The Teleporter. (6 page)

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Authors: Louis Arthur-Brown

BOOK: The Teleporter.
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Dave then replies “Put your tampon away mate, we’re just
gonna tranquilise them and tie them up… maybe slap them around a bit… nothing heavy”

As the unit then mobilise, some go over the walls, some through the house, and even some start climbing the house, it almost looks like
dense fog rapidly filtering through a town, so elegant and fluent. The team, stay where they are, with Dave and Dave says to the team “… about… Now”

Just as Dave says ‘Now’, they hear the sound of silenced gunfire
and the sound of a sack of potatoes being dropped but 8 times over; they had taken down the bodyguards with tranquillisers, and of course, unparalleled stealth and accuracy.

“This is what we do. And we’re the best” Dave cockily announces.

“Glad to have you on board” Paul says.

“Right, here is the plan what me and the boys have
come up with” Dave starts to explain. The plan that the SAS have come up with is using brute force to kidnap the CEO to then interrogate. After they have got the information of who is pushing this forward (if it isn’t him) then they’ll ‘dispose’ of them. The Elite 4 then inform then that it is in fact much, much bigger that just FTR.
“Dave, this is so much bigger that FTR… we’re talking internationally here mate. Americans, Russians…”
Dave then interrupts John “Whoa, let’s try to avoid Russia, shall we? We really shouldn’t go there and we can’t even tell you why”
“But there is one in Russia right now, and if we don’t do something then members of their government will fall victims, if they haven’t already, and this could be bad for international relations… you’ve seen what happened between them and Japan!” Cat then adds.
Dave then thinks for a second, and replies “In that case, fuck red tape, the world is gonna’ go pete tong anyway… Right, we shouldn’t go into Russia as we have a mutual understanding. They were developing some sort of technology… nobody knows what… and at the same time we were developing something also. We were spying on each other, and when both the UK and Russia both found out there was almost a nuclear war. Only 40 or 50 people knew in the world. It’s still a secret to this day”
“Ok, but if we don’t destroy that teleporter, you can bet your ass there will be a nuclear war” Alex says.

a guys, what you got me down for? A pansy? Fuck that I said we ‘shouldn’t go’ in not that we’re not going to go! Haha”
“I wonder what that technology is?” Cat ponders.

Right, let me get on the blower to my general, I’ll tell him the story and see what he can do for us”

Half hour later, Dave is finished on the phone and goes into the lounge where the Elite 4 are currently sitting in anticipation. “Guys, we got no official support. They say it’s too hot and they don’t have enough proof
, and that they are too busy- even with the proof I said we have…”

“Fucking hell
, ignorant bastards. They don’t know the scale of the situation we’re all in” John says as he puts his head in his hands.

“We just have to do it ourselves. We need as many recruits as possible. I can still get fuck loads of gear, and maybe the
occasional bit of air support…“ Dave goes on.
“We’re going to join you, and help out” Paul says
“Of course” Cat replies
“You’re not going anywhere without me” Alex says
“I was in before you fuckers turned up!” John announces, to which everyone in the room laughs at.

“Ok, so there are…
24… 28 of us in total… we need to split into two teams, 14 take Russia, 14 Take UK. The 14 who take UK then go to America and the 14 who do Russia will go to Japan. Got it?” Dave’s’ demolition guy, Steve says.

“What about
the European one?” asks Cat. “I’ve got a very good mate on that one, It’s only him but he is basically a ‘ninja’ so he’ll definitely do it” Steve replies.

“And the privately auctioned one?” Paul asks.

The two SAS guys then look at each other and Dave says “Well, that’s a bit embarrassing. The trail went cold near Italy… Haven’t heard anything more on it yet”.

“Ok, not to worry just yet
, let’s concentrate on the main superpowers” John states.

Over the next few hours, the SAS guys spill their secrets and their methods to the elite 4, to attempt to prepare them from the horrors and the way of combat. The SAS guys are keen to keep the girls at a safe distance but the girls seem to be equally, if not more willing to get involve
d than Paul and John.

