself, about 50, maybe less. He wore an expensive but casual suit, and had a short, military style haircut that fitted the shape of his sun-tanned face. The man ordered onion soup, fresh white bread and a glass of Burgundy. Katherine strained to hear the sound of his voice but there was too much peripheral noise. Yet she saw when the man spoke, the waiter smiled and then began to laugh. The man smiled too, and when the waiter returned with his order, the man said something else that made the waiter laugh even harder.


Confident, Katherine thought, the man was relaxed, good natured, and appeared to have a witty sense of humour...he's the lucky guy, Katherine decided. Turning slightly in her chair, she angled her body so that her crossed knees were pointing directly at the man. Staring intently down at the newspaper, Katherine slowly uncrossed her legs, and began to spread her thighs...When they reached their widest point, she held them there, so turned on that she could nearly feel the juices running down her thighs. She secretly hoped the man had noticed as well.




The drive home seemed to take forever. Katherine felt triumphant and almost liberated. She had done what Sir... (Dominic!) had demanded of her and she knew it was a test of loyalty, but Katherine had not expected this feeling of utter exhilaration. She actually
what she had done. She could still feel the man's eyes on her, and she vividly remembered how the stark outline of his slowly erecting penis had appeared through his trousers. She had never felt so
, and yet so empowered in all her life. Katherine had an itch between her legs she desperately needed to scratch.


The red and blue flashing lights in her rear-view mirror brought Katherine back down to Earth with a bump. She glanced down at the Volvo's speedometer and saw she had been driving at over 65 miles per hour. Katherine shook her head and spat an expletive. She didn't need this bullshit; what she needed was to get home and feed the sexual beast inside her.


Katherine saw the sign for a picnic area up ahead, indicated she was turning, and steered the Volvo into the loose gravel parking zone, with the police car following close behind. This was not the season for picnics and the area was deserted, the six rough wooden benches and tables empty. Katherine stopped the car and pressed a button to open her window. In the mirror she watched the policeman get out of his car, put on his wide brimmed hat and walk towards her. In one hand he held a clipboard, his other hand rested casually on the butt of his .45 police issue Magnum revolver. Katherine sat with her hands on the steering wheel and waited for the annoying traffic cop to approach her.


'Drivers license and vehicle registration please, Ma'am.'


His voice was deep and rung with the familiar echo of boring routine. Katherine rummaged through her purse and produced the documents. She was aware that the police officer was staring at her thighs and then at her cleavage. Katherine handed him her license and registration. She looked into his face and thought that he was not unhandsome, but his eyes were hard and his lips were thin as if he never smiled.

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