The Sweet Wife (3 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Sweet Wife
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She struggled to her feet, unsteady in the stiletto heels. Looking in the mirror, she saw that her lipstick was smeared and her mascara had run. She concentrated on steadying her trembling hands as she applied fresh lipstick and gloss. She wiped her face clean and repaired the mascara. Finally, she brushed her hair and straightened her blouse.

“Why’d you do that?” he asked.

She turned to face him, “You told me to.”

“You makin yourself pretty for your black lover?”

She knew now that he expected a complete answer. “Yes, I’m making myself pretty for my black lover.”

He nodded then gestured toward Brian who still stood in the doorway. “Go over there by your husband,” he said.

Not looking at Brian, she crossed to stand in front of him. “Now boy,” Travis said, “Your wife is gonna give herself to the black man. You gotta respect a wife who’s smart enough to know a real man when she sees one. Ain’t I right?”

Brian was still shaken after what he’d just witnessed. He wasn’t sure what Travis had asked. “Yes,” he said meekly, “yes, you’re right.”

Travis nodded unsmiling, “I see your wife is wearin a brand new pair of fuck-me shoes and her little toes is bare.” He paused. “You got to show her respect by getting down on your knees and kissin them toes. But first I want to hear your wife tell you what she wants to do.”

Maureen looked at Travis who nodded. Blushing furiously she turned to her husband, “I...I…want to give myself to him. I want him to take me.”

Brian stepped back, frowning. “On your knees, goddamn you!” Travis shouted. “Or I’ll come over there and break your fuckin head!” Maureen turned toward Travis again, intending to protest but seeing the anger in his eyes she remained silent.

Hesitating, Brian got to his knees and kissed the brightly painted toes of her right foot. “Both!” Travis shouted. Obediently, Brian kissed the other foot. Still on his knees, he looked across at Travis who asked, “Why did you do that, boy? Why you on your knees kissin your wife’s feet?”

“Ah… said for me to do it.”

Travis leaned forward, “That ain’t the right answer, you dumb fuck. Why did I tell you to do it?”

“To…to…show her respect.” He saw that Travis wasn’t satisfied. “To show her respect for giving herself to…to…the black herself to you.”

“That’s right, boy. I’m gonna fuck your wife. If you’re a good boy, maybe I let you watch. You want to watch the big black man fuck your wife? You want to watch your wife on her knees suckin my black cock and lickin my black balls?”

Brian continued kneeling, “Yes, I’d like to watch.”

“And when I’m done fuckin your wife, you gonna clean her up. I mean with your tongue and show her respect again?”

Brian wasn’t exactly sure what he meant, but was afraid to question. “Yes, I’ll do what you say.”

“That’s right, boy, from now on you gotta show your wife more respect.” Maureen had turned to face him. He stared at her for a moment, “It’s easy to see there ain’t but one man in this room. How about you sayin who that is?”

She glanced at her husband who was still on his knees, then she looked at Travis, “It’s you. You’re the only man here.”

“You my woman?”

“Yes, for tonight, just for tonight I’ll be your woman.”

“You want me to fuck you?”

She took several steps toward him. He pointed to the floor. “One of the first things you got to learn is that you got to crawl to the black man when you’re wantin him to give you his cock.” She got to her knees and crawled until she was kneeling between his spread legs. He could see that her nipples were pressed tight against the shear blouse. He also recognized a look in her eyes. It was one he’d seen a thousand times before. The little bitch wanted it. Well, she was gonna have to do some tricks first. He allowed himself a slight smile. “Please, fuck me,” she said.

“You want the black man’s cock?”

“Yes, I want the black man’s cock.” She placed her hands on his thighs and looked up at him.

He stared at her, his face set, “That’s right,” he said, “you got to want it…want it bad. The black man ain’t like the white man. White man do anything to fuck your pussy. You white bitches use that, you know. You think your pussy’s made of gold cause the white man act like it is. He thinks about your pussy all the damn time. With the black man, man like me, it’s the opposite. I don’t give a damn about your pussy. I can get all the pussy I need. But you, white bitch like you, don’t ever get a cock like mine. You gonna be thinking about my big black cock all the time. Gonna be wantin it…wantin it real bad.” He leaned forward, “I ain’t only gonna be your black lover, I’m gonna be your black master and you gonna be my pretty little white bitch. Ain’t that right, bitch?”