Midnight comes, and Dave orders everyone to saddle up as their transport to the airport is arriving in 15 minutes. Dave has made use of his contacts, and the Elite 4’s
combined bank balance, to buy support from any source possible. This then sparks more support from the UK special forces, therefore bringing the total number up to 27 more special forces personnel that want to get involved in just an hour.  The total number now is 55, plus the elite 4, so total of 59 people.

Johns G6 jet is not the plane that
the SAS have in mind. Two A400M’s have landed at Heathrow, awaiting the 55 UK special forces to congregate at.

As the unit arrive at Heathrow airport, the two A400M’s are fuelled and ready to go. They all board the planes, and on board there is all the equipment that they’ll need. From silenced G36’s, flashbangs and other lethal weapons to tactical vests, night vision, laser
designators, parachutes… they are fully kitted out. They plan to drop containers along with the teams so they can get fully equipped whilst on the ground. The aircraft then take off and go in their separate directions.

“Good luck boys” one of the SAS team in the other A400M says over the radio.

“You too guys, god be with us today” Dave says.

“I didn’t have you down for the religious type Dave!” John challenges.

Dave replies “Mate, in this current situation, there needs to be a god. Otherwise we’re all fucked”

what’s the plan then?” John asks Dave; but Dave just replies “Do as we do, do as we say, try to blend in and you will be fine. Remember the training… all hour or so of it” 

It is at this moment, as they are suiting up for a jump that the pilot announces on the intercom “Lads, bad news, word on the inside is that any minute now it seems Russia is going to
strike against Japan; Vladimir Putin, the Russian president has officially gone mad”

“Wasn’t he
mad before this anyway?!” Dave shouts, to everyone’s amusement.

The A400M is currently at its maximum altitude of 37,000ft. The pilots then make the decision to increase to 40,000ft to try to pick up some more speed. The teams needed to be on the ground yesterday. Dave is adamant that more people need to get involved. He is using all of his contacts to spread the word. He is even on Facebook asking for volunteers.

“I really did not envisage that the end of the world would be because of something that I have helped create” Paul moans.
“Hold on a minute” Jack, another SAS guy interjects “you wanted to recall the teleporters; it’s not your fault, its FTR’s fault!”

ours pass. “Please be aware that we are now in Russian airspace” As the pilot announces that, Dave gets a message from HQ, he listens to it, then breaks the silence by turning to his fellow SAS comrade and saying “World war three is about to kick off, I wonder who will be the first to launch?”

Alex gasps for air and Cat says “fuck”. “
What’s going on?” Paul asks as John is dead silent.
Dave replies “Shit is escalating very quickly; Japan has just completed a bombing run on Russia, aiming for the Kremlin. Hundreds dead on their first strike… Oh and now America and the UK have declared war on Russia and Japan. Shit is getting real”

As the 28 troops sit there, on the silent A400M, all they can hear is the constant drone of the
four powerful prop engines. In this metallic, cold and grey environment, they are all waiting, anticipating the drop and the confusion of combat. The SAS thrive on this adrenaline, whereas the elite 4 are practically shitting themselves. None of them have ever skydived, or for that matter fired a gun before, the closest that have got is playing Airsoft or Paintballing… and the occasional bit of Call of Duty or Battlefield of course. However, no game or simulation can prepare them for what they are about to experience.

The team are about to receive the shock of their lives.

They are suiting up, but there are only 3 tandem skydive slings, resulting in one of them having to go solo- with no experience at all. Naturally, John volunteers to go solo, and despite Alex’s objections, Dave agrees.

“Well done lad, right listen up. Pull on this when I say. Keep your eye on me at all times. After you pull on that, use these to steer and pull them down to your waist as you’re landing”
Then Dave begins to check the others, but Alex who overhears this asks, “Dave, is that all? You’re not going to tell him any more than that?”

