The Taste of Magic (37 page)

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Authors: Gina Rosavin

BOOK: The Taste of Magic
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When he sensed the young man had had enough, Adrian pulled his arm away. Joshua remained motionless in the chair. Adrian came and stood before him.


"You did it. You actually did it." There was defeat in Joshua's voice. It stirred a strange remorse in Adrian's gut.


"It's your own fault."


"Yeah, but you…really did it."


"I warned you not to push me. Wasn't that all in your plan?"


"No, but I didn't…."


"Think I'd really do it? What did you expect when you called me a coward and a fool?"


Joshua shook his head. "I don't know." Suddenly strong again, the new vampire stood. "So how did it feel to kill me?"


"Just as good as I'd hoped it would be." The remorse began to fade, replaced with excitement over Joshua's successful transformation. The hunter was his now.


Joshua shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. "I didn't think this through."


"Apparently not," said Adrian. "But there's nothing we can do to change it now."


"No, there isn't. How do you think Katerina will react when she finds out?"


Adrian shrugged and turned away. "I'm damned already."


"What the hell does that mean?"


"It means she knows about her father and she hates me. This won't change anything." He waved a hand between them.


Joshua's eyes widened in understanding. "Now everything makes sense. No wonder it was so easy to drive you to it. But what the hell am I supposed to do now?" He turned and began to pace, muttering continuously about his work, his life. And Sophie.


Adrian smiled. "Contact Sophie. You can reach her now, you know. Wasn't that what you wanted?"


Joshua stopped and faced Adrian. "What the hell are you talking about?" "You're a vampire now. You have telepathic abilities. You can connect with her. Like this."


Joshua's eyes widened to hear Adrian's voice inside his head. He said nothing as comprehension overcame him, revealed in the excited gaze he directed at Adrian.


"I can really talk to her? She'll hear me?"


Adrian nodded. Training this young man would be just what he needed to keep his mind on his plan and off of his troubles with Katerina. He had something to focus on, something to keep him centered. Until he could win Kat back.


"Joshua, you have a lot to learn. It would be in your best interests to listen to me, and heed my words."


Joshua nodded, resignation making him frown. "I don't have much of a choice, do I? It's done, you actually did it."


"I did, and if you want to help Sophie, you'll do as you're told."


Joshua's mouth tightened, his fists clenching at his side. "Follow your orders? No way. I won't obey you."


Adrian stood and stepped closer, grabbing Joshua by the neck. He kept his voice to a low growl. "I can still rip your throat out. Don't ever forget that."


Joshua gasped, and tried to pull Adrian's ever-squeezing grip free. "Okay," he gasped. "Okay."


Adrian released him, folding his arms as Joshua rubbed at his sore neck. "I will always be stronger than you, simply because I am so much older."


Joshua fell into the chair once more, letting his head fall into his hands. "Why, du Lac?"


Adrian hesitated before answering. "You may not believe this, but in spite of our differences, I've always admired you."


Joshua's head snapped up, a quizzical expression on his face. "Me?" Adrian nodded. "Determination and intelligence. Two of my strongest qualities. You also possess them."


"But I hunted you, tried to kill you."


"One of your faults, however, is your tendency to act before thinking. One I'm looking forward to correcting."


"I won't kill to survive. I'd rather find some way to destroy myself."


"Relax, Joshua. These days, killing is no longer necessary. Though the undeniable pleasure to be had is incomparable, and the time will come when…"


"Never!" Joshua leaped to his feet. "I won't ever want to hurt someone like that."


"What about Sophie?" Adrian walked slowly toward the hunter. Joshua tensed, but Adrian merely stopped a few inches away.


"What about her?"


"Once the Machiavelli situation is resolved, you two will be free to live your eternal life together. Other than when I need you, of course." He began to move in a circle around Joshua, holding the young man's gaze as he turned his head to follow the movement.


"Of course."


Adrian leaned in close, his voice soft and low. "But you will find a vampire mate is someone who can truly understand your needs, and you can let yourself go."


Joshua inhaled sharply, and closed his eyes. Picturing Sophie, adorned in a silk nightgown, reclined in bed, arms wide, Adrian projected the image into Joshua's mind. The newly born vampire gave a strange shudder, and Adrian prodded his thoughts. He carefully pulled out of Joshua's mind as the young man took on the fantasy himself.


After a few moments, Joshua shook his head, his eyes snapping open. "What did you do to me?"


"Just a suggestion, a hint of what could be." Adrian continued his slow amble around his fledgling. "You want her, you always have. Now you can have her."


Joshua shook his head. "She wants you."


Adrian stopped. "I doubt that. Her grandfather would roll over in his grave."


"It's true. She's been in love with you for a while. Why the hell do you think I always had so much trouble? She would always find some way to make sure you walked away."


This new information was definitely intriguing, and a lot of things suddenly made sense. It explained why she'd shown up that night at Machiavelli's villa. And why she'd brought Kat when he'd been wounded. How would Mannfried react to that? He suppressed a chuckle and turned once more to Joshua.


"Since I do not return Sophie's affections, you can be there to help her get over it."


"You really are a heartless bastard aren't you?"


Adrian smiled, though he narrowed his eyes. "You would do well to remember that. My loyalty is only to myself."


"What about Katerina?"


The pain slicing through him took his breath away, but he controlled the impulse to throttle Joshua once again. Instead, he turned away and strode across the room.


