The Taste of Magic (38 page)

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Authors: Gina Rosavin

BOOK: The Taste of Magic
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"It was before. That night, when I was wounded…"


She leaned closer. "I want to know what happened. Tell me everything. I only saw you for a little while, and I was only a child. What I remember is unclear, and from a different perspective. I need you to tell me."


He sighed, and lowered his head. When he lifted it again, he rested his elbows on the chair, folding his hands and steepling his fingers against his chin. He gazed steadily at her, and she forced herself not to open her shielded thoughts. She wanted this to be like two other people, and she wanted him to tell her the entire truth.


"Very well. What came before, what led me to that point, is irrelevant. The fact was, I had been wounded by a hunter, who'd taken me unaware. I fled into the forest, but could not maintain any form which would speed me away. I collapsed in a glen."


He stood and began to pace. Katerina twisted her hands together, her gaze never leaving him. His agitation was obvious in the stiff way he held himself, the set of his jaw.


"I remember it well. It was a full moon, so I could see his face clearly." He paused to look at her. "Sophie's grandfather."


Her eyes widened, but she remained silent, waiting for him to continue. "I was on the ground, weakened already, and Klaus approached, stake held high. But before he could act, there was a gunshot." He began to pace once more, his hands folded behind his back. "Your father, a warning shot to call off Mannfried. It succeeded, long enough for Dimitri to force Klaus back, away from me, and give me the time I needed to put some distance between us."


"Why did he…"


Adrian shrugged. "At that moment, I didn't know, I didn't care. I had survived, but was still gravely wounded. Later, I learned how your father had come to be in the forest. He found me and took me to his, your home." He held her gaze a few moments, then resumed his slow pace before the hearth. "You were there, but I didn't see you at first. I was wounded, and without feeding, I wouldn't heal quickly enough. Your father offered himself."


"And you didn't refuse."


He stopped, spinning on one heel to face her. He shook his head. "I did refuse. For that was when I noticed you. I don't think Dimitri or Olga even realized at that point you were in the room, you were almost invisible in the corner. But you looked into my eyes. You understood, I could see it, you felt my pain. You took some of it upon yourself."


She closed her eyes, against the sting of tears. He was on his knees before her, tilting her chin, forcing her to open her eyes.


She nodded. "I did feel it, I hurt, almost as deeply as you did. It was the first time I'd ever experienced anything like it. Then my mother found me and sent me to bed, and the next thing I knew, I was on a plane. I guess she froze my powers about then, because I didn't feel anything like that again until the night you saved me from Machiavelli." A deep shuddering sigh racked her. "Go on, finish."


"I wouldn't feed from him in your home. Not while you were there. I brought him here, and he swore to serve me loyally. And then I decided I wanted you as well."


She swallowed. He'd admitted to wanting her magic before, but somehow, this time, it was different. Although he'd never acknowledged it, their bond encompassed more than magic, more than immortality. She reached out to touch his cheek, and his eyes closed as he leaned into her hand.


"Even then, you were protecting me," she said.


"Always." He covered her hand with his and leaned close. "You will always be safe with me."


She nodded, and blinked against tears. "I know. And I love you for it." His eyes widened, as if he didn't believe what she'd said. She opened her mind, and was slammed with the force of his emotions. Flashes of thought flew at her, and she couldn't clearly hear any one. Underneath, there was a sense of panic, of vulnerability, both frightening and unfamiliar. And woven into it all was a powerful love which almost knocked the breath from her.


She drew him close, and he leaned his head on her shoulder. As she stroked her fingers through his hair, his riotous emotions settled. The silence, while initially tense, slowly grew more comforting.


"Forgive me, you caught me by surprise." His thick voice startled her.


"You? I wasn't expecting that."


He lifted his head and grinned at her. "You have a way of disarming me, Kat, you always have."


She smiled, letting her fingers trail down his cheek. "I'm glad to know I'm not the only one on this roller coaster."


His brow furrowed. "As I've never ridden one of those, I can't say I understand your comparison."


"Never mind."


He stood then, leaving her suddenly cold without his nearness. But then he drew her with him, and into his arms and warmth returned. The baby kicked, startling them apart. Katerina covered a giggle, then inhaled sharply as Adrian's hands moved over her belly. While the touch was innocent, it stirred her passion, made her long for more. But she knew there wouldn't be. Since he'd learned of her pregnancy, he'd made no move to make love to her, and she wondered at his reasons. His simple touch had her aching for more.




He looked up, but kept up his slow caresses of her stomach. She licked her suddenly dry lips.


"Why haven't you…I mean, since I told you…we haven't…"


He chuckled and drew her close, his hands resuming his sensual caresses along her back. "I don't want to risk harming you or the baby."


His words left her breathless. He hadn't admitted it aloud yet, but she knew now how much he did love her. Tears once again blurred her vision. He gently set her away from him, his concerned gaze searching hers. With one finger, he brushed away a tear. "Kat, holding myself back these last weeks has been the hardest thing I've ever done."


"You don't have to explain. I understand perfectly."


"Do you? Do you know how much I want to take you to bed and make love to you all night? To taste you? But I won't risk your well-being. I gave you my word you would be safe. I will keep it."


She nodded, unable to find her voice. And when his hands slid down to cover her stomach once more, her wits fled.


"I find it amazing you actually have my child inside you," he murmured. He knelt before her and leaned his head against her stomach. His eyes widened as he raised his gaze to her. "I can hear her heartbeat."


