The Sweet Dreams Bake Shop (A Sweet Cove Mystery Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: The Sweet Dreams Bake Shop (A Sweet Cove Mystery Book 1)
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“Before we go upstairs to show you where we’d like the door installed,” Jenna said, “how about some iced tea? It’s warm today. We can sit out on the porch.” She flashed Tom a warm smile. “Do you have time?”

Tom checked his watch. “I have another project to give an estimate on, but a cold drink sounds good.”

Angie took glasses down from the cabinet and Jenna removed a glass pitcher of iced tea from the refrigerator. She put the glasses on a tray while Angie placed some chocolate chip scones on a plate. They took everything out to the porch and sat in rocking chairs to enjoy the refreshments.

“How are you girls holding up working day and night between the two businesses?” Tom sipped his iced tea.

“We don’t sleep much.” Angie laughed.

“We couldn’t keep it up forever, that’s for sure, but we’re doing okay.” Jenna bit into a scone. “Angie’s treats keep us going.” She grinned.

“Ellie’s here now. She’s been getting things ready to open the bed and breakfast,” Angie said. “She helps out with the jewelry making in the evenings. We try to make it a fun thing. We light a fire, play music, and make sure there are plenty of things to eat.”

“Doesn’t sound half bad.” Tom reached for another scone. “Delicious as usual, Angie.”

“Where’s Euclid? Jenna looked around the porch for the cat.

“He stayed inside,” Angie said. “He was curled up on top of the fridge.”

“I’m surprised he stayed in. He’s usually in the middle of things when we’re doing anything. He doesn’t miss a trick that one.” Jenna brushed some crumbs off of her tank top.

“It seems strange with the professor gone.” Tom looked off across the front lawn. “She always had something or other for me to do, small things. Most contractors wouldn’t have bothered with her business, they’d send her to a handyman, but I liked her. I liked helping her out, talking with her. She was an interesting person, a good lady.”

“I miss her coming into the shop everyday,” Angie said.

“Poisoned.” Tom shook his head. “It’s hard to believe.”

“Why would someone poison her?” Jenna’s face was sad.

“I guess more important,” Tom said, “is
poisoned her?”

“I just can’t stand thinking a murderer is on the loose in Sweet Cove.” A shiver ran down Jenna’s back.

“Did you notice anything that day?” Angie turned towards Tom. “I keep going over it, and going over it, but I just can’t think of anything out of the ordinary.” She sighed. “I didn’t notice anyone near the professor’s drink. But I wasn’t watching it closely either. ”

“I was on my usual stool,” Tom said. “I had my back to the professor. I didn’t see anything. Things seemed normal in there that day.”

Euclid meowed from the other side of the open window.

“I’ll let him out.” Jenna got up and opened the front door so Euclid could join them on the porch.

The cat pranced out the door as soon as it opened. As Jenna watched him pass her, she noticed something. “Euclid has something in his mouth.”

“Oh, no.” Angie cringed. “I hope it isn’t a mouse.”

“He’s bringing you a present.” Tom chuckled.

Euclid approached Angie’s rocking chair and laid something at her feet.

“What’s this?” Angie reached down to pick up Euclid’s gift. Her eyes went wide when she saw what it was.

“What is it?” Jenna looked over at Angie as she returned to her rocking chair.

Angie held her hand out so they could see what she was holding.

“A piece of cloth?” Jenna leaned closer.

Angie’s heart pounded and a shiver shook her stomach.

“A bow tie?” Tom reached for it.

Angie’s face hardened. “It’s a bow tie all right.” Her voice trembled.

Jenna asked, “Where’d that come from?”

“Jack Ford wears bow ties.” Angie’s breath was fast and shallow as she eyed the tie. Anger flooded her body.

“Did it fall off of him the day of the remembrance reception?” Jenna asked

“No. He had on a bright yellow and blue bow tie that day. It stood out to me.” Angie took a deep breath and when she spoke, her voice was hard. “He must have lost this one in his haste to get out of the house. The night he broke in here.”

“What?” Tom nearly jumped from the rocker. “
broke into your house?”

“We’ve been speculating.” Jenna got up and reached for the bow tie in Tom’s hand. She looked it over. “You know we told you that someone was upstairs the night Angie came here to feed Euclid after the professor died?”