He was so full of himself, so confident. This huge, fat, ignorant, black overbearing slob was forcing her to say things she would later regret, but they were just words. She didn’t have to mean them. She swallowed hard, “Yes, tonight I’ll be as you say, your pretty white bitch and you will be my black master.”

“You gonna worship your master’s cock so maybe he’ll fuck you with it?”

She looked up at him then bowed her head and was silent. ‘My God, she thought, was he crazy or was she? All her life she’d been in control. Except for this present situation, she made the decisions in her marriage. She’d always known Brian was weak. He deferred to her in everything. Why did she agree to go along with his insane suggestion? She’d always been a strong and independent woman and proud. To be on her knees like this before this black stranger was beyond anything she could have imagined. But there was something…something she couldn’t quite understand. His size maybe, his arrogance, his presumption, his certitude. There was something about him, something about being on her knees like this…something about submitting to a man so obviously her intellectual, social, and cultural inferior that excited her just as much as it humiliated her. Looking up at him, she said, “Please let me see…I mean let me worship your cock”. She reached to unbuckle his belt.

He grabbed her hands and glared at her. “You need some goddamn lessons,” he said evenly. “That’s the way with you white women. You think you can get whatever you want by just askin. Like I said, it don’t work like that with me. You got to learn how to worship the black man, how to be grateful even if he only lets you look at his prick.” He released her. She let her arms hang at her side and bowed her head. “You never touch your master unless you ask or he lets you know it’s OK for you to touch him. The only thing you touch my dick with is your mouth. You’re gonna learn to worship my cock without using your hands. First thing you do is clean my prick and my balls with your tongue, hands behind your back. Then you’re gonna beg me to fuck your mouth. You’re gonna open wide and learn to take it all. You got that?”

She glanced up at him and nodded, “I understand.” She frowned. Something was happening that frightened her more than she’d ever been frightened in her life. She comforted herself with the thought that it would be over in a few hours. This huge powerful black man would be gone and that would be that. He seemed to be waiting for her to say something more or to do something.

She put her hands behind her back. “That’s it, you got the right idea,” he said. “Sometime you’ll just suck me slow and easy. Other times I gonna hold your head and fuck your mouth hard just like it was your cunt.” She clasped her hands tightly and felt a shiver go through her body. He leaned forward, “I cum good. I can cum two, three times in a couple hours. There’s always a lot of hot cum. You’re gonna learn to want my cum. You’re gonna swallow every drop of the black man’s cum and wish there was more. Now what you got to say?”

As he was speaking, she could feel the heat draining downward to her vagina. She could feel how wet she’d become. “I…I…don’t know what to say,” she murmured. She wanted to tell him to leave, threaten to call the police if he didn’t. She remembered how his mouth felt as it covered hers, the wetness of his thick lips. Without looking up she whispered, “Teach me…please…teach me how to worship your black cock.”

He leaned back in the chair. “Yeah, you got to learn some stuff.” He gestured for her to back away. She crawled backwards until she was about five feet from him. “Now,” he said, “stand up and strip for me, but do it real slow. You got to tease your man. You got to always let him know you’re hot for him, real hot for your black master. The only thing on your mind is to make your man hard, make him want to fuck you.”

She had never been naked before a stranger. She had never stripped for her husband in the obscene way this stranger demanded. Her face was scarlet with shame. She didn’t know quite what to do. She unbuttoned the top button of her blouse. He nodded. “Lick your lips,” he said. “Make them shine.” As she unfastened the next two buttons, she circled her lips with the tip of her tongue. “Look at me, and pinch your nipples,” he instructed. “And tell me if them tits is mine to play with.”

Her blouse hung open. She cupped her bare breasts and, with the thumb and index finger of each hand, squeezed her already distended nipples. “Yes,” she said, “my breasts are yours to…to play with.” He gestured for her to continue. She removed her blouse.