“That’s all there is to it sweetheart, I know he’ll be able to handle it. He’s a Lad” Dave replies, before checking everything is in place.
“Two Minutes until drop”

Chapter 6- Showtime

“There’s the Green. Remember, pop smoke if you fail your landing. Let’s roll” Jack shouts, over the noise of the open cargo door.

“This is it. Showtime” Dave says to John, just before he runs and leaps out of the cargo door.

“See you down there babe” John says to Alex in a very cocky tone, he then does not look back and dives out of the back hatch.

As John plummets through the air like a dart, at
what seems like hundreds of miles an hour, he is looking for his partner Dave, so that he can judge if he is in fact on course. The night is dark, and the lights below are dull with the exception of the odd explosion that flashes like a faulty street light. He appears to be calm, even though he has never down anything like this before, his heart is beating fast, the air is cold and piercing, the sound of the air rushing past his ear is defining.

He notices how quickly the ground is coming up on him when he hears Dave on his earpiec
e “John, how you doing buddy?”

John then presses the PTT button on his neck and replies “Ah
a, THIS IS AWESOME! Wahoooooo”

Dave giggles to himself and says “Ok Pull on my go…
Three… Two…” Then at that point John is focused, he is listening for the one word that means he has to accept a new challenge and try to navigate to their landing point, which is now marked with a green smoke, which has now just come into sight.

… one… PULL” Dave says.

John then reaches for the rip cord and pulls it hard. The parachute is quick to open, and the negative G’s John has just received makes him dizzy for a split
second, before focusing on the green smoke. He is playing with the controls, which prove difficult. He notices the other troops landing, one by one, just like before but slightly to his right. He is trying to control the chute to go right but he is struggling.

“Dave, I can’t go right! It won’t go”…

“John, you need to get back over here! That’s near an enemy strong hold you are aiming for! JOHN they will shoot you out of the air!” Dave shouts over the radio.

Alex, can obviously hear this and she begins to think of what is happening
, she begins to shout and cry, as she gets on the radio “JOHN! No, come on! Do it for me baby please!”

“I’m trying my best! The control line is tangled!” John announces.

“Cut away and use your secondary!” Paul shouts over the radio.

“No, he’s too
low, can you cut away and land anywhere soft?” Dave suggests.

Are you mad?!” Alex shouts.

” Dave replies. “John, what’s your status?”

John, can now see where he is heading. He is now about a mile or two from the green smoke and he is heading straight into the middle of an enemy compound and to make matters worse, they are searching the skies with multiple search lights. John, knowing that he has to act fast, pulls out his silenced M9 handgun and shoots a hole in the right side of the parachute, instantly causing the right side to drop. He is gradually edging right now, so he decides to put another hole in it. This then makes him steer to the right even more. He can just about steer straight by literally hanging off of the left control line, so he does so once he aims the chute for the green smoke.

“What is happening John?... JOHN?” Alex is trying to contact him on the radio. Thirty seconds or so pass and Alex is in tears, assuming the worst.

Me. That was hard… I had to shoot a couple of holes in the right side of the parachute with my M9” John announces over the radio.

“Oh my god you’re ok I was so worried!” Alex says as she is so relieved to hear his voice again.

“Good thinking lad, it is that sort of split second decision making that makes a soldier great” Jack, one of the SAS guys says.

“Maybe he can come with us on our next mission
?” Dave banters on the radio, to which the other lads reply with more banter, as they are all re grouping on the smoke.

“Ok, that was the easy part” the squad leader, Richard announces as Alex runs to John and cuddles him.

“Now, we have to infiltrate that” Richard then points in the direction of what looks like a castle, fortified to the max, and then continues “without being detected before we set the charges on the teleporter, and we have to do a dirty extract of the president. Only he comes out alive, the rest of them, we have to silence. We don’t know how many have used the teleportation device, so we assume everyone in there has used it… even the fucking cleaners.”

The elite 4 look at each other and look very worried. “You four, you
will stay outside and watch our backs. Any hostile actions, and you will have to provide cover whilst we exfiltrate back and eliminate”. The team, seem happy to proceed with this so the Special Forces continue.