"What exists between Katerina and me is none of your concern. If you interfere, you will regret it."


"Controlling everyone around you again, I see."


Adrian spun about to see Katerina atop the stairs. The fury reflected in her inky eyes was unmistakable. She slowly descended the stairs, and any hope he had that she might forgive him died.


She approached, her manner calm, though he sensed her turmoil. She'd shielded him from her thoughts. When she stood before him, she folded her arms and lifted her chin.


"Right now, I'm so angry and hurt I don't really know what to say to you." The ice in her voice made him shiver. He swallowed, feeling strangely weak and vulnerable, even though he'd fed from Joshua not long ago. He fought the urge to tug his tie open. Clearing his throat, he spoke. "My intention was never to hurt you."


Her eyes narrowed and she shook her head. "Maybe not, but you just don't give any thought to anyone but yourself. I can't live like this. Not now. Maybe in time…but not now."


She turned away and he reached for her hand. She glared at him, and tugged, but he didn't release her. He couldn't let her go.


"You cannot leave."


"Why should I stay?"


If not for him, then for their child. "It's the only place you're safe."


She shook her head. "No, he got in today."


Joshua stepped forward. "He had help."


She faced the hunter. "Stay out of this."


When she turned back to Adrian, he was overwhelmed by the force of the animosity in her eyes. He stepped back and released her hand.


"I'll stay here, but I want you to promise me…actually, I don't want you to promise me anything at all. Just stay away from me. If I need anything from you, I'll let you know."


She started toward the stairs, and he couldn't help following her, desperate to keep her from leaving the room. She hesitated as he neared, but didn't turn as she gave a little flick of her hand. A table suddenly moved to slide before him, blocking his path. He edged around it, but a chair now hindered his approach.


Sensing she had stopped, he lifted his gaze to hers. She stood once more at the top of the stairs. She held his stare and for a brief moment, her longing and pain reached him. Then she was gone.




Chapter Twenty-Six




Two weeks passed before Katerina was ready to face Adrian again. He tried to contact her telepathically a few times, but she was shielded against him, her control over her magic increasing, even though she no longer had lessons. She would have to start again, but until she squared everything with Adrian, she was not ready to take on that task. Dimitri had convinced her crossing over had been his choice. Her anger and hurt weren't caused by what Adrian had done, it was because he hadn't told her. Although Dimitri had again insisted this was his doing, Katerina still felt Adrian should have told her the truth. He'd promised no more lies, and while his omission wasn't exactly that, it was close enough. Three times he'd lied. Three times he'd betrayed her. First his takeover of KNT, then his knowledge and intentions for her powers, and finally her father's transformation. Any sane woman would send him packing. As his wife, she could sue him for divorce and take half his money. She bit back a bitter chuckle imagining explaining to a judge that her husband had turned her father into a vampire. They'd lock her up.


All she wanted was to run to him, to share every moment with him, to be by his side and in his arms. He understood her, he knew what was in her heart. His efforts not to manipulate her had been Herculean, but he'd kept his word. Except for the few times he'd attempted their link, he had given her space, time to sort it all out.


She missed him. She missed his smile, his wit, his charm. She missed his embrace, his kisses. Without him, she was nothing. With him, she was everything. Strong, confident, brave, he brought it all out. No one else in her life had ever appreciated her skills as he did. He brought death, and yet, he was the only one who made her feel alive. Despite her anger over what he'd done, he'd changed. He'd given up so much, just to keep her by his side. If he could do that, she could put aside her anger. The time had come to end the stalemate.


Katerina stepped into the study and silently closed the door behind her. Adrian sat motionless, staring out the window. Her heart skipped a beat as her gaze settled on him.




He startled, and turned to face her. His eyes filled with hope, but seeing the seriousness of her expression, hope faded. She walked toward him, her heart pounding. She shouldn't be so nervous. He had committed those acts, he had to explain his actions. Somehow, she knew her entire future depended on what he said.


"I will understand if you wish to leave." There was an echo of sadness in his tone, and it startled her.


She shook her head and sat in the chair beside his. "I'm not leaving. But we have some things to straighten out."


"I turned your father. What more is there to discuss?"


Katerina closed her eyes and sighed at his words. When she opened them again, he watched her intently. "I know. He says it was his choice."


"It was. He sought me out. If he hadn't…"


"You'd be dead. I know. But you still should have told me. After all the times I made a fool of myself begging you to release him, when it was impossible…"


"You were never a fool. You were brave and determined, and…"


"You must have been laughing at me."


His brow furrowed. "Never."


"Then why didn't you, anyone, tell me?"


Adrian didn't answer her for several moments. It was all she could do not to yell at him to respond. Finally, he spoke.


"Your father didn't want you to know. I merely honored his request. While he was pleased with his choice, your mother convinced him you would hate him if you learned the truth."


Katerina clenched her fingers. "My mother again. She's manipulated all of us more than we ever imagined."


Adrian nodded. "I suspect you are right. It did not take much convincing fifteen years ago to send you to America. She was not resistant to the idea. I found it strange, but never gave it more than a glancing thought."


"Adrian, there's something I have to know. When did you…turn my father?'


He tilted his head to the side, his golden brow furrowing. "What do you mean?"


"Was it before I left, or after?" She didn't know why, but it was important, for her to be able to piece together the entire puzzle.

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