The Sunburnt Country (22 page)

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Authors: Fiona Palmer

BOOK: The Sunburnt Country
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His black work pants were so tight, as if ready to rip apart around him. And then her hand went wandering, rubbing his burning fire, tormenting him and making him harder. He pressed himself against her hand, wanting more.

When she withdrew her hand, giving him time to think, he moved his hand down to undo her cargo shorts. As the zipper slid down, he wove his hand under the material to feel her hot and wet against his fingers. She followed his lead, undoing his pants and wrapping her hand around him. He trembled on the brink. Slow, gentle movements. Torturous pleasure.

Sitting up, Dan shrugged off his shirt while Jonelle watched him intently, her eyes travelling over every inch of his muscled torso. The desire he saw was just as powerful as her touch. She reached out and traced the muscles along his abdomen, and then smiled a wicked smile before reaching back and flicking off her bra.

He swallowed hard as her full ripe breasts fell. She truly was a feminine beauty hidden under male work overalls. ‘Wow,’ he groaned. Jonelle blushed slightly but her sexy smile said she was happy with his reaction. Her pink buds taunted him until he gently cupped a breast, running his thumb across the nipple. He felt her body tremble under his caress.

His lips brushed across her softness before he could no longer be apart from her mouth. Their tongues met, wet and sizzling, with the faintest taste of the salt of tears.

In between feverish kisses, they shimmied off their pants and pressed their bodies together. Dan took his time exploring every curve of her body, from the sensitive spot on her ankle to her ticklish inner thigh. He wanted to remember every mole, every freckle and the fifty-cent-piece birthmark just above her hip. Watching her mouth move across his body was incredible, especially when she glanced up with those fervent eyes.

‘Do we need . . .?’ he began to ask, but she pointed to the pill packet on her bedside table. She straddled him, lowering herself slowly down his length as he cried out. Their joining was slow, deliberate and sensual. Every stroke, every shudder and every kiss was intensified and every moment had him holding on by a thread.

Dan sat up, crushing her body against him, as Jonny wrapped her legs around his waist and built up her fire. She clenched him tightly between her thighs, while her eyes bored into his soul. She was on the brink. He picked her up, laid her back on the bed before plunging deep. Jonny gripped his back. ‘Daniel!’ she moaned as he found her lips. Clinging together they rode the wave, rocking to climax in the most powerful and intense experience he’d ever had.

Drawing a ragged breath he tried to calm his racing heart. Jonelle was breathing just as hard as she snuggled her naked body against his. Their skin was damp with sweat and it was getting hot in her little room but there was no way he was letting her go. Not yet.

‘That was . . . amazing,’ she said breathlessly, then lifted her head, resting her chin on his chest as she studied him.

‘You’re not wrong,’ he said in wonder.

Jonelle stayed watching him, as if in disbelief at what they’d done.

‘What are you thinking?’ he asked eventually.

Her thick black lashes rested against her soft skin as she closed her eyes for a few seconds. When they opened again, he was struck again by the intensity of her eyes.

‘I’m thinking that I’ve never experienced anything like that.’ She pressed her lips to his neck and he felt himself stir again. ‘And that I’m glad we did this before you left.’

Dan brushed her lips lightly. ‘Me too,’ he mumbled against them.

Jonelle lay her head back down on his chest before she spoke. ‘Though it doesn’t change anything between us, except perhaps to make it even harder to say goodbye.’

‘I know,’ he murmured. But how he wished more than ever now that it wasn’t so. Maybe if he didn’t get that promotion he could take some holidays and hang around here a bit. But then, who was he kidding? He had a career in the city, he couldn’t leave all that behind for a girl. He’d probably end up resenting her when he got sick of Bundara and of having no work. And keeping the Bundara bank job full-time was not an option in his mind. He knew what he had to do. He had to chalk this moment up as one of life’s passing wonders, one on which he could reflect fondly. Come next year he’d probably have forgotten about Bundara and the sweet-natured beauty who had taken a little of his heart.

Chapter 31

smell of stale beer permeated the room. Yep, she was in the right spot.

‘What can I get ya, Jonny? Beer or bourbon?’

‘Ah, Den, you know me so well. Best go with a beer first,’ she said with a smile.

Jonny sat down at the bar, laid her wallet on top and leaned over to watch Dennis pour her drink. ‘So who’s the new chick?’ she whispered, after a lanky, big-breasted girl went past to serve Harold down the end of the bar.

Den’s large gut strained against the bar as he handed over Jonny’s beer. ‘She’s a Swedish backpacker chasing a few weeks’ work and she’s experienced. How could I knock that back? You know how much extra business she’ll bring in.’

Jonny nodded. ‘Yeah, I’ve seen her assets,’ she said, laughing.

Den gave her a knowing wink and went to get her change.

‘You beat me,’ said Renae, squeezing Jonny’s arm.

Dennis dropped her change on the counter and began pouring Renae a beer.