In their heads they begin to question if killing everyone will help at all? It gets too much for Cat and she asks “Why do we have to kill everyone
? There may be innocent people in there!”

Richard, then walks over to Cat, and replies simply with “This is our first and last chance to do this… nothing can stand in our way. No people, No one to slow us down, meaning
    No    complications.”
As they all stealth up to the objective, which is like a fortress, with big main doors that appear to be made from reinforced steel, they all gather in the tree line opposite the main entrance. Richard then demands “Ok, you three, use those javelins, take out the towers and the main search light. You two, snipe everything that moves, starting with those 6 guards by the main entrance, You five breech the side entrance, then block it best you can. Once we’re inside it’s our fortress until air support and extraction arrives. The rest of you on me; oh and you four, I want you to stay here and move to main entrance on my go. Everyone clear?”

“Snipers, now”.

The snipers then quickly dispatch the 6 guards, killing three each in a matter of seconds giving them no time to react at all. They then begin picking off the guards patrolling the top wall. “All 6 tangos dropped, clear”
“Demo, now”.

The three Javelins, then fire simultaneously, firing high in the sky before raining down on their targets. Three huge explosions then rock the two protruding
towers and the light goes dark. One of the towers actually collapses, causing a massive smoke plume to arise from it, blocking out a lot of the peaceful silver moon light.
“NOW” Richard orders. The rest of them sprint for the main entrance, which is now opening, which wasn’t in the original plan. The team that is going to breech the side entrance continues, as Richard orders the rest of them to run right for cover, just behind the smaller team. Almost in slow motion, a Russian T-92 tank rolls out, followed by an APC and another T-92 tank behind that. The captain then shouts over radio, “Fuck! Get those Javelins on those tanks NOW! Leave the APC until we can confirm the president is not an occupant!”. He is then greeted by this reply “Rich, we only have 1 more round for it!”. “Fuck sake!” Rich says as the Elite 4 can do nothing but look on. One of the tanks spots the small team in the tree line to the right and opens fire. Luckily, the first two rounds shoot past them, one of the rounds just missing one of them by only a few meters, only to explode on various trees about 20 meters away. The explosions rock the small team, sending them all prone for cover.

The top mounted MG
of the closest T-92 then opens up in that general direction, when over the radio, they hear the dreaded two words. “Man down!”. The snipers then pop a couple of rounds into the machine gunners, and aim for the driver of the APC as it steers around the tanks, trying to make a break for it.

One T-92 heads for the smaller squad, and is halted by a javelin missing tearing through it. “Target destroyed” the Demo team confirm.
One of the snipers switches to his assault rifle and switches to full auto. He then gets up on his knees and empties the mag into the APC driver’s window. Now, these windows are bullet proof but in you put enough rounds in them; they crack and reduce visibility to zero. This is exactly what these two do, and the APC smashes off the gravel road into a few trees. The two SAS guys are already running over to it, flashbangs prepped, and as soon as the rear door opens they have already thrown the flashbangs, only to land precisely in the APC. Two flashes later, and the SAS move into position to get visibility of the occupants. It only takes a few seconds to see that all the occupants are still recovering from the flashbangs, and the crash, and that none of them are the president. The two drivers exit the APC which prompts Will and Jack to shoot them first, before emptying their magazines into the back of the APC, killing all 8 troops.

T-92 tank at the rear then changes its focus to Will and Jack and lets a round fly. The round whizzes past their heads and hits the APC. The explosion ejects the Will and Jack about 10- 15 meters. They lay there, stunned, ears ringing, vision blurred, as a hail of bullets from the new top gunner in the T-92 is opening up on them.

“Get C4 on that tank, whilst
it’s distracted!” Richard orders.
Dave is already making his way to it, and prepping the C4, He then throws it once he is close enough, and retreats. The C4, lands in between the tanks tracks and the drive wheels. Dave then presses the remote button and the tank explodes in an explosion even bigger than the Javelin’s payload.