“Just stand there for a minute. Put your hands behind your neck and push your titties out.” He observed her for a few moments. Embarrassed, she lowered her eyes. “Keep looking at me,” he said. “And you know what to do with your tongue.” She looked across at him and once more wet her lips. “Your tits ain’t too big but they don’t sag and you got nice long nipples. Anybody ever suck them nipples but your husband?”

“No…just Brian.”

“Well maybe you’d like someone else to suck them and bite them?” It was a question.

She nodded her head. He waited. “Yes,” she said, “I’d like you to…to…suck my nipples.” Saying the words caused a tingling sensation in her stomach and the warm flow downward to her crotch.

“Yeah, well maybe I will and maybe I won’t. The way you’re standin is called ‘the position.’ When you’re standin or on your knees if I tell you to take the position that means you put your hands behind your neck and throw your shoulders back. It’s like you’re offering yourself to your man. It’s like you sayin to him he can do what he wants: pinch your tits or slap them. He can stick his finger or his cock or even his big toe in your mouth. He can play with your cunt or your asshole and you don’t do nothing. When you stand or kneel in front him with your hands locked behind your neck you’re telling him that you’re hot and you want him to do what ever he feels like doin to you. And you never turn away or say anything. That’s the first lesson you got to learn about worshipping the black man’s cock.” He leaned forward and wagged a finger at her. “You got that lesson in your head?’

She lowered her hands to her side and glanced back at Brian hoping he might object to these insanities. He was standing in the open doorway, his face pale, his eyes wide. His hand was on his crotch. She turned toward Travis and put her hands behind her neck again and squared her shoulders, “I understand,” she said.

“When you’re ready for lesson two, you can drop the skirt, but take your time.”

She pulled down the side zipper and slowly pushed the skirt over her hips. It slid down her legs and gathered at her feet. Blushing furiously, she stepped out of it. She was tempted to cover her pussy with her hands, but knew he would object. She clasped them in front of her and bowed her head.

“Ah,” he sighed, “you sure is a tiny woman. “Tell me, did you want to do that? Did you want to tease your black master and stand naked in front of him? Don’t give me no yes or no answer.”

“Yes….yes,” she glanced up at him, “I was hoping…cause you want me. I…I’m... pleased to stand naked before my…before you.”

She paused. The color spread from her cheeks down over her breasts. “I want…I mean I hope you like my body…like me this way...naked for you.”

“I see your husband talked you into doing what I told him to. You shaved your pussy. You do that for me?”

“Yes, Brian said….I mean, yes, I shaved it for you.”

“You ever do that before, I mean shave your pussy?”

“No, never. This is the first time.”

“You’re gonna do a lot of things for me you ain’t never done before, right?”

She looked down and twisted her fingers nervously, “I…I...don’t know…I’m not sure…”

“You gonna keep your white pussy shaved for me, right?”

She was increasingly worried about his repeated implication that this impossible relationship might continue. After tonight it would be over, there was no question about that. Still, she thought, it would be better to humor him. “I’ll keep it shaved for you,” she said.

“Open it,” he said.

She looked puzzled, “I…I…don’t know…”

“Open your cunt, damnit! I want to see the pink. Ain’t much pink in a black woman’s cunt. I like lots of pink.”

She spread her pussy lips. Her pussy was glistening with her secretions. He nodded, “Tell me you like showin me your wet cunt.”

Why, she wondered, did he keep making her say the words. “I like showing myself to you,” she said.

“Cunt!” he yelled.

Frightened she quickly answered, “I...I…like showing you my…my cunt.”

“Yeah, you got to call things by their right names. From now on that’s your cunt and you got to call it that.” He leaned back studying her, “You looking good. I told your husband to have you looking good. That’s the way I want you from now on, you know doin stuff so that you look hot and sexy for me. This afternoon you went to the beauty shop to have your hair done. Right? Then you went to a place where they paint your fingernails and toenails, right?”

“Brian insisted,” she said.

“You took money you could of used to do something nice for your kids and spent it on makin yourself look good and buying them fuck-me shoes?” She didn’t answer. Feeling ashamed and terribly guilty, she just nodded.

“You gonna keep doin that for me, ain’t you? You gonna spend money you got saved for the kids to make yourself look good for your main man? You gonna buy sexy clothes, and perfume, and more of them fuck-me shoes?

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