‘I love the Chrissy decorations, Dennis. Very festive,’ said Jonny, touching the tinsel tacked to the front of the bar. Behind Den’s head was a huge Christmas banner.

‘We can all thank Nae for those.’ He put a glass in front of Renae. She went to pay but he waved her off, then disappeared to the front bar.

‘Oh, the old boss can be a sweetie when he wants to be.’

‘So did you lose shifts to the Swede?’ When Renae looked confused she added, ‘The new barmaid?’

‘Nup. Den wouldn’t dare,’ she said with a laugh. ‘Hey, have you got all your Christmas shopping done yet?’

‘Most of it.’ Actually she had been wondering whether she should get something for Dan.
His last day at work is next week after Christmas. Maybe I could combine a Christmas and farewell gift
, she thought.

The door was thrown open behind them. She turned, but knew it would be Zac. He did love to make an entrance.

‘Hey, let’s get this Christmas party started,’ he said, putting an arm around each of them. Jonny was sure it was just an excuse to touch Renae.

Zac took a seat next to Renae and Jonny felt a hand on her back. She didn’t have to look to know it was Dan. She’d recognise his touch anywhere.

Dan chose to stand beside her. Her eyes ran up his lean form. He was wearing denim shorts and a singlet that showed off his shapely arms. Those arms had held her so tightly four days ago. Involuntarily, she shivered. With his sunnies on his head, she had a clear path to his hazel eyes, which brimmed with lust. She knew he was thinking about four days ago too. Her nightmares had now been replaced by strong lustful dreams featuring Daniel, but she was still waking in hot sweats.

They’d hardly seen each other since that moment in her room. She had eventually woken from their nap and realised she had to get to the farm and start organising her visit to the hospital. She just walked out and left him. Well no, that wasn’t true. She had told him not to call, as she needed some space. Lots of space. It would take a universe full of space to help her get over him. Lucky she’d been busy helping at the farm and visiting her dad at the Narrogin Hospital and had only run into him at Gabby’s once. They’d behaved just like before: polite and strictly platonic, except for the eyes. The eyes always spoke the truth. Just as they were doing now. Simmering hot.

‘I’m here, I’m here,’ said Ryan, joining them at the bar. ‘You guys all remember Sienna? She was in town so I invited her along,’ he said, gesturing to the petite young woman beside him.

They all welcomed her and then Zac suggested they move to a table.

‘So what are we celebrating?’ Ryan asked, after he returned with more drinks.

Zac stood up. ‘Well, a few things really. We are celebrating Dad’s huge improvement.’

Jonny smiled. Improvement meant they couldn’t reattach his fingers but had successfully cleaned up what was left and that he was healing just fine. Especially with their mum playing nursemaid.

‘We’re also having pre-Christmas drinks and saying goodbye to a few mates.’ He glanced to Ryan and raised his glass. ‘To Coop, who leaves behind his farm shorts and singlets for fluoro long and long, but who’ll also be back to give us the shits before we know it.’

‘To Coop,’ they all shouted.

Zac remained on his feet. ‘And to Dan, the banker man, who’s also my boss . . .’ He laughed at his own joke. ‘Sorry to see ya go, mate. Just one week left and you’ll be rid of the flies, dust and feral country folk. But don’t be a stranger. Come back any time.’

‘Hear, hear,’ said Ryan, raising his beer.

‘To Dan,’ they all joined in. Dan waved them off, hoping to stop all the fuss. Maybe he would miss them after all?

As Jonny sipped her beer, she kept her eyes on a scratch in the brown tabletop. She had known that this day was coming, that Dan’s departure was imminent, but it didn’t make things any easier, especially now she had such intimate knowledge of how good they could be together. Just the thought of it spread tingles throughout her body. It hadn’t been just a romp in the hay. If anything, it had been pure and tender. How could something so amazing happen between two people from such vastly different worlds? It was like giving a kid candy and letting him enjoy the delicious sweet taste before ripping it out of his mouth and expecting him not to scream for more. She’d been doing her best not to scream, but it was tough going. Dan’s hands rested on the table and she found herself staring at them, remembering their touch, the places they had travelled. Her toes curled.

‘Earth to Jonny,’ said Renae, bumping her shoulder.


‘You okay? You’ve been a bit weird these last few days.’


‘Sienna just asked what you are doing for Christmas. What were you just thinking about?’ Renae’s gaze fixed on her, as if scanning her brain for the answer.

‘Ah, sorry. I was just thinking that we’d usually have Rick and Gemma here too,’ she stammered.

Their table fell silent at her words. It wasn’t that much of a lie. She had actually thought that when they’d first sat down. But she felt her face grow red with the lie. ‘Hey, I’d like to raise a toast to our mate Rick, who would be here with us if he could. Let’s hope he’s having a beer, wherever he is,’ she added.

With sad smiles, they raised their glasses again for Rick.