The elite 4 then look on in amazement that Will and Jack are still moving, and rush over to help them. They get them to cover whilst an eerie silence then falls on the battlefield.
“Bollocks to stealth now, eh lads?” Dave says over radio.
“Nice work team, who got hit?” Rich replies.
“Jeff got hit, he is mobile but hurt” one of the team says.

“I’m just fine, it must have been a deflection,
it hit my arm, small amount of blood” Jeff says.

“Deflection from a
.50 is still fucking dangerous mate, you sure you’re good?” the medic asks over radio.

“They’ll have to do better than a
shitty deflection to stop me. Let’s go” Jeff says in a very brave attitude.

Once inside the SAS
cut the power, but still take no chances, and flash every room before entry. The elite four, providing lookout with the two recovering SAS lads are sitting outside listening to the radio chatter. Every other word is “Flash” as they announce the Flashbangs being tossed into the rooms, most of them being vacant. It is a shoot on sight policy with no room for error. The best team to do ‘this’ are currently doing it. No other team in the world does ‘this’ as good as these guys. Paul begins to count the amount of times they announce ‘Target down’ or ‘Tango Down’ (or the occasional ‘Got the fucker’) to keep track of the amount of life they are taking.

Richard then orders the Elite 4, plus the two dazed SAS guys to begin making their way
into the entrance. The radio then crackles and they hear “Man down, hostile has got a RPK and a death wish”, “Gordon is KIA, repeat KIA, Fuck…” The radio crackles and falls silent.

Then another announcement smashed the Elite 4’s confidence “Multiple Friendly KIA’s, they’ve switched to Night vision and they have grenade launchers, proceed with caution, over”.

Two of the troops’ concentration levels slips for a split second as they run around a dark corner with only a little moonlight tickling the hallway to be met by 4 Russian troops armed with RPG Launchers, aimed directly at them. As they realise what they have just seen, they both stop and have little time to react. Two of the four RPG’s are fired and the two troops have not a chance in hell to avoid this. The two rocket propelled grenade rounds both seem to miss these two troops, as if by a miracle, and they fly straight past them and hit the wall, sending the troops flying forward, but as they are in mid-air, the SAS begin firing at the 4 Russians. As they get up, the Russians did not. “Multiple Enemy Kia” one of them cockily announces over the radio.
“RPG! They are using RPG’s inside!” another voice yells over the radio. To any soldier, the thought of being deep behind enemy lines with limited ammo, limited support, multiple friendly casualties and no way to medevac them, and the fact that the enemy have gone into ‘suicide mode’ and are using explosives at close quarters, is hell. The hard-core SAS personnel don’t seem fazed by this, they seem to acknowledge and carry on as before.

A couple of minutes pass when they hear an explosion, followed by
a very suave voice saying “Teleporter destroyed, President in custody. Call the extract now, over”.

Everyone begins celebrating,
even the hardened SAS guys. One of them the reminds them “we have 6 KIA, and 3 injured that need urgent medical attention- we’re not out of the woods yet boys”.

Then the SAS guys are reminded that the Elite
4, and the two SAS are monitoring outside by Alex’s voice on the radio “just to let you know, we have 6 tanks, and multiple troop-carrier thingys converging on our position…”

“Fuck, what is the ETA on Exfil?” Dave asks.

“4 minutes” another voice says.

“That’s too
long, we’ll all be dead in 2!” Dave replies.

The fortress is then rocked by an explosion… then another, then another. They have opened fire on the surrounding wall, and the reinforced steel door separating inside from outside. They need some help now, and it needs to be big.
Overwatch then announce “Team, SATCOM has pinpointed your location, and are able to provide fire support for 1 minute only. We have two friendly AC-130’s in the area, RTB from a drop, and they can provide ‘unofficial’ fire support. Please activate your beacons. ETA 30 seconds”. The team scramble to activate their electronic strobes, as they complain “Oh, I thought we weren’t getting any air support, eh Dave?”

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