“Yeah,” Tom said, “but you never mentioned you thought it might be the lawyer. I know he is an odd duck, but to break into a house?”

Angie told Tom what she overheard when she was at Jack Ford’s law office. “He said something like ‘I couldn’t get it with her in the house.’”

“What was he talking about?” Tom bristled with anger and shot off more questions. “What was he after? What was missing from the house?”

“I don’t know what he was talking about,” Angie said. “I have no idea what he was looking for.”

“We don’t know if anything is missing because we don’t know what the professor had in the house,” Jenna explained. “But if what Angie heard is an indication, then he didn’t find what he was looking for.”

“Tell the police.” Tom scowled.

“We have no proof of anything. We can’t even prove the bow tie belongs to Jack Ford,” Angie said. “So there’s no use telling the police anything.”

Euclid was sitting on top of the porch railing watching Angie. He let out an angry meow and Angie startled. “Euclid, jeez.”

Jenna, Tom, and Angie rocked in their chairs for a few minutes and thought about what had been going on.

Angie said, “I have an idea.” She took the bow tie from Jenna. “I have an appointment next week with Attorney Ford to sign the will he drew up for me.” Angie made eye contact with Euclid and gripped the bow tie tight in her hand. “I’m sure Mr. Ford will be very happy when I return his bow tie to him.”

Chapter 16

Angie, Jenna, Ellie, and Courtney stepped out of the car and headed for the front entrance of the resort. The hotel-restaurant had lush landscaping and there were pots of pansies and tulips placed along the walkways. Hidden lighting under the bushes and trees illuminated the leaves and bark and there was a water feature in front of the portico area with a circular driveway leading to the front door.

“Why haven’t we come here before?” Courtney wore her long, honey blonde hair loose and cascading down her back. Her legs looked even longer because of the heels she was wearing. “This place is swanky.”

“We haven’t been here before because we can’t afford it,” Jenna said. She had on a coral spring dress and gold sandals.

Angie smoothed her hair. Her black skirt hugged her curves, and her necklace of black and silver stones accented her crisp white blouse. The necklace was one of Jenna’s designs and had been a birthday gift to Angie.

Ellie walked behind them looking out over the darkening ocean and glancing across the lawns to where their grandmother’s cottage used to be. Angie looked back to her sister and when Ellie approached, she slipped her arm around her sister’s waist.

“I haven’t been down here on the point for a long time.” Ellie ran her hand over her long, pale blonde hair and pulled it forward over her shoulder. “It’s funny, isn’t it? How things change?”

Since parking the car, Angie had felt a subtle humming sensation running through her veins. It wasn’t unpleasant or bothersome. It was more like a heightened awareness of everything around her. It happened every time she was on the point. “Do you feel different when you’re here?”

“What do you mean?” Ellie asked.

“I don’t know, sort of aware of things.”

“No different than usual. Just sad, remembering Nana.”

Angie nodded. It wasn’t just sadness, it was something else, but she couldn’t figure out the words to describe how she felt.

They entered the lobby. Many of the people milling about paused for a second in their conversations as the young women walked in together.

Angie expected the lobby to be decorated in shades of green and blue to evoke the seaside location, and she was surprised to see the muted shades of plum, mocha, and cream on the furniture, rugs, and wall colors. The area was softly lit and candles were placed in large glass containers scattered about the space projecting a sense of calm and luxury.

“This is beautiful,” Courtney said.

Angie could see that Ellie was taking it all in, probably imagining what she could do to the Victorian’s bed and breakfast areas that would evoke similar feelings of relaxation and comfort in her guests.

The girls followed the crowd through the lobby and into the restaurant. The space was huge, but the arrangement of the furniture and the way it was lit made the room feel elegant and comfortable. The far side of the room had a curved wall with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the ocean. Candles and cut glass chandeliers cast a soft glow over the guests. Buffet tables decorated with flowers and fresh fruit arrangements held hot and cold appetizers, and several kinds of pastries and desserts. Tucked to one side there was an open bar with several bartenders serving drinks to the guests. A jazz band played in the corner close to the windows.

“Wow.” Courtney’s blue eyes widened taking in the beauty of the room. She looked at Angie. “I’m so glad you agreed to come to this thing tonight.”

“Angie.” A voice called out to her. She turned to see Josh Williams crossing the room towards her. He looked handsome in a fitted dark blue suit. “I’m so glad you came. You all look beautiful.”