‘I asked Gemma to come,’ said Renae. ‘But she’s already gone to Albany for Christmas with her family. I hope being with her family helps. She’s been so lost.’

‘Yeah, she’s taken leave from work for four weeks. You just wish you could do something to ease her pain,’ added Dan.

‘They’d been together for two years, and were lifelong friends before that. God, life is short,’ said Renae. Jonny caught her eyes flicking to Zac under her long lashes.

Yes, life is short
, she thought. All the more the reason why Jonny clung on to what she loved. It’s why she didn’t want her town to change, why she couldn’t lose her workshop. She wanted everything to stay the way it was. She liked Dan, but there was nothing she could do about that. He blew into town, and he’d blow right back out again without a backwards glance. It had been a sweet little encounter while it lasted; she’d have the memories.

Jonny turned to face Sienna, who was sitting opposite. ‘Sorry for before, Sienna,’ she said, needing to distract herself. ‘We’re staying out on the farm for Christmas. We usually do, we’d still be harvesting on a good year. Dad will be back from hospital, he’s looking forward to coming home. Mostly for the food, I think.’

Sienna smiled as she played with her glass. ‘I hope next year is better for the farmers. I’ve certainly had my work cut out for me.’ Ryan gave her a sheepish smile. ‘I’m just glad I can help. I’m off to my parents’ out on the farm too. It’s still home for me so I look forward to going back.’ She turned to Dan. ‘How about you, Dan? What do you do for Christmas in the city?’

Jonny saw his jaw tighten and his hand fisted into a tight ball. He cleared his throat. ‘I, um, don’t really do anything for Christmas. Sometimes my dad and I go out for dinner. More often than not I just relax at home or tag along with a mate. It’s not that big a deal for me. I might not even go back to the city for it. What’s the point when I leave at the end of next week?’

Zac plonked down his beer. ‘Mate, that’s sad. I’m not a religious dude but still, Christmas is the time of the year for family. You really were going home to sit by yourself?’

Dan shrugged awkwardly.

Zac shook his head and his sunglasses slipped a fraction. ‘Nah, that’s not happening this year. Come to our place for Christmas,’ he demanded. ‘You’ll spend it with us and we’ll show you what it’s all about. Right, Jonny?’ he said, giving her a wink.

She rolled her eyes at Zac before turning to Dan. ‘You should. Mum goes way overboard. We have enough food to feed an army, and you’d be so welcome.’ Jonny plastered on a forced smile and tried to be welcoming. Part of her was thrilled to have him just a little longer but the other part of her thought it sounded like absolute torture. She was scared she’d cave and ask him to stay. But how awful did that sound, begging him to stay when she knew it was impossible. She’d just have to stay in control. And that was harder than it sounded.

‘Oh, I couldn’t impose . . .’ Dan’s neck had reddened and the blush was threatening to creep up his face as he squirmed in his seat.

Zac didn’t let him finish. ‘Nup, that’s settled. You’re coming to our place for Christmas. No ifs or buts, it’s a done deal. Oh, that’s if your dad won’t mind?’

Daniel sighed, looked around the table at them all, and then said, ‘Nah, I don’t think he’d care. Thanks, Zac. That’d be nice.’ Dan looked as if he knew he couldn’t fight Zac on this. His eyes flicked to Jonny and he smiled. Or maybe he didn’t want to fight Zac. Maybe he’d just got exactly what he wanted.

Renae touched Jonny’s hand and leaned over to whisper, ‘Do you think your mum would mind if I came for lunch too?’

‘Nae, of course she wouldn’t. You know you’re always welcome. You don’t have to ask. But why? What’s your family doing?’

Renae chewed the bottom corner of her glossed lip. Her skin looked flawless with only a hint of powder. ‘They’re going to spend it with Aunty Sue and Uncle Ken up north. They thought doing something really different wouldn’t hurt as much. Somehow I don’t think it will ease their pain, but I guess it’s better than being at home looking at his empty room. I didn’t want to go with them. I’d just rather spend it with you guys.’

‘I hear ya. Don’t worry. You know we’d all love to have you. The more people and noise, the better.’

When Renae sat back, Zac asked if she was okay, his concern etched in the crease of his brow.

Jonny’s mind wandered back to Daniel as his leg brushed against hers. But it didn’t just brush past; his leg lingered against her skin. She snuck a look at Dan, who smiled innocently.

Having their legs touching seemed like the next closest thing to holding hands under the table. And they weren’t at that stage,
be at that stage. They were not boyfriend and girlfriend, going steady or anything remotely exclusive. She didn’t really know what they were, just two people who connected on a deep level but who could never be together.

Knowing this didn’t stop the adrenaline coursing through her when he was beside her, or the fact that all she could think about was seeing him, kissing him, holding him, hearing him call her name. Neither did it stop the aching sadness of knowing she’d never see him again after next week.

Jonny got up from the table and walked to the bar. ‘Dennis, I think I’m ready for that bourbon now.’

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