Vampire senses, she realized. It all seemed so perfectly normal to her now, when it shouldn't be. She urged him to his feet, too drained to think about it anymore.


"I need a monitor for that," she said. "Not fair." The baby kicked again, and she gasped and patted her belly.


"Is everything all right?"


"It's fine. She's active today. She must feel my emotions. And she's growing so fast, she's running out of room in there."


Adrian led her to the chair again. "You should rest."


"I'm tired of resting. All I've been doing the last two weeks is sitting around here, doing nothing. Except being angry at you. I need to do something."


Adrian smiled at the frustration in her tone. He'd been lonely without her as she'd worked through her feelings over her discovery about Dimitri. Since he'd promised to wait for her, he'd tried not to reach out to her, though he hadn't been entirely successful. The time had given him the opportunity to focus on the hunt for Machiavelli. And one other task in particular.


"I have something you might find pleasing," he said.


Her eyes narrowed, but a hint of eagerness was reflected in her inky gaze. "What would that be?"


"I've found you a teacher."


Suspicion immediately sprang into her eyes. Her lips pressed together, and he longed to kiss them back into softness, to erase her distrust.


"A teacher?"


He nodded. "Would you like to meet her? I can send for her, if you like." He had to be careful not to make her think he was trying to manipulate her again. This had to be solely her choice, and he vowed to stand by it, no matter what it was.


"Is that what you've been doing since…the wedding?"


"One of many things. Tracking Machiavelli has been a priority."


She nodded. "Of course. Where did you find this woman?"


"I asked your father. He thought of several people to contact. She was the best." She didn't answer for several seconds, and he wondered if she would be angry. Finally, she nodded.


"All right. I would like to talk to her. But if I don't like her…"


"She will go. The choice is yours, Kat."


Although she didn't answer, he sensed she was pleased. He longed to reach out to her, but she had shielded her mind from him. She barely needed a teacher anymore, her control over her powers grew with each passing day. He didn't say it aloud, for fear it would remind her of her reasons for mistrusting him. Although she'd admitted her love, he knew she was still wary of him.


But he was halfway there.




* * *




The next weeks passed in a blur. Katerina had agreed to Adrian's choice of teacher, and immersed herself in her lessons. She could now summon objects of any size and weight at will, and they appeared instantly in her hands. With a wave of her hand, furniture would dance in the air. If she snapped her fingers, she had to be careful a bolt of energy didn't fly out of them. She could produce rain or snow on a whim, and see other people's auras as if they were clothes on their bodies.


She slowly made her way down from the bedroom, holding carefully to the banister to steady herself. Her belly had gotten so much larger in the last few days, and her body ached with carrying all the weight. She hadn't slept well the last few nights, and she spent more time in the bathroom than she ever imagined. Discomfort was a constant companion. As she reached the hall, Adrian suddenly appeared beside her.


"How are you feeling, my dear?" he asked, taking her arm and helping her to a chair.


"Like a whale. Is Dr. Vining here yet?"


"No. He's in Brazil. It takes a little longer from such a great distance." Katerina frowned. "If this were a normal pregnancy and my doctor was out of the country when I was about to deliver, I'd be pretty angry."


"As this pregnancy is anything but normal, you have nothing to fear." Vining's voice reached her from the top of the stairs. He smiled as he joined them. "I can see you're anxious to have this over with."


"The understatement of the year," she muttered. She forced a smile on her face. "I'm glad to see you, Doctor."


"Katerina, as always, it is my pleasure. Adrian, have you been taking care of your wife?"


"You question me?" Adrian asked, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. "Of course, someone has to.


"Why don't we go upstairs and see how you're doing?" Vining offered his hand to Katerina and helped her to her feet. She eyed the stairs critically.


"I don't think I can….oh no!" A sudden cascade of fluid between her legs made her lose her balance. Adrian's arms were instantly around her, and she heard the panic in his voice as he barked at the doctor.


"What's happening? Vining, do something!"


"Relax, du Lac. It appears your daughter is ready to be born. Katerina, I think we should take the quick way upstairs. Adrian, if you would help me."


They each took one of her arms, and the hated falling sensation engulfed her momentarily. Then she was in her bedchamber. Adrian eased her to the bed, helping her out of her shirt and blouse and into a soft cotton nightgown. Vining directed the servant Adrian had summoned as he went through Katerina's chart. A slow-building sensation started in her belly, cramped slightly and released.


Her first contraction. She'd read everything she could, watched a million birthing videos to prepare, but still she wasn't ready. How was the baby possibly going to get out of her without ripping her to shreds? She clutched at Adrian's hands.


"I can't do this. Adrian, I can't."


He brushed her hair from her face and smiled. "I'll be right here with you. You'll be fine." He pressed a kiss to her forehead.


She shook her head. "No, I can't." Panic rose, threatening to choke her as another contraction started, this one a little more powerful. They would only continue to get stronger, and she was terrified she wouldn't survive the pain. She fought against Adrian's embrace.


"Kat, it's all right. Let me take your pain this time."


She stilled then and stared at him. She wondered if he could do it, and she opened her mind to his. His soothing thoughts reached out to her, the warmth of his love calmed her. But as another contraction began, her hand tightened on his.


He remained steady and calm, and let her squeeze as hard as she could. As the wave of pain faded, she gasped for breath.


"Don't fight it, relax," said Vining as he approached. "Let your body do what it has to. It will still be a couple of hours before the baby is ready. You need to stay calm."


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