Angie introduced Josh to Ellie and Courtney. Josh said hello to Jenna. The five of them talked for a few minutes and then Jenna, pretending she was hungry but really wanting to give Angie time with Josh, herded her sisters over to the food tables.

“Everything is lovely,” Angie said. “I don’t know what it was like before, but it’s gorgeous now.”

Josh smiled. He looked pleased and proud. “It makes me happy that you like it.”

“It’s a great turnout.” Angie looked around at all the people standing or sitting in groups enjoying themselves.

Josh nodded. “Would you like something to eat? The desserts are good but not nearly up to your standards.” He grinned. “I tried to get the best baker in town to make the desserts for tonight, but she was too busy.”

“That’s really too bad.” Angie’s eyes twinkled. “Maybe she can help you out another time.”

“I certainly hope so.” The way Josh looked at her made Angie’s heart skip a beat.

“Josh.” Davis Williams came up behind them. He nodded at Angie. “Hello.” Davis turned to his brother. “I’ve been looking for you. Adam Prescott wants to speak with us. He has some land up in Newburyport that he wants developed.”

“Can’t you take a rest from business and just enjoy the evening?” Josh gave his brother a serious look.

“Prescott’s waiting for us.” Davis started to steer his brother away.

Josh gave Angie a look like he was being dragged to the gallows. “I’ll be back.”

Angie gave him a little wave goodbye. She looked around the room for her sisters and saw Lisa Barrows standing by the entryway holding a clipboard.

“Lisa.” Angie came up beside her.

“Angie. Hi. How are you?” Lisa’s face looked pale and there were slight dark circles under her eyes like she hadn’t been sleeping. “I didn’t expect you to be here.”

Angie thought that when she ran into Lisa again, she would appear her old self, but her former employee looked worn out and harried. Angie could feel a negative energy from Lisa, an anxiousness that seemed to ooze from her pores. She wondered if Lisa was seeing a doctor.

“Why, not? The whole town was invited. We had to take advantage of free food.” Angie joked, but it fell flat with Lisa. “How are you doing? How is your new job going?”

“It’s okay. It’s always busy here. I work all the time. It’s sort of demanding.” She glanced at her clipboard.

Angie said, “Sounds a lot like the bake shop. You always handled that well so you must be doing great here.”

Lisa shrugged. “Is everything going okay for you?” she managed to ask.

“Yeah, everything’s good. The girls are all here. I’ll tell them to come by and say hello.”

Lisa nodded. “Okay. I have to go check on the kitchen. I’ll see you later.” She forced a tiny smile and exited the room in a hurry.

When Angie found her sisters, they were sitting at a table near the windows eating. She told them she’d run into Lisa and how she seemed exhausted and nervous.

“She must be working hard trying to do a really good job since she’s new here,” Ellie said.

Jenna said to Angie, “I bet she feels uncomfortable around you for quitting like she did.”

“She probably does.” Angie looked over at the food spread over the buffet tables. “I’m starving.” She got up, headed to the buffet, loaded a plate with food, and returned to sit. She lifted her fork to her mouth.

“Do you think the professor’s killer is here?” Ellie asked.

A chill rippled down Angie’s back and she stared across the room. Her internal humming sensation seemed to have ratcheted up a notch.


“Huh? What?” She blinked at Ellie.

“Are you spacing out?”

“I guess I did.” She took a sip from her glass of water.

“There’s Police Chief Martin over there.” Jenna turned to Angie. “Did he ever tell you what kind of poison was used to kill Professor Linden?”

“No.” Angie put her fork down. She seemed to have lost her appetite. “He said he wasn’t able to say since it’s an ongoing investigation.”

Courtney said, “It could have been anything. There are lots of poisonous things that anyone could get their hands on.”

“Like what?” Ellie’s forehead creased with worry.

“Well…” Courtney said. “Look at the centerpiece. There’s oleander and lily of the valley in it. Those plants are poisonous. Grind them up and put them in tea or coffee, and….”

“Really?” Ellie leaned back, horrified.

Angie looked at the seemingly innocent flowers in the center of the table, and then the color drained out of her face. She inhaled a quick breath.

Jenna turned to her. “What’s wrong with you?”

Angie swallowed. “The flowers in the centerpieces, they came from Betty Hayes’ greenhouse.”

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